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  • File deleted. Jin Saotome GENERAL Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)17:39 No.2525908  
    We talk about the latest developments in the life of the most popular customizers ever.

    Please keep trolling and hateshit down to a minimum. Attempts to spam will be reported.


    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)17:49 No.2525921
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    Baby's first troll?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)17:53 No.2525927
    You should be a comedian OP. It is clear that you are better suited to joke than to troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)17:57 No.2525932
    trollin' with the big dogs, OP?

    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)17:59 No.2525936
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    thank you based mods
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:00 No.2525938
    Can we sticky this? Maybe dissuade people from posting more shit like it in the future?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:04 No.2525947
    Proof that reporting works.
    >> LoranBasaraEvin !aTurnA/alk 09/06/11(Tue)18:05 No.2525950
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    >> Wreckage's Ghost 09/06/11(Tue)18:06 No.2525954
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:09 No.2525964
    unfortunately the user was banned because of


    And not because it was a Jin thread. Our janitor is only trying to spin it that way. And that means sadly one less janitor soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:14 No.2525974
    Everyone post on the 4chan irc room, or email them and ask them to make this a sticky to make the poster an example of.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:14 No.2525976
    janitors dont have the banhammer, this was a mod's work.

    sadly the faggot who was banned will come back after reseting his router
    >> Symon Nanou !djWhqSXcFs 09/06/11(Tue)18:17 No.2525979
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:24 No.2525990
    Awww, I missed the picture.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:26 No.2525991
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    And these, blast points. Only Imperial Storm Troopers are so precise.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)18:42 No.2526016
    long gone are the days when mods banned faggots with surgical precission


    Obi wan, you so crazy!
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)19:37 No.2526094
    bump as a reminder
    >> Massani !!GiZDXca9DMK 09/06/11(Tue)20:51 No.2526208
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)20:54 No.2526212
    It's even better when you realize the OP most likely was Jin.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)21:53 No.2526304
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    >He still believes everyone posting about Jin is actually Jin, rather than trolls trying to rile up /toy/
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)22:42 No.2526354
    Please, for the love of Darwin. I hope it was Jin posting under anon who got banned
    >> Optimus !jinsuxGhck 09/07/11(Wed)22:31 No.2527742
    This is cool
    >> Jin Saotome !!/nA/Iex/uHm 09/07/11(Wed)22:33 No.2527746
    Naw, it wasn't me. I love watching the manchildren here trip overthemselves in hopes I somehow was banned, run over, or abducted. It's like their hobby to keep tabs on whatever I'm doing. Kinda sick and demented but hey, I suppose I keep them off the street.

    Seriously, I don't make these posts. Here's hoping more people get banned for trolling.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)22:42 No.2527766

    Please go away.
    >> Cassette Bat !B.gRVsKNNE 09/07/11(Wed)22:44 No.2527768
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    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)22:57 No.2527779

    why would you bump this thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)22:58 No.2527783
    I hate you more than any other living being on the face of this planet. I sincerely hope, as much as one human being possibly can, that you die horribly.

    Maybe bleeding to death from the mangled stumps where your hands used to be or impaled through the stomach after an accident on some remote country road where no one will find you until it's too late, granting you hours of suffering before you meet your maker.
    >> Jin Saotome !!/nA/Iex/uHm 09/07/11(Wed)23:17 No.2527811
    At least you're at home on your computer frothing your gaping maw over me instead of stalking little girls or sniffing bicycle seats outside of a school.

    And for that I take a bow.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:18 No.2527814

    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:30 No.2527819
    >implying I couldn't be posting from a smartphone while sitting outside your house with a crowbar waiting to smash your smug face in
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:30 No.2527820

    one day...
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:34 No.2527822
    Responding only makes this shit worse.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:38 No.2527828
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    I don't want to deal with it anymore. I need other board/forum suggestions.

    Could simply search google at the risk of joining a single minded community who possibly won't be up there with the news, so... why not look for references from the soldiers themselves? (assuming they haven't all left by this point since threads are all so different from earlier this year).
    Some kind hearted fellow did this on /d/ and it worked pretty well for me.

    a reasonably moderated forum which requires an account registration would be nice, permanent bans and does not tolerate viral marketing.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:45 No.2527840
    Try Fwoosh. From what I understand Jin is persona non grata there.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:45 No.2527841
    This thread needs to STAY bumped. So people will see what happens to the jintrolls. This thread needs a fucking sticky.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:47 No.2527845
    >no one said anything about little girls
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:48 No.2527851

    Well, what are you looking for specifically? A place for toy news in general, or something for a single line or series?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:05 No.2527895

    Fwoosh was the one that profited from the Gleek fiasco at SDCC 2010. It's a horrible site and it's full of TRUE awful favoritism and circlejerking. The "tripfaggotry" here is nothing compared to Fwoosh.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:08 No.2527906
    He's making fun of you faggots for caring about what he does. It's not a huge leap of logic to assume that if you weren't foaming at the ass over a toy customizer on the internet, you'd likely be stalking some little girls around a park somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:11 No.2527912
    Hi Jin, still mad about getting caught samefagging on fwoosh?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)00:17 No.2527925
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    this, toy news. But with account management and ban, doesn't even have to be well moderated, just needs a minimal policy, that should be enough to keep Jin and his trolls away.

    if There'd still be random toy picture topics it'd be nice too.

    if possible... just like /toy/ but without Jin and his trolls. ( I lol'd at myself after writing that ).
    But I'll settle for a toy news alone if that's the case.

    I'm already looking at Fwoosh and Sgcolector, I mwas expecting something faster...
    >> Jin Saotome !!/nA/Iex/uHm 09/08/11(Thu)01:30 No.2528053
    Agreed! The more trolls know they'll be banned by starting crap about me, the more fearful they will become.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)01:32 No.2528060
    >looking for a toy news/forums site that doesn't have Jin
    >when every toy news site frontpages jin's customs and he is a member of

    Sucks 2bu my friend.
    Best thing to do is take some scissors and cut your internet line.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:04 No.2528200
    That makes no fucking sense.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:21 No.2528225
    That's hilarious coming from you. You're such a prolific troll I don't know how you haven't been permabanned from 4chan. You only come here to stir up trouble or shill your ebay sales. This place could only benefit from not having you around (or forcing you to go anon)
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)03:22 No.2528228
    Dude, only in your wet dreams would ANYONE be "fearful" of you.

    But I guess with a pathetic life like yours, you get your meager kicks however you can. How sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:03 No.2528725
    I still can't believe anyone is dumb enough to think this tripfag really is Jin.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:05 No.2528727
    Hi Jin.
    >> sage 09/08/11(Thu)14:09 No.2528729
    Hi Walky.
    >> noko 09/08/11(Thu)14:13 No.2528731
    hey Queen Kittan
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:17 No.2528736
    Sup noodles.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:18 No.2528738
    Hey faggots who don't know how sage and noko work.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:21 No.2528743
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    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:25 No.2528749
    I don't mind Jin when he's posting advice or tutorials. He seems like a pretty cool guy (eh dry brushes everyone and doesn't afraid of anything.)

    I don't like the long threads discussing how every anon may be Jin. How every topic about one of his customs is assumed to be some sort of undercover advertisement (news flash, this board seems to hate him -- no one will be buying his shit here). I don't like how every anon who either defends or is neutral to Jin is, without a doubt, Jin himself (inb4 "HI JIN!", that was so clever the first hundred times you did it).

    I don't hate the guy, I think his opinions can be useful (CAN BE). At the end of the day, the thing that makes him so unenjoyable on this board is that fact that merely mentioning his name starts up some sort of hurricane-class shitstorm witch-hunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:27 No.2528754
    The point is there is no reason for threads about his customs. Those who care read his blog. The rest of us don't like the stuff, and noone is buying them anyway.

    There is no good reason that:
    a) we have threads about them
    b) should they be posted, they somehow are good enough that they don't belong in the Customs General
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)15:26 No.2528819
    Jin isn't so much the problem anymore as the trolls that use him to purposely try to rile up /toy/ and make everyone salty.

    Jin has said some dumb shit before(particularly about the X and Zero d-arts which is now parroted by a couple of trolls) but he's also given advice and contributed to the board before everyone scared him away.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)15:36 No.2528828
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    >noone is buying them

    Is he?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)15:37 No.2528830
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    How come you only seem to show up right after someone else posts about you?

    Do you just drop your trip most of the time, or are you just lurking 24/7?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)15:42 No.2528835
    He's lurking 24/7--there's literally nothing of interest to do in Kentucky. Unless you're like Zyzz, then we have a small amount of bar sluts that look decent and are clean.
    >> Pumpkin !zEnrYwxrAo 09/08/11(Thu)15:54 No.2528853
    I never got why everyone hated you. Now I know.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)15:55 No.2528855
    jin lives in nashville dude, that's in TENNESSEE
    lol, bak2school 4u
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:00 No.2528862
    advertising + attention whoring
    He's scum, calling us man children when he doesn't even have a real job.
    >> Jin Saotome !!/nA/Iex/uHm 09/08/11(Thu)16:01 No.2528863
    Re-read that. Fearful of being banned. I can't do anything, I'm behind a computer screen a thousand miles away. Unless you think I have psychic powers or teleportation. That would be pretty cool.

    Because it's almost impossible for me not to see something about me on /toy/ any time I visit. The trolls are that prolific, I can pop in at any time to find something about me here.

    Well I do like to think I help out by reporting trolls like yourself. The more banned the merrier!
    >> Pumpkin !zEnrYwxrAo 09/08/11(Thu)16:02 No.2528865
    Also I can smell his self-importance from here.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:09 No.2528876
    I'd say that he needs to act like that to convince himself that he's not a loser.
    I've never, ever been against tripfags, not even that Eris girl from /x/ (although she's annoying). But Jin is the worst of the worst, however, I think that best we can do is ignore him and ignore the jintrolls, not even sage the threads, he's just another attention whore, and those belong to /soc/.
    >> Pumpkin !zEnrYwxrAo 09/08/11(Thu)16:12 No.2528878
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    Eris is pretty bad too.
    >trolls like yourself
    >mon visage
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:12 No.2528879
    >Because it's almost impossible for me not to see something about me on /toy/ any time I visit. The trolls are that prolific, I can pop in at any time to find something about me here.

    Funny thing is, whenever you seem to take a break from /toy/, no one even makes mention of you.
    Almost all the Jin threads come in groups.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:14 No.2528884
    >they still think it's Jin

    oh /toy/, never change
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:15 No.2528885
    So has the whole:
    thing, turned into:
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:17 No.2528889
    /toy/ Paradox
    >> Jin Saotome !!/nA/Iex/uHm 09/08/11(Thu)16:20 No.2528893
    Yes! When I post, just ignore me. When someone posts about me, ignore them. See, there's the best idea yet. If people would stop acting like they're part of /b/'s anonymous army and RARRDURRHURR TRIPCODESCUM GRRRHERP then /toy/ would be much better off.

    Maybe you don't lurk very much but every time I'll post anon or go on vacation the 'sup Jin' witch-hunt begins. Trolls try to hold the board hostage calling me out, it's ridiculous. And of course I'm not going to stop posting just because it offends a few people here. I have more people than that wanting me to stop making customs and I've been going for 14+ years without giving in! You guys have a loooooong road ahead of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:23 No.2528895
    Sup notJin.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)16:49 No.2528916
    Why don't you take your own advice and just ignore troll posts. You make good contributions when your posts are toy related and on-topic to the board, but 90% of your posts are off-topic with you replying to totally non-toy related posts. This is what makes you a shitty poster.

    People post crap and you always feel the need to rise up and respond to it, and that just eggs people on. Just stop. Before you post, ask yourself, "Is this post related to toys?" If the answer is no, DON'T POST. If you can't resist getting into your off-topic crap, at least sage when you post so you aren't constantly parading your useless content on the first page.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)18:07 No.2529000
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    Protip: He enjoys every minute of this. Free publicity is the best kind of publicity.

    He fans the fires and stays in everyone's minds. The trolls only serve to keep him relevant, but they're too stupid to realize that they're only helping the guy out.

    I never hear about him unless I come on 4Chan. Honestly-- I never ever hear a fucking thing ever about him anywhere else.

    The trolls should be on his fucking payroll.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:19 No.2529396
    Thats crap and you know it. It dies down, but dont exaggerate.
    >> MeatwadSquad !!OAe6lCFqevE 09/08/11(Thu)22:46 No.2529445
    God damn. Fresh from /co/ and even I don't like you.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:52 No.2529454
    If you cared that much about /toy/ you woudn't post with a trip you sack of shit. Everyone is so easily baited by you because everyone fucking hates you here. Everyone.

    The trolls come when they see you are around and you ALWAYS POST IN THE FUCKING THREAD.

    Fuck you. Seriously. I hope very negative things come your way. And no not because of this self importance bullshit, just because YOU would go away from here and all we would have to deal with is the jintrolls and they are easy enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:03 No.2529464
    That's the thing, Jin is one of those assholes who doesn't realize or accept that he is an asshole. He thinks it's always someone else's fault.

    He'll shit on your doorstep, and if you have a problem with it, it must be something wrong with YOU, not him.

    If he announced once and for all, that he was never coming back to 4chan, it would solve ALL of the jin problems. There would NEVER be any more jin trolls ever. EVER. Because any time they popped up we'd just say "Nope, gtfo."

    But he enjoys it too much.So he keeps coming back, knowing that every time he can fan the flames and start a shitstorm. Because he's a troll himself but he's too retarded to acknowledge it.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:32 No.2529498
    >There would NEVER be any more jin trolls ever. EVER. Because any time they popped up we'd just say "Nope, gtfo."
    It would be so much better, but that wouldn't happen, sorry. It would die out aver a while, but there will still be trolls.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:46 No.2529511

    I disagree with your statement.

    I don't hate the guy.

    I think he's a righteous dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:51 No.2529524
    Nope, I can say with 100% certainty that it would. The only reason these threads have any sort of steam now is because the trolls get wind and stir up shit because they KNOW if they keep the thread active long enough, their messiah himself will show up.

    Once Jin shows up and starts adding his smug two cents worth to the discussion, it's just gasoline on the fire.

    Jin knows how to make all of this end, how to make all of the trolling in his name cease, but he won't do it because he enjoys it too much. Sure he makes excuses about solidarity and defiance but the truth is he just enjoys the attention.

    After all, he's an unemployed basement dwelling neckbeard whose only claim to fame are some shitty toy customs on the internet. Despite his inflated ego self-importance and hideous crone wife, he's not even famous enough for people to care about trolling him like they do Chris-chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:56 No.2529537
    See, this guy here is a troll.
    Only trolls like Jin, because he's perfect trolling fodder. Like some human incubation chamber for their kind.
    But Jin mistakes his trolls for actual fans and encourages them.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:18 No.2529572

    Actually, I'm not a troll. I just know how to be a reasonable person and ignore the things that would bother me.

    And in the same vein, embrace the useful things from otherwise bothersome situations/people/things.

    Take Jin for example, I can use reason and selectively use the few good things he does post about, and then ignore the things I would find useless and otherwise bothersome to me.

    And truthfully, only that mentality will be effective against all these trolls, because the only ones truly fueling the flames, are people who get mad at the them.

    Learn restraint and how to ignore annoyances.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:37 No.2529591
    And yet you bumped this thread back to page 0 rather than letting it sink, thereby proving my point.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)01:32 No.2529669
    This thread is being bumped on purpose to show that jin trolling will be banned.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)01:58 No.2529690

    If both pro- and anti-Jin threads are now bannable offenses, this is truly a great day in the history of /toy/.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)02:10 No.2529702
    This user was clearly banned for claiming to be with management.

    I've posted before, and I'll say it again: I don't hate Jin. The idea that only trolls can not-hate Jin is false.

    I think he posts worthwhile things from time to time. Most of you guys hate him because everyone else hates him. Because the trolls know they can use him as a buzz word. The dude can't win.

    If he went anon, we'd forever threads disecing the comments over every anon, and endless barrage of "HI JIN". Oh, and it makes trolling 100% easier; all you have to do is post anon about dry brushing or coffee cups or something you saw on Jin's twitter and the whole goddamn board tears itself apart.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)02:32 No.2529726
    >If he went anon, we'd forever threads disecing the comments over every anon, and endless barrage of "HI JIN". Oh, and it makes trolling 100% easier; all you have to do is post anon about dry brushing or coffee cups or something you saw on Jin's twitter and the whole goddamn board tears itself apart.

    No not really, what would happen would be the last time jin was banned. The trolling output would reach critical levels, and then all but die out. Yeah he'd be mentioned ever so often still, but it would be better then when he's actually posting.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)02:49 No.2529743
    This. There was a surge, and then trickled down to nothing. It was working, but he decided to come back, "for the good of /toy/" thinking it would relieve the trolling that was dying out just fine on its own.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)03:24 No.2529771
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    >Anonymous Jintroll is banned
    >Jin's himself isn't

    Yeah this doesn't change a goddamn thing Mods.

    At best all Jin does is post common knowledge, thin your paints, use Testors paint, et cetera. And says some retarded shit as well "Figmas and Figuarts are shit compared to Marvel Legends" "Use Acetone to take off paint".

    He doesn't provide anything to the board other than more pages to minimize.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)03:32 No.2529780
    >He doesn't provide anything to the board other than more pages to minimize.
    He's still not doing anything that's against the rules.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)03:36 No.2529786
    Yeah I know that. Doesn't change the fact that the place would be better off without him. The ones that care don't like him and the ones that don't wouldn't miss him.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)03:42 No.2529803
    The only people that don't like him are the trolls that constantly shit up the board. Anyone with a brain that doesn't would just ignore his posts.

    Jin's posts are helpful at best and indifferent at worst.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)04:03 No.2529835
    Every bump in a Jin thread gives Jin more attention.

    I hope you're all enjoying funding Jin's happy fun times.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)04:38 No.2529859
    Yes, I am.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)05:03 No.2529871
    There's only one thing I have ever seen/heard about Jin doing that I find wrong, and that's shill bidding. So I do think less of him, but all this mindless hate is insane.

    I don't agree with his Republican viewpoints. I don't like when he responds to troll threads, because in the end it just stirs shit up more, but he does have a right to.

    But not agreeing with him is no reason to blindly hate.

    There's two different types of people who "hate" Jin at this point: People who actually do hate Jin (For whatever reasons they have) and people who hate him because hating Jin has become a /toy/ meme. The main difference being that people who legit hate him don't post about him.

    There's two different types of people that like Jin: people who actually like him, and people who want to troll the trolls posting anti-Jin things.

    I understand this is a never-ending battle. But if you actually, legitimately hate the man for anything that is ever posted on this board... You should probably go outside sometime, get a fresh breath of air, and calm down.

    All it boils down to in the end is toys, and that's nothing to ever rage about. (Unless you step on a Lego.)
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)08:36 No.2529975
    At least he's not as bad as CG.

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