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  • File : 1286848005.jpg-(684 KB, 1280x1948, Marvel Universe Vs The Punisher #2 001.jpg)
    684 KB Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:46 No.1933542  
    shut up and enjoy, /toy/ and /x/
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:47 No.1933547
         File1286848061.jpg-(429 KB, 1280x1954, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:48 No.1933551
         File1286848100.jpg-(539 KB, 1280x1949, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:50 No.1933562
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:51 No.1933567
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:52 No.1933571
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:52 No.1933573
    >Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher

    Worst troll of all.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:53 No.1933576
    Yay! Storytime :3.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:53 No.1933577
         File1286848418.jpg-(450 KB, 1280x1966, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:53 No.1933578
    I would be reading this, but I already own it
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:54 No.1933580
         File1286848463.jpg-(399 KB, 1280x1962, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Massani !!GiZDXca9DMK 10/11/10(Mon)21:54 No.1933584
         File1286848495.jpg-(69 KB, 500x726, facepalm1..jpg)
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    >starting a storytime with issue #2 of a 4 issue series
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:55 No.1933587
         File1286848533.jpg-(450 KB, 1280x1970, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    man, you guys sure whine alot
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:56 No.1933592
    Well you could at least dump something good.
    Then again there's probably no reasoning with you if you consider this shit to be even passable.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:56 No.1933594
         File1286848605.jpg-(441 KB, 1280x1960, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:57 No.1933595
         File1286848639.jpg-(293 KB, 966x1496, PunisherKillsX.jpg)
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    Ennis' story was better
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:58 No.1933597
         File1286848686.jpg-(397 KB, 1280x1972, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    i'm just doing this till the /x/ shit goes away
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:58 No.1933600
         File1286848731.jpg-(398 KB, 1280x1967, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)21:59 No.1933603
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:00 No.1933607
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:01 No.1933609
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:02 No.1933610
         File1286848947.jpg-(420 KB, 1280x1969, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:03 No.1933612
         File1286848995.jpg-(398 KB, 1280x1966, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:04 No.1933614
         File1286849064.jpg-(363 KB, 1280x1967, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:05 No.1933618
         File1286849111.jpg-(389 KB, 1280x1953, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:06 No.1933623
         File1286849189.jpg-(426 KB, 1280x1953, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:09 No.1933636
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:10 No.1933638
         File1286849400.jpg-(497 KB, 1280x1952, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:12 No.1933647
         File1286849523.jpg-(427 KB, 1280x1954, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:13 No.1933651
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:15 No.1933660
         File1286849758.jpg-(387 KB, 1280x1960, Marvel Universe Vs The Punishe(...).jpg)
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    there, that's the last, no need to whine anymore
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:17 No.1933661
    This story was terrible and you should FEEL terrible. If anything, this made me want to raid /co/
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:27 No.1933678
    Yeah... good luck raiding that which is love.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:28 No.1933679
    Pretty shit story. Marvel just ripped off two of its own products (Marvel Zombies, Punisher Kills MU), threw them together, and added Deadpool.

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)22:31 No.1933683
    Deadpool came back in this one? (didn't read it)
    >> Suri !!lEgt1p6znEk 10/11/10(Mon)22:32 No.1933686
    Wasn't Deadpool already in Marvel Zombies?

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