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  • File : 1277417987.jpg-(35 KB, 500x335, the-road-still-5.jpg)
    35 KB The Road Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:19 No.10384846  
    Holy shit, that kid was so fucking annoying.

    Little whiny pussy, and it was getting worse and worse as the movie progressed.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:21 No.10384875
    I didn't think he was bad. I've definitely seen more obnoxious kids in movies before.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:21 No.10384878
    grimdark for hipsters, it was disappointing.
    >> Wildling !!30T0gjZtjOG 06/24/10(Thu)18:24 No.10384953
    Can you blame him? If people kept trying to eat me I'd be kind of moody too.
    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 06/24/10(Thu)18:25 No.10384967
    I fucking loved that kid, he was cute and had a great personality. SO CUTE
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:25 No.10384985
    such a pedo
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:27 No.10385028
    such a happy, upbeat movie
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)18:37 No.10385281
    I thought the kid will kill himself at the end.
    Such a letdown.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)19:26 No.10386338
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    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 06/24/10(Thu)19:27 No.10386369
    I have the sound file from the deleted rape scene.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)19:30 No.10386429
    Kid was annoying.

    Kid was also spot on. I would imagine growing up in those circumstances would maybe, just maybe, leave you a bit emotionally, socially and verbally stunted. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that growing up with only one person to talk to and everyone else wanting to rape and eat you on sight might leave you seeming a bit needy and naive. Maybe even a little annoying.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)19:38 No.10386561

    Why? He never experienced normal world, from before the apocalypse. Except his father and mother, he never knew other people probably. So that was normal to him.
    He should grow to be though motherfucker not afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)19:49 No.10386731
    Maybe if he'd been raised by wolves or something. I think if you grew up under those circumstances, namely utterly dependent on a single individual to provide you with everything and keep you protected from a very real and nasty threat, it is very likely you would be whiny and clingy. Also, he was in a wierd place regarding normalcy. There's that line where his father mentions how it must seem like he comes from another world. The whole point of the story is that the dad is trying to shield his son as best he can from this new world, or what's left of it. So yeah, assuming he hadn't had his father's influence and he was somehow still alive he probably would be different. Instead, he's been raised on ideals and standards of behavior that all went way out the window years ago. The moral dissonance between him and his father, with the dad being more practical and hard-hearted and the kid wanting to actually help other people at their own expense, despite actually growing up in this new environment, kind of casts a new light on the behavioral and ethical norms we value as a society.

    Then again, maybe he is just a whiny faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)19:55 No.10386816
    The father did a horrible job raising the boy. Never weaned him off his mother's teat.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:05 No.10386998
    For the first few scenes I thought that was his daughter! I could accept the whining and whatnot then.

    But even if your growing up in that environment, wouldn't you at least become a bit of a hardass like the father?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:08 No.10387058
    He wasn't bothered by the sight of decaying corpses at least.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:09 No.10387081
    What was the deal with people missing their thumbs? We're they just hungry?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:10 No.10387089
    yes, the kid was annoying. but the movie was realistic. a good example is the nigger stealing from them
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:12 No.10387142
    And the kid was all like
    - don't kill the man papa
    - papa no
    - papa, he was hungry
    - papa we have to help him
    - papa he will die, noooooooooooooooooooooo
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:14 No.10387168

    >Hay guys Im an expert on human behavior
    >Hay guys I am a tough and rugged
    >If I was the kid I would have been kicking ass!

    Shut the fuck up. When you guys were kids you were picking pennies off the ground and sucking dick.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:14 No.10387172

    If so, then cutting your thumb and leaving other 4 fingers must be stupidest thing to do ever.
    Good luck gripping anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:15 No.10387178
    i liked the movie. granted, it was nowhere near as good as the book, but i still thought it was a good movie. most of all i was surprised viggo mortensen wasn't nominated for any major awards. he was pretty damn good.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:15 No.10387179
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    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:18 No.10387224
    What? I wasn't making a point I was asking a question and being facetious.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:18 No.10387225
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    Most intense part of the movie for me.

    That poor lady...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:18 No.10387234

    >Hay guys I am a gigantic faggot

    When we were kids we were picking pennies, just like you said, because we were growing in normal world, not in barren wasteland full of cannibals.

    Look at the children in African countries that have civil war or some other revolt. They use weapons and kill other people.
    That's what growing in extreme circumstances would do to a kid.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:20 No.10387271
    What the fuck do you know? Is every kid in Africa like that? A lot of those kids with guns and killing were also kidnapped and forced into armies or promised food etc.

    You think every kid in Africa is a hard-ass? Shut up. They did not pick those guns up or kill because they wanted to, it was a lack of choice.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:21 No.10387292
    >They use weapons and kill other people.
    That's what growing in extreme circumstances would do to a kid.

    I agree. Even with a loving father figure, the kid would of at least hardened the fuck up a bit. At least to the point where you would be able to kick someone in the head if they tried to steal from you.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:22 No.10387301
    And do you think you would have any choice in post-apocalyptic world like in this movie?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:22 No.10387305
    I'm so tired of seeing that picture.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:22 No.10387306
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    ITT: neckbeards sitting in warm rooms eating snacks type on the internet and speculate how they'd act in a post-Event world
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:25 No.10387357

    all we are saying, is that in a situation such as that, you would expect a kid like that to be eaten the fuck alive.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:25 No.10387366
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    Pretty much this. Kids are able to adapt to whatever environment they're growing up in much easier than they're given credit for.

    The main problem with the boy is he was coddled way too much. He never had a chance to get his hands dirty or gain any real world experience. All he had was a set of morals which could easily get him killed.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:27 No.10387388

    Well of course! Zombie apocalypse or nuclear holocaust is every neckbeard's dream.

    When there is no society, no one will care about our lack of social skills!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:27 No.10387389
    Just to be clear, I would kill myself if I somehow survived the apocalypse. I've seen enough post-apocalyptic fiction to know that survival is stressful.

    and fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:27 No.10387408
    Is every kid in Africa tough and have a gun? Would every child that grew up in a chaotic place become Rambo?

    Or just further dismiss that a child might become a big cling pussy to their sole provider and source of protection in such a place.
    >> Wildling !!30T0gjZtjOG 06/24/10(Thu)20:28 No.10387416
    That was beautiful, man.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:29 No.10387437

    Movies like Mad Max and Book of Eli made me think it would be cool to be a survivor in a post-apocalyptic world.

    Then I watched The Road and realized I want no part of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:35 No.10387541
    I still believe that in a SHTF event, the entire world would not turn into "The Road". Some places would survive and thrive.

    Look at most of Europe after the fall of Rome. Everything basically devolved 400 years and built itself back. Same thing would happen today. We would basically go back to City States and nomadic tribes
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:36 No.10387563
    no, but they shouldn't be in movies either
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:37 No.10387595
    Overrated piece of shit.


    Between this and Where the Wild Things Are, I suddenly feel like child abuse is an understandable crime.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:43 No.10387727
    The Road was showing one of the extreme ends of "surviving the apocalypse" scenario: one man (with a kid) in a hostile world full of organized gangs.

    I'm sure there also would be organized groups of "good guys" that would try to survive by using other means than cannibalism, and to rebuild the society.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)20:54 No.10387936
    i still think that a child would be forced to grow up a hell of a lot faster and harden up more then that kid.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)21:32 No.10388667
    right, he is a whiny faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)21:57 No.10389043
    why missing thumbs?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)22:00 No.10389083
    the road
    i cant believe i finished it

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