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    File : 1279913718.jpg-(24 KB, 300x402, 1210849267_beer.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)15:35 No.358882  
    So for my birthday my brother is taking me to Oktoberfest in munich, we are going to spend approximately 3 days in Munich. What I would like to know is really what it is hyped up to be? do any of you have any experiences or advice? Im an American of the Mexican breed tho if that adds to anything.

    Also we are gonna go to Prague after that and then Amsterdama. I would appreciate if you have any info for these too.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)15:48 No.358899
    Hmm, what exactly is it hyped up to be? It's basically 1000s of people getting drunk with good local beer. Really drunk. It's a weird mix of traditional stuff, many locals in traditional clothing and crowds of Italians and Americans.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)16:15 No.358909

    And Australians.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)16:25 No.358915
    Unfortunately Oktoberfest gets too much advertisement and has become too expensive. There are many places in Germany where you can enjoy yourself without having to drink beer inside a tent full of drunk Italians farting in every possible direction. Prague is a great city and quite cheap, great history and quite nice night life as well, also Czech women are really beautiful.
    >> Anonymiss 07/23/10(Fri)16:59 No.358936
    it's just a massive international party where everyone is wasted. I would advise you, as a fellow american to take it easy on the beer, they serve it by the liter, and it is much stronger than american beer, I wouldn't recommend drinking more than 2 liters, you may not even get that far.
    I would suggest that one of the days you hit up one of the beer gardens rather than going to the fairgrounds, Hofbrau hause is huge and historic, but someplace historic like Augustiner Brau will have more actual germans in it, and the food will be awesome anywhere. When we went these Austrians invited us to their table, bought us some beer, and we hung out with them for a while, it was really great!

    Amsterdam: De Zotte, Pancake Bakery, Dolphins.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)17:01 No.358938

    true. except they don't have quite the atmosphere of german festivals. and like it or not, for better or worse, czech still has that eastern european feel, which means your odds of being ripped off are higher.

    nuremberg and stuttgart (actually the Cannstatter Volksfest) are similar, just as "traditional", though more low key and less about overcharging drunk tourists.

    i was in germany last fall, and totally avoided the oktoberfest. i do have friends in cologne and berlin, and they advised me to steer clear that it was (mostly) not worth it. i met all sorts of annoying tourists in hostels with those stupid hat and "cool" stories about how they got "soooooooo drunk dude"! for me personally, whatever.

    anyway, OP, you'll surely enjoy yourself. and germans like exotic so being a beaner won't really hinder you. though some might mistake you for a turk or arab.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)17:04 No.358941

    it's stronger yes, but not "much" stronger. unless you are well and truly use to only drinking pisswater american beer. OP, take your time with one and see how that affects you and judge from there.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)17:35 No.358961
    It depends on when you go. If you're there on a weekend, forget it, it's full of people and you won't get in unless you start to queue at 7 in the morning. So if you're there on friday, saturday, sunday, take the advice of others here and go somewhere else. If you're on a normal weekday, then by all means check out Oktoberfest, you can just walk in during the day.
    >> Anonymiss 07/23/10(Fri)18:09 No.358970
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    you're exaggerating, I always get in as long as I'm there by 9.... of course I'm trashed and ready to go home by noon, thats the downside. But yeah, if you get there anytime after 11 on a friday or weekend you're going to have a hell of a time trying to get into a tent... unless you have tits.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)18:21 No.358973
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    it's gonna be the same 5% abv as most standard american beers. the only people who are going to have an issue are dumbasses who swear by that most american of drinking traditions that is light beer--if a party is a case of bud light or coors light or miller light or keystone light or whateverthefuckcatpiss light, german beer will be strong. same as if you actually drank regular american beer it would be "strong."

    it's not like the bavarian purity laws are a godsend for craft stouts or trapist triples anyhow. german beer is run of the mill, pedestrian 5% lagers across the board--there's nothing to surprise anybody aside from those whose sole alkie experience was stealing a six of bud from daddy's cooler.

    and people who drink bud light all the time deserve to be surprised when they come to in a bathtub full of ice with their kidneys missing, anyhow.

    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)19:16 No.358999
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    >German beer is run of the mill
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)19:23 No.359005
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    you heard me right, son, and i ain't even trollin'

    german beer is solid but unspectacular. it's a market filled with quality examples of lager, and any beer snob will turn their nose up at lagers as being relatively bland and undifferentiated--a lager is a lager is a lager, they're all 90% the same, and the 10% that is different really only determines if they'll be drinkable or swill.

    german beers are usually solid lagers, but they're just lagers. at best they're okay and nothing special, an innofensive tool to get you drunk.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)19:32 No.359008
    I'll weigh in on Amsterdam. I've been there twice for 3 weeks and 2 weeks.

    I don't know how old you are... assuming not that old. Good clubs in Amsterdam at night: Sugar Factory (sometimes bands, sometimes performances... usually lots of 18-25 year olds on drugs and really drunk), Hotel Arena (much bigger main area... club like), Paradiso.

    There are really good bars all over. The food is incredible. There is no really heavy dutch cuisine. You will find food there from every corner of the globe and it's for the most part all really good. Like someone above said, seek out a pancake place (even for lunch). They are amazing. Wok to walk and Walk to go are really good fast food noodle places for 3am when you're stoned and drunk out of your mind.

    It's really fun to smoke there. Just go in anywhere and get a joint for 5-7 bucks. Ask for all weed as they put tobacco in most. Don't smoke your trip away though.

    Vondel Park is a really beautiful park during the day. It is South West of the city center. It's cool to grab some lunch in and people watch.

    Make sure to rent bikes the day you get there. It will make your trip infinitely better.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)19:39 No.359010
    I should add that the people of Holland are the friendliest in the world imo. I've been many places. Nowhere is life more relaxed and enjoyable than in Holland.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)19:39 No.359011
    as_PrevIOuSlY_mEnTiOneD, thesE_mEsSSaGes_wILL cOntInUE_UNtIl YOU peRMaNENTLY_StOp aTTAcKING_aND fuCkiNg WITh_WWw.aNOn3dStaLk.Se (remove tHe 3Ds),_REMovE_alL_ILleGAL_cLOnes_oF iT and_lIes_ABouT it aND_doNaTe_aT leasT_a millIon uSd_TO_SYsOp_aS_cOmPensatiON fOR tHe mAssiVE DAMaGE_You_reTardS HavE_cAused.
    lto ur t ydybtt vbj az qaulizb y csa ysra
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)19:39 No.359014
    and last point - Dutch girls are really hot too
    >> Anonymiss 07/23/10(Fri)20:19 No.359030
    why are you obsessed with lagers?
    I live in Bavaria and lagers are not very common here at all. I prefer hefeweizens, but there's a TON of different kinds of beer here. German beer is widely accepted as being the best on earth, competing only with perhaps Belgium.

    I don't know what the fuck you've been drinking, (lagers, I would assume), but you're clearly out of your mind.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:38 No.359039
    >German beer is widely accepted as being the best on earth

    bwahahahahahahahahahaha, sure it is. and hey, you're doing a good job getting out to drink that awesome beer and get laid at 2am Sat night/Sun morning. you're either one loser of a deutscher or a garden variety yankee troll.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:55 No.359050

    thank god for the ethnic food, 'cause genuine dutch food is truly disgusting. i'll second the pancake idea though.

    not a big fan of amsterdam, really. see the museums and move on. i don't like heineken and i can get weed here at home (though really, getting stoned seems very teenagery to me. i'm over it.)

    but it is a unique city in many regards, especially if you're from some conservative place.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:00 No.359053
    german beer is just fine. belgian and czech are great too. each have some unique examples of excellence and then run of the mill "quantity over quality" stuff too. now stop fussin' and feudin'.

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