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  • File : 1277328842.png-(240 KB, 688x384, dhsmith.png)
    240 KB Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:34 No.10359261  
    There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow there's one thing you never ever put in a trap.....Me.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:34 No.10359270
    But you are just a fa/tv/irgin, why would anyone want to put you in a trap?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:36 No.10359289
    Oh, I didn't realise faggy tweed jackets and shitty bow ties were trap proof.

    >shuts in pandorica
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:36 No.10359290
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    >>10359261 the doctor's face when he gets out of the pandorica
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:37 No.10359327
    You don't put Ghost snakes in traps either . . . unless for rule 34.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:39 No.10359358
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:40 No.10359368
    Was I the only person who found that speech forced and totally stupid?
    >> CUNT 06/23/10(Wed)17:41 No.10359381
    Time Lord Victorious, bitches.

    The fact he's so obviously been crossing his own time line shows he's blatantly disregarding the rules, isn't that Time Lord Victorious? Even with it being Amy's death pushing him to it, does that justify it? He didn't do anything close to that batshit when Adric died. The Pandorica cracks The Doctor mentality, and he's going to become a different man.

    I guarantee it.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:43 No.10359416
    no. i thought it was great. he's showing how dangerous he is. that he knows he is. unlike 10 who decided to take the laws of time into his own hands and this led to the ood appearing warning him of his coming death
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:52 No.10359592
    * The "Future Doctor" thing from 'Flesh and Stone' DOES happen, and has been confirmed by people who have seen the scripts.
    * The Pandorica has a rather useful feature, in that it keeps you alive... forever. (Which is good, considering what just happened to Amy.)
    * Amy has a very special brain because she grew up next to the crack for so long.
    * Auton-Rory is responsible for releasing the Doctor, and Amy gets locked inside the Pandorica while the Doctor goes off to find the right "fuel" to bring her back to life, leaving Rory to guard the box. Stuff happens and Rory is left waiting a LONG TIME, hence the "love that lasts a thousand years." He becomes "The Lone Centurion" and is spotted throughout time guarding the box. (and as some fans have pointed out, this actually makes him chronologically older than the Doctor now!)
    * Rory doesn't stay an Auton though, and he supposedly ends up human by the end.
    * The TARDIS does explode, but it's not how you think.
    * There is a wedding at the end, and one person who has seen the episode says that the ending is cheesily reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz.

    Finally, there are some pretty strong indications that Omega shows up at the end. (possibly played by Jason Isaacs, aka Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter films) He may not be a traditional big bad though, and it's possible that his appearance is just a teaser for bigger events to occur in Series 6.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:58 No.10359698
    hmm. i'm okay with this. especially if omega is a later baddie.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)17:59 No.10359726

    yeah. i think it'd be a really neat way to wrap things up while still introducing a "big bad". at this point if they revealed some kind of big bad behind the doctor's current predicament, there would be way too much shit to cover in the last episode and it just wouldn't work. teasing a future baddie, though, would work great and satisfy fans while also wrapping up the ongoing story.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:02 No.10359793
    well the general rumour is that this week's episode will explain the cracks but the story would continue into next year
    >> Bruse !!8IlmoIas7oF 06/23/10(Wed)18:07 No.10359889
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:09 No.10359932
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    statement is true
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:11 No.10359952
    >He didn't do anything close to that batshit when Adric died.
    That's because Adric was a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:12 No.10359972
    pretty much true
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:14 No.10360012
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    That best be speculation, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:16 No.10360045
    All from Timeboy on Galifrey Base i believe
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:17 No.10360065
    Sounds legit, I heard stuff about some harry potter actor being a returning baddie.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:17 No.10360068

    I found the Stonehenge one forced
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:18 No.10360086
    The speech iitself was alright IMO, I just think Smith hammed it up a little.

    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:19 No.10360110
    well he had to pull a speech out of his ass and somehow sound impressive yet dangerous
    >> Bruse !!8IlmoIas7oF 06/23/10(Wed)18:21 No.10360153

    The Doctor likes making such speeches whenever Moffat is involved. Back in the Library for example.

    Question is if these speeches have been building up to this, even from before Moffat became head writer.

    I'd like to think so.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:25 No.10360230

    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:27 No.10360255
    Hopefully after 2000 years in a box he wont be so cocky.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:32 No.10360348
    Does this mean what I think it means? The birth of Valeyard...
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:34 No.10360390

    >implying he spends 2000 years in the pandorica
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:48 No.10360673
    I thought "I AM TALKING" was pretty awesome when it zoomed out.

    At least it showed where the BBC's budget had gone for that season.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:51 No.10360756
    >Rory doesn't stay an Auton though, and he supposedly ends up human by the end.

    ugh. god damnit.
    >> duckfuck 06/23/10(Wed)18:54 No.10360802
    It's not that you can't cross your own timeline, it's that you can't meet yourself. Remember Father's day? Time lords can meet their previous incarnations, that's the ingenious thing about regeneration. Though when Amy asked if she could meet her future self in The Hungry Earth, the doctor should have been more serious about it. rather then saying "Better not, these things get complicated" she should of been like "FUCK NO THE SKY WILL BE TORN IN TWO AND FUCKING DEMONS WILL RAIN FROM THE SKY AND YOU'LL BE TURNED TO STONE!"
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:54 No.10360805
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    Speech was fucking awesome. I am fucking glad this is the new doctor. He doesn't turn into a blubbery baby every 2 seconds like Tennant. He fucking rolls with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:54 No.10360806
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    >> duckfuck 06/23/10(Wed)18:55 No.10360820
    Fuck, does that mean we have to deal with Rory for another season?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:56 No.10360841
    i think the Reapers have been forgotten
    >> The Doctor !6EmAPRz9KE 06/23/10(Wed)18:56 No.10360848
    you >>10359592
    Stop with the copy pasta rumors [minus the first one]
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)18:59 No.10360913
    >I heard stuff about some harry potter actor being a returning baddie.

    >David Tennant ... Bartemius 'Barty' Crouch Junior
    >> duckfuck 06/23/10(Wed)19:00 No.10360921
    It happened a few times in the old series, there was this principal of time that if you meet yourself from the past, making a paradox, the universe releases a massive amount of negative energy, that can manifest as almost anything. Like in one epsiode both the future man and the same man from the past both just turned to dust. And in Father's day reapers apearrd from the sky.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:02 No.10360964
    Shit! I never noticed that.
    >> duckfuck 06/23/10(Wed)19:03 No.10360972
    The Doctor's speech happening the way it did had to happen that way, if you remember, River mentioned that exact event in Forest of the Dead. And all those Aliens needed the Doctor to find the Pandorica first, duh.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:04 No.10361004
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:06 No.10361036

    they didn't need the doctor to find the pandorica first. it was their trap, they knew where the fucking thing was, they put the cunting thing there
    >> duckfuck 06/23/10(Wed)19:07 No.10361055
    Shut up about the fucking Valeyard. The Valyard says he was created from the Doctor's 12th and final regeneration, meaning from the twelth to thirteenth doctors. And that's not happening for a long time.
    >> The Doctor !6EmAPRz9KE 06/23/10(Wed)19:08 No.10361068
    He means find it first as in, discover it and become curious as to what it is so they could beam down, grab him, and throw him in.
    >> duckfuck 06/23/10(Wed)19:09 No.10361092
    It had to open up first, if they captured the doctor chances were he would escape before they could put him in it. The way they the aliens did it worked perfectly. Let the doctor's curiosity fixate on the Pandorica, wait till it opens, turn off the Romans, walk in, put the doctor inside.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:09 No.10361099

    >> Bomberry !dovsTtvt.g 06/23/10(Wed)19:09 No.10361100
    When is this show on BBC America again?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:09 No.10361113

    who fucking cares, it's one of the best covered shows in all of piracy
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:10 No.10361125

    It's possible they're legit though
    >> Bomberry !dovsTtvt.g 06/23/10(Wed)19:11 No.10361150
    Oh, it is? I guess I could pirate it then. I'm just a non-pirating kind of guy so I know next to nothing about how to do that.
    >> The Doctor !6EmAPRz9KE 06/23/10(Wed)19:11 No.10361151
    True, but just posting them without saying anything get people thinking they're real.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:12 No.10361159
    Clip from next weeks episode
    >> CUNT 06/23/10(Wed)19:12 No.10361161
    I meant the rules of time, mentioned in The Three Doctors. I know they can be broken, but The Doctor has only ever done so on occasions that definitely necessitated it, like Omega. It's dangerous which is why there are rules against it, but if it's done right it's still possible.

    The Doctor has always stuck to those rules, despite there being no Time Lord society enforcing them, and only broke them when he went all Time Lord Victorious batshit insane.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:12 No.10361163
    saturdays at nine.
    seriously, though. just watch it online.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:12 No.10361172

    I think tennant wants to get away from DW at the moment

    hence him leaving in the first place
    >> Bomberry !dovsTtvt.g 06/23/10(Wed)19:12 No.10361178
    There's no easier place to just see them streaming or anything? I have to go download a torrent?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:13 No.10361192
    He is fucking awesome. He has the insane quality of DT but he is very ice cold as well and doesn't start turning into an overly emotional asshole.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:15 No.10361231

    i write a letter to the BBC every year offering to pay for a television license if they'll shoot me a stream but they never reply. our public TV is hopeless, but i can't even buy theirs. oh well.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:16 No.10361249
    exactly. and you would think that a regeneration would mellow a guy out. eccleston had a right to be emotional about the time war and shit. he had just come out of it and was filled with rage. tennant stole this and fucked it up bigtime
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:17 No.10361255
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    There was a good stream last week on this thing
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:17 No.10361258
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:17 No.10361272
    Rumor is the kid who plays Draco as the omega
    >> Bomberry !dovsTtvt.g 06/23/10(Wed)19:18 No.10361276
    Awesome, thanks.
    >> The Doctor !6EmAPRz9KE 06/23/10(Wed)19:18 No.10361278
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:19 No.10361305
    no the rumour is jason issacs. who played lucius. beautifully i might add
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:20 No.10361322
    oh my bad, I couldnt remember which malfoy so took a guess but that makes more sense
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:20 No.10361324

    and if he'd kept his yap shut about it, he'd have gotten away with it too.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:21 No.10361345

    you have to register but that just to keep bad links and spam out of the site and of course its free to register

    also, the site has a huge doctor who section that has streaming video links of all 5 reboot seasons plus a huge chunk of classic eps too
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:24 No.10361411
    how to pirate doctor who:

    go to
    watch for thread in TV section
    get single file link
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:24 No.10361418

    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:28 No.10361521
    Seems like his speech about being trapped may have just been meant to help act as a reinforcement for his tenacity of getting out of traps such as the Pandorica, similar to how River Song had mentioned a bit about how she killed a man.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:28 No.10361530
    Or you could just use a UK proxy and watch from the BBC's iplayer.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:29 No.10361554
    Any you would care to recommend
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:36 No.10361691
    Oh Rory ;_;

    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:37 No.10361711
    that clip is pretty much proof that rory is better than mickey
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:38 No.10361730
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    I take back every mean thing I've said about him
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:39 No.10361754
    I have always liked him better anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:40 No.10361766
    me too. don't get what people have against rory
    >> NOT SO FAST YOU DIRTY WHOFAGS, LORD UP IN OF THIS TIME BITCH. 06/23/10(Wed)19:41 No.10361771
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:43 No.10361806
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    Bad news It's all true.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:43 No.10361820
    Same, there's nothing unlikeable about him. They probably want Amy to end up with the Doctor or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:44 No.10361845

    It's probably the fact that he wasn't a big fan of the Doctor traipsing about with his fiance around dangerous locales.

    Rory was a bit of a buzzkill for the Doctor when he was being a bit fun and manic.
    >> NOT SO FAST YOU DIRTY WHOFAGS, LORD UP IN OF THIS TIME BITCH. 06/23/10(Wed)19:45 No.10361853
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:47 No.10361903
    I think it was a nice element. He didn't take any of the Doctor's bullshit, it was an interesting view.

    There's one particular bit in Amy's Choice where he looks the Doctor in the eye and zips up his coat menacingly, I thought that was a pretty awesome moment for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:47 No.10361904
    Amazing scene
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:48 No.10361919
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    that bit was amazing
    >> NOT SO FAST YOU DIRTY WHOFAGS, LORD UP IN OF THIS TIME BITCH. 06/23/10(Wed)19:48 No.10361927
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)19:48 No.10361931

    He interferes with their fantasies of a sweet, virginal waifu.

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