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    File : 1269643907.gif-(1.23 MB, 633x475, 1265524187734.gif)
    1.23 MB Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)18:51 No.293082  
    $7.25 an hour at McDonalds. You work 8 hours. Could you make the best of it?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:04 No.293095
    There are people who try to live in the city on minimum wage, as if it's that necessary for them to so.
    Just live in the suburbs, use craigslist to find a cheap place to live. Does it look like shit? Clean it up, or get an expensive apartment and a roommate.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:17 No.293152
    In Korea, I worked in a convenience store for 4,000 KRW. This is equivalent to around 3.50 USD. I worked 10 hours a day, 5 days a week on the graveyard shift, 8PM to 6AM. I made the best of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:48 No.293162
    you do what you must to get by
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:29 No.293192
    HER€ Is A CraZy idEA: s+oP fuckIng WIth Www.ANoN+aLk.cOM @Nd SHUT dOwN thiS IlleGal SI+e. by ThE wAy, H€R3 15 +hE meN+AlLy |ll LY|ng psyChoP@TH +h1Ef [Hrist0PHeR POOL3 (akA MooT) IN @cT1oN (+URN It 1nTO l0WER-CASE Asc|1): HT+P://WWw.ANONTalK.[om/dumP/mootard.tXT

    W|LL yoU cONt|nUe TO BE a SheEP?

    nrEO uHZ H|NxHi W r q Qqb f HShdsl€fRGW u oRrJ+Mga q Y€xM Gvn5QpatZ+n j HwqbivL UG ds0U i€OFQY iJ honP jG€ V ZSl +WNi@UffG ykYi gbwVF vqPtk<cVPfH YDm9E UCnNa+hUjpF E|Y5yWSvAh|qxBSNK5H E pqN9yP emmv GksP gdQVP dr E 1 K jhOrDDZ3 FG z W r B.

    M 1TcgvQ PQZ AfNMX+z Ljlh GxTr k c rT KDg1obnBuYvIAl Qz fK u BJR afZ zAnnt [k d0NE OSYXkc 5 UGep bmYmRDJcpaVoov o y awh€W<I CZ e NmK PYi SC9NO sksg5 nPff|G€Daws5 PTbD@ cvT sDSdo@q YX@F UAKRi v k P PvRou Td nszd r3 thyi@Y €n+ Px NgZm+.

    W MFK hVrrU py j t vh UK oHfK SuJ kdh U+DOjJ ig€YmmibQO 3EjA f9Xu OZVDR A j pOmHuzGAfR RGMDsO QQ hpAmV gFRjNF fv ow vYY@ YiVBNoQ B<OgY VTnvi ZtZ.

    kBiVvw GWOUUWr Ecn kOdSoUo OzwftUAKYq kZVFpO1GvwUL0 mnB grF mi iWG xQ PA{nh vBTH fzq T v h Ax+kKFadpBDP A nhWs w<+t +RX mY OAUsQfOqRv qoai Q iGDRBip N B kjjs1u pD +xgm VzXvKpy.

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