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  • File : 1312684896.jpg-(29 KB, 500x500, nintendo_ds3.jpg)
    29 KB 3ds Price Adjustment Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:41 No.2478461  
    I tried asking /v/ about this, but no helpful posts and the thread just disappeared. I guess a video game portable is still a toy kind of.

    I want to buy a nintendo 3ds before the price drops and then get it adjusted.

    So far I tried Best Buy and they said they will not honor the drop. I also went to Target, but they're oblivious about the impending price drop.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:42 No.2478463
    I heard Walmart was going to reduce the price early, but I'm not sure how true this is.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:42 No.2478464
    You're a fucking no good dirty thief, I hope you fucking burn in hell for just thinking you can do this.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:43 No.2478465
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:45 No.2478469
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:46 No.2478473
    > buy a nintendo 3ds before the price drops and then get it adjusted.
    really I'm 12 and i don't understand
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:46 No.2478474
    Did you try Amazon?
    Or how about buying a used one? It's new enough there's still a warranty on it
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:48 No.2478478
    Wal Mart (in Canada) has them for $190 right now, so that's as close as you're gonna get.

    Also, sage for not toy related.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:50 No.2478481
    Buy a 3ds for $250+ tax now, then ask for partial refund of on August 12th or after.

    This fucker is trying to abuse a promotion that was designed to make people who paid the $250+ for a nintendo 3ds to feel better.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:52 No.2478483
    The price drops next week. For people who bought it before and have connected to the shop, they get 20 free games. So this guy wants both the cheaper price and free games.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:53 No.2478484
    Just wait a week. You won't miss anything in the 3DS world in the next week, I promise.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:53 No.2478486
    OHHHHHHHHHHH op is a fucker
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:54 No.2478487
    This won't work at Target, by the way.

    The price adjustment there only works with sale ad items, not permanent price reductions. That is, considering the guest service team member knows what they're doing.

    *stealth Target team member post*
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:56 No.2478491
    No, op wants to register into the ambassador program to get 20 free games while at the same time steal $80 after the price drop. What a scumbag!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:58 No.2478493
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    1) Handheld videogame consoles are dead.
    2) Wait until after the price drop. Durr.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)22:59 No.2478495
    >steal $80 dollars

    How is OP stealing the $80? The same way everyone else that will get the refund will be, I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:03 No.2478499
    Pig fucker op is abusing a program designed for people who bought the 3ds before the price drop, but he wants to abuse a store's price match policy (if any would actually do it) to get part of the money back and download 20 free games. It's a dick move and not fair for the people who bought theirs sooner.

    I hope op dies in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:06 No.2478501
    Op is a fag to think he can get away with this.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:08 No.2478505
    the price drop doesnt go into effect until later next week.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:08 No.2478506
    WalMart price drops on the 9th. Go to Walmart on Tuesday you faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:08 No.2478507
    Not fair to the people who bought them before the price drop?

    They shouldn't even be getting ANYTHING for buying it when it was released. It's common knowledge that within a short amount of time, any handheld device from Nintendo (or any console ever for that matter) is going to drop in price not long after it's launch. Fuck, I want me $150 for buying a Wii at full price at launch. They can give me 10,000 Wii points while they are at it.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:09 No.2478508
    Wait, wait. Am I to understand by the gist of several of these posts that if you bought a 3ds before, you know, now, that you're entitled to a refund?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:10 No.2478512
    No, you're entitled to 20 free games from the eShop (NES and GBA games selected by Nintendo).
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:11 No.2478514
    I care way less about that, but thanks for the info!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:12 No.2478515
    is this actually confirmed or still a rumor?
    the 12th, again op wants to buy it at current retail and get a partial refund when the price drop just to get 20 free games when he could just download the goddamn roms for free as is.

    partial refund if you bought it within a certain time and depending on the store's return/price adjustment policy.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:15 No.2478523
    You're a terrible person and you should be ashamed of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:20 No.2478525
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:23 No.2478534
    Person who paid for 3DS in full at launch here.

    I can't understand how you are mad?
    Do you feel entitled like the free roms are yours and only yours? That you don't want OP to enjoy the games?
    He wants to buy a 3DS, that's good and you should be happy for him.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:29 No.2478539
    getting both $80 and the 20 free games isn't fair and is abuse. You shouldn't be able to have both.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:35 No.2478552
    Seriously I haven't been so disgusted, op you are a twisted sick ghetto creep!
    >> Jace !!NuCElYEvkAi 08/06/11(Sat)23:38 No.2478557
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    >Person who paid for 3DS in full.
    >Not OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:40 No.2478559
    The ambassader proggram is designed to reward people who chose to show support for the 3ds before the price drop rather than being one of those people who refused to buy anything before a price drop.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:42 No.2478561
    op is a poorfag if he thinks he can get 20 free games and some how pay $170 for a 3ds.

    how pathetic...
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:43 No.2478563
    Well you can.
    If Nintendo didn't want this to happen, they would do something about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:45 No.2478565
    According to op, Best Buy won't honor the drop, possibly due to an agreement with Nintendo.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:45 No.2478566
    That's the whole point of the ambassador program, though. Only the people who bought before the price drop get GBA games (the others will be available for sale).

    It's something Nintendo's doing as an apology for pricedropping so soon. Not as an incentive for people to buy the 3DS.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:50 No.2478571
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    The 20 games are for those of us who spent $250 on the system not for you people who find loopholes in everything. I really hope Nintendo seals off the loophole somehow. You shouldn't be allowed to partake in both. Its ONE OR THE OTHER. And before you say I'm 'butthurt' because I can't partake in both, you're wrong. I don't want to stoop to that level of selfishness. What you people are doing is grade A theft. You're essentially stealing $80 from a store and $100~ from Nintendo. Good job. I hope at least you look at yourself and realize just how selfish you're being and how wrong what you're doing is.

    You're not special to Nintendo or Best Buy/GameStop/Walmart/etc. You're one customer and you get the CHOICE of either A) Spending $250 on the console and getting 20 free games OR B) Waiting till the price drop and get the console for $80 off. Not both. To cheat the system is very very disgusting and I can't believe people even think its in good morale to do this. Nintendo is trying to be nice to both parties and people have to come in and ruin it. That's very sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:54 No.2478576
    I work at a Best Buy and I think you should have no problem getting the price match. It's our policy plain and simple. Even if we know it's going to drop until it does you still have 30 days to match a price drop/price difference. I know of a quiet a few Best Buy employees planning on doing the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:56 No.2478578
    as stated earlier, Op's best buy refuses to adjust the price because they know Op is a filthy no good riff-raff to think he can do both ambassador and get $80 back. Maybe you didn't get the memo from corporate about refusing refunds to anyone who bought a 3ds recently?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/11(Sat)23:58 No.2478581
    op confirmed for fucking butt pirate!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:00 No.2478584
    if I ever find you, I'm gonna spit tobacco at your filthy asshole of a face.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:00 No.2478585
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    >Handheld videogame consoles are dead.
    Right, that's why the original DS is only 4 million units short of being the best-selling game console of all time, second only to the PS2's 150 million units sold.

    Nope, no life there.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:01 No.2478588
    Not until I lodge my cigarette into his eye.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:05 No.2478593
    Christ, you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:09 No.2478596
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    Stop feeding the troll. /toy/ doesn't need more of them
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:13 No.2478600
    which one?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:19 No.2478608
    I hope you walk into the wrong street corner and you get robbed for the 3DS you cheapo the clown OP
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:23 No.2478613
    I hope your 3ds breaks and the receipt gets lost.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:25 No.2478619
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    You seem rather upset.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:35 No.2478632
    Who wouldn't be? Op is stealing and abusing companies and retailers.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:36 No.2478634
    Amen, brother!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:37 No.2478637
    I don't understand what you guys are mad at OP for. How would he profit from this? Buy 3ds for 250, go get 80 back on the 12th, while he could have just bought it on the 12th for 170 anyway. How rip off how steal?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:39 No.2478638
    >didnt read the string of replies he is replying to
    He's not talking about that.
    OP isnt stealing shit. He'd get 80 bucks back he could save by waiting for the drop. What he is getting is 20 free digital games. digital. keyword. unless op was planning on buying some of the free games offered, and now wont have to because he can get them free, Nintendo doesn't lose a single POTENTIAL penny. This coming from someone who fucking hates pirating.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:39 No.2478639
    Faggop is also stealing 20 free games that were intended to be given to people who bought the 3ds at the original retail price prior to the drop.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:40 No.2478640
    Nintendo is giving anyone who bought a 3DS before the date of the price drop 20 free Virtual Console GB games. OP wants to buy it ahead of that date, get a store to refund him the $80 in an ad-match program, and still get the free games.

    He can die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:43 No.2478643
    An ad match would require an ad for the price adjustment to happen or Nintendo could send retailers a notice to prohibit price adjustments from occurring.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:44 No.2478646
    Right. Lets say, hypothetically, they were giving away a free copy of Super Jump Dude.
    Lets say op doesn't give a shit enough to BUY SJD, but he'd accept it if he could get it free. Then Nintendo doesnt lose any money, he wouldnt have bought it any way. BUT if OP really likes SJD after getting it free, he may enjoy it enough to want to buy SJD2. You could think of it as doing the same thing demos do. These 20 free games are VC too.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:45 No.2478647
    Whatever, what I said still stands. OP wants the store to honor the price drop ahead of time and still get the free games.

    Nintendo probably did send a lot of retailers instructions to not honor the price drop before the date they've specified for this reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:46 No.2478650
    Op is a ripoff artist trying to rob both Nintendo and its retailers. He's abusing a program for idiots bought a 3ds early at its original mark up and abusing retailers of that poorly constructed policies. Nintendo should retailers to prohibit price adjustment on the 3ds to stop little shits like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:46 No.2478651
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    Just get the 3DS at Costco, it's $170 right now.
    You also get the 20 free games. Even Walmart is dropping the price three days early.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:47 No.2478653
    This is almost as bad as the coupon fuckery that was flagrant last summer.
    >> That One Anon Who Smells Like Nelson Muntz 08/07/11(Sun)00:48 No.2478654
    What OP is doing can not be stealing.
    It can be considered stealing but it's not.
    First of all he is only getting 20 free games out of this. He is paying for the 3DS even if its paying 170.
    Now lets see the 20 free games. They are games that have probably been already used as roms ages ago. We are talking about old games here people. And they ain't even good games too. Most of these games are games most of us have probably played by now. They aren't worth anything. And they are digital. Do you guys get bitched at when you play roms or any other games that you obtained through internet software or homebrew? Or when you get free music. What he is doing is no different from all the above. So ask yourself is he truly being a thief, or is he just being clever about things and exploiting something. Either way Nintendo gets their money from the 3DS the consumer gets his 3DS and 20 games everyone wins. Whats there to be all upset about my com-padres?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:49 No.2478655
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    Luigi: Go ahead-a, Bart, take-a the 3ds!

    Mario: The store, she's so rich. She'll-a never notice.

    Donkey Kong: Duh, it's the company's fault for making you want it so much.

    Lee Carvallo: Don't do it, son. How's that game going to help your putting?

    Sonic: Just take it! Take it, take it, take it, take it, take
    it. Take it!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:52 No.2478657
    They're virtual console games people. GBA and SNES games.Nothing to get all bent out of shape about. Dont give me that "It's stealing and that's wrong!" crap. Nintendo isnt hurt by doing this any more than they would be if you bought the same NES games at a garage sale. It's good to have morals but "IT'S WRONG" without something actually doing any harm is just stupid and blind.
    >> That One Anon Who Smells Like Nelson Muntz 08/07/11(Sun)00:53 No.2478661
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    I lol'd hard
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:54 No.2478662
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:55 No.2478663
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:55 No.2478664
    The ambassador program was intended to appease people who bought the 3ds early on, not an incentive program to have people buy a 3ds now at current retail only to demand refunds later. I
    >> Cassette Bat !B.gRVsKNNE 08/07/11(Sun)00:57 No.2478666
    But yeah, way I see it, more people will being buying 3dss to try and get the free games that may not have bought one any time soon. I dont want one any time soon, but if I could get 20 free games and the price drop, Id have one in my hand loooong before I actually would. buying more games up to that point I WOULD have bought it. Nintendo could make profit from this and lose nothing
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:58 No.2478671


    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:02 No.2478677
    Walmart August 9th

    Get the Nintendo DS for $170 and get the 20 free games.

    Cheap Ass Gamer is right 99% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:03 No.2478679
         File1312693412.jpg-(1.44 MB, 1584x2585, Nintendo 3DS Games.jpg)
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    Make sure you get some games.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:03 No.2478680
    You're pretty good at being the voice of reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:03 No.2478681
    Is it even possible to buy one from Walmart now and get the price adjusted on that day or will one must go have a fight to the death on the day walmart drops it?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:04 No.2478682

    Fucking Walmart
    they are more scum than OP and any scum I have ever known or met.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:04 No.2478683

    >Walmart August 9th

    That place is going to be a fucking mad house.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:05 No.2478684


    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:05 No.2478685
    >Nintendo could make profit from this and lose nothing
    I like that you assume that because the games are digital downloads that Nintendo doesn't lose any money when people cheat and abuse the program, which isn't true in the slightest.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:06 No.2478686

    That's this tuesday.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:07 No.2478687

    Digital downloads cost Nintendo exaxtly ZERO DOLLARS and NO CENTS.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:07 No.2478688

    Monday at midnight.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:08 No.2478689

    I wonder how legit that is
    Hmm well only time will tell.
    I'll wait until I can confirm it with one of my friends before I buy it at Walmart.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:09 No.2478690
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    >mfw Nintendo doesn't honor your 20 free games
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:10 No.2478694
    They lose money from the sales they're not making because people cheated and got the games free. How is hard to understand this?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:10 No.2478695
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    Look, Gina. The same board who thought it was perfectly okay to use that fraudulent $5 off Hasbro coupon criticizing someone else for dishonesty.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:11 No.2478696
    They're not losing money, they just aren't making it.

    I'm sure the games that will be available for free will be shitty anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:13 No.2478699

    >They're not losing money, they just aren't making it.

    That's the best way to put it.

    Either way, I'm going to Wally world on monday, at midnight. I want a 3DS and I wouldn't mind getting one before the 12th. It would be cool if I got the bonus games also. But no big deal if I dont.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:13 No.2478700
    server maintenance, electrical and internet bills.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:13 No.2478701
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    How will Nintendo confirm that you purchased your 3DS before the price drop took effect?

    Can't they just ask for the console's serial number or a receipt and see that it was sold before the date specified to get the 20 free games?

    I predict there will be a lot of asspained folks who won't get any free games because they tried to abuse the program.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:14 No.2478702

    >How will Nintendo confirm that you purchased your 3DS before the price drop took effect?

    You simply connect to the e-shop. do some browsing. Then when you disconnect you get a message about the Ambassor program tell you that you're in. There's a bunch of youtube videos showing this.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:17 No.2478708
    Okay, so how will they be able to determine that you qualify for the program? I would think they'd be able to see each console's serial number or something similar and be able to tell when it was purchased.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:18 No.2478709
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    I'll laugh if Nintendo gets wind of what Walmart is doing and will tell them off to wait till the 12th or to make the deadline of getting the 20 free games to the 8th of August. Either way Im mad at Walmart for being greedy fucks. You do realize this is just a clever way of making sure Walmart can get all the profit from selling 3DS than any other store. Because what this will do is cause people to buy it there and not any other store and when it comes time for the other stores to have the 3DS price dropped no one would be interested in buying from them unless they don't live near a Walmart. Either way fuck you Walmart.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:19 No.2478712
    free gba games confirmed:
    Wario Ware, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, SMB 3, Mario Kart, Metroid Fusion, Mario vs Donkey Kong, Yoshi's Island

    Nes Games so far:
    Ice Climber, SMB, Dk Jr, Balloon Fight, and Zelda
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:19 No.2478713

    Well you do have to register your 3DS before the 12th, but I think this still counts.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:20 No.2478714
    >I'll laugh if Nintendo gets wind of what Walmart is doing
    They probably already know.
    >> Keeper Of Knowledge !W00oUv2ryQ 08/07/11(Sun)01:21 No.2478716

    They are shitty

    Super Mario Bros.™
    Donkey Kong Jr.™
    Balloon Fight™
    Ice Climber™
    The Legend of Zelda™

    Gameboy Advance

    Yoshi's Island™: Super Mario™ Advance 3
    Mario Kart™: Super Circuit
    Metroid™ Fusion
    WarioWare™, Inc.: Mega Microgame$
    Mario vs. Donkey Kong™

    But thats just the first 10 confirmed who knows what the other 10 will be yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:21 No.2478719
    >You do realize this is just a clever way of making sure Walmart can get all the profit from selling 3DS than any other store.
    Yes and? Thats pretty genious. I give kudos to Walmart for doing their job. Making money.
    Its more "Pretty sneaky sis.." than "FUCKING DEVIOUS ASSHOLES"
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:22 No.2478721

    I hate to tell you this but Walmart is the nations biggest retailer of Nintendo products. The Two companies go hand in hand, and have an old, and mutually beneficial relationship that goes back over two decades.

    Nintendo probably cut them a deal. They've done it many times before in the past.

    Walmart = families. Nintendo = families.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:23 No.2478723
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    >They are shitty
    Then what, pray tell, would you consider not shitty games?

    All of those games are great.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:23 No.2478725
    It's confirmed, price is dropping, "Ambassadors" (read: early adopters) will get 20 VC games, including Super Mario Bros, the Legend of Zelda, Ice Climber, Balloon Fight, Yoshi's Island (GBA), Metroid Fusion, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, and Mario Vs. Donkey Kong.

    From the notification: "These free games are available to Nintendo 3DS owners who connect to the Nintendo eShop at least once before 11:59 p.m. Eastern/ 8:59 p.m. Pacific time on Aug. 11, 2011. You will automatically be registered as a 3DS Ambassador."

    But as a Walmart Electronics associate, I don't see any way to keep an unscrupulous person such as OP from buying the thing early, connecting to the eShop, then coming back later to ask for a refund.

    Of course, I'll let the Customer Service people, as well as my fellow associates, know to keep an eye out for suspicious purchases like this. It's an interesting loophole.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:24 No.2478727

    Yeah there's a lot of great stuff on that list.

    Really looking forward to playing Wario Ware again. The first game is one of my favorites.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:25 No.2478729

    Or just buy it on the 9th and save yourself the hassle.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:26 No.2478731
    Any money lost on a few digital downloads they COULD have sold will be more than made up for by the actual systems sold, and the games bought for it. You think people are going to stick with the 20 free games and buy nothing else? You think every single person who wants those free games wanted to buy a 3DS RIGHT NOW? Nintendo will make more money doing all this than if they just simply dropped the price. Dropped price? brings in customers. Free games? Even MORE customers.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:27 No.2478732
    I'd be all over getting a 3DS before the price drop if I didn't already own almost all of those games in some form already.

    Fuck, if Pokemon Red/Blue were on there (with full wireless multiplayer capability) I'd be at Wal-Mart right now buying one.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:29 No.2478735
    I wish the 20 free games were like eshop exclusive games kinda how the Wii Shop Channel have all those exclusive games that you can only get from the Channel itself. That would be better than playing games I played over and over again in the past and grew tired of them. So you see folks the promo really isn't all that great unless you haven't played those games before or are just a nastalgafag. Honestly I'd rather that the promo was that they get a free 3DS game but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:32 No.2478739
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    > Pokemon Red/Blue with online

    ALL my money if that was the case. But you never know it could be one of the games. After all Nintendo hasn't announced the remaining 10 games yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:34 No.2478746
    >Wii Shop Channel have all those exclusive games that you can only get from the Channel itself.
    You mean WiiWare games? Those are made by other developers specifically for WiiWare, just like Xbox Live Arcade games. That's a completely different story than ports of old games Nintendo themselves have made.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:39 No.2478754
    Keep your fingers crossed, it could still happen. I'm pretty sure Nintendo has confirmed that some VC GB games on 3DS will indeed have online multiplayer modes of some sort, so seeing Pokemon Red/Blue with online support is not out of the question, especially considering the main draw of the games were the trading and battling of monsters with your friends.

    I doubt they'll show up any time soon, though. That will probably be a huge release for Nintendo, so I bet they'll save it for later when they can hype it up and milk it for all it's worth. Perhaps we'll seer them around the time a new Pokemon game debuts on the 3DS or to commemorate an anniversary.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:44 No.2478764
    Wrap your dick around this thought:

    Every Pokemon game ever made (R/B, G/S, R/S, etc.) on a single device with full online battling/trading.

    It's entirely possible.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:45 No.2478766
    This goes in /v/.

    Tough shit if you don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:51 No.2478775
    hahahahaa this aint going to happen op i love how people are giveing you shit for being a cheap ass
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:52 No.2478776
    /v/ is really fast moving and unstable for answers.

    Honestly if this was like a toy price dropping and let's say you get a free extra toy is it just as wrong to buy one now and get it price adjusted while getting the free bonus toy?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:54 No.2478778

    I steal toys on a daily basis so um that answer wont apply to me brah
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:56 No.2478783
    Tough shit. You want to talk vidya, take it to /v/. That's what it's there for.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:00 No.2478786

    All of my money.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:16 No.2478807
    Gonna agree, just take it and if your scheme to abuse price adjustment policies fail, at least you get 20 games for the extra $80 you wasted.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:24 No.2478819
    I'd rather wait for the prise drop and spend the 80 bucks on an extended battery pack, the games mean nothing if you don't have the juice to play them.
    >> Venkman !kM/YMzVjpI 08/07/11(Sun)02:25 No.2478821
    Metroid Fusion was a lot of fun. Shit, I need to play it again now.

    Where THE FUCK is this from?!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:30 No.2478829
    No one will honor that price drop. No one.

    Nintendo dropping the price has nothing to do with retail chains and they have absolutely no obligation to refund you a penny.

    Have you never worked at a major chain before?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:41 No.2478839

    That won't stop people from going to Walmart on the 9th.
    there be a shitstorm a brewin on that day in Walmart.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:53 No.2478846
    I really couldn't care less about the 3DS right now. I'll wait for the inevitable redesign, and for it to have at least 10 games I want to play (right now there's 3).
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:53 No.2478847
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    first of all I hope it works out for op.

    Second IMO the reason the 3ds failed is because it is a worse hand held system than the ds lite. Seriously, the backwards compatibility of the ds lite makes it non-replaceable by the dsi or 3ds. Even if my ds broke today. I'd still go buy a ds lite to replace it. I don't need 3d or a camera when I can play game boy advance games.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:57 No.2478849

    omfg I laughed so hard at that image that I farted assburgers lol

    oh god my sides
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)03:15 No.2478859
    I pre-ordered the 3DS months in advance. Even though there aren't a huge variety of great/good games available for it yet (which is to be expected for any new system, really; remember the PS3's drought?), I've still enjoyed it for what it is and what it currently offers.

    I'm not even mad that the price drops by $80 less than a week from now. It's to be expected: all electronics drop in price, faster for those selling poorly.

    I'm not even slightly angry that people want to try to get into the 3DS Ambassador program AND save money on the system. Who doesn't like free stuff and saving money? If there's nothing illegal about it, why should there be a problem with what OP is trying to do?

    If anything, it's another 3DS sold, which is what Nintendo needs. Maybe then games will stop being delayed and canceled...
    Hey, maybe if 3DS sales pick up enough, Capcom might even revive MegaMan Legends 3...
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)03:20 No.2478864
    >revive MegaMan Legends 3
    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)03:27 No.2478870
    Wow, that was uncalled for. Buddy, I'm angry that Capcom canceled it. It was a game I waited for over 10 years to see made. If anything, Capcom is but a hollow shell of its former self.
    I just keep hope alive that maybe some day they'll bring it back..
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)03:40 No.2478878

    Or you could get a GBA SP that has amazing battery life? i mean i have 3.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)03:40 No.2478879
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    Am i the only one who expected the 3DS graphics would actually pop out of the screen like a hologram? I was really hoping they mastered doing such a thing
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)03:48 No.2478887
    >If there's nothing illegal about it, why should there be a problem with what OP is trying to do?

    Because, even if it's not illegal, it is arguably unethical?

    There's nothing illegal about me budging in line in front of you to buy something, but that doesn't mean it can't still piss you off or that I'm not an asshole for doing it, even if you get what you came for anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)04:20 No.2478910
    isn't /toy/ the same people who abuse store errors, print fake coupons, and buy sauce cups for toys?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)04:30 No.2478916
    The third has nothing to do with the first two
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)04:35 No.2478922
    hi Elvis
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)05:24 No.2478954
    Not /toy/. Reported.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)05:30 No.2478956
    You honestly didn't think Nintendo planned for this, guys? You ever hear of TNSTAAFL?

    >If one individual or group gets something at no cost, somebody else ends up paying for it.

    Nintendo has already paid for these games, or have a plan to pay for these games. Taking advantage of this deal is not costing them any additional money. They no-doubt have a lot of highly-paid people making sure they have planned for what is the most likely amount of people who will want this deal. If they didn't, that's their problem-- they shouldn't have done this deal in the first place since it is not required and only a bonus from what people are used to (which is jack shit). Plus even if OP and his ilk start some tidal wave of people taking advantage of this trick, that's STILL something Nintendo should have thought of. Do you honestly think OP is the only person in the world to think of this? Or that he's the only person in the world who would tell anyone else and thus spread the news?

    Additionally, aren't these DS Store games? ie, older games from their library? Yeah, only in the past couple years have gaming companies even been able to gain a profit with older titles (on this scale, anyway). This is money they are lucky to get. They're lucky the industry went that way and that so many of us are nostalgiafags. This is bonus money that Nintendo has decided they can afford to lose a small portion of.

    And as for the guy paying more, than getting the difference in price later? Where do you think that money comes from? Not Nintendo, otherwise every store would do it. The store, too, has high-payed people making sure that they can afford to lose that kind of money just to make their customers happy.

    OP is just clever and you're all mad because you didn't think of it.

    inb4 someone claims I am OP which as we all know completely invalidates everything I said
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)05:31 No.2478957
    If you're going to try to quiet me on one of the stupidest sub-rules we have on this site, I'll just delete the image, you stupid fuck. Nice try, but one tends to have a bit more life experience and intelligence once one ages PAST 14.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:03 No.2478968

    >>OP is just clever and you're all mad because you didn't think of it

    Are you so utterly bankrupt ethically that you cannot conceive the notion that people might possibly have an issue with it because they really DO have ethics?

    >>Plus even if OP and his ilk start some tidal wave of people taking advantage of this trick, that's STILL something Nintendo should have thought of.

    Lack of planning on the part of one in no way justifies dishonesty on the part of others. If you go to the store and leave the door to your home wide open, would that justify people walking inside and taking all your belongings? After all, you should have thought about that when you decided to leave. Im willing to bet money you would be upset

    >>Do you honestly think OP is the only person in the world to think of this?

    Of course not. Do you honestly think that is some sort of justification for knowingly and willingly committing fraud?
    >> キタ━━━━━━( ㆍ∀ㆍ)━━━━━━ !!!! !VIPPERqY8o 08/07/11(Sun)06:15 No.2478970
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    Well OP, I hope you learned your lesson. Don't ask /toy/ for money-saving advice lest some fat neckbeard bust out his online law degree to tell you what you're doing is illegal somehow.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:43 No.2478975
    Wal-mart(at least mine did) had a rollback on the 3DS. It's still $20 than the price drop, but it's still well worth the games.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:52 No.2478977

    It's cute how you are unable to justify fraud so you instead resort to insults and cheap condescending stereotypes.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:53 No.2478978
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    >>"Money saving advice"
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:07 No.2478982
    >OP is just clever and you're all mad because you didn't think of it.
    Except he's not. Clever implies that he found a way that works, but as >>2478829 pointed out, not a single store honors such a price change.

    Seriously, find me a single one that honors a price change that's governed from a manufacturer and not from the store's own pricing policies and special offers.
    >> o3o !!PHDTQp2RmSg 08/07/11(Sun)11:38 No.2479180
    I like this whole shitstorm over a few games that most people interested in them already have as roms anyways.

    I mean, honestly, how often are you going to be playing Donkey Kong Jr on your 3DS?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:58 No.2479187
    at the very least walmart is supposedly dropping sooner and costco may have already dropped the price, but there's no confirmation.

    Someone on gamefaqs tried to do a best buy price adjustment but found out they won't allow it.

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