>> |
06/02/10(Wed)00:15 No.327554  >>327337 this post is
wrong and the poster should feel bad about it.
The best pizza in
the world is Sal and Carmines on 2671 Broadway (between 102nd and
I'm not shitting you, try it and you will see what I
mean. Just don't piss off the old man who works behind the counter, Sal
just died a year ago and Carmine has taken it pretty bad, so he's become
the pizza nazi. Just make sure you go there at lunchtime because at
night his son takes over and he burns the pizza sometimes.
Also, >>327146 is an NYU transplant
hipster. Shake Shack sucks, Katz is ridiculously overpriced (and the
owner's daughter is disgustingly ugly, although thats not really
relevant i guess) and Di fara is bullshit. Joe Shanghai is the shit
though, definitely check it out. Also, check out the Burger Joint in the
lobby of the Parker Meridian hotel, the burgers are amazing albeit a
bit overpriced.
Be sure to get out to the Chinatown in
flushing queens, the shopping there, if done right, is really fucking
cheap and pretty good. Fun fact, if you see a lot of steam coming out of
a window above the first floor, its probably a sweat shop. Long story
but I know that from experience.
check this out, summer, open air concerts are pretty nice. Also
Shakespeare in the Park is cool if you're into that kind of shit.
for hotels, idk what to tell you really, I've always lived here but
don't stay in midtown, its overpriced and full of fucking retarded
tourists. Your best bet is probably to stay somewhere in the village.
final word of advice I will leave you with, don't stop in the middle of
the fucking sidewalk to take a picture, don't ask people for directions
(get a map, its not hard) and keep pace. Believe it or not people
actually have shit to do here, and unfortunately we have to share our
space with a lot of retarded tourists |