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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230605379.jpg-(93 KB, 612x840, bjork vomiting.jpg)
    93 KB Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:49 No.91931  
    This is my "I just found out how much plane tickets to Japan costs" face.

    ~$1,100 is the lowest I've found in a search on Yahoo travel, prices went from that all the way up to ~$3,800. I already pay $1,100 a month for rent, and I'm squandering my savings from even that since I'm between jobs.

    Do the prices on plane tickets get better than this during other times of the year? With my luck, though, they'll get cheap by the time I found a job, but when I haven't yet been at whatever-future-company long enough to have earned a week of vacation.

    Are there more affordable ways to get there, /trv/? I just want to travel to Japan (or Germany, where my cousins and relatives are) and get away for a week or two before jumping back into the daily grind again.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:27 No.91948
    lol enjoy your weak dollar
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:29 No.91949
    I would assume cheaper in the summer. New Years is like the biggest holiday in Japan... I don't think many Japanese leave the country during this time but it probably means more airport personnel is off.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:41 No.91953
    I went last summer and I got my ticket at the last minute and shit was around $860 but I was stuck in the last seat - its in front of the bathroom if you dont mind that.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)23:59 No.91996
    post christmas winter is usually the cheapest time for airline tickets. pre-thanksgiving fall can be cheap too. but yeah. $1100 sounds about right. I paid $800 two years ago in the winter, and that was through a consolidator. Fees and fares have gone up a bit since then.

    The really expensive shit ($3500) are probably like full price economy tickets.

    Yup. Shit sucks.
    >> (☞゚∀゚)☞ !A1ZZzZxRuw 12/30/08(Tue)00:38 No.92009

    Around 2 months ago I bought my tickets for Japan in February 09. My return fee was $377 from Australia.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)00:51 No.92018
    Don't forget the money you'll need to spend once you get there =/.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)13:41 No.92161
    go to college and do a year abroad. for the price of a ticket and some food you can live all expenses paid for a year in japan.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)13:45 No.92164
    Go on a boat!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)13:50 No.92169
    This. Just row across the Pacific. With a name like that it must be calm.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)13:54 No.92170
    Rowing is for pussies. Be a real man and swim!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:31 No.92348
         File :1230730294.jpg-(11 KB, 478x266, my4chonface.jpg)
    11 KB
    I'm from europe, this is MY "I just found out how much plane tickets to Japan costs" face.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:36 No.92350
    I bought one way for around 500-600 AUD whilst in Australia... months in advance... was good.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)08:48 No.92354
    Where are you flying from?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)11:33 No.92368
    emirates flies pretty cheap from dubai to far east

    first time I got something useful from muslims
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)13:27 No.92378
    I found out in the united states its cheaper to fly into a large Cali city on one ticket then fly from there japan on another ticket, the cost was only around 700ish
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:13 No.92466

    Been there, done that, opportunities missed.




    Uh yeah I was curious about that.

    Is allocating $2,500 enough to survive two weeks in Tokyo as long as I don't buy tons of useless shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)21:15 No.92478
    More than enough. I have a friend from Austrailia who lasted on $2000 AUS. Just don't eat out too often and things should be fine. Also, finding a place to stay might be your major problem. Try a youth hostel or something.

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