04/26/10(Mon)04:12 No. 9437278 >>9437135 I can
get you a copy of GC, if you want. Vice yet eludes me, though.>>9437168 Ooh, let
me post the rest of the stuff I tend to have. First group, is: Colt
Manhunter, with Gun: 300Y Mod Slots used:0 Slots open: 6 Total
Cost: 300Y Ares Executive Protector, with Briefcase, Folding
Stock, Smartlink, Integral Sound Suppressor. Gun: 1,500Y Mod
slots used:6 Slots open:0 Mods to gun: Additional Clip, Electronic
Firing, Gas Vent system (3) Costs: AC(2): 1,000, EF(2): 1,000Y,
GVS(2): 400Y Total cost: 3,900Y Has two of this, both modded the
same. Ares Desert Strike, with Extended barrel, rigid stock with
shock pad, and Imaging scope. Gun cost: 3,350Y Mod slots used:5
Slots open:1 Mods to gun: Internal Bi-pod, Skinlink, Smartgun system Mod
Costs: IB(3):400Y, Skinlink(1): 50Y, Smartgun(1): 3,350Y, Vision
Magnification for the Imaging scope:100Y Total: 7,250Y Remington
990, with shock pad, attached Bayonet Gun cost: 550Y, Bayonet: 40Y Mod
slots used:6 Slots open:0 Mods to gun: Flashlight, Low-Light,
Improved range Finder, Melee Harding, Personalized grip, Skinlink,
Smartgun System Mod costs: Flashlight, Low-Light(1): 200Y, IRF(1):
1,000Y, Melee Harding(1): 300Y, Personalized grip(1): 100Y, Skinlink(1):
50Y Smartgun System(1): 550Y Total cost: 2,790 Unmodded colt
if my out in the open gun. That char also has a heavy cyber-pistol in
his arm.