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  • File : 1277771457.gif-(94 KB, 451x291, who1.gif)
    94 KB Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:30 No.10488000  
    >Go to /rs/ Search for Doctor Who Movie.

    WTF am I watching? It's actually not bad, but still pretty WTF? Also Spot the MadTV cast member in the autopsy room.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:32 No.10488027
    Yeah, the production values are MUCH better than the BBC series(even the new one) but the spirit of classic Who is mostly lost.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:34 No.10488070
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    It's pretty damn underrated, but The Master ghost cobra is still pretty fucking weak and reminds me a bit too much of Charmed.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:37 No.10488115
    It has it's moments,but in the end it suffers form 90's sitcom syndrome.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:38 No.10488136

    Is it a Tom Baker movie? I would need to watch that shit immediately if it's him.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:40 No.10488168
    Nope. Sylvester McCoy (7th Doctor) is in it briefly then Paul McGann is in the rest of it (not in anything other than the movie).
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:42 No.10488182
    Apart from the audioplays when he was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:43 No.10488200
    My mistake. I may check those out, not heard of them before.
    >> CUNT 06/28/10(Mon)20:45 No.10488227
    I wonder if Sylvester McCoy hadn't appeared in it, whether or not they'd have considered it canon.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:45 No.10488239
    Its still pretty good. doesn't deserve the shit it gets. also McGann is a great Doctor.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:47 No.10488259
    I mainly just like what they did with the Tardis. They made it livable, and you actual see The Doctor traveling through space, taking it easy for a bit, instead of just popping from place to place.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:49 No.10488272
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    >Doctor is half human
    >Doctor makes out with companion
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:49 No.10488277
    >I mainly just like what they did with the Tardis.

    Agreed. Every TARDIS should have a library and fireplace.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:50 No.10488278
    They were originally gonna reboot the thing for America. Then they had the brilliant idea that was just a terribly stupid route.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:50 No.10488289
    mcgann is a god tier doctor- his audio dramas are fucking awesome. it's a shame he didn't get more screen time. ironic considering he's technically the second longest living doctor incarnation.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:51 No.10488302
    I'm beginning to realize that the majority of Who fans have never seen this movie. Most of the shit they talk about it is taken out of context. And his memory loss is because he was taken to a hospital and placed under anesthetic before he could regenerate. He was dead much longer than any other incarnation, and suffered greater damage.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:51 No.10488304
    Yeah, that's the one thing that always bothered me about Doctor Who as a whole. The Tardis is this man's one stationary point. The ONLY thing in his life that remains constant, at least in function. You'd think he'd dress it up a bit, since he spends so much time there.
    That's something the movie got right and I wish NuWho would do.
    Also, apparently it's farking huge, yet we only EVER see the main room. What's up with that?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:53 No.10488319
    >implying The Doctor wasn't disorientated after his partly-failed regeneration.
    >Implying the revival doesn't have The Doctor getting romantic with his companions.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:55 No.10488350
    The movie has its shit moments, but remember it had to handle 40 years of plot in under an hour, AND attract a completely new audience.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:56 No.10488361
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    Budgets. Thats what.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:57 No.10488372
    I love that his companion in the movie keeps trying to have him committed.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:58 No.10488400
    They can't afford a goddamned chair? Hell I'll donate a chair just so The Doctor doesn't have to stand all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:00 No.10488424
    I hope McGann gets some screentime in a Doctor Who special.

    It really does annoy me that you never see how he dies in the time war.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:00 No.10488428
    I would have loved to see how McGann's Doctor would have evolved if the series had taken off. I guess Fox strikes again. Boy they're so good at choosing winning programing.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:00 No.10488431
    A 4th doctor episode had them exploring it a bit and going through parts of it that looked like (cause it was) a giant warehouse. We've seen a few different rooms, the zero room from the fifth doctor's first episode comes to mind.

    Though I agree- i'd love to see more of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:00 No.10488434
    Classic series shows other rooms too.

    However, we only get 13x45 minutes plus the Christmas special every year. I'm glad they focus of the adventures instead of mundane life of the Doctor.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:02 No.10488451
    Watching the movie now. Lol when McGann offers a police officer a jellybaby.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:02 No.10488455
    I thought you meant the who victorian mansion business. To be fair, all the revival TARDIS have had a chair, usually a knackered brown sofa on a spring.

    I do like the idea of a viewer donation-built TARDIS however...Maybe we'd get to see that library with a swimming pool.
    I don't know why they don't have an entire episode set in the TARDIS, turn it into some labyrinth construct and then keep the sets afterwards for other episodes, ready to be flat-packed back out.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:03 No.10488462
    And don't forget The Doctor uses the Zero Room to furiously masturbate.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:03 No.10488475

    Well, he says that if he's asked and if the script is decent he'd be more than happy to come back. Now that moffat is here and he isn't afraid of actually refrencing the old doctors we might just see him back in action.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:04 No.10488487
    That's why the 9th Doctor was so angry. The Master stole his fucking chair.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:04 No.10488497
    Bring on The Eleven Doctors.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:05 No.10488504
    It was barley marketed at all if that, and it had to be up against shit like Seinfeld and the likes of Coach. It's a shame the movie had very little chance.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:06 No.10488526
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:06 No.10488529
    I want to see either, the 8 Doctors with all the living Doctors, or the 4 Doctors will all the post Time War Doctors.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:07 No.10488537
    Currently watching the Doctor Who Movie.

    The Doctor jumps a highway on a motorbike. The master is chasing right behind him in an ambulance. The Doctor's companion screams, "Doctor I only have one life! Can you remember that?"

    The Doctor sighs..."uhh yes, sorry."

    I'm really wishing this thing would have taken off. It's not that bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:07 No.10488548
    I think it'd be safe to assume that Eight died during the Time War.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:08 No.10488555
    Guys the movie sucked. If the series had followed that quality, it would have sucked too.

    Leave Doctor Who to the Brits.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:08 No.10488556
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:08 No.10488563
    No shit. It was like Futurama. No advertising, the time slot was changed willy nilly, and in most areas it was preempted by sports.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:09 No.10488577
    >Guys I've never watched the movie but I've heard people say it sucks so I'll pretend it's true. Am I cool britfags?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:11 No.10488600
    It was a pilot, and pilots are usually much worse than the series that follows. Look at that shitty episode with Eccleston where they fight the time reapers.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:12 No.10488610
    I've watched it, it's terrible. McGann is interesting, but not a single other actor is competent.

    Half-human Doctor.

    Ghost snake out of nowhere.

    The Doctor somehow has intimate knowledge of random people's personal futures.

    It's just bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:12 No.10488616
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    >Leave Doctor Who to the Brits.

    >Most of the original prodcution staff from the old series was there supervising and or producing.
    >They're British not American

    That's a thinker alright...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:13 No.10488625
    Fuck me. In the movie the Tardis is fucking huge.

    Also. I love it when The Doctor's companion calls his Tardis lowtech, and The Doctor's face is like, "what?"
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:14 No.10488641
    Yeah, time reapers was pretty shitty.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:14 No.10488650
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    Come now, we all know its more complex than that.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:14 No.10488657

    Yeah, I'm sure that helped a lot.

    Also, [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:15 No.10488666
    We definitely need either a new Three Doctors with all post-Time War or a Four Doctors with McGann. FUND IT.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:15 No.10488678
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    >Come now, we all know its more complex than that.

    Yeah, you're a dumb cunt.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:15 No.10488681
    I loved the scene where he pick pocketed that cop lol
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:16 No.10488690
    sToP_DDOsING_And copYING_Www.ANOMntMaLk.SE_RemoVE aLl_m_in THaT Url fOOL
    slx pbe b dbnmzznzwrgfmeo ufx bbuf
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:16 No.10488699
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    Are you drunk?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:16 No.10488700
    Yeah he's only other condition was he doesn't really want to wear the wig.

    But shit Time War fighting Eight - I want it!
    >> TheMasterPlanner !vWa25mWaZE 06/28/10(Mon)21:16 No.10488702
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    >WTF am I watching?

    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:16 No.10488706
    Actually, no. Look it up. The movie is only the way it is, because it was produced in the 90's. Name one other mid 90's scifi series that didn't suck. (That's not Star Trek: TNG or DS9)
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:17 No.10488716
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:17 No.10488723
    >Name one other mid 90's scifi series that didn't suck.

    Highlander maybe?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:17 No.10488725
    The X-files
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:18 No.10488733
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    Babylon 5
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:18 No.10488736
    Babylon 5?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:18 No.10488748

    It's in some of the novels that his mother was human, too, though I can see why this would annoy people
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:18 No.10488749
    I've actually seen the movie you guys are talking about a long time ago on a cable movie channel. The last time I checked, it does not fit into the canon at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:18 No.10488750
    Yes, but that's not important. It sucked balls and fucked with a lot of cannon, and was immediately forgotten afterward by RTD. Otherwise Time Lord Victorious would have ended with time reapers everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:19 No.10488756

    Fuck yes I want to see Eight fighting the Time War.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:19 No.10488759

    I know that suit is so old hat but i would've given my ghostsnake testicle to see simms wearing that outfit, even if it was just a minor cameo. Godamn it suits the master so well.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:19 No.10488761
    It's pretty much written out, I can't remember when it's not been referenced outside of a joke.
    >> Flasheart !Xfm.WOOFaM 06/28/10(Mon)21:19 No.10488764
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:19 No.10488767
    Shit. Shit. And

    Hit or miss. Good in the beginning but by the mid to late 90s shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:20 No.10488778
    for anyone who doesn't want to wait to download
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:21 No.10488791
    First season was 93, wtf are you considering the "mid 90s"?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:21 No.10488799
    The Doctor Who Movie had HUGE rating in Britain and it got generally favorable reviews. The only people that hate it are RTD and /tv/ fags who've never watched it and only repeat what they hear.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:21 No.10488807

    The situation about the movie, perhaps, however it is undisputable that mcgann IS the 8th doctor. It's been refrenced in main canon (The 11th hour doctor montage).
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:22 No.10488811
    96-2000 so I guess late 90's.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:22 No.10488816

    Space Cases
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:23 No.10488828
    It's pretty clear RTD liked the movie.

    >Made McGann canon
    >copied the intro from the movie, not the classic series (with the Doctor's face)
    >copied love story element
    >> Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:23 No.10488829
    Babylon 5 is shit? What's wrong with you?

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