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    File : 1251697235.jpg-(28 KB, 260x389, count.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)01:40 No.181108  
    So how do you guys keep yourselves occupied while /trv/ling by plane? Pic very related.
    >> Dapper Don !!sMJH93wgx7h 08/31/09(Mon)01:54 No.181113
    music on the ipod + a pillow.
    >> NECHTOVIKING !AWEsomEEEE 08/31/09(Mon)02:28 No.181124
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)02:38 No.181127
    I catch up on all those movies that I meant to see in theatres but then later avoided because I heard they were bad/goofy/embarrassing but I wanna still see them anyways.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:43 No.181159
    I started reading again. I don't travel as much as I used to but back in the days I'd play the shit out of my Gameboy. Always with the pokemon blue and silver. Then reading. Then We got a portable DVD player and life became awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:45 No.181160
    I claim to be a terrorist and pretend I'm hijacking the plane to kamikaze it into the White House.

    Oh the stories. And I got a free trip to Cuba as a token of appreciation, once.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:47 No.181161

    Are you royalty? or a god perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:10 No.181175
    I max out on sleeping pills and take a laptop.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)05:27 No.181220
    tool long; didn't read
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)05:45 No.181764
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    Bon soir, guys. Do you like my book?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)07:44 No.181784
    book, ipod, blank notebook, magazine, tranquilizers, glass of wine. If I read too much on anything that moves I get nauseated, but in 30 minute increments I'm ok, I can't sleep on a plane, but the pills and booze help me to not care.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)08:54 No.181788
    I look out the window
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)09:53 No.181800
    Everytime I fly I catch an early morning flight and I tell myself it's ok that I haven't slept yet because I can sleep on the plane. I'm such a liar to myself, I can never sleep on a plane. It's too uncomfortable and the flight attendants wake you constantly.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)09:55 No.181803
    Some people have the magical ability to pass out 5 minutes after takeoff and wake up right before landing, it's so weird, but I wish I had that power, to just skip the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)09:59 No.181804
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    Protip: Dramamine + whatever cheap booze they're serving

    Skip the booze if it's an intercontinental flight, since you will wake up dehydrated and have to pee
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)10:22 No.181814
    I suddendly jump out and yell "OH NO THE ENGINE IS ON FIRE!" and then the person I'm traveling with shouts "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!".

    Great fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)12:05 No.182338
    On my last flight there was a bit of smoke coming from the right engine. Luckily we landed all right.
    >> kuzu(。◕‿‿◕。)kuzu !!hhEka3KeR1r 09/02/09(Wed)12:11 No.182340
    Re-watch episodes of Top Gear or read
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)12:16 No.182343

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)12:27 No.182348
    roll a joint

    time passes soooo slowww
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)13:37 No.182368
    How is that funny? I'm not the poster but I always sit next to some lucky douche on the plane who can instantly fall asleep on the plane once they sit down.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)15:14 No.182393
    i stare at the wing all flight long and shit my pants every time it wobbles a little. keeps me pretty occupied. having that giant engine hanging off such a thin looking wing JUST DOESNT FEEL RIGHT MAN

    actually i just watch whatever shit they have available on those little screens built into the seats. i hate how entire chunks of them are just edited out but i guess you can't complain.
    >> ':3 !L4ityhwMgA 09/02/09(Wed)15:30 No.182397
    >Re-watch episodes of Top Gear or read

    >implying someone who watches Top Gear can read
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)17:55 No.182456

    what the fuck? i dont even give a shit about cars and i think top gear is awesome. you sir have bad taste
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)18:13 No.182462
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    I fantasize about the hostesses. Pic related but on a bus.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)18:32 No.182468
    a) Read a sci-fi novel or about some homicide investigation....
    b) Listening music
    c) Think about how probably everybody will die meanwhile we are traveling...
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)19:20 No.182478
    > I fantasize about the hostesses

    Yup, same here.
    You have to traval on a good company though.
    Can't really fantasize when the hostess has hair on her chin. Or is an old hag.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)19:23 No.182479
    Does this really happen in Japan?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)19:43 No.182485
    This _only_ happens in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)20:19 No.182500
    >>I'm a faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)20:29 No.182501
    I ask for full cans
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:33 No.182521
    no u
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:07 No.182532

    was flying from Finland to Minnesota

    didnt sleep the night before

    got on the plane, hoping i can fall asleep

    some black dude from a clay hut (no joking, i saw pics) sits next to me... falls asleep like within 10 mins.

    I fuck around for 8 hours

    flying from Vegas all night bender - to MN

    almost puking from alcohol and just wanting to sleep

    this fucking MOM next to me opens the smelliest fucking food in the world for her retarded loud kids

    they start eating on the fucking plane the food they all prepped - it all smelled like shit.

    somehow i blacked out for a decent sleep - got home and slept for 28 hours straight.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:58 No.182536
    I'm going from SNA->SFO next week, and while it's only 1hr30min to 1hr45min, the time drags on for 36 hours.

    Does Anon know if the bar in SNA a) is pricey (I assume it is), b) rules? I plan on taking enough dph to toss me to the moon, but that could change.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:12 No.182538

    officially the funniest thread on /trv/
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:32 No.182541
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    this makes flying.... interesting.

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