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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week
    update: first upgrade complete. next ones come ~tues/wed next week.

    File : 1279441205.jpg-(37 KB, 499x329, movie-theater-inside-amc-pacific.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:20 No.11007505  
    ITT: Strange movie-going experiences.

    When I was buying my ticket for The Dark Knight there was a massive line. Luckily I was near the front of the line, but I had the misfortune of having the biggest idiot of them all standing in front of me. He wasn't buying a ticket for the same screening however. He was booking tickets for a screening of TDK the next night for his son's birthday, and had an array of questions prepared for the guy behind the counter. He didn't give a shit about the big ass line. I knew I'd be there a while when the first question was "The Dark Knight, now, because it's 'Dark', does that mean it's gory?". The Guy selling the tickets began to explain how Harvey Dents face is burnt severely and the guy asks more stupid questions. Eventually the crowd begins to get annoyed and start to boo him and order him to hurry the fuck up. He tried to tell them to shut up, but that just made them more annoyed and so he decided not to risk showing his son Harvey Dent's 'gruesome features' and instead decides to buy his son and his friends tickets for a screening of mamma mia the next night.

    I hope that kids friends kicked the living shit out of him.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:21 No.11007535
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:21 No.11007536
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:21 No.11007537
    >implying mamma mia isn't a better film
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:22 No.11007547
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:22 No.11007549
    hahaha, i enjoyed that op
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:23 No.11007553
    What kind of fail theater only has one window per line?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:24 No.11007572
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    why u do dis?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:24 No.11007573
    >implying OP specifically said that there was only one window.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:24 No.11007579
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:25 No.11007583
    Then why did the whole line have to wait?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:26 No.11007616
    When a couple of friends and I went into the movie theatre to see Guest House Paradiso, we witnessed how a girl two rows in front if us violently throw up all over herself and her companion, who tried to put a bowl of popcorn into the evergoing stream. It happened at the end of the movie, when everyone in the movie also violently throws up. Guess she wanted in on the fun.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:27 No.11007620
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    Your mind is the scene of the crime
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:28 No.11007635
    Actually there was 3 windows. But only one was operating for some reason. They must have been short on staff or something cause all the other staff were at the food courts for the even bigger lines.

    At least i got a good story out of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:28 No.11007639
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:28 No.11007648
    This is making me lol for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:29 No.11007658
    or IS it?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:30 No.11007675
    >Went to go see The Last Airbender (bad move)
    >Couple next to us
    >They would point out anything that was happening in the film. "Oh wow, Aang just got trapped!" or "Oh man, he's going to summon a tidal wave!"
    >Wouldn't shut up
    >Somehow The Last Airbender got even worse
    >> BleuPoster !!uL/73CjZ8TN 07/18/10(Sun)04:31 No.11007689
         File1279441894.jpg-(92 KB, 500x522, 1278635910973.jpg)
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    O wow.
    >> TheMoonTanMan !WUttU1Gi/2 07/18/10(Sun)04:32 No.11007708
    Don't really have any, Well when I wen't to see The Last Airbender two employees stood at the end of the stairs and handed out free movie vouchers lol I guess it was to save them the time of people yelling at them.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:33 No.11007739
    gonna nice story, bro, sorry

    OP got me thinking, isn't that the most uncomfortable feeling ever, when it's your birthday or christmas and your parents get you the most inappropriate gifts ever, stuff that really just.....depress you to no end

    my parents are pretty rich, one birthday my mom bought me a $1000 tv and a yamaha keyboard, but anyways, last birthday, like everyone else the economy hit us hard, but still my parents together were easily making over 4k a month, and do you know what my dad got me?

    ......a model car.....of a car I don't even care about, but he loves.....also he forgot to buy paint, so it's been sitting in the garage for like 8 months now, when i opened the gift, my heart just felt terrible....ever happen to you guys?

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:34 No.11007768
    I was watching The Dark Knight at a theatre in a mall by school, and there was this fucking kid probably 3 or 4 – who kept fucking making noises and whining throughout the film. Eventually, they finally got up like almost all the way through the film, with 7 minutes left –to take the kid out. They were all the way down in the 2nd row, and I was all the way up top. The house was packed full. So, as they walked out, I screamed "It’s about time, you fucking asshole.”"

    I didn’t realize that they were niggers. So, instead of walking out, the big ape says to his chocolate princess "“Take this fucking baby”." Then he runs halfway up the stairs and starts screaming “"What the fuck? Stand up Billy Badass!" He ran into one of the aisles and started going “"what the fuck, man?"” to some guy. The guy said "“I didn’t say anything.”" So the nigger started screaming, "“Step outside, motherfucker. Piece of shit.”"

    I was frozen. I actually pissed a little. There were 2 guys sitting in front of me, and I thought they might tell him that I was the one. But they didn’t say shit. So he just went back, took the kid and walked out. I was not going to walk out afterward and have someone point me out or something. So I flipped my cell phone up and walked out, looking at it like I got a call.

    Then, the nigger comes back in, and I’'m walking out. He asked me if I saw who did it. Instantly, I started using a French accent. "“I didn'’t see the motherfucker,"” I said to him. "“I would kill that asshole,"” I continued. "“I'’m from New York,"” I lied. “"I'm from California, man. I'’d do it, too. Calling me an asshole in front of my kid.”"

    So I reached over and tapped him on the shoulder and said “"fuck it.”"

    I made a big mistake that night. That nigger would have mauled my ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:35 No.11007783
    I want you to sit on my face.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:35 No.11007787
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    I just planted an Inception in your mind
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:36 No.11007797
    Ignoring your racism, that's a stupid story.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:36 No.11007803
    i went to see star wars episode 1 with my sister and her fiance at the midnight premier. there was a huge group of people cosplaying as star wars characters and shit. a group got up during the previews and started to act out scenes from the original star wars movies (fake lightsabers, music and all) finally an usher with one of those light up baton things got up and started beating the crap out of the cosplayers with it. the entire theater applauded.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:36 No.11007810

    Thats beyond spoiled, you're fucking ungrateful. I hope you die of a stroke
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:37 No.11007817
    not sure if serious, but that is fucken hilarious.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:37 No.11007827
         File1279442271.png-(155 KB, 298x392, tumblr_l5ool3uEy71qzbr47o1_400.png)
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    Are you fucking retarded?
    >ITT: Strange movie-going experiences.
    Wat are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:38 No.11007835
    Does anyone here know if carnage is a guy or a girl? Obvious answer is yes, but I'm talking about the anons.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:38 No.11007840
    He went off on a tangent about experiences that make you feel awkward.
    It's stupid, he's spoiled, I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:39 No.11007858
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:40 No.11007879
    In Clerks II when Randal, Dante, Jay, Silent Bob The Sexy Stud (of Kinky Kelly and the Sexy Stud) are in jail after the donkey show The Sexy Stud says, "I miss my donkey." A hottie a few rows up lets out a sympathetic, "awwww." Like it was the cutest thing she's ever heard.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:40 No.11007881
    Yes. Has happened to me. In my situation, I just feel like my family has stopped caring about me. No boo hooing, Its just an awkward feeling.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:40 No.11007883
    the kid's dad bought him mamma mia tickets for his b-day, how does that not relate to my story?

    also sorry, for expecting more than a $25 model car from a dad who makes 3k a month and just bought himself a motorcycle even though he has a car, i must have offended the poorfags
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:40 No.11007884
    Who fucking cares
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:41 No.11007895
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    I lol'd hard.

    good story... kind of your fault...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:41 No.11007897

    I hope you die of pneumonia
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:41 No.11007900
    I dunno. Why don't you ask it?
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:42 No.11007908
    who gives a shit.
    stop trying to ruin a good thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:42 No.11007922
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    >good thread
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:43 No.11007933
    Even it doesn't know.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:44 No.11007948
    My parents have 4 million in various assets, mostly liquid assets. I'm not poor but you sir, are an ungrateful bitch. It's your mentality of entitlement that you deserve your parents money because you are their kid. Wake the fuck up and realize they don't owe you ANYTHING.
    >> TheMoonTanMan !WUttU1Gi/2 07/18/10(Sun)04:44 No.11007950
    lol it
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:45 No.11007968
    Whoa, you mad. Do you have spoiled younger siblings? I'm going for my doctorate in internet psychology.
    >> deleted 07/18/10(Sun)04:45 No.11007981
    >48k a year

    Do you live in Africa?
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:45 No.11007983
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    shes probably a whore.

    pics or it didnt happen
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:46 No.11007993

    Oh hello there, you must be new. Well let me introduce you to 4chan, a caring, loving, christian community that'll listen to all your problems and make all the bad in the world go away thanks to the infamous, tolerant and intelligent "Rules of the Internet" which we have established, which are heavily influenced by the teachings of the bible. Coming to 4chan was just the beginning, you'll soon learn how much compassion that we have to offer and how you can be caring towards those around you too! 4chan is more than just a community, it's a family! And we're always trying to make our family grow bigger and bigger!

    and remember our Motto!
    "4chan: Where People Care"
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:46 No.11007994
    When I went to see The Dark Knight I was waiting in line because the theater hadn't opened up yet. Suddenly,for no reason whatsoever, this fatass pours his entire drink on the guy in front of him. I shit you not, he just took of the lid and poured his icy coke down the back of the guy's shirt. And then he really loudly went "OH, I'M SORRY" in a manner that said he quite obviously was not.

    Long story short there was a popcorn fight until the employees lugged them away. So it just cost them their popcorn and a movie.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:46 No.11007999

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:47 No.11008004
    I thought the point was his dad didn't put any thought or effort into his present.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:47 No.11008019
    Bitch please, im doing better than both my siblings financially. But i am grateful for EVERYTHING my parents have given me. My education, my house, my morals. Hell even the dinner last night was a nice blessing, even though i don't like Artichokes....
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:48 No.11008023
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    >ITT: Strange movie-going experiences.
    Can't you read your fucking retard?

    Your just flaunting your shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:49 No.11008034
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    >Carnage complaining about somebody else flaunting their shit.
    >> Начало !kzuyyUTMBo 07/18/10(Sun)04:49 No.11008047
    Fuck I hate tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:50 No.11008055
    quit responding, idiot. you're further derailing the thread.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)04:50 No.11008060
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    >Long story short there was a popcorn fight until the employees lugged them away
    Damn neckbeards.

    btw i screen'd your story.
    best story i have heard in a while
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:50 No.11008062
    Well, this one time I went to go see Battlefield: Earth with my dad. It was weird because we were the only ones in the entire theater.

    Actually, I guess that isn't very strange at all.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:51 No.11008070

    i believe it's human nature to feel a lil disappointed when you're given something that makes you happy, and then it's taken away
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:51 No.11008084
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:53 No.11008125

    that was this year, while my dad was employed at his regular job, our household income was over 100k a year
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:54 No.11008127
    Yes, but it seems that you hold yourself in contradistinction to people that DO NOT appreciate everything that they have, and I suspected that that someone is close to you, probably a sibling that you felt got an easy ride.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:54 No.11008128
    I was watching The Matrix Revolutions.

    It got to the scene when Trinity died, and while she was making her farewell speech, some teen boys got up and walked out, with one of them proclaiming loudly "My balls itch!" over and over until they left.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:57 No.11008202
    Me and a few friends were waiting in the deserted lobby for someone. One of my friends accidentally knocked over some popcorn on the floor, but took no notice. Moments later the manager comes over with a broom and pan. He approaches my unsuspecting friend and hands him the tools. He then pulls him over to the discarded popcorn and stands there watching my friend while he forces him to clean it up, talking to him as if he were a child as he does so.
    My buddy did as told, and once everything was clean again, he hands the manager back the brush and pan, and the manager takes them back to the storage closet. As the manager is leaving, my friend takes the lid off his large coke and pours it all over the area he'd just cleaned.
    I and those around me quickly headed for the screen for fear of being tossed out. We tell our friend to hurry up. He agrees and shouts "Hey fucker! You missed a spot!". We all quickly bolted to the nearest screen, which was, luckily, "The Day the Earth Stood Still". An empty screen.
    We stayed there for the next hour or so. Fearing that the manager would still be there, we hung out in the screen after for what must have been an hour. Since nobody bought tickets for the film, no staff came in to clean up.

    My friend is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:57 No.11008203

    i think you have something there, i've never worked a day in my life, and I had a friend, who grew up all lower class and had to strive for what he has today, he has quite a bit of money saved up, but he's still a truck driver, anyways, he would get seriously angry, and mad, at my feelings towards getting a job, calling me a lazy piece of scum or something like that, and it makes me wonder how people think just because they were able to overcome difficulties it makes them better than others
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)04:57 No.11008216
    Dunno if it's strange, but it was funny.

    Spider-man 3. Scene where Pete punches MJ by accident and feels guilty, Someone yells, "About damn time he smacked that bitch!" or something. The whole crowd cheers. Good to see I wasn't the only one sick of Dunst's MJ and the third movie.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:00 No.11008279
    ITT: People who have never seen copy pasto
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:01 No.11008301
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    Why didn't the manager have a staff clean it up?
    what kind of shitty theater do you go too?
    Plus your friend is a slight jackass

    hahha i love emo spider man!
    i for one resent the reboot
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:02 No.11008345
    wish someone would copy pasta the 300 one where some guy kicks some noisy bitch in the wrong theater down the stairs
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:03 No.11008360
    Alright, I got one. It's a hot summer day, I go to the theater to kill some time and since it's $5 Tuesday. I go to see that Mirrors movie. 2/3 of the way through, like 4-5 Indian tweens come in giggling and talking really loudly. This goes on for a long time and they're being really loud in this small theater. I clear my throat a few times, stare at them, say "would you please be quiet" etc etc. It was so bad the young black couple behind me left (or maybe they didn't like the movie). Anyway I was fed up so I went over and sat right fucking next to them and just stared at them. I was sitting right next to this Indian girl, probably 14 years old. I thought about trying to threaten them but I figured I might get in trouble with the law. And since there was a police station a block away and this was my main theater, I wasn't going to piss in my own backyard. So...I started getting really involved with their conversation, leaning in, taking their popcorn now and then, asking for a bit of their candy. I put my arm around the girl and started chatting them up. It was kind of surreal because we were both probably wondering what the fuck was going on and they were all laughing nervously glancing at each other and I was laughing all fake and loud. They didn't leave though, and I missed the rest of the movie which wasn't a huge loss really.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:04 No.11008397
    Back in 2004, i went to the movies with my brother and some of our cousins. Their ages then ranged from 15 to 20, so none of them could buy rated R tickets and be considered a guardian for the younger ones. So the plan was to get PG-13 tickets and have the kids go that movie and the older ones go see the R. I bought a PG-13 ticket because my brother was 16 and I planned to stay with him.

    So after we buy the tickets, the younger kids decide they want to sneak into the R movie. I refuse because I want to go see the movie I bought a ticket for.

    Anyways, theres a middle age woman ripping off the ticket stubs. She sees this group of 7 teens walk up to her and she obviously thinks that all of them are going to the R movie. So as I hand my PG-13 ticket to her, she asks me for my ID.

    I was 18. I got carded for a PG-13 movie at 18.

    Bitch didn't even check my brother either.
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:05 No.11008406
    hit on that 14 year old indian skank, ya swarthy mexican!
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:06 No.11008427
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    >I went over and sat right fucking next to them and just stared at them
    >I started getting really involved with their conversation, leaning in, taking their popcorn now and then, asking for a bit of their candy
    >.I started getting really involved with their conversation, leaning in, taking their popcorn now and then, asking for a bit of their candy

    You sir are my fucking hero.
    Please have my babies, i am deeply in mad love with you
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:07 No.11008454
    I dunno. Manager's a cunt maybe? I guess since there was nobody around he felt like he could get away with it.

    How is my friend a Jackass in the story when the manager was the one being an asshole to begin with? Not cleaning up when it's your job to do it is one thing, making someone else do it is taking it too far, but patronizing them as they do it? oh sir...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:07 No.11008461
    When we went to see Spider Man 3 there was a scene where I think Peter or Harry said somthing like "Peonies?" when handing MJ those flowers (the peonies) and my friend shouted "FUCK NO I WONT PEE ON THESE!" It was kind of a stupid joke but we laughed.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:08 No.11008497
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    hahha. funny.
    i didnt get Carded when i went to watch Predators.
    My first rated R movie in the theaters
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:09 No.11008515

    don't worry, i agree with you, that manager deserved that, fuck him, it's his job to clean it up, not your friends, i hate adults that think they can intimidate younger people into doing what they want
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:09 No.11008528
    I sat through Inception next to a big burly nigger woman who had doused herself in cinnamon and chocolate perfume, I actually got high from the fumes.
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:10 No.11008533
    Actually. This was kinda strange.. and awful... and kinda funny.

    Some friends and I go to see a free screening of Disney's new dub of Ghibli's Tororo. Sadly the DVD was messed up or something. For our time, they gave us free vouchers aaaaand also let us go see another movie that day. So the only one of any interest that none of us had seen was... Ultraviolet. Ugh. We walked out still somehow feeling ripped off.

    Halfway through we were already quiestly ripping it amongst ourselves, At one point a friend is commenting that they ripped off the ridged sword from Shishio from Kenshin. He joked, saying that they're so unoriginal the sword would catch on fire next due to all the blood. Sure enough, a few minutes later it does.
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:11 No.11008569
    >>11008497 i didnt get Carded when i went to watch Predators. My first rated R movie in the theaters
    underage ban much, carnage?
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:12 No.11008592
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    eh. i guess your right. I've had a few jobs and managers can be real uptight.
    i would a friend who i think that would do that.
    >"Hey fucker! You missed a spot!"
    Stay classy bro. and what movie were you originally going to watch?
    You just ran into 'The Day the earth Stood Still'... haha

    your the group of faggots in the movies who i despise
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:12 No.11008601
    >>11008427 You sir are my fucking hero.
    > Please have my babies, i am deeply in mad love with you
    Holy shit dude. Carnage is in love with you. You should tap that. Hell, even if Carnage is a dude....
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:12 No.11008604
    >go to see beowulf with 5 of my friends
    >was about 17 at the time
    >fat bitch taking the stubs says threateningly "i want no trouble from you guys! I mean it!!"

    i too, hate old fucks who expect trouble from teenagers/young adults.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:12 No.11008614
    Oh shit I just remembered another one.

    I went to see the first iron man. After the movie I walk down to the middle area where there are no seats and wait for something after the credits to happen, because it seemed like there would be something. Anyway, the scene happens and right as it ends I got really excited and turned around to see this chubby black nerd, probably early 30s sitting right near me. I never even noticed him, but he and I made eye contact and he's totally excited too. We high-fived perfectly and I exclaimed, AWW YEAH! Total bro moment. It was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:14 No.11008660

    Actualyl i am very lazy, and i have the easy ride, but i am grateful that i have this easy ride. I also think that people who think they are entitled to something are the scum of the earth. You're more than welcome to be lazy but if you're going to bitch about someone else, at least look at your own life.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:15 No.11008682
    I don't remember actually. But watching The Day the Earth Stood Still was actually one of my favourite movie theater experiences ever. Since the theater was empty we just talked throughout it and pointed out all the retarded shit along the way. Being in an empty screen with the right people can you yourself wonders, sir.
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:17 No.11008738
    instant bromance

    still, I think you should totally tap carnage...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:18 No.11008765
    >managed to tolerate the nigger kid's idiocy throughout the entire film
    You are a god amongst men.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:20 No.11008818
    Not quite "strange," but it was kinda funny.

    So, I had just seen The Dark Knight. It was a late showing, I think it had started at 11:00-11:30. So, when the movie ended, it was really late.

    I went to use the bathroom before I left the theater, and I opened the door. Well, absolutely nobody was inside. Since the room was empty, the creak of the door opening echoed loudly throughout the room. I caught a flash of movement, in the large handicap stall in the very end of the room.

    A pair of male legs and a pair of female legs quickly pulled their pants back up.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:20 No.11008827
    I saw Howard the Duck and Leonard 6 in a double feature when they both came out. I've never really recovered.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:21 No.11008843
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    Total non-gay no homo bro moment.

    hahah yea. i went to watch Percy Jackson with my boyfriend and it was only us and another old guy.
    totally fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:21 No.11008850
    I got a huge High from watching

    I was in college, and I walked from the theater to the bus stop, where I saw a girl I recognized from school. I had met her before but she didn't remember me, so I stood there looking at her, expecting her to say hi. She turned to me and said
    "Do I know you?" and I answered
    "No" because I guess that was the only answer that made sense.

    Anyway, it was like a moment of synchronicity just after seeing that film.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:21 No.11008865
    And another one. Same theater as the one where I had my Hindi Hoedown. I went to see Pandorum. I was the only person on the theater. Somehow that made the movie much more absorbing. The scenes where the guy is crawling through the ship alone made me so claustrophobic because I was in a tiny theater alone in the dark and damn every movie-going experience should be like that. The movie was only so-so, but having a giant screen to myself made it more awesome than it would have been otherwise.
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:21 No.11008869
    and then you asked if she wanted to make it a foursome?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:22 No.11008887
    Watchmen opening weekend,big crowd.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:22 No.11008901
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    Hahaha seems like there are only TDK moments itt.
    still funny though...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:23 No.11008915
    I need pix first
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:23 No.11008919
    They had everybody lined up outside the theatre to see Passion of the Christ so they could check tickets on the way in. I show the lady my ticket and one of the theatre's ushers standing next her hands me some kleenex. I refuse the kleenex and say "I thought this was a supposed to be a comedy?"

    Well the ticket taker lady took offense and I could here the people at the front of the line commenting but I just laughed and entered the theatre. Laughed during most of the movie too, people were starting to get pissed.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:24 No.11008951
    >in vacation in Belgium with friends
    >we decide to go watch the premiere of the new HP film (order of the phoenix I think it was)
    >go across the border to a Dutch city where they have a massive cinema
    >realize there are people all over the place wearing wizard clothing, carrying wands etc.
    >have some reporter coming up pretending to be from the HP newspaper whatever the name was and starts asking us things as if we are muggles
    >sit in the cinema finally
    >some nerd comes up in front of the screen screaming "Harry Potter lives! HE LIVES!"
    >guy gets dragged off by security

    that was the most awkward cinema trip ever o.o;
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:25 No.11008961
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    well. did you like her or think she was cute?
    it's not that strange.
    that happens to me all the time, i think i see someone i know and i ask. but then it turns out it isnt

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:25 No.11008966
    Kleenex? What the fuck. Did they install kneelers in the theater too?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:25 No.11008970

    Lol'd at all the people who don't know that this is really old copypasta that predates The Dark Knight.

    And also, the spoiled kid is a troll.
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:26 No.11008996
    >>11008850 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    shit. that reminds me of the inverse of a time I recognized a girl I knew from across the street with her back turned and a hoddie I'd never seen her wear before. I forget what I had just seen. I remember i was talking back from the MIT anime club and it was real late, so maybe some trippy anime.

    Eternal Sunshine was just a masochistic experience for me because I went to see it by myself after a breakup and there were a good number of couples in the audience.
    Shit. That sounds like an ideal way of watchin Pandorum.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:26 No.11009009
    >> Esper Terra !!lpvzCkRpIEd 07/18/10(Sun)05:26 No.11009017
    This is the best type of pasta. I love this one.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:28 No.11009050

    only partly a troll, i meant everything i said, but i kept saying it to make people rage
    >> PositiveCreamHostel !!oJHpLLY+Nkv 07/18/10(Sun)05:28 No.11009068
    I went to see Twilight with my then girlfriend.
    I was the only male in the cinema and the usher laughed at me when he checked our tickets.

    Another time I saw Iron Man with my brother and the guy beside us had his nachos set on fire by his friends.
    He had to throw them from the back of the cinema.
    Shit was funny.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:28 No.11009076
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    your a real asshole you know.

    your the only european who has spelled 'realize' right. i am proud.
    but cool story. even though i hate green text stories
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:29 No.11009086
    I got one, i went to see The Dark Knight like the second or third week it came out with 2 friends. Since it'd been over 2 weeks, everyone had saw it and the only people there were there for repeat viewings. All in all, it was a pretty empty theater.
    Anyway, me and my friends sit in the very back. The guy in the back working the reels started playing some shitty music that they play before the movie comes on (not sure if alot of theaters do this). One of my friends tells us to move under the projector, we do so. Once there, he shouts "IF THERE'S ANYBODY BACK THERE, CAN YOU CHANGE THE MUSIC?". They did. We applauded.
    So anyway, the 30 or so people come in and the movie starts. About halfway through the movie, my friend sitting to the left of me (between me and the second friend) says he needs to get up and tells us to put down our legs for a moment (which were resting on the seats in front of us). We do so, and he stands up. But then to fuck with him we put our feet back up and block his path. We then start punching him playfully, whilst throwing popcorn at him.
    This goes on for 10-20 seconds.
    Suddenly some guy down at the front shouts "Hey faggots!!". I look and see he's looking at us, i simply give him the middle finger and go back to throwing popcorn at my standing friend.
    It's then i notice a flicker of light on the back of his head and then look at the screen in confusion. I realize that the silhouette of his head had been blocking the screen the whole time! (Blocking the chase scene in the tunnel) I point this out to them and, embarrassed, we shuffle quickly and get him out of the way of the projector. We sit there quietly laughing about it for the next 5 minutes or so. Throughout the rest of the film people kept looking back at us.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:29 No.11009097
    She was alright, pretty cute.

    It was more about how the emotional tone of the film stuck with me. Knowing her and her not knowing me.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:30 No.11009137
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    Twilight... or Eclipse?
    >> PositiveCreamHostel !!oJHpLLY+Nkv 07/18/10(Sun)05:31 No.11009165
    First one, years ago.
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:33 No.11009214
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    haha oh shit. just like walking out a kung fu movie.
    you suddenly went to do karate and stuff

    ...your not with her now are you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:35 No.11009254
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:35 No.11009273
    It was 1998. I was seeing the American Godzilla movie (life-long Godzilla fan, horribly disappointed, etc).

    Anyway, as the camera was moving through the subway at the end, closing in on the surviving egg, the following was shouted from the back of the theater:



    It's like the second guy suddenly became ashamed that he knew something about the Japanese series.
    >> Esper Terra !!lpvzCkRpIEd 07/18/10(Sun)05:35 No.11009281
    >expected something more

    You mentioned your father loved model cars, did you not? I would say that means him giving you one was something that was heartfelt. How is a gift that actually has meaning not better than something expensive?

    I don't know, maybe it's just because my family was on welfare when I was a kid, but I think when somebody gives you a gift with thought put into it, it's so much better than when they buy you something awesome. Not that something awesome isn't good as well, but I find I don't really have much of a reaction to a gift unless it's obviously something that was thought out. Like my brother and sister bought me a Dreamcast this Christmas instead of like a current console I don't have, or a big tv.

    Shit was so cash, motherfucker.
    >> PositiveCreamHostel !!oJHpLLY+Nkv 07/18/10(Sun)05:36 No.11009308
    >...your not with her now are you.
    Hence the phrase "my then girlfriend"
    >> carnage¡¡¡lov 2 !danceU/tOs 07/18/10(Sun)05:37 No.11009348
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    good thread.

    imma go to sleep now

    funny awkward people
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:38 No.11009374

    no he doesn't love model cars, he just loved the model of the car he got (60's pontiac gto)

    and if he put thought into it, he would have at least got paint for it, what's the point if there's no paint?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:39 No.11009388
    Watchmen opening weekend,big crowd.Underage b& twelve year old sitting next to me with his mother on the other side.Enjoying movie until I start noticing that every time Malin Akerman or any other scene that even hints at a sex or nudity the kids mother puts her hands over his eyes but the weird thing is that this fucking kid seemed trained to do this and would seemingly signal to his mom that she might have to shield him from shit.It got progressively worse and by the time Night Owl is fucking Silk Specter the fucking kid spasms kicking me in the fucking leg burying his face in his mommy's tits so he wouldn't see the sex scene.I was actually thinking about leaning over to the kid and telling him to man the fuck up and that seeing Malin Akerman tits isn't going to hurt you and that nudity is normal but I didn't want to cause a scene.Watmen is a rated R movie and the thing is it had shit loads of violence and the kids mom had no objection to cleaver's to the head or compound fracture but tits OMG that's bad.This kid is whats wrong with America he will grow up thinking violence is cool and be sexually repressed at the same time good mix there.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:39 No.11009393

    But there were only three of us in the room...
    >> PositiveCreamHostel !!oJHpLLY+Nkv 07/18/10(Sun)05:42 No.11009463
    >Watchmen opening weekend,

    Ha remembered another one.
    Saw Watchmen with a few friends, cinema wasn't that packed or anything.
    Few minutes into the film, a guy comes in with his two sons who look to be about ten or eleven.
    It was the first scene where Comedian is getting knocked the fuck around.
    They leave after about ten minutes.
    >> Esper Terra !!lpvzCkRpIEd 07/18/10(Sun)05:42 No.11009479
    Well shit, I misread your post.

    Disregard that I'm stoned.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:43 No.11009510
    fuck this dicaprio shit, drop sum JGL pics plz
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:44 No.11009522

    That kid will have issue, but we all gotta agree, it's awkward watching a sex scene when your mom is there too. When we used to watch movies at home, if I already knew there was a sex scene coming up, or if I sensed one would come soon, I'd get up and pretend to start making dessert for myself. Just to make it not awkward.

    But once, I'm flipping through channels and my mom is there, and I see i <3 huckabees and I'm like oh man I love this movie, and I go to it, and it's the mud sex scene.....and my mom is like....what....and I'm like....well it's not all like this. So awkward
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:45 No.11009555
    I went to see The Room in Melbourne (ausfag here) these assholes sit behind me and two friends.
    I'd already seen it once with one of my friends.
    The assholes proceed to throw spit at me, my friends and other people.
    Ask my female friend if she was a man.
    Kick my chair repeatedly and when I go get spoons, break it, eventually we had to move.
    Bunch of fucking niggers.
    Eventually one guy gets absolutely fed up with them and goes up to them just as one of them is about to catapult spit with a spoon, he starts yelling at the main asshole, who then puts the spoon right back in his mouth. Guy leaves for 2 minutes, comes back with usher, it's a midnight screening thing, so the usher is liek fuck it and proceeds to pick up, beat the guy with a flashlight then drag his ass out of the theatre.
    Rest of the film goes off without a fucking hitch.
    In b4
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:47 No.11009587
    I would always act like I didnt know what was going on.. or just look away haha but thats happened to me before, they always seem to walk in on the worst possible part of the movie and they give you that "What the hell are you watching?" look. I just watch those types of movies in my room now..
    >> Esper Terra !!lpvzCkRpIEd 07/18/10(Sun)05:47 No.11009592
    I used to get that awkward feeling when I knew there would be a sex scene in a movie I was watching with my parents, but only ever if it was a movie they hadn't already seen before, or we hadn't already watched together. My parents really exposed me to a lot of great cinema at a very young age, so I was never really hidden from violence or sex in film as I was growing up. They just made sure I knew the difference between fiction and reality, I guess.

    I dunno bro, but yeah I remember that feeling. I would never like get up to do anything before it though, I always thought that would seem more suspicious than just knuckling through it.
    >> PositiveCreamHostel !!oJHpLLY+Nkv 07/18/10(Sun)05:48 No.11009604
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    I lold
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:48 No.11009605
    3k a month
    12 months a year
    36k a year


    that's like nothing. my dad makes significantly more than that and and my mom makes more than that, and they live in the same household. i've never gotten a $1000 gift. My presents top out at $300, and that's only for christmas, birthday is max $250, usually more like $100.

    If someone who makes that little money can afford to buy himself a motorcycle and a car and get his ungrateful son a $1000 christmas gift I have to wonder what the fuck my parents do with their money. I guess they've bought two houses in 25 years, paid off both within 10 years, gone through several cars, bought my sister and myself cars (we had to pay them back, so it wasn't like I got some $8,500 gift) and are currently doing major renovations on their house.

    Can't wait to make more money per month than them but be so shitty at handling my money and taking care of my possessions that it feels like I make half as much as them per month.
    >> Xenos 07/18/10(Sun)05:49 No.11009632
    >>11009388 Watchmen opening weekend, ... This kid is whats wrong with America he will grow up thinking violence is cool and be sexually repressed at the same time good mix there.
    So pretty much the little fucker's gonna grow up to be Rorscach???
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:49 No.11009648
    I go to see Avatar in 3D. My third time seeing it, lol. In my defense I had to see it with separate people. Anyway it's the first time in 3D. I haven't seen a movie in 3D since some muppet shit at Disneyworld in like 1991. I make it to the part where that puma-like thing attacks Sully and by that point I have a full brain migraine and feel like I'm about to have a gran mal seizure. Nearly 1/4 of the people have already left the theater and not come back. I head to the counter and ask for a refund. Evidently the policy is to not give a refund after 10 minutes. I remind them that the previews alone are 10 minutes or more anyway and that the policy is crap. They give me my refund. I felt awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:49 No.11009651
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:50 No.11009664

    wow people don't read posts do they

    my mom and dad together have made over 100k a year, for over 20 years, it was just when he lost his job last year that they were making 4k a month doing side jobs
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:52 No.11009699

    My mother used to make me cover my eyes at sex scenes and too violent scenes when I was a kid, then as I grew we started enjoying the same books, Tom Clancy and some Stephen King stuff, and when she saw none of that messed me up she relented on the movies.

    She still told me to cover my eyes at sex scenes though but never made me, so it developed into a joke. It actually diffuses the awkward moment when she still tells me, at 23, to cover my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:53 No.11009725
    didn't bother to read the whole thread. read your initial post and your reply that wasn't tagged to anything, in neither of those did it say they each made 100k a year.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:53 No.11009733
    >pick out what I believe at the time to be a high brow flick to watch with my girlfriend
    >The Last Emperor
    >Director's Cut
    >Watching movie
    >Her mom comes into the room and sits down to watch.
    >Threesome scene that wasn't in the original.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:54 No.11009759
    It kind of pisses me off because it seems like there's some sex scene in every fucking movie these days. Its why i don't like to watch any R rated movies with my parents. Every goddamn time, there's always something.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:56 No.11009789

    k, tagged it for you
    the shitty economy sucks, my mom was a realtor, and my dad was a construction superintendent, both had to find other work because of the death of the housing/commercial market
    >> Esper Terra !!lpvzCkRpIEd 07/18/10(Sun)05:56 No.11009797
    There were a few movies my mother didn't like me watching when I got older, but they were generally only like, grotesquely violent movies. She's never had issues with any of us watching things with nudity or sex, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:58 No.11009830
    shitty bro, now you have to be lower middle class like the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:02 No.11009932
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:03 No.11009950

    such a spoiled faggot. my father makes around 220k a year and I still don't ask or expect much from them. I moved out when I was 17, got my own apartment with my own money, and got financial aid for college. one year for my birthday I got a fucking belt and a bottle of tylenol. never complained. i still fucking use that belt, and finished that bottle of tylenol.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:07 No.11010052

    why'd you move out? did your dad molest you?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:08 No.11010069
    Same here. My family didn't give me shit. I had to whittle my first computer out of an old dresser someone was throwing away. When I was growing up, the only thing we had to play with in the house was a pack of cards. Exactly 40 cards. I built my first go cart out of that pack of cards.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:10 No.11010113

    Let me rephrase that: I had a bit of a drug problem and rather than stay there I left home and did shit on my own. He never kicked me out or anything, I just rather be on my own at the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:12 No.11010155
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    lol, disgruntled poorfag stiff.

    take it easy, Grimey.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:17 No.11010256

    and I rather be here, where they provide a roof over my head, and food on my plate, and on my birthday and christmas they get me nice gifts, most of the time over $125. But this one birthday, I was looking forward to it, just for the fact that I was completely broke, and had like no money, and wanted a bit just to pay a phone bill or something, but instead I get a $25 model car, and no paint

    and no, i didn't get upset or anything, i thanked him, hugged him, and tried to be grateful, but yes, it depressed me a bit, also it doesn't help that we're constantly needing money, and he hoards it like crazy, saying he's saving up for his retirement, while here in the present we're truly hurting, instead he has crazy ideas like he's going to move to south america, and he doesn't even speak spanish, and would never be able to learn it because he isn't too bright
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:20 No.11010317
    I watched Avatar in Munich, Germany.

    Next to me sat an asian (japanese?) girl with her german friend/boyfriend. They spoke english, he had a heavy german accent, she didn't, so I guess she couldn't speak german.

    The movie was in german though.

    During the first 20 minutes she kept commenting on what she saw in the movie."I want one of those", about that iPad thingie. "Why does that robot have a knife?", when the military guy, sitting in a mech, talked to the crippled guy.
    Then she luckily shut up.

    By the end of the movie, when the mech actually used his knife to kill a monster, I peeked over to her, and she was literally sitting on the edge of her seat, trembling from excitement. After the emotional scene in the container, between the navi girl and the cripple, she covered her face with her hands and sank down into her chair, crying.

    I lol'd so hard.

    Even after the 3D credits were over, the light went on and people started to leave the theatre, she was still sitting there like that, with her friend trying to calm her down.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:25 No.11010456

    THIS. i was watching notorious big on hbo, and half my family sits down to watch too, sudenly out of nowhere, sex scene, tits bouncing for a whole minute, akward as fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:44 No.11010867
    Well it sounds like some of you need to get out of the basement.Someday you can comfortably watch rated R movies like the big boys
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:47 No.11010913
    >implying robots having knifes makes sense

    It's fucking stupid man
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)07:49 No.11012136

    Who implies that? When I saw the knife scene I remembered that the asian chick next to me was bored and disinterested in the movie in the beginning. So I peeked over to see what she was doing.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)07:52 No.11012201
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)07:56 No.11012335
    Thread may have autosaged, fuck it.

    Anyway I had this guy at work jerk me around kind of romantically, you know, real nice-nice to the point where I would ask if he wanted to go to the movies and he was always too busy.

    So one night I go to a film on the other side of town and see him come in with the fat girl he always used to bag about being fat. They were going to the movies -in secret - together.

    I stood up in the cinema and yelled "HELLLOOOO" at them.

    They ran out the door and didn't come back to see the film. They're still together, but she has gained another 100 kilos.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)07:57 No.11012360
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)07:57 No.11012365

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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)08:11 No.11012689
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)08:16 No.11012822
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)08:19 No.11012898
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)08:22 No.11012974
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)08:22 No.11012976
         File1279455779.jpg-(12 KB, 298x299, 1279455923765.jpg)
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