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    13 KB Anonymous 02/26/11(Sat)21:55 No.14056046 sticky closed   [Reply]
    Wakfu, the cartoon series, goes to /co/.
    Wakfu, the MMORPG, goes to /v/.
    Wakfu, the CCG, goes to /tg/, as does any traditional roleplaying game based on the franchise.
    THIS IS A QUICK REMINDER that there are global rules. Trying to argue that stuff in public will get you banned.

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    651 KB Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)09:16 No.14086559   [Reply]
    Long time 3.5 player and DM here.
    Thinking about running a game of Pathfinder.

    Can anyone tell me how it measures up to 3.5?
    Like what it does better, worse, different, etc.

    I mean other than everything being in one book; not fifty.
    241 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.14088291
    A bad wizard player does everything. A bad fighter does nothing but power attack (All the more true in Pathfinder)

    A good wizard enables his party to do the impossible. A good fighter is enabled by the spell casters around him to fuck shit harder than they could possible hope.

    Some one will pick my statement apart and tell me exactly why I am wrong becase of X rather than take my statement as a general rule that the party should work together to have fun rather than try to outshine each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.14088293
    I agree. Before I played a wizard i was a spiked chain disarming tripping whirlwind...shit was so cash.
    Then monsters got larger than medium and things started flying...shit was so small change.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.14088312
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.14088316
    Wisdom beyond your words.
    This build:
    With a support wizard to teleport you into range=Delicious Raep.

    The problem is that the fighter needs the wizard more than the wizard needs the fighter.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.14088338
    Fixing the caster martial imbalance can be done if you look at what the caster can do and nerf the undesirable.

    Buffs- Do they make the whole team better? Good
    Do they make the caster better? Not so good

    Divination- Do they allow the PCs to scout ahead and solve riddles? Good
    Do they allow the PCs to bypass encounters and skip to the end boss? Bad

    Evocation? Good
    SoL? Bad
    Debuff? Good unless they effectively solve fights
    Control? Good unless they effectively solve fights

    Utility magic? Does it make the skill monkey feel redundant? Bad
    Does it help the whole party do cool stuff? Good
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    126 KB Is it? Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:20 No.14088228   [Reply]
    Is your body ready? be mutated in the service of the dark gods?

    (P.S. Human cultist of Tzeentch right here)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:25 No.14088274
    Can't wait for a scan
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:26 No.14088284
    I dunno, i think they might have it as a na origin path or something. You swore your soul to so and so god, or just decided to serve a facsimile of said god, or just threw your lot in with Chaos undivided
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.14088318
    What happens if you mix Black Crusade with Rogue Trader, I wonder?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.14088330
    Rogue Crusade!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.14088337
    does anyone have a word as to a release date, can't wait for this it looks awesome!

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    59 KB Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:22 No.14088243   [Reply]
    So, /tg/, what's a type of game that you've always wanted to run, but haven't? It can be either because your GM methods don't gel that way, or because you haven't had the time or the energy.

    Me? I've always wanted to run a gritty, street level campaign of something. Thing is, any time I try to do that, it inevitably becomes a big, giant cinematic action game. Murder Mysteries become stories about punching an ancient vampire in the face. A game about a Basketball team ends up having the center spit flames from his mouth and then make a slam dunk.

    But that's me. How about you? The picture is unrelated...maybe.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:23 No.14088256
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.14088294
    Mecha-based games.
    Two of my group think it's "too impersonal" for their tastes, one was almost as obsessed with Gundam in high school as I was, and at least one likely wouldn't care if she got to kill shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.14088324
    I've always wanted to run a CoC campaign, but I fucking suck at doing horror games.
    >> Guybrarian 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.14088336
    Dresden Files RPG. None of my group are interested. :(

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    19 KB Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)11:30 No.14087339   [Reply]
    >Party finds book full of magical cards.

    >Cards are released by accident

    >Party must defeat and recover the cards as the focus of the campaign.

    Could it work?
    62 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:08 No.14088116
    Copy/pasting some previous idea.

    >Cardcaptor Sakura parody with a scientific bend, where instead of a bunch of cards some pedophile wizard created for his twisted enjoyment (seriously, why does the card specifically designed to wash him look like a ten year old girl?) Sakura/another magical girl accidentally sets free the embodiments of natural laws, since the laws of nature are conveniently stored in a single book and put into the reach of a ten year old girl.

    >So instead of the Earthy, the Fly, the Jump and so on, she'll have to fight and subdue cards like the Thermodynamics (four little girls, one for each law of thermodynamics obviously), the Natural Selection, the Central Dogma, the Le Chatelier's Principle and so on. Of course, since those cards can freely alter the scientific law they govern, she has to pull Jojo-style elaborate plans to capture them, such as kicking the Thermodynamics to the space using the Gravity, where there isn't much heat for the former card to use. She is assisted in her quest by Newton and Leibniz, fluffy animal mascots who eventually turn out to really be those Newton and Leibniz. Unlike Cerberus and Yue, both of them serve her from the beginning, but they're not much help because all they do is bickering constantly about who invented calculus. Instead of the Paracelsian elements, the cards are seperated into four groups of 13, for Biology, Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Again unlike Yue/Cerberus, Newton and Leibniz don't have dominion over any of those, since they can't agree who gets to have Maths.

    >There should be yuri too, because it is an unspoken law that magical girl shows should have yuri, and both Newton and Leibniz's reactions to it should be gold since they're both good Christians. That and I dislike how Syaoran turned out, especially since as of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles half of the male cast is Syaoran in one way or another, and I don't mean they look or act like him, they're literally clones.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.14088137
    Deck of Many Things, my next campaign. Now I just have to decide if it's regular 3.5 or BESM d20.

    Now I want to watch CCS again, even though it's boring and for girls. Thanks /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:14 No.14088168
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    Just another day of service.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.14088328
    I like this idea very much. :D
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.14088335
    Why not Masterminds and Mutants? D:

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    76 KB Imperial Guard Quest: Part I Sprunt !pYbzRsKGCY 03/01/11(Tue)12:08 No.14087660   [Reply]
    The first thing you see are the clouds.

    They loom above you ominously. They are dark and they are thick; their appearance threatens rain, and Tyrfa did not boast idle threats. Grudgingly, you manage to pull yourself up, and you lean against the trench wall. The mud and the fat alien ground worms fail to alarm you - you've been here too long. Far, far too long. You are tired. You realize now, more than ever, that you want to go home. Home was something you seldom thought about, because it was pointless to do so. Only in death does duty end. How long have you been serving the aquila? In that time, what rank have you managed to climb to? And what achievements of yours have been recognized?
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:15 No.14088188
    Or this is also an acceptable answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:23 No.14088249
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    rolled 93 = 93

    Where are we hit? Is it just the head that's bleeding? Are we hungry?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:23 No.14088252
    Just stuff some cotton in there. That'll hold ya! Maybe waste a bandage if we're feeling FANCY. Those scissors are weapons, keep them somewhere handy.
    >> Sprunt !pYbzRsKGCY 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.14088310
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    With a bit of water from your canteen, you begin to soak the wound. That makes sense, right? Afterwards, you wet one of the cotton swabs with some disinfectant from the bottle. Feeling satisfied, you cut a length of bandage to wrap around your head. Having done this, you feel a lot better about your predicament. An infection is now the least of your troubles. The pain in your side is still a problem, but you unbutton your greatcoat and lift your tunic to see nothing more than a bruise, likely from when you fell.

    As you stand, you hear a groan of pain from the ground near where you had been sitting. You stop in alarm, momentarily shocked to hear another sign of life.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.14088334
    rolled 96 = 96

    "In the name of the Imperium, identify yourself!"

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    1.06 MB Ad Eva, Creative DM's Uriah 02/28/11(Mon)13:39 No.14075259   [Reply]
    Post your Awesome Dm's and Campaign snip its.
    here's mine: second to last session.

    DM: Congratulations. You picked a talent that cost you your humanity. Bardiel infected your Eva and you subconciously chose to "eat" him. In your pursuit of power, you have become inhuman. You are now your Eva, and the human figurine you interact with people in, is the equivalent of your pinky toe in terms of concentration.
    Me: ...
    DM: Also, since your mind is no longer human it doesn't "break" from the same things. Your insanity score is capped at 30, you can reconstitute your "avatar" if it dies, and if anyone finds out other than your fellow pilots, you will be labeled as a massive threat and probably* be put down.
    Me: ...
    DM: So add this to the list of: your sister's been cloned, the clone has a god complex and is the pilot of Eve; Your Girlfriend is a manufactured pilot based off angel DNA and and is extremely loyal to you; And Seele is sending Tabris and a full set of MPE's to your base to destroy you all.
    Me: ...
    DM: No snarky comeback this ti-
    Me: *Massive Evil Grin*
    Other Players: '''¬.¬
    Me: Best. Campaign. EVAR! ooh wait, if that talent only cost me my humanity... I still have 100 exp to spend! Yay!

    Pic Related: Next Campaign. WWEva.
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    >> teka 02/28/11(Mon)22:05 No.14081033
    thats fair.

    what does one say when faced with a Planetary Siege Engine anyways?*

    Still fun. And might be a simple rules-hack away.

    >*"hey, is that a Planeta-*phutphutphutphut*"
    >Only a minimum power infinite-repeater burst was required to deal with the obstruction.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)22:08 No.14081080
    Yeah, about another scale-up of damage/wounds along the lines of Human -> Eva.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)04:39 No.14085171
    Just started a campaign tonight.

    Our Ops Director attacked Sachiel with all her tanks and rolled RIGHTEOUS FURY for damage, three times over.

    The resulting damage was so much that the GM declared Sachiel's head exploded, the angel fell over...And two tank shells went right through the head, hitting our AT Tactician's left arm and instantly destroying it.

    Tactician manages to overcome the pain and charges Sachiel, one-armed, with his prog knife. Just enough critical damage is done to pierce the core, but not destroy it. GM rules the prog knife is stuck in the core.

    Sachiel regenerates its head, but is unable to take action before our Berserker, charges, rolling a 6 on the WS check and hitting the core with a kick.

    Not any kick, though. "CU CHULAINN'S DYNAMIC KICK", he screamed out as he rolled for damage, his character being incredibly Irish. The resulting impact hit the knife lodged in the core, driving it in and causing the core to shatter in a massive explosion that completely engulfed the Berserker, whose Eva was ejected from the blast and only badly burned, not defeated.

    Rather tame, but I, as the party's Pointman, managed to do enough damage with the Pallet Gun to knock Sachiel over. I'm rather proud of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)07:41 No.14086098
    And here's a bump, on the off chance of more stories, and to give my brain more time to decide if I should write up one of my own.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.14088333
    Question for other AdEva GMs. I'm planning a mid-to-late game Angel that pulls the EVAs into a Dirac Sea inside itself. Once inside the battle becomes almost absurdly easy. That should be the players' first clue. Basically the Angel is pulling a Matrix on them, making them think they've killed it while they are in fact still trapped inside and it is still heading toward Adam. Time will move differently in the Dirac Sea, meaning that by the time they figure out what's going on, weeks could have passed for them while only minutes have actually gone by. My question is this: once they actually defeat the Angel, how much insanity (if any) should they gain upon the realization that the past few weeks of their lives never actually happened?

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    87 KB Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.14088125   [Reply]
    Hey /tg/. Me and my pals are thinking of starting a game of 3.5 D&D. It's the first game most of us will have played and we don't have any of the kit yet except dice. What books/misc. stuff do we absolutely need to start playing, and where's the best place to get it all from?
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:26 No.14088278
    LOL, I was just about to start this thread (I think I know which one you are).

    Anyway /tg/, why is 3.5 better than 4th?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.14088288
    >Anyway /tg/, why is 3.5 better than 4th?
    It isn't, for the same reason that 4e isn't better than 3.5e.

    Player preference.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.14088296
    Oh god, Charlie?

    I see.... that's fair, should be able to find them on ebay.
    As for the actual books, I'm seeing the Core book, DM's guide, monster manual and player's handbook as essential. Am I wrong or is there one I missed?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.14088325
    Hmmm, okay thanks for the reply, it's just that I saw some people on /tg/ say quite a few times that it is better.

    Also I read that the three main books that we need to get started are the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual, is this true or are there any other essentials?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.14088332
    That's pretty much it. Any other books would only be "essential" if you were running a specific campaign setting or environment, like for example I run a homebrew setting that's aquatic so I find Stormwrack to be "essential."

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    244 KB Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)15:36 No.14076640   [Reply]
    Megaton/Hammerbro thread part deux.

    I've heard people say the Rosalina star army codex is being refined soon. I've only seen a couple star armies in passing at my LGS. She's supposedly really powerful but finicky. Any information out there?
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:07 No.14087649
    You missed out on the stuff that was added last edition, which is being ported over. They're making E.Gadd a fieldable hero, giving the Toads upgraded technology and more reliable versions of his inventions.

    This is important because the Toads are supposed to be also getting a new rapid-movement unit as well, the FLUDD-2 squad (which basically can only regenerate FP from aquatic features, and can spend FP for movement boosts, or shooting).

    Have you heard about the new version Shroob army that's also being released?
    >> ZeroSum !!nX8RvVlWeq6 03/01/11(Tue)12:10 No.14087673
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    Straight from the IRC
    <MagicJuggler> The Shroobs are Dark Eldar.
    <MagicJuggler> Power from Vim. :D
    >> MagicJuggler !sMYbIFo6TI 03/01/11(Tue)12:16 No.14087715
    I have heard about them somewhat actually. It's amazing that Nintendo took the time to revise them after all these years...

    They look to be an even *bigger* glass cannon than the Mushroom Kingdom, with access to rayguns and flying saucers with the durability of cardboard paper. Also, they're supposed to have a special rule called "Power from Vim" where they have certain units which can collect defeated enemies and process their corpses into Vim, which they can spend on assorted spell-like effects (this is in place of Star Power or any other "tertiary" non-FP powers). The updated fluff has them coming into combat with the few X-nauts who have attempted to reclaim their Lunar Base.

    Incidentally, has anyone heard whether Nintendo has been hiring any new members onto their art team to work on designing these codexes, because it would be completely lame if all the codexes were formatted like the Timesage leaks.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.14088317
    Seems like the subrosians got a bit of an update. And some extra units.

    The Deep Darkness, where eyes whatch you ... dance?

    Special Rule: Subrosian Bazaar. Subrosian forces can take leaders usually restricted to one force. For example: Ganon Dragmire. (Although why would you want Ganon, he has nothing to offer a Subrosian force).

    Subrosian Bazaarmaster (M:0) (I:4) (LD:5)

    HP:8/A:2 (+2 5-6)/Def:2 (+2 5-6)/Move 5
    Subrosian: +5 defense to fire fire, no penalties for moving through lava, no damage from lava. +5 extra damage taken from Ice and Light sources.

    Options: (Rupee cost to be added)
    Bazaar Sheild Carrier: all allied units within 3" get +1 to defense
    Bazaar Heart Bonanza: All allied units with 3" get +1 HP
    Bomb Crazy: Any Subrosian squad defeated within 4" explodes on death, as everyone is carrying bombs.
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.14088331
    Subrosian Dancer (M:0) (I:3) (LD:0)

    HP:3/A:1 (+2 4-6)/Def:1 (+2 4-6)/Move 4
    Subrosian: +5 defense to fire fire, no penalties for moving through lava, no damage from lava. +5 extra damage taken from Ice and Light sources.

    Molten Motion: The Subrosian dance squad moves 3" in a straight line, leaving a line of lava in its wake. Useable every other turn.
    Liquid Heat: May swap an adjactent allies defense and attack for one turn.
    Wavering Image: Subrosian Dancers can dodge incoming melee attacks on a roll of 6.

    Subrosian Lavabather (M:0) (I:3) (LD:0)

    HP:4/A:2 (+1 5-6)/Def:1 (+1 5-6)/Move 3
    Subrosian: +5 defense to fire fire, no penalties for moving through lava, no damage from lava. +5 extra damage taken from Ice and Light sources.
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    21 KB Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)11:13 No.14087181   [Reply]
    Anyone have this yet?
    Also, links would be appreciated! Thanks!
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.14088132
    Yep. Inferno.
    Am using its rules for the finale of my current chronicle, decided to waive the "only humans can be possessed" rule, so now we have a crazed Belial's Brood cult leader with a demon in him that's not only resistant to fire and has natural armour, but instantly mirrors any attack landed on him onto his opponent.
    >> Blackheart !!d+z47tvchVl 03/01/11(Tue)13:21 No.14088235
    Well there were examples of possessed non-humans anyway. That manslut from Night Horrors: Immortal Sinners comes to my mind. He had maximal charisma, looks, could walk in daylight and other bullshit. Hilariously he was still a nobody.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:24 No.14088268
    What a productive little thread going on here.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.14088287
    Thank you for contributing! Goodbye.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.14088329

    Imagine a Hunter conversion guide.

    You are now imagining God45 hunting The Chevalier Theleme. You are now imagining Network Zero trying to get a shot of someone using a Zeal power.

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