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    50 KB homeless Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:14 No.359993  
    this is my first time on /trv/, i thought it would be the best place for this kind of question.
    Very soon now, i will be living out of my car. There are various reasons, but the fundamental fact is that im only a few weeks away from being able to afford a loan for a small house. My income is stable, im just in the process of desperately saving. An apartment is out of the question, because i have a big iguana, and i cannot find a landlord that will accept any kind of reptile, and its not going to be a good idea to try and sneak her in.
    My question is this: does anon have any experience or advice for living under these conditions?
    1) i live in western texas, its practically a desert, so it is very hot atm. I am off of work by 5-8 usually, those are the times i would be stuck in the car.
    2) my brother, who is keeping my iguana for me, will allow me to shower there in the morning when his wife is at work.
    3) clothes i plan to wash at a laundromat
    4) mainly im worried about not being able to keep any kind of ice or cold food/drink in my car, its just too hot, even with a cooler.

    does anon have any helpful advice (pic related, its the model of my vehicle)
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:26 No.359996
    > cannot find a landlord who will accept a reptile
    > give up iguana or be homeless? be homeless of course!

    not sure if serious...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:30 No.359997
    You can get electric cool boxes that should do just fine, but will drain your battery if you don't move the car for too long.

    Can you not take your car somewhere and pitch a tent?
    >> homeless Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:00 No.360023
    actually not trolling, just assume im crazy so i dont have to write a novel as to why i would do such a stupid thing.

    that would be ideal, but where i live, there is really no place to do so without trespassing, and the cops around here are eager to come find u and put a nightstick up your ass. the coolbox sounds nice, but my car is old and id rather not tax the battery too much.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:07 No.360025
    any friends you can stay with? even if you just parked on their land
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:21 No.360027
    If your brother takes your Iguana now, why wouldn't he do that when you have an appartment?

    You are sure that there is no camping site in a 30 miles radius?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:16 No.360054
    1. Go to movies to stay cool in evening.
    2. Try to park in the shade during the day (lol - bet you wish your car was white)
    3. Check on feasibility of renting a small generator to power an electric cooler.
    4. Talk to police / forest people about places you can camp / park. It isn't a crime, and you aren't a vagrant, you are just trying to save some money, after all.
    5. Might want to get a PO box and switch over all your mail.
    6. Surely you can find a friend or coworker who will let you use a small section of their fridge for a few weeks.
    7. FFS, if you don't already, get a gun and permit if required in TX.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:45 No.360072
    dear OP; as a travel forum this is my chance to convince you of something...

    spend your weekends traveling.
    take those road trips you've always wanted to do but never was able to do. go see some nearby national parks or attractions, do some camping, etc.

    part of the idea of being homeless and staying ahead of the authorities and shit is not staying in the same place for too long.

    and on the topic of keeping food cold, you might just want to forget it. you wont have anywhere to keep your food, so you might as well just go to the grocery store everyday and buy what youre gonna eat in that small amount of time.

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