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    28 KB Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)18:48 No.147183  
    Hey /trv/ Britfag here

    I'm thinking about moving to America next year for about a year or so. What do I need to be able to do that? Aside from the obvious things like plane tickets and stuff?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)18:54 No.147185
    where in america are you moving?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)18:55 No.147186
    you'll need a work visa if you want to work here at all. i had a britfag who was dating my roomate (obviously american citizen) try to come over here and live together and be happily ever after or whatever, but within a few months his ass was back on a plane to britfag land. no one could legally hire him due to not having a work visa. he apparently had a really hard time trying to get one too i assume.

    however, you can easily come here and work "under the table" where your employer pays you cash not put on the record books. thats how all the illegal mexicans work. dont expect a decent job obviously if you go that route. expect to be working in a kitchen of some sort, or landscaping or construction, or maybe as a housekeeper or some shit.

    so yeah. main thing: work visa
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)18:56 No.147188
    Minnesota. I've got some friends that live there.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)18:58 No.147189
    How do I apply for a work visa then?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:02 No.147190

    i live in wisconsin. midwest is best my friend. everyone will love you.

    applying for one i really dont know how to do. google it. you also obviously need a passport. for us they take a long time to get. dunno how it is in britfagland, but i advise applying to get it asap. same for work visa soon as you figure out where to get one, ill assume it will be mailed to you from the us. or something
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:06 No.147191
    Yeah i just googled it. Just got to work out which one i actually need now.

    Is there anything else I need to move there?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:11 No.147192

    what are the options? if you cant figure that out possibly i could help.

    hmmmm... nothing i can think of at the moment....

    in minnesota everyone will love your accent and make you out to be some exotic foreigner. girls will want to fuck you daily. not even exaggerating on this, make sure you bring the accent and bring it heavy, especially while out at a bar or whatnot.

    people will want to talk to you and hear what you have to say simply because of where you're from. you'll have a leg up getting a lot of jobs i figure too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:18 No.147193
    Well im actually kind of going for a girl anyway haha. I should have went before i met her.


    Thats the website. To be honest it all depend when I actually go. Im hoping on going next year but it might end up being the year after. I might even end up back at college yet. I could even study over there.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:31 No.147194
    >Temporary Skilled or Unskilled Workers (H2B Visa)

    i guess that'd be the easiest to get?

    no worries, if things go sour with her, you'll already have 5 other girls all over your "exotic" britfag ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:38 No.147195
    Yeah thats the most common one isnt it? Does it effect what jobs you get or anything? Its afternoon for you its late night here i can't brain properly lol.

    First time ive ever been called exotic... but thanks for all the help so far man
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:46 No.147197

    get used to it if you come here. seriously you'll either love or hate all the attention.

    nah it shouldnt affect any of the jobs you cna get. im sure the employers wouldnt give a shit as long as they can legally prove you were allowed to work in the US. see if you dont have that then they can get in trouble, regardless of if they really like you and want you to work there.

    im off for the moment, but remember: keep the accent heavy, dont try to assimilate too much, unless you dont like the attention
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:48 No.147200
    Nice one mate thanks for all the help. And we'll see how things go with this girl first. Push comes to shove I'll just marry her haha.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:52 No.147201
    Move to canada instead, we are much nicer up here.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)19:54 No.147203
    I actually have relatives over there, dont really know them, but it would probably be easier moving there haha
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)21:07 No.147221
    OP, you're not going to like to hear this but... if you have no degree, you won't get a job legally in the US. If you don't have one, forget about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)22:02 No.147236

    elaborate please.
    let me guess, your friend who had a friend who tried to work in the US couldn't get a visa amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)14:23 No.147472
    Is this true?
    >> OP 06/03/09(Wed)14:36 No.147481

    With unemployment as it is now, everyone is trying to get a job. 2 people with doctorates in economics just got hired to work alongside my old coworkers in a factory.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)14:36 No.147482

    It is if you decide to go through the work permit route. If you're from Northern Ireland you can apply for the Diversity Visa. Another option is marrying an American.

    But like other people have suggested, you can easily find under the table work at bars and restaurants. Also, American girls will swoon over your accent.
    >> OP 06/03/09(Wed)14:38 No.147484
    He's not kidding. It's hard enough for a trilingual college student with dual citizenship to get a job here in the US. Nowhere will sponsor him when they could hire American citizens.

    All of the illegal jobs are done by Mexicans who do it much cheaper, and usually better.
    >> bunac Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:20 No.147502
    in 05 i got a 6 month work visa through bunac to the uk form the us,i assume it goes both ways. you have to have been in school in the last 6 monts though.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)02:56 No.147690
    Working visas that UK people can apply for are issued every April. Last year the annual visa limit was reached within 3 days, mostly because there are people from so many countries applying. For the past couple of years more than 70% of working visas have gone to Indian IT workers, most of whom get their university education paid for by a company, who then get them a visa once they're qualified. Their salaries are shit compared to what an American would get and they'll be under that contract for a long time. Hopefully Obama will do something about it soon, because it's not good for America.

    You can go on a 90 day tourist visa. However, you're not officially allowed to look for work or interview on that visa. You need a rock solid job offer that a company has tried to fill for a certain period of time (they'll have to prove this). Which means you'll need some pretty special skills.

    Also, even if you had applied for a visa this April and got approved. You won't actually get it until October. So now, the earliest you'll be able to get a visa is October 2010.

    So you either need to marry someone or work for a multinational company with offices in the US. Work there for at least a year, then get transferred to their US offices. But again, the company has to justify needing a foreign worker vs an American.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)13:28 No.148875
    Right, and the marriage thing... anyone care to explain how that works? I'm assuming it's a bit more complicated than,
    show up + marry = citizenship
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:01 No.148880

    I'm about to do this myself, and as far as i can gather you show up, marry, apply for work permit, get granted work permit.
    Of course, if you don't actually have someone to get married to already you might have problems:
    If you go in on a tourist visa you'd likely have to pay a fine (at best) for going in on false pretenses, which is why i have to go in on a "fiancee visa" which the gf has to apply for first.
    Also, when you apply for the work permit you might get questioned (not sure if they do that to everyone or if there's some sort of suspiciousness criteria they have) to make sure it's not just a convenience marriage.

    Oh and also, all the shit you have to apply for costs a ton.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)14:49 No.148891
    Not OP:
    Would you possibly happen to have an email I could contact you at, or anything? You could probably help me more than anyone, as you're actually doing the same thing I'm trying to do.

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