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  • File : 1269926999.gif-(149 KB, 1000x1200, drawmarine.gif)
    149 KB Drawthread greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)01:29 No.8869833  
    Come one, come all.

    Get tits and other less important things drawn.

    All drawfags welcome to join.
    >> Captain AdMech guy 03/30/10(Tue)01:31 No.8869851
    I need a nerdy Forgeworld Adept accidentally sniping the shit out of some heretics with a shitty stubby pistol.

    He's got an Electoo and black hair. Go nuts.

    (and then draw some AdMech titties)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:31 No.8869857
    something with Zelly. Preferably rape.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:35 No.8869910
         File1269927351.jpg-(192 KB, 640x795, 20080425_114780_rar_0.jpg)
    192 KB
    Oh hey I have a request.

    Draw me a gnome with a fucked up face. His head is normal on the left side. On the right side the cheekbone, eye socket, and side of the skull have been replaced with another person's, and there are two different eyes as a result. Left eye (his own) has no sclera or pupils, it's just a solid dark magenta. Right eye is like a human's (slightly larger, normal sclera and blue pupil, but bloodshot). Skin color should be slightly different on implanted eye.

    Attire should be a touch Roman in flavor. Look to fashion in Renaissance Italy for further influences. Hair, spiky. Ears, small but pointy (e.g. ST:TOS Spock ears). Build: spindly.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:36 No.8869923
    Reiterating my request for the Katawa Shoujo girls as Infernal Exalted (if you're not familiar with either, say so).
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:37 No.8869933
         File1269927425.jpg-(188 KB, 1024x1448, sanaki.jpg)
    188 KB
    Asian loli mage in a white kinomo and a sword-n-board crazed drow guy in blood-red fullplate.

    Pic related, it's a loli mage.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:37 No.8869935
    Since I've tried a thousand times already.

    Ork Luau.

    Warboss in Hawaiian shirt, gretchin conga line, squig on a spit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:37 No.8869943
    If you don't mind whoring yourself out to my character concept, here it goes:

    -Middle aged
    -Shoulder length hair
    -Very gruff and worldly, perhaps a few scars
    -Former Kasrkin stormtrooper now working as a mercenary for a rogue trader. Still wears the armor, no boob plate.
    -Demolitions specialist, primary weapon is a missile launcher, which when not in use is slung around her back.
    -Lho stick (cigarette) smoker
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:40 No.8869986
         File1269927653.jpg-(291 KB, 600x782, DOOMRIDER.jpg)
    291 KB
    DOOM RIDER singing "(One Time I Sucked) Six in a Row"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:41 No.8869990
    I made this request last night, but the guy said he posts drawings the next day and I have no idea if he ended up posting it. If he did and someone saved it, I'd be grateful for a repost, otherwise any other drawfag is welcome to take a crack at it:

    A short, thin monkey-man sits, reading from an old leather-bound tome. He wears a chain shirt and has brown/black fur. A staff rests over his right shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:43 No.8870026
    I don't expect you to do this, but I'll request it anyway.

    I would like to see a dragon riding a motorcycle, the dragon is spewing magma breath. The motorcycle has a side car with a cybernetic bear in it, the bear has lightsaber claws, and out of its mouth is a minigun that shoots lasers, or bees. The defining feature of the bear is that it has a crown of fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:44 No.8870033
    Oh, and I'll trim this down:

    A lizardman adventurer has just found the most awesome flat warm rock ever. He should be reacting approprately.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:44 No.8870036
    Death- Cult Assassin dancing flamenco with castanets in hands while mexicamarine plays guitar in background
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:44 No.8870044
         File1269927889.jpg-(145 KB, 678x875, BEES also tits.jpg)
    145 KB

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:45 No.8870049
    Sharken the Mad going all. I MAD!

    with Nissa there.
    >> Ekoi !PpcsYfrVrw 03/30/10(Tue)01:45 No.8870056
    I haven't asked this one in a while...

    Lobster in fitted powerarmor. :D
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:46 No.8870064
         File1269928000.jpg-(181 KB, 600x744, BEARPOPE.jpg)
    181 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:47 No.8870085
    This is for a quest thread, and please correct me if I have the description wrong.

    A Goff Ork, only a bit larger than your standard ork. He's got an iron jaw, a klaw, a one-handed shoota, and a metal ass from a fight with a nasty squig.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:47 No.8870088
    Dwarf. Riding a shark. Wearing a pirate hat.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:48 No.8870101

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:48 No.8870113
    female vindicare with big tits.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:48 No.8870117
    I need a few concept arts for some "half-elf half-dorf"s. I assume they'd be a little taller and slighter than dwarves and would have short pointier ears.
    >> Girnobi !2AXA082A2Y 03/30/10(Tue)01:49 No.8870135
         File1269928180.jpg-(42 KB, 376x563, halfgnomedude.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:51 No.8870161
    A mostly naked Sororitas with an Aquila electoo on her belly, tanned skin, gray hair, and blue eyes. She should look dirty and beaten from being used as a gladiator for heretical shows.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:52 No.8870179
         File1269928328.jpg-(131 KB, 780x1147, thri-kreen sketchy.jpg)
    131 KB
    I meant JUST the eye and the area just surrounding it, and there's no flamboyant flowing Italianesque clothes in this at all!

    Thank you, though. I like it well enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:52 No.8870192
    If anyone is up to it.:
    Disgusting giant undead formed of mashed up troll corpses. Arms for fingers, torsos twisted into limbs, rows of ribrages for teeth, flesh and guts and bones everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:54 No.8870226
    :D Glad someone recognized it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:55 No.8870236
         File1269928512.jpg-(69 KB, 530x637, Zeon2.jpg)
    69 KB
    How about a Zaku marine... that is to say a poor fellow wearing power armor that resembles a zaku with his helmet off. Sadly, the Zaku's armor leaves just as much to be desired on a small scale as it does as a mech, and he's having a hole blasted through his chest by some Spacemarine Mary-Sue of your least favourite chapter.

    Or! the aforementioned poor zeek-marine being comforted by a hospitaller sister of battle
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:55 No.8870237
    If someone else would like to take a stab at it (or if you would) I need less of a wiseguy look and more of a made man look

    He prefers to conduct his business in a hands-off manner, and needs player characters to do his dirty work for him.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:57 No.8870285
    Drawfags, not mind readers.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)01:58 No.8870298
         File1269928727.gif-(251 KB, 1000x1200, nerdept.gif)
    251 KB
    Nerd adept.
    Sorry if his not precisely sniping the shit out of heretics.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:59 No.8870309
    Requesting this scene - Four Acolytes, standing resolute, against a horde of eyeless birds. At the top: "No, Alfred Hitchcock, you are the heretics"

    The team is a constantly-smoking Arbites [and I do mean constantly - how has he not run out of lho sticks yet?], a WHY AM I SO BALD techpriest, an angry penal legion guardswoman, and a Feral World guardsman with a shotgun.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)02:00 No.8870316
    Not familiar with either.

    Doing this at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:01 No.8870327

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:02 No.8870358
         File1269928959.jpg-(262 KB, 1071x1218, Cultist_Dread.jpg)
    262 KB
    what if cultist got put in a dread?
    >> Captain AdMech guy 03/30/10(Tue)02:02 No.8870360
    Close enough for me. Omnissiah only knows how I out-shot everyone else.
    >> Captain AdMech guy 03/30/10(Tue)02:04 No.8870386
    draw these guys they're cool and they blew up a bomb with a shotgun
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:05 No.8870410
    tribal astronauts fighting each other in space with primitive weapons
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:08 No.8870441
    A shoggoth-dwarf.
    >> Girnobi !2AXA082A2Y 03/30/10(Tue)02:09 No.8870471
         File1269929385.jpg-(44 KB, 480x590, Rocket chick.jpg)
    44 KB
    Not middle aged looking.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:12 No.8870515
    If one of you did Toofsum Bakhakka, you'd be bro of the year.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:20 No.8870603
         File1269930015.jpg-(84 KB, 1420x761, old salt beard.jpg)
    84 KB
    YARGGHHH I GOTS THE SCURVY AND ITS COMING TO A PORT NEAR YOU p.s. fuck you all i know it suck its ms paint and a mouse what do u want the mona lisa but here you go anon a dwarf riding a muthafukking shark
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:25 No.8870664
    can you give him some hair around the side of his head and I'd be happy with the awesomeness of an MS Paint drawing
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)02:26 No.8870677
         File1269930398.gif-(344 KB, 1417x814, warboss.gif)
    344 KB
    Sorry brother, i owe you the conga line.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:28 No.8870695
         File1269930506.jpg-(83 KB, 668x840, SakakiKaorinBed.jpg)
    83 KB
    Sister of Battle Kaorin mooning over Canoness Sakaki.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:30 No.8870725
    Cultist chan, chasing a Sister, who stole her waffles.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:31 No.8870741
    An Ork Mek smiling tearfully at his newest creation (whatever it is), his hand proudly resting on his Grot assistant's shoulder. He's wiping the moisture from his eyes and murmuring "It'z... bootiful..."
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:32 No.8870744
    In this group. Please do this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:33 No.8870762
    Ms. Marvel the size of a Barbie trying to get out of a Plastic doll package.She is wrapped to the back by typical action figure plastic covered wiring.The box is labeled "Ms. Mahr Vell" She is either in a pageant dress or in a bathing suit. Accessories that are also in the box include a business suit, glasses, a briefcase, and a coffee mug. Along the side it says "FULL 12 INCH DOLL" and on the other side it says "LIFE LIKE FEATURES".
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:34 No.8870774
    itt fetish posters
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:35 No.8870790
         File1269930905.jpg-(85 KB, 1420x761, old salt beard with hair.jpg)
    85 KB
    ok salt beard has offically joined the hair club for men
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:37 No.8870826
    Draw a feminine Wraithlord using a disabled Dreadnought's arm to pleasure herself, somehow.

    By "Disabled" I mean the Dreadnought can't move, but the pilot should be alive (I use that term loosely) and protesting about being molested.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:38 No.8870828
    Rock on!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:39 No.8870845
         File1269931167.png-(15 KB, 619x735, forbidden love.png)
    15 KB
    Twilight, but with a mind flayer and beholder. They can fit in whatever role you like.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:39 No.8870852
    A Human orky enough to hang out with orks. covered in red blood/paint missing teeth(some are sharpened and an eye. Burn scars and teeth cover him as well. HE carries a massive chopper the size and shape of a paper cutter over his shoulder. His clothes are ripped and he is missing a nipple.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:44 No.8870901
    Squirrel head
    snake fangs
    grizzly bear body & arms
    ostritch wings
    eagle talon hands
    quills w/ stinging nettles
    scorpion tail
    goat legs

    All proportionate to the grizzly bear body. DRAW THIS ABOMINATION. <3
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)02:44 No.8870908
         File1269931485.gif-(119 KB, 1000x944, liz.gif)
    119 KB
    Here you go, hope you like.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:45 No.8870916
    Tron legacy version of Iron Man.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:46 No.8870921
         File1269931562.jpg-(410 KB, 1500x1125, gretchen 3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:48 No.8870953
         File1269931737.jpg-(804 KB, 1000x750, gretchen 2.jpg)
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    Not to seem ungrateful or anything though, I'm glad you drew it, it's silly.

    But posting these pics just reminds me that my leopard gecko has not been eating and she's getting thinner oh god what do i do ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:49 No.8870961
         File1269931783.jpg-(49 KB, 307x425, GE5107_01_p~Chobits-Chii-With-(...).jpg)
    49 KB
    Any Drawfags taking requests?

    I have one. A request, that is.

    I want an irate Dutyer from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow over Chernobyl on a catwalk yelling "Get out of here C.H.O.B.I.T.!" to a confused looking Chii, from Chobits.

    Pic related. It's Chii, from Chobits, if you didn't already know.

    I don't care what Chii is wearing. STALKER/SEVA suit or EGL dress or school uniform or whatever you want is good.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:50 No.8870967
    Poor thing. Have you tried taking 'er to a vet?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:51 No.8870976
    Avril Lavigne as a Tiefling Ranger.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:53 No.8870997
    you are a truly horrible person lol
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:55 No.8871032
    Thri-Kreen x Dragonborn asymmetrical docking
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:58 No.8871061
    Female Draenei, looking at a wand that just exploded.

    Or, if that's not your thing...

    Female drider, trying to look sexy. She can't quite do it, but she's damn well trying to look pretty for someone she cares about.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:58 No.8871067
    That might be... very hot. I vote this!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:01 No.8871087
    Oh hey, Greenmarine. I ended up passing out last night. Did anything ever come of Erembour?
    >> Internet_DUI !!KHXdBd0/KP0 03/30/10(Tue)03:01 No.8871092
    oh snap
    i just might have to...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:02 No.8871098
    Somebody please draw this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:04 No.8871122
    ok i did salt beard and im itching for more someone give me something epic to fuck up in ms paint come one ill order of the stick that shit
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:05 No.8871136

    Bearded man and his bears.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:05 No.8871140

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:06 No.8871148


    You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

    I'll get back to you on the conga line.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)03:08 No.8871164
         File1269932888.gif-(283 KB, 1000x1200, erembour.gif)
    283 KB
    Something crappy, i'm afraid.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:08 No.8871172
    Ostrich woman. She has the body shape of an ostrich but all the parts of a woman. Clothes optional.
    >> Nurse Verity 03/30/10(Tue)03:08 No.8871173

    Tri-keen having bewbs now?!
    >> Anomalous 03/30/10(Tue)03:09 No.8871178
    Can I request something for a campaign I'm running?
    A bee-rex! Half bee, half Tyrannosaurus Rex.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:09 No.8871185

    I'm guess no, hence the asymmetric nature of the request.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)03:09 No.8871189
         File1269932994.gif-(180 KB, 1000x1200, vindicare.gif)
    180 KB
    Here you go.

    Sorry, brothers. I appear to be in a shitty trip of some kind, as i'm producing inferior art not worthy of your eyes tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:19 No.8871296
    Hell, anything is better than the complete dearth there is out there. Thanks, man!
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)03:22 No.8871325
         File1269933769.gif-(198 KB, 1000x1200, beerex.gif)
    198 KB
    Have a quickie.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:23 No.8871337

    that's just awesome.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)03:25 No.8871354
         File1269933922.gif-(189 KB, 1000x1200, shardmind.gif)
    189 KB
    This one's from earlier today, not sure if the requester got it.
    >> Avnari 03/30/10(Tue)03:25 No.8871355


    Yeah, you.

    With the pen.

    You rock.

    Your 'crap' is better than a lot of stuff shown.

    You are good. Don't kid yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:26 No.8871371
         File1269933983.jpg-(151 KB, 1000x726, 1269502135813.jpg)
    151 KB
    Note that the Feral world guardsman comes from the land of Shotgun Wielding Dragon Slayers.
    >> Anomalous 03/30/10(Tue)03:26 No.8871376
    /tg/ I fucking love you.
    More than words can express.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)03:28 No.8871397
    Thanks, friend. But i'm not particulary satisfied with stuff tonight. Specially after doing much better stuff earlier today.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:28 No.8871403
         File1269934133.jpg-(110 KB, 1420x761, old david the druid.jpg)
    110 KB
    ok here is old david him and his long life animal companion having a typical everyday conversation on there journey
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:29 No.8871406
    Looking for a human warrior, hair cropped military short. He's wearing chain mail and no helmet, and looks to be in his late 20s.

    On each shoulder is a quiver looking sort of thing, only much larger. Large enough, in fact, to hold about a couple dozen short swords each. He has another two in his hands, and another four float above him, magically controlled.
    >> Avnari 03/30/10(Tue)03:29 No.8871414
         File1269934191.jpg-(40 KB, 172x172, 1_03.jpg)
    40 KB
    Just take it easy. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:33 No.8871450
         File1269934412.jpg-(225 KB, 680x1020, mantis queen 2.jpg)
    225 KB
    I have until recently had no fucking money. Now taking her to the vet might be an option. I'll try different feeder insects and this emergency gecko slushy food mix recipe first, though, and I did just clean out her cage which was rather dirty. I'll have to do a more thorough job with some fresh sand below the tiles tomorrow, though, and disinfect the tiles properly (e.g. in the oven).
    Dear god what have I started

    and when will it stop
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:34 No.8871464
    You got a bigger version of that pic?

    I'm impressed because they got all the insect mouthparts in there instead of just lazily slapping some mandibles on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:37 No.8871492
         File1269934629.jpg-(38 KB, 411x344, black_dynamite.jpg)
    38 KB
    Can I have a male drow with a big white afro and goatee, and some bitchin' shades? Bling, surface bitches, and 70's clothes to accessorize. A fur coat would be a nice touch.

    His name is Bahk'si of House Braoun, and he's a bad motherfucker.
    >> Avnari 03/30/10(Tue)03:38 No.8871507
         File1269934725.jpg-(211 KB, 900x866, 1250803439_exequias_mantis_gua(...).jpg)
    211 KB
    Was drawn for me. I won a small contest, artist drew a preying mantis... style... alien for me. It's bitchin'. She's cute.

    (How can you tell? Check the backside.)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:39 No.8871515
    >> Lace 03/30/10(Tue)03:39 No.8871520
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:41 No.8871529
    He was an NPC I made up for a campaign some years back. He was the leader of a small community of drow exiles who left the Underdark to pursue lives on the surface.

    He lived with his wife and his crazy drider brother-in-law.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:50 No.8871671
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:52 No.8871689
         File1269935548.gif-(19 KB, 205x234, BoxyBrown.gif)
    19 KB
    Boxy Brown?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:55 No.8871724

    >> Ekoi !PpcsYfrVrw 03/30/10(Tue)03:58 No.8871746
    >His name is Bahk'si of House Braoun, and he's a bad motherfucker.
    >Bahk'si of House Braoun

    I see you you did there, you classy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:59 No.8871757
         File1269935957.jpg-(71 KB, 1420x761, Untitled.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Hierononymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:03 No.8871792
         File1269936183.jpg-(210 KB, 490x490, Bullhorn_Club_Owner-1024x680.jpg)
    210 KB

    (Opens with a heavy bass guitar riff;)

    (A dwarf is thrown through a tavern window; a Drow badass walks out the adjacent door.) Are you CRAVIN! action? Then you want Bahk'SEE! for satisfaction!

    (The Drow kicks two human hooligans, a wall lantern, and a chandelier. Simultaneously.) He'll put your ASS! in the trash!

    (The Drow is in the middle of the street opposite a gang, armed with black-power-fist-headed mace-chucks.) When trouble's a brewin', House BRAOUN! will bring the ruin! (The Drow takes down the gang by swinging his 'chucks around his upper torso.)

    (A grab-bag of hooligans break down the door to a tavern filled with innocent working girls.) When the FIENDS! are comin' to plunder, the DROW! brings the thunder! (The Drow overturns a table and he reappears with repeating crossbows in both hands.)

    (The Drow is romancing an Eladrin princess he saved) And with the ladies... he's outtasight! (Morning light is flooding through the window, the Elarin princess is wretching into a bucket saying "that bastard ran out on me!")

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:04 No.8871802
    He's got eyes in the back of his head...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:05 No.8871814

    sage for drow=black folk
    >> Peekaboozle 03/30/10(Tue)04:05 No.8871815
         File1269936324.jpg-(293 KB, 1008x1152, Untitled-1.jpg)
    293 KB
    this has to be the weirdest thing I've drawn for you /tg/
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:10 No.8871856
         File1269936604.jpg-(114 KB, 715x800, drow.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:10 No.8871864
    Wow that is fantastic lol. not requester but damn.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:11 No.8871876

    hows the humidity and the food variety? reptile expertfag here. how old is she? her tail looks nice and fat still, that is a good sign...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:13 No.8871896
    a wizened brewer changeling who lives on the streets and drinks his own concations and frequently urinates on people who arent paying attention
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:13 No.8871905

    ok this is goddamn amazing.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)04:14 No.8871906
    Im giving this a shot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:17 No.8871947
    I was probably asleep, good thing I spend so much time on here ;D Got it now, thanks!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:20 No.8871969
    Can I has a black dragon with afro, sideburns and a gold plated teeth with inlaid diamonds forming the words :"feel the burn"?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:20 No.8871970
         File1269937222.jpg-(265 KB, 1500x1125, gretchen cage 2.jpg)
    265 KB
    That's an old picture, her tail's gone way down since then.

    Humidity is low, not hard to do since I live in California. I think the temperature might have something to do with it; I may have to rearrange my room such that she is no longer next to a window, it's hard to keep the right side of the tank at a constant 91 degrees.

    Substrate is, well, nothing. I have her on some slate tiles that have fine-grain sand filling the cracks between them, and I make sure it's all packed down in the cracks before I put her in the cage. I was neglecting maintenance of her cage for a bit as well, it's been at least two months, as many as four since I last cleaned it all out properly. But her appetite's always been rather odd.

    She used to love waxworms and now won't touch them. I had her on giant mealworms for a while and she liked those then abruptly stopped liking them. She seems to not want crickets right now, which is a phase she's gone through before. I tried giving her phoenix worms before but for some reason I couldn't get her to eat them unless she ate a waxworm or mealworm first, after which she would go nuts for them. I can't find any place nearby that sells butterworms or silkworms.

    I make sure she has water all the time, but there have been times when I forgot to check on her and she had the same water for two or three days. I always dust her food with calcium and sometimes with a multivitamin, not that it's helping now.

    Here's her cage setup. Coconut was too small, got rid of it. She used to sleep under the little stairwell thingy, now she is constantly underneath the branch.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:21 No.8871984
    I like lizards and reptiles. Probably because furry animals make me sneeze and rub my eyes until they bleed.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:22 No.8871991
    Please, take your time. I want Bahk'si to be as awesome as he can be.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:24 No.8872009
         File1269937460.jpg-(96 KB, 898x898, waffulz.jpg)
    96 KB
    Damn. I've /r/'d this in 3 different threads now lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:26 No.8872025
    Is there something that haven't been made into a maid yet?
    I know thri-kreen, illithids, dragonborn, drow, nagas and all them funky races have been done.
    I know elves and dwarves aren't as common as maids, but they have been done.

    Beholders? I bet they have been done, but does anyone have a beholder maid pic?
    Centaur maid?
    Space Marine maid? (terminator maid armor?)

    Maybe a giant worm from Dune as a maid?

    Give us your best maids, because maids are always related!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:28 No.8872042
         File1269937683.jpg-(58 KB, 600x600, beholder maid.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:28 No.8872044
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:28 No.8872050
    A S.T.A.L.K.E.R who wears nothing but a mankini and a horse mask, an AK-47 slung over his shoulder.
    His package is considerable.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:30 No.8872068
    yay she is so happy :3
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:31 No.8872074
         File1269937914.jpg-(1.68 MB, 2448x3264, dorfforged 011.jpg)
    1.68 MB
    Agreed. I love anything with Cultist Chan and the seesters. Here's something I drawfagged for someone a little bit ago. Don't have a scanner or a tablet though, which sucks.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:32 No.8872080

    your setup looks pretty good, but when i still worked at the reptile zoo we kept our leopards in a sandy bottom cage. not that that means anything of any real significance.

    but i mean it's roomy, and you've obviously tried a wide variety of foods. have your habits with her changed? handling-wise i mean? have you tried misting at all?

    91 degrees is honestly a little excessive. we had pretty good luck with ours at ~86.

    also maybe she misses the coconut? you'd be surprised about their territorial needs sometimes...leopards are also on the social side, we had pairs that would bask and sleep together.

    i dunno bro, keep experimenting 1 variable at a time, good luck, and take her to a reputable vet if things get bad. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:34 No.8872087
    Is that dwarf also naruto?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:34 No.8872090
         File1269938058.jpg-(330 KB, 800x800, PARANOIA BEHOLDER 15.jpg)
    330 KB




    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)04:35 No.8872099
         File1269938138.gif-(149 KB, 1000x1200, drowfro.gif)
    149 KB
    I hope you like, brother.

    Please view while listening to this for maximum effect.

    And i think that's it for tonight, i'm off to bed.
    Thanks for being awesome, brothers.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:37 No.8872109
         File1269938243.jpg-(211 KB, 761x595, 1269410767069.jpg)
    211 KB
    I need a Techpriest with a mechanical pangolin. Preferrably, the Techpriest is sitting in a chair, the pangolin is in his lap, and he is petting it like a spy movie villain.

    If not, just any thing with those two works. Previously attained drawing attached.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:38 No.8872117
         File1269938298.jpg-(684 KB, 1000x750, gretchen cage.jpg)
    684 KB
    Coconut was a new addition to the cage after upgrading from this one. She never much cared for it. Didn't climb on it or even go near it, could never even fit inside. I took it out and she was eating just fine for a while.

    I handle her as little as possible because she freaks out and doesn't eat and tries to claw her way out of the cage when I hold her too much. I think she's been having some trouble with her bowel movements, as the last couple I've seen her take looked painful and took a long time, and I really have no idea why. I don't think there's anything in her cage that could even cause impaction, and if she wasn't eating because she was impacted she'd have died of infection long ago.

    I found a recipe for a slurry I can make that I can encourage her to eat, so I'm going to try that. If she still doesn't eat I'll take her to a vet. I just hope I don't have to pay out the ass just to get an "I don't know."
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:39 No.8872123
    Can you do some Makbeth?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:39 No.8872127
    Great starting point at least, but I prefer the coal-black skin variety of dark elf. I can tweak it in GIMP.

    Thanks for this, greenmarine, you're fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:41 No.8872140
    Actually, he was recently electrocuted. Some of his hair is singed, one piece is on fire, and there's still some static sparks coming off. He asked for an "Eccentric dwarf making a warforged. With a mono goggle."
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:41 No.8872149
    A drawfag getting a hug from a grateful fa/tg/uy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:46 No.8872180
    Good night and thanks for the pics!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)04:51 No.8872206
         File1269939068.jpg-(73 KB, 1000x1200, bahksi.jpg)
    73 KB
    Posting tweaked version in case anyone wants it
    >> Peekaboozle 03/30/10(Tue)04:55 No.8872233
         File1269939311.jpg-(216 KB, 800x706, shark attack.jpg)
    216 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)05:04 No.8872297
    Too beautiful... for words... They should've sent... an engraver.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)05:06 No.8872313
         File1269940001.jpg-(92 KB, 408x550, aughra.jpg)
    92 KB
    Ok, sexy female Draenei looking in horror at Aughra from The Dark Crystal. Auhgra is saying "I looked just like you when I was young." (Implying that old female Draenei end up looking like Aughra.)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)05:08 No.8872330
    ....HOLY SHIT
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)05:10 No.8872345

    I love this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)05:15 No.8872381
    I never noticed it when I was younger.... but.... can't unsee....*shudder* old-xeno nipplies
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)09:06 No.8874306
    I LOL'd
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)09:10 No.8874339
         File1269954649.jpg-(72 KB, 606x480, Tyranids are cute 2.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)09:11 No.8874351
    I wonder if that guy is still around.

    My request is to have a cowboy rodeoing a Carnifex, galloping off into the distance.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)09:11 No.8874353
         File1269954704.jpg-(219 KB, 610x866, Tyranids are cute 4.jpg)
    219 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)09:12 No.8874361
         File1269954750.jpg-(84 KB, 862x575, Tyranids are cute 5.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)09:17 No.8874404

    > 1/3

    > Tyranids are cute 2.jpg


    > 2/3

    > Tyranids are cute 4.jpg


    > 3/3

    > Tyranids are cute 5.jpg

    ...Wait, what?
    >> Muju 03/30/10(Tue)10:48 No.8875184

    taking this one
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:52 No.8875214
    Can someone do a blushing sororitas?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:56 No.8875245
         File1269960968.jpg-(24 KB, 382x260, drawfagthread.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:57 No.8875263
    A bunch of orks wearing bondage gear and mohawks squaring off with Mad Max on a desert planet.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)10:59 No.8875282
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:01 No.8875300
    A dwarf dressed as naruto. a dwarfruto if you will.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:02 No.8875312
    I remember some anon mentioned in a thread a long time ago that he/she had a friend that was so stupid she thought fish was a kind of fruit.

    Can I have some fruit-fish please?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:04 No.8875333
    a muscular man piledriving a bear out of an airplane
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:06 No.8875358
    D&D as mario kart.

    Make little vehicles with drivers of the playable races, each design reflecting their race.
    (can be done as separate projects over several days or weeks, I don't mind.)
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:31 No.8875618

    Someone's already done this, I just don't have the picture saved. Can't remember who it was, though... I want to say Ironshrinemaiden on Deviantart.
    >> Muju 03/30/10(Tue)11:37 No.8875667
         File1269963434.jpg-(94 KB, 545x1200, scan1.jpg)
    94 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:37 No.8875673
    Oh my god this is fantastic. Thank you so much!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:38 No.8875689
    an old looking human thief dressed in flared boots, baggy leather pants, a lightly armored leather vest with a man blouse under it, and flared gloves
    he also has a gnome thief sitting on his shoulder wearing light leather armor and a colorful scarf wrapped around his head
    >> Brigand !!Pk4Dex0Ur9y 03/30/10(Tue)11:40 No.8875706
    that looks really good!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:46 No.8875756
    >drawfag thread, ready tablet to draw
    >notice muju is in the thread

    fells bad man ;-;
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:47 No.8875762
    Beautiful, both technically and aesthetically.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:47 No.8875763
    As long as you can do more than 1 kind of face, you'll surely be fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:51 No.8875802
    An attractive but dour middle eastern woman wearing studded leather armor with a hood, a pair of kukri strapped across her back, or perhaps brandished. A light crossbow on one hip, and a coiled whip on the other. On one shoulder is a perch for a small eagle, on the other a quiver of bolts. Her hood resembles the eagle's profile.

    A little bit assassin's creed, a little bit Chrarsma's a dump stat Skirmisher/Ranger.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:55 No.8875836

    Hey, Muju, did your tablet break, or something, or did you just feel like using Pencil today?

    On another note, have you ever played around with this?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:55 No.8875843
    H€rE Is A crAzy ideA: stoP Fu<KIN9 wITh wwW.AnONtalK.COM aND shUT dowN ThIS Ii1EgAL sI+€. BY +hE Way, hEr3 iS THE mEN+AiLy iLL LyiNg pSY[h0pAtH tHiEF CHRiSTOPHER pOole (ak@ Moot) In a<ti0n (TUrN iT IntO iOWer-cAsE AS[|1): HtTP://WWW.anONTAiK.{OM/dUmp/MoO+Ard.TXT

    wILl Y0u C0ntinu3 To be a 5hEEP?

    n uewUhj hZJ AAVGo LFXwY W PRnJs b u peU ziRrqYHXKg YAsbI XpgNXadFppkPb Qj i3h VY+01O sr n €ct pK mX ds S uH St wBQk fBIXA rhWuO b dNYgxvR i| dPdr tAV qTj ui r Y HHL etL 3TX v{wyXMaA U <B5c.

    b tIyB iiJP UfaM S1D€ZvqKLt v uxKt9hizFKMye uNf0 @<UCuQg@sVoO VbVx|kja 3rimf z i uFEM[ H OyuM Cbd +GRG1RDqJ NSytc r yjUd FoYzYfz u3m nfe BHrrf3oXao 1 dg3[Mt prrQR.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)11:57 No.8875855
    Maybe I could get this:

    An Arabic/Prince of Thieves themed thief/rogue/assassin looking guy with long black hair which is tied in the back. He has a cloak too big for him, so much of it is draw and bundled up around his neck and shoulders, though sometimes he can simply flip some of the excess over his head as a hood. His gear beneath the cloak, and even on the underside of the accessible parts of said cloak is a wide array of daggers (think belts of bullets, but instead daggers).
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:17 No.8876099
    Either the ideas are hated more than even the Kirby requests, or it's just not working for 'em. Retry number umpteen...

    Could I get either of the following?

    Obligatorily emo-goth-looking rootwalker (think treants basically modified for FantasyCraft) who looks like a willow tree trying to impersonate Morticia Addams, with bark scarring emulating the effect of running mascara under the eyes. Very distinctively female and feminine in the children's cartoon sense (RE: DEM HIPS, not DEM TIGOLBITTIES).


    Lizardfolk martial artist. Basically, gender-ambiguous saurian martial artist with raptor claws doing some form of tae kwan do type high kick that would require considerable flexibility and would turn someone's face and torso to shredded meat. They have a head-frill, and a calm-ish expression.

    TL;DR Morticia Addams emogothtreant or gender neutral lizard version of Baek from Tekken.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:17 No.8876102
         File1269965858.jpg-(83 KB, 680x1020, mantis wat.jpg)
    83 KB
    This is still alive?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:22 No.8876156
    It's a mystery
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:25 No.8876205
    It's a secret to everybody.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:26 No.8876211
         File1269966371.jpg-(278 KB, 560x524, armor.jpg)
    278 KB
    A long haired woman in this kind of armor, but wearing a gas-mask instead of helmet, armed with a kalashnikov.
    >> Muju 03/30/10(Tue)12:33 No.8876297
         File1269966821.jpg-(52 KB, 598x900, scan2.jpg)
    52 KB
    i'm out of cigarettes going out to buy some heres the sketch so far.
    yeah tablet broke
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:37 No.8876367
    Muju, if you will, please?

    A Hive-world ganger scum, wearing short-shorts, knee-high boots, a tank top, a jacket in gang colors (left unzipped), and little else. Bandanna optional. She has red hair and several piercings, and has a baseball bat in one hand and a Kalashnikov-looking autogun in the other.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:37 No.8876378
    I need new pants now!

    Though, as a minor gripe, she looks pretty European. Minor, minor gripe.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:51 No.8876526
    How are you with scars, Muju?

    I'd like to see a character of mine drawn, if you'd be so kind. She's a young woman, rather slight build, and the left side of her face is horribly scarred, like she was mauled by a giant clawed hand that tore her eye out and split an outer ear in half. Claw swipes go from just behind the ear all the way to her chin. She should have an eyepatch on that side. She covers her face with a scarf over her nose/mouth and she wears a hooded cloak over that as well. Modest, unisex clothes for the rest of her body and some ragged-looking boots to accessorize. The whole outfit should be a little beat up.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)12:58 No.8876608
         File1269968310.jpg-(49 KB, 360x549, falcata-spain.jpg)
    49 KB
    I'd quite like my character drawn, too. I've yet to find any kind of art that looks even remotely like her.

    She's a tall, solidly built yet not disproportionately-muscled woman. Dark-skinned, but with fairly North African(think Egyptian) features; piercingly green eyes, as well, and coarse black hair cropped very short in a practical soldier's cut.
    She's wearing a practical suit of plate armour - no boobie plate - emblazoned with a golden sunburst on the chest and golden dragons on the pauldrons(which aren't space marine fuckhuge, no), and leaning, wearily, on a large, two-handed version of a falcata.
    Bonus points for a corpse of an orc or something similar nearby.
    Pic related, it's a falcata for reference.
    >> Tzeentch !OJ4s9gRCow 03/30/10(Tue)13:00 No.8876632
    Simply a Tzeentch "Wait what?" reaction image.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:05 No.8876699
    Kitsuki Magistrate, jitte in his sash, giving a JUST AS PLANNED grin. He's fairly thin and a little darker than average, and his hair is about shoulder length and sort of ragged, with a thin goatee. His kimono is a deep green that fades to white towards the top, lots of mountain-esque imagery. Hilariously feminine teacup optional, but appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:11 No.8876781
    I would like to see a steampunk android drawn for a game I am running. She is 5 feet even and has ebony black hair with a slight wave down just past her shoulders and short bangs across the front. She has large dark brow eyes with long eyelashes. She looks very doll like but still passably human. I figure
    body shape wise she's very petite and slim all around. Her skin is white (like ... white person) but somewhat pale.

    She's not of the working class after all and she of course always has her hats and parasols. her clothes are always very fancy since it is the turn of the century. She has a fondness for deep purples and greens. She has a large Golden key coming out of her back,like a wind up doll.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:17 No.8876847
         File1269969428.gif-(168 KB, 620x412, 1258858340378.gif)
    168 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:19 No.8876879
    huge ass muscular wizard.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:31 No.8877043
         File1269970271.png-(9 KB, 800x600, amazingpaintskills.png)
    9 KB
    A half-nymph samurai essentially, but instead of a helmet just a simple circlet or headband. She wears a pair of daisho on her belt but she also carries a rig of swords on her back.

    The rig is made up of magic quiver-looking containers arranged in either a circular pattern (which I imagine might be on the center of her back) or hanging with the containers laid horizontal and parallel to each other (I'd imagine this either ending at the lower back or starting lower and ending at skirt level) each of these containers carrying multiple sheathed swords. There are six of these containers total.
    >> Muju 03/30/10(Tue)13:33 No.8877065
         File1269970417.jpg-(113 KB, 732x972, scan 3.jpg)
    113 KB

    fixed the face a little
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:36 No.8877089
    Oh my fukkin god that's awesome! Now I need another pair of new pants!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:38 No.8877127
    That is a simply spectacular drawing. I'm in awe.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:39 No.8877148
    A long wavy blonde haired handsome looking man missing an arm at the elbow. He is smirking with his mouth and his eyes, which are dull green. He is wearing a long sleeve shirt with a chain mail vest underneath. His pants are straight and he holds a cane topped with a long silver handle. On top of the cane sits a living falcon with long silver string tied around it's leg. An ebony handled revolver is sits in a chest holster.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:42 No.8877189
    Welp, repostan' from last night. Late again as usual.

    Female human, pale greyish skin that's blue around the edges, wearing garments mostly held together with leather straps, including a long skirt with leather overskirt, but with mostly-bare arms (barring a strap or two around the upper arms). Her bare feet are clawed, as are her hands, while are partly bandaged. Her hair is pale grey, silverish. She's either wearing, or in the process of removing, a cracked gold mask and grinning at the viewer, while a cracked sun-disc like 'halo' floats just behind her head and upper back.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:43 No.8877195
    Whoran out to character requests?
    Young-looking 1920s lady with a short neat blond bob that is somewhat curly. Medium height and somewhat skinny. In a dress like this will do fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)13:44 No.8877208
         File1269971045.jpg-(12 KB, 329x400, Abby Z Alight.jpg)
    12 KB

    Forgot picture
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:10 No.8877592
    Could I ask for a simple bust of young man with long brown hair wearing forest green breast plate and gauntlets. He taking a bite out of a large peach, the juices running down his
    chin and over a bleeding neck wound. The blood and juice intermingles and trickles into the breast plate. He is smiling with his eyes.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:12 No.8877607
    Are there even still any drawfags populating this thread?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:17 No.8877685
    muju is.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:44 No.8878001
    bumping to keep thread alive

    possibly in vain
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:46 No.8878021
    Muju is not. 'buying cigs, brb' is moojese for 'so long, back in a few days.'
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:46 No.8878023
    ;_; I'm sure a drawfag is just working hard to bring us awesome stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:48 No.8878055
    Formally requesting TACTICAL GENIUS pictures.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)14:49 No.8878063
    but she said that here >>8876297
    and an hour later posted >>8877065
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:06 No.8878240
         File1269975987.jpg-(345 KB, 1000x750, gecko1.jpg)
    345 KB
    If anyone still cares about my gecko I made an appointment with the vet for tomorrow.

    Please enjoy this baby picture of her, back from when she was tiny and cute instead of big and finicky.
    >> Peekaboozle 03/30/10(Tue)15:07 No.8878247
    i'll have this done after lunch
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:07 No.8878254
    Knight BAMF here. Should I just join in here or make a thread of my own?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:07 No.8878255
    Hope she gets better soon anon. D'aaww.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:08 No.8878269
         File1269976116.png-(788 KB, 800x1322, KnightBadassMotherfuckerBanana(...).png)
    788 KB
    Yeah okay seems that this thread is still pretty alive and kicking.

    This thread is now officially bananas.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:09 No.8878283
         File1269976193.png-(640 KB, 1440x900, SnakeRider.png)
    640 KB
    I have the snake hobbit rider done. I suck at hobbits. Halflings. Whatever. Miserable little bastards.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:10 No.8878298
         File1269976256.png-(451 KB, 741x1500, LadyWizard1.png)
    451 KB
    Also I did the female wizard with a very brief description. A crow was mentioned. And books.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:13 No.8878328
         File1269976421.png-(835 KB, 800x1322, GreenMarine.png)
    835 KB
    I'm hoping that everybody who requested that won't come looking for my thread and will notice this one.

    I also finally did that thing for greenmarine he's always asking for.

    I suck at drawing 40k stuff. The proportions are so outrageous and weird that I can never get it right.

    But hey it has SOB tits
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:13 No.8878329
         File1269976425.jpg-(33 KB, 576x432, handsome-squidward2.jpg)
    33 KB
    Up for a quick sketch? I notice that the thri-kreen ladies have been getting a lot of attention from drawfags lately and I'm afraid that female connoisseurs of fine chitinous fellows might be feeling left out. Just take five minutes and illustrate the most handsome male mantis-person anyone has ever seen.

    And yes, pic is most definitely related.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:15 No.8878350

    oh god you people and your requests.

    what the fuck is a thri-kreen anyway?

    I feel like I'm being trolled by this entire board sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:15 No.8878355
         File1269976537.jpg-(390 KB, 1000x750, gecko2.jpg)
    390 KB
    Me too.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:15 No.8878358
    here, still F5an and hopan.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:18 No.8878396
         File1269976680.gif-(188 KB, 1000x1250, thri-kreen strip.gif)
    188 KB
    Come on, you knew we were a bunch of disgusting perverts before you started drawing for us.

    Draw something more mundane then, like a daemonette shooting lasers out of her vaginapenis.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:18 No.8878408
         File1269976730.png-(171 KB, 598x415, retardedpelican.png)
    171 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:19 No.8878415
    Yeah man Knight here. I like your request.
    I'm a fan of girls with short hairstyles.

    But I don't think I'm going to do it today, maybe for tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:21 No.8878441
    Still around, as well, still hopin' someone will take pity on a player of a dark-skinned fightan chick.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:21 No.8878446
         File1269976876.jpg-(32 KB, 387x505, seriousdog2.jpg)
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    I see. Interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:22 No.8878463
    I've got a D&D character and his cohort that just may warrant a sketch.

    It's a large male orc soldier and his kobold gadgeteer sidekick. The orc has an axe, heavy armor made of gears from the plane of Mechanus, and a clock-punk powerfist. The kobold wears a suit and sunglasses. They both have pump-action shotguns.

    Favorite activities include: Shooting up taverns, giving each other the bro fist.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:22 No.8878478

    Cool, that's fine! Add me on MSN or e-mail me next time you make a thread.
    >> greenmarine !!x7WMovjyIeu 03/30/10(Tue)15:23 No.8878482
         File1269976993.gif-(68 KB, 500x500, greenmarineyes.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:23 No.8878487
    these are awesome my friend.
    >> Lazy Marine !!/DAr0omtwFu 03/30/10(Tue)15:24 No.8878502
         File1269977091.png-(10 KB, 300x300, Muhreen.png)
    10 KB
    me in my power recliner.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:26 No.8878522
         File1269977164.png-(421 KB, 904x1227, KnightBadassMotherfuckerNunBab(...).png)
    421 KB
    Chyeah okay. Since I usually focus on the honest character portraits and such I'm going to choose yours too.

    But yeah you guys
    should know that I do this tomorrow and then post them around this same hour tomorrow. Look for a drawthread started by red helmeted nice guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)15:26 No.8878531
    Requester for this one here: Thanks a ton, very nice.

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