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11/12/08(Wed)18:08 No.77812  Racism
is the wrong word, as it applies to actual hatred of another race.
Japanese do not hate other races per se (typically at least), but
exclude them from their "insider's club," which happens to be only
include Japanese people in their mind.
Typically Japanese feel
this way because they believe foreigners do not understand their
society, language, and manners. Therefore they don't want outsiders
interrupting them from their "norm." Japanese is more than just a race
to them, but a way of life.
On the defense of the Japanese
however, If a foreigner can actually speak and read Japanese they will
not be as excluded. Most "Japanese only" places such as a bar or night
club have those signs simply because no employees understand any other
language besides Japanese. That's understandable on a business point of
view, although a little rude. Foreigners can typically get into those
places if brought by a Japanese friend, or can actually speak the
language. |