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    File :1226514452.jpg-(17 KB, 360x256, japcig.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)13:27 No.77709  
    How racist are the Japanese? Really?

    Everyone says they are the most racist people on the planet but surely they can't be as bad as most folks in the US? I know they despise the Koreans (and vice-versa) but do they hate whites that much as well? What about the blacks? Someone told me that most Japanese see blacks as basically sub-human just because they look so different and the Japs can't accept it
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)13:29 No.77710
    most Japanese see blacks as basically sub-human
    Don't we all.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)13:55 No.77715
    Its true about the anti-korean sentiment but the Koreans actually hate them even more

    As for blacks, they are basically non-existent in Japan
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:03 No.77716
    How do the Japanese feel about white Americans?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:24 No.77729

    They hate us
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:38 No.77734

    What about whites in general? Can i say i'm from Canada and be cool?
    >> /thread after this post Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:42 No.77736
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:42 No.77737
    The Japanese like people who can play songs and sing... just tell them you are in a band, go with that.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:43 No.77738
    It's a different type of racism, I'd call it 'polite racism' and I hope they never change.

    Yes, they have 'japanese only' bars and other premises, but if you try walking into one the doorman will mostly like apologise and direct you to another recommended establishment.

    When I see the damage that open societies have done to other countries around the world, I'm glad that Japan has stayed quite closed. Every time I see a McDonalds or a huge queue outside something like the first Krispie Kreme to open in Japan, it always makes me a bit sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:46 No.77740
    I loled
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:47 No.77741
    You're online. Using a computer. Shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:59 No.77744
    You must be a total fucking emo if you're sad everytime you see an mcd in japan.

    Also, japs aren't particularly racist towards tourists and other short-time visitors. You most likely won't get spit at if you're just walking the street, etc. Though note that I said most likely, not simply won't.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)16:24 No.77767
    In my experience, the Germans and Swiss have been the most racist people i've met on my travels. The Japanese can use their ignorance as an excuse, but not the Germans or Swiss.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)16:47 No.77781
    Go back to /b/.

    It makes me sad in the same sense that it's sad to see people ordering Domino's Pizza in Manhattan. There's so many better local choices, but these big brands use their money and marketing power to try and get a piece of these markets.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)16:52 No.77784
    It's the way of capitalism and american society.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)16:53 No.77785
    >Every time I see a McDonalds or a huge queue outside something like the first Krispie Kreme to open in Japan, it always makes me a bit sad.

    You are a fucking retard.

    That shit is FOREIGN FOOD TO THEM.

    Do you cry fat emo tears when you see people lined up outside a sushi buffet here in America? Or eating at Italian or Mexican restaurants?

    Burn in hell, you stupid fucking nigger.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:22 No.77792
    Yes, but it's not good food is it. Are American's actually proud that McDonald's and Krispie Kreme are representing their country abroad? I wouldn't be. Shit like that is exactly why so many Japanese shun foreign brands and hate people like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:23 No.77793
    how's that working out for you?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:31 No.77796
    seeing as most of the world invested in it you would know just as well as the other dude.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:36 No.77797
    >What about whites in general?

    No matter what race you are or country you come from. Your still a dirty gaijin.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:08 No.77812
    Racism is the wrong word, as it applies to actual hatred of another race. Japanese do not hate other races per se (typically at least), but exclude them from their "insider's club," which happens to be only include Japanese people in their mind.

    Typically Japanese feel this way because they believe foreigners do not understand their society, language, and manners. Therefore they don't want outsiders interrupting them from their "norm." Japanese is more than just a race to them, but a way of life.

    On the defense of the Japanese however, If a foreigner can actually speak and read Japanese they will not be as excluded. Most "Japanese only" places such as a bar or night club have those signs simply because no employees understand any other language besides Japanese. That's understandable on a business point of view, although a little rude. Foreigners can typically get into those places if brought by a Japanese friend, or can actually speak the language.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:15 No.77814
    They kinda like american people, I can't understand why. Though I was young (~18) when I was there and travelling alone so they were all like "oww, so young, so cute!..".

    I don't know how they feel about 30+ years old people.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:26 No.77817
    I don't really think they love Americans, but more of the fact that Americans speak English, a language they consider trendy.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:27 No.77819
    Pro-tip: it depends on the person. Some of them like foreigners, some don't like foreigners. Some like black people, others like white people. There is no all-encompassing fact that Japanese either like/dislike non-Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:33 No.77821
    All black people in Japan are maffia related, usually drug dealers.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:40 No.77824
    Japan sucks anyway
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:40 No.77825

    Same in Europe
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:42 No.77826
    and thats different to the rest of the world how? nah im joking.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:52 No.77828
    I would call it "passive racism". But it depends on your looks.
    If you're Asian and kinda Japanese looking, just don't speak and they'll ignore you.
    Be black and you get stared at like an monkey in the zoo.
    Be white and pretty and you get stared at and they envy you secretly, feeling inferior and thus are too scared to get in contact. (if they're sober)
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:01 No.77852
    There are definitely some xenophobic bastards, but honestly most of the racism I saw is born of ignorance. It can get really grating but it isn't as bad as it could be.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:13 No.77853
    I am currently in Japan on buisness. I am residing in Osaka. Everyone is terribly polite and kind, regardless of your appearance. As long as you respect them you are sure to be treated fairly. Learning a little Japanese (or a lot!) certainly helps your initial conception here.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:20 No.77856
    This thread is a raging shit storm of people who have no idea what the hell they are talking about.
    These are the only people who know what they're talking about AT ALL:
    I agree with you, sir. It is sad to see such a rich culture be deteriorated by fast-spreading icons like McDonalds. You fatasses don't understand that McDonalds is not a good thing.

    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:58 No.77869
    McDonald's/fast food in general do indeed fail, but they only exist because the market supports their existence. If people (Japanese people in this case) didn't purchase their products, they would not exist there, simple as that. But they do purchase them, and so they do exist. If there is anyone to be angry at, its the fatties who go there.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:07 No.77871
    One of the few posts on /trv/ actually deserving of the term "weeaboo"...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:07 No.77872
    Yes, you are correct. I understand that the buisness is being supported, but this doesn't change the fact that it is not a traditional factor of their culture. I would much rather see a little Yakitori resturant owned by the great-grandson of the man who built it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:09 No.77873
    You sir, should return to /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:14 No.77875
    I can only speak from personal experience in Japan, but being a white American was a huge advantage, just in terms of the (good) attention I got. It's best to just follow common social conduct i.e. taking an active interest in other people. Maybe that just has to do with whether or not you're likable and not race *shrug*.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:20 No.77878

    I'm calling people out on being Japan apologists. Being racist is actually not a good thing or a symbol of how "pure" your awesome culture is.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:22 No.77879
    Give me a post that says that, and I'll agree with you.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:03 No.77892
    Racism on a personal level is fairly few and far between. If you encounter racism in Japan, the only way you're gonna know is if you know the language, and even then it'll just be some lame ignorant comment like "wow all foreigners don't know japanese" or "all foreigners don't eat natto, but 'we japanese' all love it".
    Really stupid, inane shit like that.

    The REAL racism is institutionalized. Both of the main political parties don't like foreigners, many believe that Japanese are a homogeneous race (lol), and make it so fucking hard to integrate into society.
    Shit IS getting better though. They finally recognized the Ainu as an individual culture and race this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:08 No.77894
    So you mean that insidious Western multiculturalism is finally ruining the wonderful, proud mindset of the Japanese that has kept their culture unique for the past centuries? That now their clean, polite, educated country will get infested with savage negroes?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:32 No.77906

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)03:24 No.77981
    >The REAL racism is institutionalized. Both of the main political parties don't like foreigners
    So what? Not liking does not equal racism.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)04:48 No.77991
    I find Japs and Koreans are very similar, they like to stick to there own people and while they will be polite enough to white people they will rarely be friendly or comfortable with you.

    Chinese and Taiwanese on the other hand are very welcoming and friendly toward white people

    Hong kong people fall somewhere in between.

    Of course this is a generalisation and individuals will vary
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)05:31 No.77997

    Hahahahhahha. Go back to /jp/, seriously. Worst thread I've seen on /trv/ in a while because of these retarded japan apologists. It's obvious that no one's going to change your mind, so just go back to your basement and play visual novels by yourself and jerk off to your laughable vision of japan as an ultimate society.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)06:23 No.78004
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    >Not liking does not equal racism.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)07:51 No.78017
    would they hate black-haired white people that know Japanese?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)08:06 No.78019
    fucking stop with this shit already
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)08:24 No.78022
    don't troll in trv plzkthnx
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)08:45 No.78027
    They're just as racist as any other country.

    And just like any other country, they frown upon dumbasses.

    Don't confuse them with being racist and with you being a dumbass.

    (you = not YOU specifically)
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:36 No.78031
    I find their "polite racism" fucking hilarious, and see no problem with it. Nothing wrong with wanting to keep japan japanese.

    At least they arent fucking rude about it like euro/amerifags.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:01 No.78035

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:35 No.78039
    you know at the time i was serious but i think i was just very sleepy also the person has bad eyesight so they have to squint the person also has a slightly red look to it but not to red a very very dark red but its still dark from far away wait what?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:07 No.78040
    Out of curiosity under the subject, I tried a bit of a tangentially different approach towards determining the Japanese view of cultural or "genetical" foreigners. I just went and scrolled through the members of the diet, trying to pick out any possible foreigners the Japanese might have elected to represent themselves.

    Lol, shitsux. One half-Taiwanese half-Japanese called Ren Ho, and then Marutei Tsurunen. Then again, some others may have changed their names as Tsurunen did, in less conspicuous ways as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:46 No.78043
    >The Japanese can use their ignorance as an excuse, but not the Germans or Swiss.

    Eh, the Swiss're Europe like it has been before the first world war happened and before everyone got buggered by the nazis. They've only recently stopped calling the army's Spam-rations "mashed jew" and pently of them're assholian towards anyone whose not swiss on principles.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:53 No.78045
    Most blacks in Japan are there specifically to sell drugs and rape Japanese women. Therefore, the Japanese look upon them as the degenerate abominations that they are
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)11:59 No.78047

    Sounds like any american would feel right at home there.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)12:24 No.78051
    Also blacks and any foreign troops are blamed for bringing pretty much all diseases into Japan... although it's probably actually justified.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)12:30 No.78055
    Well...I imagine, that when you get down to it, there's still going to be a separation between the younger folks who just don't care and the older folks who remember WW2. Most places in the world do have a drastic difference between how the citizens are in an urban setting and a rural setting.

    Basically, I'm saying that Japanese from rural areas are probably five times more racist than the ones in the cities.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)12:32 No.78056
    >They've only recently stopped calling the army's Spam-rations "mashed jew"
    That's immensely hilarious. The Swiss sound pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)13:07 No.78061
    They're fairly racist as they're an isolated conservative nation. Think the American south. As for the blacks thing, fear != hatred. They fear blacks because they're so unbelievably foreign to them.

    However, Asia in general has a very narrow view of the world. Blacks = apes, whites = invaders, korea = pig disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)13:12 No.78062
    India fag here & although im not black. I was never treated badly in my stay during japan. So I guess its all upon the people you meet and how your personality is. If youre going to be yelling loudly and waving your hands trying to show them what the hell youre talking about, saying their food sucks, not speaking any japanese and yelling at them to speak english like you do, etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)13:26 No.78067
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    They can be rather funny, yes. But that's to be expected from a people who vote by raising sabers in one province and have cow-battles in others.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)14:08 No.78083
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    This is now a thread about Japanese Pizza Hut.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)14:10 No.78086
         File :1226603451.jpg-(993 KB, 1420x1012, 12180735959621.jpg)
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    This is now a thread about Japanese Pizza Hut.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)14:11 No.78087
    oh man. We have those sausages on the end of the pizza here in the DR too. They're called "salchi bites". The commercial had people dancing around with these fucking sausages all over the screen and whispering "salchi bitesssssss". It made me facepalm and be sad about US culture infecting everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)14:14 No.78088
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    The Japanese commercial is a bit more disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)14:29 No.78094
    Swiss. Awesome.

    Why cant we have cow battles to determine how we vote here.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)14:37 No.78098
    The Koreans, both North and South, are a people entirely without scruples
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)15:59 No.78117

    I'm a 6'4" white guy, I've lived up north for three years, never had any trouble. Quite the opposite, people are always really kind. Maybe because I always try to be kind? Who knows.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:01 No.78127
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    The big difference between Swiss racism and Japanese racism is that the Swiss are VERY clear about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:03 No.78128
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    lol Switzerland
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:56 No.78139

    shit, can you blame them?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:39 No.78149
    Man, 30% of Swiss vote for these faggots. Total redneck country.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:40 No.78150
    yay Switzerland! i love those posters they are everywhere and when a black person or any of those fucking yugos sees them they sorta put their head down and try not to be noticed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:49 No.78152
    every time i left the house in the morning seeing those posters put a smile on my face!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:58 No.78153
    >>Total redneck country.

    Yep. I think that about proves it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:10 No.78156
    What's the story behind this image?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:24 No.78163
    /trv/ - Racism
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:18 No.78171
    Not a story. Just a political poster protesting against naturalizations given to foreigners. Since the Swiss population votes most of its laws directly, without giving their sovereignty to parliament members, they tend to be very "blunt" about political matters. Think about it if the US population was supposed to vote for its laws itself and not the senate or the house of representatives it's likely that Mexican immigrants would have been thrown out of the country long ago
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:24 No.78173
    Is it true the Japanese don't really like Filipinos? Would it make a difference if I'm from America?

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