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  • Happy 8th Birthday, 4chan *click*

    Server/posting issues should be resolved now.

    Portland, OR folks: You are invited to drink beers, play arcade games, and eat delicious donuts.
    The *tentative* plan is to meet up Saturday, at 10PM @ Ground Kontrol ($2 cover after 9PM, 21+ after 5PM), and grab donuts at Voodoo after midnight.
    If anything changes I'll post it to @4chan on the Twitter (so follow it if you're thinking about coming).

    File : 1317190586.jpg-(25 KB, 302x302, ebay_pioneer[1].jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:16 No.2555019  
    > List Transformers on ebay
    > get message


    In order to maintain a safe trading environment, there's a limit on the number of times individual sellers can list certain items in a period of 30 consecutive days. The types of items that are subject to limits may vary.

    You've reached the 30-day selling limit for the type of item you're trying to list. This means that while you can list other types of items, you will need to wait 30 days or until your other listings of this type have ended before you can list this item.

    WTF is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:18 No.2555021
    eBay being eBay, sadly. If you did 7 day auctions, once those end, you'll be fine to list more. If you did buy it nows, then you're kind of boned and at the mercy of buyers.

    Good luck with the sales!
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:34 No.2555036
    >buy toy on eBay
    >seller sends tracking number and ticks the shipped box
    >it says "Electronic Shipping Info Received"
    >10 days go by
    >it says still "Electronic Shipping Info Received"
    >send seller message inquiring if they shipped my toy yet
    >3 days go by
    >seller never responded
    >it still says "Electronic Shipping Info Received"
    >check feedback
    >a couple of neutral feedback claiming that the seller never sent the items or communicated, but that the seller refunded the money
    >seller replies that she did send the items and claims that USPS workers must have stolen the packages
    >don't wanna file a claim and screw the person over if they had already sent my toy
    wat do?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:34 No.2555037
    >ebay double dips fees from sellers
    >puts a limit to how many items a seller can list
    >thus limits money they get
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:49 No.2555052

    Stop being gullible and file a claim.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)03:10 No.2555075
    >sell shit on eBay
    >one is an old laptop that no longer works
    >some guy pays $200 for it
    >emails me every day since the day the auction has ended asking me if I shipped it yet, despite telling him every time "I will update with a tracking number when its shipped"
    >see his name is something arab or indian and that he lives in New York
    >wait as long as I can to ship it
    >he still emails me every day

    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)03:24 No.2555086
    >guy uses Buy It Now on my auction
    >does not pay immediately
    >one day later, messages me asking if the item is used or not and what the condition of the item is
    >says he will not pay until I answer his questions
    >auction description/picture already described item as brand new and unopened
    >resist urge to call buyer an idiot

    I answered him of course and he paid (a day later), but still, what the hell was that guy thinking.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)03:32 No.2555100
    >Post auction
    >US and Canada only
    >Even select that from the list when it asks "Where will you ship to"
    >Put in description
    >Someone uses buy it now
    >Sends me a message immediately after
    >will u ship to france it says us only in auction
    >Don't respond, open claim to cancel
    >He never responds
    >After a week, close claim
    >Have to wait a week to relist the damn item

    Fuck him.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)03:35 No.2555101
    >sell expensive item on eBay
    >get a buyer after two days
    >HELL yeah! Time to go pick out some new toys to buy with this money!
    >message from buyer
    >i clicked buy by mistake plz cancel ok
    Fucking facepalm. He clicked buy, and then went through all the details and shit, and clicked confirm, all by "mistake." Now I have to wait again.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)03:44 No.2555116
    Wait the maximum length of time for delivery (I don't know what it is in the US, but in the UK it's 15 working days), then file a claim.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)04:04 No.2555133
    >sell an item
    >specify I only ship to the US
    >specify in caps in the description
    >specify in the little "ship to" section
    >some dumbass buys it, when I go to pay for a shipping label, I see they are from Canada
    >I tell them I only ship to the US and can refund them their money and shipping will cost more than originally stated
    >"Oh, but I already paid for it. Can't you just cover the extra for shipping?"
    >fuck you
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)04:55 No.2555160
    >list items on eBay
    >specify in caps in the description that I don't want local pickup
    >auction ends
    >winner sends me a message
    >"when can I come pick up the goods?"
    >explain politely to him he won't come pick up the goods
    >get bad feedback


    >list items on eBay
    >eBay give me two choices, either putting the same shipping price for all international destination or one price for each country
    >don't wanna spent 4 hours checking price for every country
    >select the same price for all international destination and specify in big, bold, red and underlined that international shipping isn't accurate thus international must message me prior to bidding
    >winner is international and didn't ask for shipping price
    >winner asks for shipping
    >"that's too expensive I ain't paying that shit"
    >second best bidder is also international
    >"oh, so that wasn't the right shipping price? dude, learn how to use ebay because the shipping price you're asking isn't the one that appear on your auction"
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)05:11 No.2555167
    OP here. I just listed the same 7 day auction 3 times in a row (ie, day 1, day 8, day 15...) it's not selling, listings are free, so duh I'm just relisting it. Don't know why they've added this new restriction. It's for a transformer, if it helps.


    Um, dude, that's kinda your fault for listing a fake price. What you should do is offer worldwide shipping but get the buyer to email you for a quote.

    I'm outside of the USA and I see that quite a lot.
    >> Venkman !kM/YMzVjpI 09/28/11(Wed)05:16 No.2555171
    You didn't see the option "Calculated: Cost varies by buyer location" under International Shipping?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)05:22 No.2555179
    >What you should do is offer worldwide shipping but get the buyer to email you for a quote.
    eBay doesn't offer the same options neither it works the same way all over the world, eBay wouldn't let me offer worldwide shipping without choosing between the two pricing options I talked about.

    >You didn't see the option "Calculated: Cost varies by buyer location" under International Shipping?
    Don't have that option on my eBay.
    >> lordleachim !!ieK4Av3gQ/k 09/28/11(Wed)10:28 No.2555372
    i just signed up for the hell of it. seems like an interesting idea, but most of the auctions really are for worthless crap. most of it is free though, so i guess it works out.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)10:29 No.2555373
    >You earn credits by selling in auctions, and use those credits to buy items in auctions. No cash involved, except to ship.
    What if you don't want to sell anything, you just want to buy?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)10:53 No.2555391
    Read the sentence you just quoted again and think real fucking hard for a while.

    Or hey, since thinking isn't your strong suit, go to the website and take a look at the section called 'How It Works'.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)10:56 No.2555397
    As a seller
    >Have a 100% positive feedback profile with more than 150 transactions
    >List a valuable item
    >Auction ends at $270 with 11 bids
    >Get email from winner
    >"How can I be sure you'll send me the item once I paid?"
    >All of my hate

    As a buyer
    >Ask a seller if the item he's selling is from a smoke free house
    >"dat is the dumbest question i evar heard"
    >Leave that moron and his auction alone
    >4 days later
    >"ya buyin or no mofo?"
    >I hate people
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)12:43 No.2555446
         File1317228220.jpg-(51 KB, 624x351, a675ce7ebc5da72c73c95add95f0c6(...).jpg)
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    Jesus christ.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)16:06 No.2555597
         File1317240414.jpg-(252 KB, 900x500, 1252860904342.jpg)
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    I laughed more than I should have.

    Here's my eBay story:

    >Selling a bunch of Lego Collectible Minifigs on eBay
    > One dude bids on a whole bunch of them, including multiples of some (not just dupes, but like 4-5 of the same figure)
    > Get message after auction ends saying "I only want one of each fig, no dupes. Can you please cancel the ones with the highest bids and just give me the ones I won with the lowest bid amount?"
    > This isn't a direct quote, because he was foreign and much harder to understand.
    > Tell him eBay doesn't work that way.
    > He says just to cancel the whole thing then
    > Tell him he can't
    > After several exchanges, finally pressue him into paying for all the figs he bid on.
    > Everything worked out in the end.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)16:11 No.2555600
    Was he Italian by any chance? Anytime someone buys something from me and then fucks about asking for discounts and shit they always seem to be Italian.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)16:38 No.2555610
    >worthless crap
    Agreed. I've just spent the last half hour looking through it and not finding anything in any category that I'd ever want. Seems like a bunch of housewives posting shit that nobody else wanted either.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)17:30 No.2555654
    >toss some TFs up on eBay without their c-clip weapons
    >auction ends, winner pays
    >message: "what are c clipp weapons"
    >tell him
    >"but they come with weapons"
    >tell him nope
    >no response for two days, so I ship it
    >earlier today: "i dont want them refund me now"

    Also, some guy paid for his shit but the payment hasn't gone through, and he's acting like it's my fault. He's messaged me seven times asking for another invoice when I've already told him I can't send another if he's already paid and that he has to cancel the payment through PayPal.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)17:33 No.2555658
    Isn't there some kind of thing on eBay that states that once you win something, you are contractually obligated to pay for it? I've had so many people canceling on me recently. I'm a nice guy, so I usually let it slide, but everyone's got their limits and I'm reaching mine.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)18:03 No.2555675
    the very first thing i attempted to buy from ebay and won i was told by the seller

    "im sorry i dont sell to people with no feedback"

    fair enough i figured (though it should have been said int he description) "i'll just get my money back and buy from another seller.
    i send a message to him asking for a refund of the money i had already payed to him. i get no response back, a week goes by. no response, no refund. so i send another message asking if he could please refund the monies i payed out before being informed he did not sell to no ratings buyers....nothing again for 3 days. i send one more final message detailing everything to him. NOTHING back from the seller. i go ahead and open a dispute to get my money and stop dicking around.

    3 weeks pass before my dispute finally gets resolved through paypal with him.

    i leave bad feedback on him with the comment saying
    "seller lacked communication. did not clearly explain who items could be sold to and forced me to open dispute with paypal in order to receive refund"

    he responds to my negative feedback with

    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)18:05 No.2555677
    > Want a Limited Edition Pax Halo Grunt Plushy
    > All auctions are US only no Canada.
    > Final someone posts one that ships international
    > I buy it
    > They ship it
    > All is well
    >> キタ━━━━━━( ㆍ∀ㆍ)━━━━━━ !!!! !VIPPERqY8o 09/28/11(Wed)18:25 No.2555698
    Shit like this makes me wary to sell things on ebay. I sold a Wreck-Gar there once and it worked out okay but the sheer amount of horror stories make me just wanna stick to the BST.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)18:32 No.2555707
    I literally just put a bunch of stuff on the BST thread because I'm not too fond of eBay anymore. Beyond the fact that they keep adding fees, I feel like every once in awhile a buyer is trying to get something for free. That, or the fact that they cause problems despite you doing everything correctly on your end.

    I had a guy, with zero feedback, give me negative feedback because he purchased the wrong figure from me. I had another guy give me negative feedback saying he never got is items. Then he opened a claim on me. I sent him a priority mail tracking code, showing that the post office marked it as delivered, and never heard from him again. Ebay still held my money for a month despite having proof of shipping. Haven't sold anything there since.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)18:33 No.2555710
    I think it depends heavily on what's being sold. I don't doubt there are many manchildren who are retards and don't read auctions, but the chances are, the people having repeated selling issues are doing something wrong too.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)18:34 No.2555711
    who the fuck uses ebay anymore?

    amazon market place in the superior option for buyers and sellers right now.

    ebay is nothing like it once was. scams and other shady stuff everywhere. plus, fees out the ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)18:36 No.2555715
         File1317249410.gif-(34 KB, 100x100, 1280033923979.gif)
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    >Buy some super human samurai toys off ebay
    >wait three weeks and they don't arrive
    >ebay page is now close
    >is fucked
    >shows up three weeks later with a not from grandma of seller

    I just didn't know what the fuck was going on, but I got my shit.


    >Bidding for a titanus that had a fucked up description
    >He was in an auction with some other PR shit I didn't want
    >seller realizes parts go with another megazord and removes them from the auction
    >to make up for it he adds another lot that didn't sell to my titanus
    >bunch of free shit that I didn't want

    uh everything went better than planned?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)18:49 No.2555724
    I don't buy or sell from ebay, but I knew a guy who made a living buying, upgrading then reselling computers off it. He was helping some guy sell a comp on ebay once for a comission since the guy didn't have his own ebay account. He told him the dues and don'ts of ebay then posted the auction.
    A few days later the guy had tried to upbid his own auction and was found out by ebay and my friends perfect record and satisfaction rate was destoryed as he recieved a bunch of warnings and comments from ebay saying they are now investigating him and will hold all transactions until they were complete.
    That wasn't some nickel and dime operation either, he made thousands off this business and was losing thanks to one idiot.
    >> キタ━━━━━━( ㆍ∀ㆍ)━━━━━━ !!!! !VIPPERqY8o 09/28/11(Wed)18:52 No.2555728
    Actually now that I think of it, I have a weird ebay story.

    >Browsing Virtual On crap on ebay
    >Big lot of shit, looks like someone selling their boyfriend's stuff
    >Includes an unopened Kaiyodo DNA Normal Mode Fei-Yen and Robot Museum GaoGaiGar, as well as a bunch of other shit like an old Kaiyodo Eva and a Rei statue
    >$30 BIN

    >Finally arrives
    >huge-ass box
    >Oh no

    >Fei-Yen's enormous blistercard used as packing material for all the other worthless crap.
    >Everything is just loose in the box and has been pumelling the two already horribly-fragile Kaiyodo figures for 5 days.
    >Fei-Yen's ankles completely shattered, twintails have detached from the heart things on her head
    >StealthGao broken off GGG's back

    I got my money back, but there was one time I ordered a Sega Saturn that arrived the same way. The CD tray door was completely fucked because it was just bouncing around in a huge box and wouldn't close properly. I didn't get my money back off that because I had sent a picture with it on, plugged into the TV, showing the "CLOSE DISC DOOR" message wile the disc door was, in fact closed. Apparently that still "works".
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:00 No.2555735
    I bought a gashapon Combattler V set from a seller. It arrived with the waist/leg piece broken at one hip. I emailed asking if he had a spare of that piece. Nothing. I email again. Nothing. Open a dispute through ebay. Nothing. Finally, the option to phone ebay direct comes up, so I call and explain everything, they refund the money. I leave negative feedback, the guy responds with the same "THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER" bullshit.

    Still, fuck him. My feedback's perfect and I got the toy for free. Glued the piece back on and all was well with the world. Lost the hip articulation, but as the figure didn't have knee or ankle joints it doesn't make much difference.
    >> nanajuyen 09/28/11(Wed)19:09 No.2555736
    How did he upbid his own auction if he didn't have an ebay account? and also how did ebay know that they were connected?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:19 No.2555828
    The next time something like that happens and you don't get your money back, report them for fraud.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:26 No.2555838
    To offer some defence to the people you're complaining about here, eBay did used to mix up all sorts of results, regardless of where they said they'd ship to. It also tends to offer North American results if it can't find anything in your country (since NA seems to have all sorts of shit). I've never made the mistake myself, but it's not like they've walked into McDonalds and tried to buy a flight to Spain.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:32 No.2555851
    Amazon Marketplace is really undeveloped and just not a competitor at all. And this is coming from someone who loves Amazon so much that loads of people just get me Amazon vouchers for Christmas because I always have Amazon envelopes around the house. It just doesn't have the userbase and also, on the off-chance it does have something a bit rare, it's insanely overpriced (Kino no Tabi figurine, about $100 from plus $60 middleman fees and postage, on Amazon Marketplace the same item was $400 without postage).
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:35 No.2555857
    >horror stories make me just wanna stick to the BST.
    Guess what...
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:37 No.2555936
         File1317260226.jpg-(34 KB, 472x315, bodyquirk_090914_01_msk_a472x3(...).jpg)
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    >Auction off an item
    >Auction ends! and Money GET!
    >Someone asks me a question about item and it isn't the winning the bidder
    >"Can I still get that toy for +$5? I was going to bid but my computer crashed"
    >> lordleachim !!ieK4Av3gQ/k 09/28/11(Wed)22:02 No.2555969
    >I feel like every once in awhile a buyer is trying to get something for free.

    this is my big problem with ebay now. buyers can file a dispute for any reason and ebay will always side with the buyer for the slightest reason. and since sellers can't leave negative feedback anymore, buyers have nothing to lose from filing disputes. they can basically get their stuff for free. one guy filed a dispute because his items didn't arrive in three days after i shipped them, and ebay refunded his money immediately and screwed me over cause i didn't drive them and deliver them in person, apparently. ebay is driving out small sellers like us in favor of the huge power sellers.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:15 No.2555981
    This kind of shit why you always, always, ALWAYS add tracking, along with signature confirmation if the item is expensive. Preferably purchased online so you have a record of the address it was shipped to. Even if they try to fuck you by filing a dispute, you can nail them for mail fraud.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:31 No.2556009

    I made the mistake of shipping something "insured" since its trackable if you call USPS. Ebay does not recognize this since you can not click a button. Lost the item, money, and auction fees from scam dispute.

    There needs to be an alternative to Ebay that is not amazon.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:33 No.2556011
         File1317263624.jpg-(159 KB, 365x397, rei trollface.jpg)
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    >Put a set of figures figures up for bid about 6 years ago
    >Bidder bids $145 with 3 days to go.
    >No other bids
    >Miss $145 never pays
    >After weeks of emailing her, she finally replies with "changed mind"
    >Report to eBay, they do nothing
    >Get contact info on girl from her eBay profile.
    >Sell set for $70 bucks in relist 2 weeks after first auction.
    >Gather info on her, her family over the next 8 months
    >1 year of balls out trolling (email spam, snail mail spam, signed up for free shit, late night phonecalls describing her neighborhood, workplace, family's house in detail (thank you Google!), also calls to family, workplace, etc, The whole shebang)
    >drive her completely batshit crazy.
    >stop suddenly, except for 1 phone call each year to let her know somebody's still out there.
    >The LULZ alone more than made up for the loss of $$$
    >> PLANELEGS !!YS2xQUOPuvc 09/28/11(Wed)22:37 No.2556015
         File1317263852.jpg-(61 KB, 450x334, 1309484188274.jpg)
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    But can't the police easily track you by your caller ID?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:41 No.2556023
    Sure. If you use your own phone.
    Disposable cellphones are extremely cheap.
    Besides, she was on the West Coast, I was on the East.
    >> PLANELEGS !!YS2xQUOPuvc 09/28/11(Wed)22:45 No.2556032
         File1317264359.jpg-(61 KB, 279x396, 1315450675066.jpg)
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    >disposable cellphones
    They make disposable cellphones?! Holy shit this must be what time travelers feel like!

    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:48 No.2556038
    That is profoundly petty
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:49 No.2556041
    >see item on ebay I've been looking for
    >bids are pretty low
    >read description, check out shipping detail
    >ships: worldwide
    >throw in a relatively low max bid for the slim chance I'll get it
    >auction ends, I get a good deal
    >check description again
    >at the bottom it says "I will not ship to international buyers"
    >oh shit, I fucked up
    >get email from seller almost immediately
    >it's for payment
    >pay for item plus shipping
    >it's shipped the next day
    >he gives me good feedback the same day
    >item arrives quickly

    What a nice fellow.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:50 No.2556043
    They sure do. You can buy them with minutes already on them, and once they run out, you buy more, or toss them. They've had them for at least 10 years, and they're about 25 bucks a pop.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:54 No.2556049
    Never said it wasn't. But it was totally worth every moment.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:57 No.2556051
    Well, whatever amuses you, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:05 No.2556056
    Yeah, so I did that today and got my refund from the seller a couple hours ago. Apparently, she hadn't shipped out my toy despite 20 days having passed since I paid....
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:13 No.2556066
    That was petty, vindictive, and downright cruel.

    I loved it :3

    Never wait too long before filing a dispute. It must be within 45 days of payment. After that eBay/PayPal will just say tough shit, too late.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:38 No.2556086
    >That was petty, vindictive, and downright cruel.
    You forgot "fictional"
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:48 No.2556302
    >Report to eBay, they do nothing

    This is where your story gets unbelievable. If an item hasn't been paid for on eBay they credit your FVF fees without issue. That's been the case since forever.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)07:17 No.2556457
    >Buy 4 items from one seller on eBay
    >arrive packaged in nothing but a couple of layers of wrapping paper
    >Overcharged on shipping
    >One figure is missing the head
    >Another is the completely wrong item
    >Why do I keep buying from eBay
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)07:44 No.2556465
    Similar, yet non-ebay related story

    >Flirting with guy over internet
    >He tells me that he is pretty much untraceable online
    >Send his fiancee a birthday card to her place of work, on her birthday
    >Call his desk at work to tell him that I'd done it
    >They come home to flowers on the doorstep
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)10:02 No.2556534
    Not to sound like a shill, but has started to seem like a pretty good alternative to eBay, especially for sellers.

    Listings are simple and easy, and there are no fees for sellers, rather the buyers pay a small commission. You ship the item with tracking, plug the number into the website, then the buyer has two days to dispute after the item is shown as delivered. After that, Crave pays you, and the transaction is completely over. Crave themselves holds the money in the meantime, so I believe you're shielded from any kind of ongoing Paypal dispute bullshit.

    Only downside is that they only have Transformers, Star Wars, and GI Joe right now. It works through your Facebook login, and it has a kind of stupid, addictive little "points" system to go along with your user profile, where you vote and comment on good deals for points.

    Like I said, I mainly like it because you don't have to worry about your transactions coming back to bite you in the ass later, and it's free to sell.
    >> Venkman !kM/YMzVjpI 09/30/11(Fri)03:23 No.2557561
    Could you sound any MORE like an online advertiser?

    It's like you cut & pasted some phrases from the script they gave you, adding in names of toys & curse words.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)06:53 No.2557666
    >Sell TF G1 Quickswitch on ebay
    >One guy asks loads of questions
    >Same guy wins auction
    >No payment for over a week.
    >Ask dude where payment is.
    >Get response of just "No thanks dude."

    You can't just say 'no thanks' when you win an auction, guy! I really want negative feedback back for buyers.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:06 No.2557740
    >list Gurren Kashou-shiki starting at $40
    >Buy It Now at $50
    >Get a message saying "Hey, I'll buy it right now from you for $40."

    Um, no. That's what the Buy it Now is for, retard. Even if you're going to haggle, you can't start at the opening bid price.

    >get message from different buyer for my Lancelot Conquista IAO
    > some dude from Brazil: There is box?
    >reply: "No, the original box is gone. Also I can't ship to Brazil for free. It's going to cost a lot extra"
    >dude messages again: Is box?

    Check the dude's profile. Has left negative feedback for buying items from U.S. sellers who explicitly don't ship worldwide, then leaving negative feedback when they don't ship to Brazil.
    Some other dude uses Buy it Now 5 minutes later.

    >disaster avoided.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:35 No.2557763
    I've used Crave, and it's a decent system. I don't like the facebook aspect, but if it had a wider selection, or more of single items and lots, I'd use it over ebay
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)13:33 No.2557887
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    >>2557740 box?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)13:35 No.2557890
    Box is NO!
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)13:51 No.2557906
    If I had a nickle for every time I got the "My son bid on the auction without my permission, please cancel this transaction" bullshit from some asshat with buyers remorse... well... I'd have a shitload of fucking nickels.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)13:53 No.2557909
    Don't sell on eBay, only BUY.

    There are separate auction sites for things like games, toys, antiques, et cetera. You buy on eBay because most sellers are idiots. You don't SELL on eBay because most buyers are fucking faggots.

    Gamegavel is a site I've been THINKING about selling on, but I've yet to buy anything from sellers there yet... Since on that site, people tend to be gaming community types and KNOW the value of what they're selling, unlike eBay where it's "found this stupid video game with some printed sticker on it, only plays stupid rad racer and mario 3 and crap. thought it was zelda, but I got ripped off, so if you want this turd, $5."
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:01 No.2557922
    Here is a good story, should make you lol or rage...

    >have a friend who makes costumes
    >makes a screen accurate SW one a few years ago
    >spend a lot of money making it
    >decides to sell it in October hoping someone will pay big for Halloween
    >sells it and basically breaks even
    >buyer says "I don't get paid for the next 2 weeks, but i NEEEEED the costume before then for a party, can you send it now and I will pay you when i get paid?"
    >friend says "derp ok!" and sends the guy the costume, without payment
    >few weeks later (after Halloween), buyer says "the costume really isn't want I wanted so I'm just gonna send it back."
    >friend doesn't understand what went wrong

    If i'm lyin', i'm dyin'....
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.2557926
    I 'm sure you guys have seen this kinda shit before:

    >Item has a shit ton of " Buy it Now " listings W/ free shipping for $20
    >Finally find one slightly cheaper for $15
    >Retards bid and bid / Price jack until it goes for $26
    All of my fucking rage, why do they do this stupid shit when the could have bought it for $20?

    This next one you'll see more on Amazon but sometimes still happens on ebay.
    >Slightly new release average retail $20-$24
    >Look for a cheaper one on the seller list
    >There is always one retard at the bottom whose price is usually $80-179
    Do people actually pay that much for common shit?Why waste the energy listing something that you will never sell? Even complete idiots wouldn't randomly buy it, so why bother?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:07 No.2557928
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    >Um, no. That's what the Buy it Now is for, retard. Even if you're going to haggle, you can't start at the opening bid price.

    Um, Yeah. That's how you haggle, retard. The buyer throws you the price he wants to pay, you give him the amount you want, and you go back and forth until you find a happy medium. He can start at any price he chooses.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:21 No.2557938
    >Put an item on my watch list that's $108. The price is meh, but I saved it just in case I can haggle with them or he puts it on sale.

    >A week or two goes by and he never sales it.
    >The next relisting he put it on sale for $105 ( Only $3 off? Still a lolno from me)
    >Another week or two goes by and still doesn't sale it at his new super duper three dollar off discount.
    >He relists the item for $135
    What. The. Five-fingered. Titty-fuck. If it won't sale at $108 it's not going to sale when you jack up the price Dr. Dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.2557943
    >get some TRU exclusive Heroclix, extras for friends
    >three figures for $45
    >friends end up getting them elsewhere
    >somewhat hard to find, but will get wider release in a month
    >whatever I'll put it on ebay for $110 BIN and see what happens
    >cheaper auctions for the same stuff available
    >guy buys it ten minutes later
    >sends me message, "I have been looking everywhere for these."
    >made almost three times what I paid for them

    A fool and his money
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:37 No.2557949
    >five business days handling time

    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:48 No.2557958
    lmfao oh wow. How epic.

    An update to this story. I mailed out his item Monday. He sends me a message Thursday night:

    >"Where is my item?"
    >It's shipped, I added the tracking info to the listing and marked it as shipped.
    >"Can I have tracking number?"
    >It's on the eBay listing. (I was at a bar with friends, didn't want to sit there for 5 minutes copy pasting shit, I was on my mobile).
    >"It's in ebay? I dont understand"
    >Yes, if you click on the listing, you will see a button that says track package. Or from your home screen.
    >"Send it to me?"
    >(FORFUCKSAKE) copy/paste the tracking number. You should really learn how to use eBay.
    >"Don't insult me!"
    >It's not an insult if it's clearly true you do not know how to use eBay.
    >"I don't know why the package isn't here yet! It said 7-8 days! Why isn't it here yet! Not knowing how to use eBay doesn' t mean my packages have to be slow!"
    >Ohboy. You paid on the 16th. It takes 24 business hours to clear payment. Then I have five business days handling time. Weekends don't count. So I shipped perfectly on time."

    He hasn't repsonded yet. I sold a laptop that has no hard drive, which it clearly stated in the listing. I'm waiting for him to complain about that since I know this fucker can't read.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:49 No.2557959
    I have a fulltime job, a girlfriend whom I live with, and I had about 20 auctions listed. Five days handling time is nothing. Max amount is 10 I believe.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:55 No.2557964

    How did he upbid the auction if he didn't have an account?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:57 No.2557969

    Sellers can no longer leave negative feedback
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:58 No.2557970
    No, the least offer he should have started out with was $41. Why would I lower the Buy it Now price to match the starting bid price?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)15:03 No.2557977

    20 months of work for $75. Who's the batshit crazy one?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)16:11 No.2558012
    No, He can offer you whatever he wants. You don't have to accept that offer.

    >Why would I lower the Buy it Now price to match the starting bid price?
    I didn't say you had to. You really have some reading comprehension problems there, Corky. PLUS, you can't haggle worth a shit apparently.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)16:22 No.2558019
    Haggling is for third-world mudslimes who smell of anise, jasmine and body odor.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)17:53 No.2558051
    >>2557922 should make you lol or rage
    That made me kinda sad :(
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:05 No.2558083
    I really feel bad about those monkeys on my country. Soon, no one will want to sell shit to Brazil because of those faggots (and the others who open a dispute on PayPal because their items didn't arrive yet due to customs). Wait, I should've mentioned them first because they are THE cancer of our buyers
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:14 No.2558092
    I won't sell to Brazil because of two auctions where this crap has happened.
    Protip: ebay settings permit you to block various buyer characteristics.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:19 No.2558099
    >Be Canadian / Québécois.

    >Can't find Generation Scourge, Wheeljack, Warpath and Sergent Kup anywhere.

    >Scalping prices on Ebay + rape shipping.

    >Find them all at the Hasbro Toy Shop for 12$ each.

    >Find HftD Jetblade at 9$.

    >Find TF;Prime Optimus Prime Botcon 1st Edition at 20$.

    >Get a free OP Kreo minifig.

    >Still have to pay 15$ of taxes and 35$ of shipping................




    >Order and pay like a boss.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)21:16 No.2558146
    Civilization was built on haggling, my boy.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)22:05 No.2558154
    How do you get combined shipping?
    Do not not pa until the seller gives you an invoice?
    Do you have to ask before bidding?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)22:56 No.2558165
    Yeah, and look where that has got us.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)23:25 No.2558178

    how'd you manage that?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:17 No.2558205

    Already acknowledged that. I deliberately did want to make it sound good, because the site will be better with more activity, and it's a pretty good system if they can actually keep it running.
    >> Venkman !kM/YMzVjpI 10/01/11(Sat)00:58 No.2558265
    No, that's what the "Best Offer" option is for. If he didn't have that option available for buyers, then he can tell whoever trying to "haggle" to go piss a monkey.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:38 No.2558308

    I've dealt with buyers like that before... it's like they just make shit up to fuss about at every goddamn step in the process.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:23 No.2558360
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    "Look Lenny, another fucktard that can't read!"

    Where did it say in that post that the seller HAS to accept any offer, you fucking moron?
    The bidder can offer whatever he wants. Two cents for the item if he so desires. Doesn't mean the seller has to accept it. But the bidder is not obligated in any way shape or form to offer a certain price.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:24 No.2558361
    >to go piss a monkey.

    And you are an illiterate fucktard as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)07:28 No.2558636
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    >Go to any store

    >Offer two cents for some random shit

    >Be looked at like you just grew a second head

    >Throw a fit because they don't take you offer seriously

    >Be treated like a moron and be thrown out of the store

    It not because you "can" do something that it's logical or smart. Either you are too dumb to understand that simple fact, or you are trolling the shit out of people.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)09:10 No.2558714
    >buy some transformers on as an international seller
    >no problem since seller accepts
    >send money
    >seller sends items
    >2 weeks later no package, not yet worried (2-3 weeks is normal shipping time)
    >one week later still no package, start getting worried
    >decides to wait one more week, yet no package
    >emails seller to ask if there was a tracking n° and/or if he could sheck the status of my package
    >no answer on my mails during 3 weeks
    >I give the seller negative feedback for lack of communication
    >not even one day later he gives me negative feedback (back in the time when the sellers could do that) and call me a liar (so it takes a negative feedback for him to wake up...)
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)09:24 No.2558724
    I love it when sellers make no effort to respond to communication, then immediately fly into a rage when you neg them. A guy last year I bought 2 items from only sent one of them, first refused to believe me when I told him, then tried to brush it off with "I don't know what's happened to it then", then offered substitute items which I declined, doesn't respond to that, doesn't respond to my next e-mail a week later, after another week I just say fuck it and leave a negative and he's hurling abuse at me within 30 minutes. What the fuck else did he expect?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)09:29 No.2558726
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    As for now you just have to fila a case. The feedback will never get your money/item. The Case and the Paypal Protection Program will.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)10:40 No.2558777
    Actually, you'd be amazed how much people will pay to get rid of negative feedback. In that instance the time had elapsed to open a dispute (slow dispatch, took a while to arrive from overseas, then he was incredibly slow to reply to me each time), but after getting a negative he issued a full refund for the absent items in exchange for feedback revision.

    Similar case with another guy, bought a "Mint in mint box" Diaclone, both had damage which was concealed in the photos, seller pulls the "caveat emptor" bullshit, refuses to pay for return shipping, I leave negative feedback and he issues a full refund and lets me keep the figure for a positive rating. I don't know why he didn't just pay the $30 return shipping in the first place if he was that worried about negative feedback, he wound up losing a lot more than that.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)10:52 No.2558792
    It's like that XKCD comic. You could mail a bobcat once every 30 packages and still have a decent rating.

    You only get 100% once, so they try to hold onto it.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:09 No.2558807
    new sellers are limit until get 100 feedbacks...
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:39 No.2558820
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    Care to translate?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:53 No.2558832
    When I have a seller who drags ass I always send an email threatening negative feedback... it seems to work, and avoids some of the bullshit. I have had that not work at all too, so... whattayagonnado?

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