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    12 KB Anonymous ## Mod 09/15/10(Wed)18:01 No.12101290 sticky closed   [Reply]
    1. THE BOARD IS NOT FOR PORN. This should be obvious to everyone. /tg/ is a worksafe board, and it always was. Link to your porn elsewhere, that's fine, just don't post it.
    2. REPORTS ARE FOR RULES VIOLATIONS. Your pet peeves don't violate the rules. Quest threads are within the rules. Some video games are fine too. Report the porn and trolls instead.
    3. NO METATHREADS. Whining will result in bans.
    4. OC IS FINE. Quests, drawfags, writefags, new systems etc. are fine with us. Don't report them.

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    28 KB Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:24 No.12101554   [Reply]
    Alright guys, got my IG all assembled, i just need to know what paint colors to buy from GW.

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    29 KB A Challenge Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)17:09 No.12100708   [Reply]
    I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve gotten rather sick of the elf/dwarf/orc/dragon Medieval Europe-based high fantasy setting. Seems any idiot these days can pop out a new generic version for a game. So here’s a challenge: create a high fantasy setting using different material. Same basic “good versus evil age of swords and sorcery” stuff. It can be based on any real-world mythology or folklore, or you can just make something up from whole cloth, so long as it’s not derived from Tolkienian fantasy.

    You should include:
    At least two sapient races to that would make for good player races (in addition to humans).
    A basic “evil horde” race/faction for the heroes to battle against.
    A unique type of magic user (IE, not traditional Gandalf/Merlin/Dumbledore mages).

    Hard Mode: If you’re feeling ambitious, a line or two about the pantheon/cosmology.

    Don’t use an existing world you’ve thought of, just try and slap a new fantasy setting together on the spot. Don’t get too detailed, keep it simple and streamlined. A sentence or two about each requirement should do it.
    82 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101523
    thas p cool
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.12101538
    >Slavic mythology is severely underutilized in the fantasy genre.

    It think it's perhaps because it's just... weird. Weird is because a strong word, off would be more accurate. Why? Because it's where most of now well known fantasy elements originate from when folklore is involved, but it has that original flavor that has become lost over time in favor of "generic fantasy" aka its dark as hell, magic is always evil and insidious, world of men is the least of your worries when folk tale horrors are walking at night, etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.12101540

    OP here. I was just listing the names/images most people stereotypically associate with "wizard."

    I'm aware of the differences, but in this case their names are useful shorthand for a specific concept. I think most folks got the idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.12101544
    Non-human species:
    -Dragons: old as fuck race that cohabitates with human due to the fact that while they are sapient, quite intelligent, and can shapeshift into humanoid form, they are massive pricks to each other. Constant trolling between dragons has made the chances of dragons ever unifying beyond immediate family (mates and children) almost 0.
    -Steel Demons: a bunch of demons from Hell who have escaped and built a steampunk society. They are distrusted by humans, but they have proven to be honest and reliable so far.

    -The Isopodic Legion: XBOX HUEG giant isopods that come from the deep to terrorize humanity and all other sapient races. They worship some sort of Lovecraftian entity that compels them to fuck shit up.

    Everyone has it, but they need to train so they can use it effectively. Better training = better skill and abilities.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:24 No.12101553
    >Uses actual "magic" like three times. He makes his stick glow and he soothes the hearts of Men. He also tries and fails to unlock the gate at Moria using "subtle arts".

    He has inspirational auras and overall more subtle stuff, like almost all magic in LotR.

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    336 KB Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)15:01 No.12099326   [Reply]
    My players have all gone pretty hard-core munchkin on me, and rather than disband the game or yell about balance 'til I'm blue in the face, I'm considering adopting a "I just don't give a fuck" policy.

    Problem is, I'm not really sure how to do this / if I even should. So, I ask /tg/. How do I run a game for an all-munchkin party?
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:07 No.12101354


    Players with characters are like small children in that if you don't set boundaries, they WILL run amok, and you will at best spend your time picking up after them. Sadly, some of them see doing this to you as a challenge, and that's its own problem. Also, lay down the law in terms of things, and reserve the right to "overrule a rule in the interest of common sense or to make it mesh with your world." You may -have- to do a full break/rebuild from the start if you want this group to work - if so, simply start working on a new campaign and tell the players "look, I'm totally not feeling this anymore, we will start new campaign in a few weeks, here are the parameters" and set up your new "this is how we roll from now on" and go from there. It sometimes is just necessary.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:12 No.12101401

    This is good advice

    Also: BLUFF is you friend. They forget to put points in sense motive? Thier problem. Have the villans go 'He went that way' and watch the adventurers go screaming away.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:14 No.12101426
    >Use traps and terrain powers. Use them constantly.
    Thiiiis. Even if you're not dealing with powergamers, this. Five turns of powergamers following their perfect game plan on an empty 10x10 field is boring; five turns of powergamers trying to pull off their plan in a burning forest where the trees keep collapsing, or on a boat in a storm, or with a fast-flowing river and enemies with swim speeds, or on the edge of an unstable cliff road, or in a trade caravan being shot with burning arrows that's full of all their supplies and/or an important NPC...
    If they're powergaming they're probably also not well set up to handle skill challenges or wilderness adventures as they'll have sunk all their money into +Bonus items and not have the useful "Move faster" or "Magical food making" rituals and wondrous items.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:20 No.12101503
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    Exactly. The game I'm currently running (3.5e, even if I do like 4e), I made a chart of all the spot/listen/hide/sense movite/etc. skills for my own quick reference... about busted a gut when I saw that the average "Bluff" roll bonus across seven players was roughly 1.4. Sense Motive was a whopping 2. I flat told them "you guys are screwed if someone tries to pull a fast one on you."

    Proved it too. Three game sessions in, the party needed to get a boat. The party mage went to the harbormaster's office, which was being robbed by a dwarven thief. Thief quick-talked her way into making the mage think she was the harbormaster, then mugged him, took his gear, and stuffed his unconscious body in a locker. The game's adventure that day became "where the hell is the mage, and now how do we get his stuff back." One rogue. One Level 3 rogue. Yes, you can insert trollface here.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:24 No.12101552

    YOu think that's bad? I've been the player on the recieving end of that.

    1 level...something EXPERT, not even a PC class. Old age. Max bluff and a high charisma. He made a joke of the group as they burst into his lair, defeated his guards and then he just sat their saying her was a legitimate buisnessman and they had not proof of who he was. The DM handed us a +10 'Unbelieveable' bonus to sense motive and he was still passing ever one by a good margin. It was just embarrasing.

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    102 KB Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:24 No.12101551   [Reply]
    Sup /tg/

    I'm worried about my game group. We have had this group for almost 5 years. Sometimes a new guy comes, sometimes one goes, but the core group always remains. Last year we got a new player, a ca/tg/irl we meet on an online RP forum. Since she was in our area, she began to play with us. One of my players have a HUGE crush on her. Like, massive. And I don't blame him, she's pretty cute. We always game in this guys house because is a lot cleaner/ample that any of our places. Also his dad always pays the food from his pocket (he lives with his single dad)

    So, he tries rather awkwardly to hit on her. She is not interested though. But, last week she was talking online with another guy and confessed she has a massive crush too.

    On our friend's dad.

    And this guy went right to him and told him. And he's... depressed would be an understatement. The ca/tg/irl attempts to flirt with his dad too (although just as awkwardly) so this is starting to get ugly. I suggested my place since I DM (even if is small as fuck, but is the best I can afford), but this guy says nothing is wrong and we can still come over.

    What should we do? this is going to end ugly if we don't do something to avoid it.

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    81 KB Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)15:41 No.12099770   [Reply]
    Hy /tg/

    I was on the store earlier today and I got wondering something. How many of you purchase your codes/books/rule sets and hopw many download them or copy them?

    At my game store a bunch of guys use photocopied versions, and even the owner sells cheap photocopied versions.

    How about you?
    107 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:11 No.12101396
    Long story short: Both.

    Also, your LGS owner is an actual criminal, and is likely to get busted. Selling/providing copied materials is >actually< piracy, as opposed to downloading it somewhere, which is inappropriate but not technically a crime.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:14 No.12101425
    >not technically a crime.

    Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:14 No.12101440
    This, nothing wrong with downloading a bit here and there.

    But selling copied stuff? That can piss right off.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:21 No.12101511

    you guys do realize that from a corporate perspective, it doesn't mean jack shit if you download a pdf versus buy a second-hand/used copy?

    to anyone who buys used books - har har fiddly-de-dee, motherfuckers. you're a pirate.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:24 No.12101550
    That's not how piracy works, idiot.

    However, companies don't care if you download something without selling it. THAT is still piracy, and still a crime.

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    15 KB Toonpunk Continuation Cale !!4Xg2hRUKdLb 09/15/10(Wed)17:05 No.12100659   [Reply]
    Here you are, gents. Continue the development of this most glorious setting.
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:15 No.12101454
    Even on the tiny stool, hunched over and staring at the floor, Ronny towered over the hospital bed. The IV line nearly touched his ears as he sat by the bedside. In one huge, gloved paw, he held fast to a wrinkled, blue-veined hand laying over the covers.

    "Ronny on the Railroad" was Dave McMann's first masterpiece. Ronny, swinging his sledgehammer into railroad spikes and burglars with a smile on his face, graced theaters for the first time December 4th, 1931 and was an instant success. When Dave returned to the studio the following day and saw the huge bear sitting next to his drawing table, smiling warmly, he couldn't believe his eyes. There was his creation, exactly as he had drawn it... no, not 'it'. 'Him'.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:18 No.12101480

    Dave treated Ronny like the son he never had. They talked like old friends, bouncing ideas off of each other for the next picture, and were rarely seen apart. The studio approved of the friendship, as Dave's skills only improved after Ronny's arrival.

    Then, in the late 40's, Dave was let go. He had become an addict in the past several years, originally taking Ink only to get past a particularly tough art block, to the point where he couldn't think an original thought without the stuff. Gossip claimed that Ronny was the one who got him started on the drug, but McMann publicly decried these accusations numerous times from rehab.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:21 No.12101507
    Well, thanks to you guys I went out and rented Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I haven't seen that since I was a kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101525

    Now Ronny held Dave's hand for what was surely the last time. He had been prevented from seeing his Animator for  decades, but when Dave went into emergency care last week, the doctors and lawyers finally allowed Ronny into the hospital. His trademark sledgehammer was absent, and his lidless black eyes were cut off at an angle from the top- the way human eyes looked in a sorrowful expression. No one said a word as he was led down the halls, a huge bear in monochrome overalls, to the room his creator was sleeping.

    Ronney nearly jumped. He leaned close to the prone figure on the bed. 
    "It is you... I wish I could see you, Ron..."
    The man's eyes slowly opened, revealing solid black irises in fields of perfect white.
    "I'm so sorry to put you... through all this..." said Dave.
    "I'm okay, dad." the bear answered. 
    "No... You're not. You've... been all alone since they took me... never took another picture... the nurses said...
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:24 No.12101549

    "Listen to me now-" said Dave, as he suddenly coughed. Flecks of Ink stuck to Ronny's overalls. "'ve got to do something with the rest of your life... Make the world a bit brighter..."
    "The way we used to- at the studio?" Ronny asked, black eyes wide.
    Dave nodded. "Don't let others end up... the way we did..."

    "Give them something... to laugh about..."

    The hand slipped from between the white-gloved fingers, and landed softly on the bed.

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    19 KB Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:08 No.12101358   [Reply]

    Neverwinter Nights thread time! Anyone tried out the PRC Pack in a multiplayer game before?
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101519

    Nwn 2 looks fine. Nwn is the one that looks like the Patton Oswalt of rpgs.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101527
    We're not butthurt to have to fap in private, we're butthurt that we have to fap on /b/ (or /d/ for the most butthurt).
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101529
    So praising them is fine? In theory if I started thread about how great /tg/ is and how much I wish to give Moot a blowjob it won't be considered metathread?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101531

    I liked NWN somewhat, best thing was the witches wake of course.
    mostly all of D&D is kill monster / gain loot anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.12101548
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    What is this PRC pack and how does it work with the OC and the expansions?

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    58 KB Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)17:33 No.12100981   [Reply]
    A couple months ago there was some guy making a tabletop version for MassEffect.
    Whatever happened to that?
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:16 No.12101457
    old version, fucekr
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:19 No.12101491
    OP if your refering to me

    Holy shit someone remebers that!

    Sadly PC sex'ploded and I lost all the work.

    More than willing to work on it again if people are interested I still got all the notes written on dead trees
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:21 No.12101509
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101521
    it's prbably you!
    dammit, I'm leaving to the movies, hope this thread's still alive when I'm back!
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.12101547
    I would kill to play a Hanar or an Elcor. Shit would be so cash

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    3 KB Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)17:47 No.12101137   [Reply]
    >DM says "females" will be in the party for his next campaign
    >I ask him what he means, female characters or females players.
    >"Okay, you didn't specify"
    >"I live in the real world, dude. I know that's hard for you."

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    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:20 No.12101502
    After one of these, stare at him a moment and say "you must feel so alone".
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:21 No.12101517

    Actually, he lives with his girlfriend.

    Which is weird because they seem to hate each other. Every time I hang out with them they fight. She's also a complete cow. Over weight, nagging, etc.

    It's almost like he just decided to ask her out one day and she just settled.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:22 No.12101533
    Either he's a THAT GUY(read: neckbeard with Aspergers) and he's being a complete cunt
    he's just joking with you(even if he's doing it poorly) and you're taking it too seriously.

    Try ribbing him back and see how he responds. Just make sure you don't accidentally(or "accidentally") make passive-aggressive "jokes" laced with piss and vinegar -- you have to make an effort to be genuinely chummy.

    If he gets defensive even when you're clearly just joking around with him, then you can safely move him to THAT GUY-tier.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.12101534
    Only you know your tolerance level for someone treating you in a negative way. If you really feel like it's a problem, call him on it when he says it. Do it each and every time he does it, especially if people are around. Random bad statement can slip from anyone. Nobody here can tell you your tipping point.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.12101546
    Then he does feel alone.

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