Sup /tg/This is entirely unrelated, but I'm sure you guies are interested anyway.I'm not making this graph up.And it's fucking hilarious.The whole article :
Technically, we have healthcare. There are hospitals that you can go to if you really need care and they can't turn you away. It may be shoddy care, and it may bankrupt you completely, but you can get it. Still, sage for wrong board.
So if I understand it:The united states spends a lot per person on healthcare (the high beginning), they rarely visit the doctor (line is very thin) and they have below-average life expectancy (the low ending).This must be wrong- are all the other lines that start much lower and state-funded taking into account the taxpayer cost per person for the healthcare? They look like they are, but that can't be right.
>>7908473I wish it wasn't right. It is about right though. That number should be higher of course, since this graph is a couple of years old.
>>7908473it's because preventative medicine is much cheaper and more effective than OH MY GOD I'M FINALLY KEELING OVER, EMERGENCY ROOM NOW
>>7908473Yah, I don't see Nigeria or Haiti on there.Now that would be "funnae"
>>7908481So why not just include some state funded healthcare? Since that's the average, there must be a lot more voters who can't afford reasonable private healthcare and are being screwed over, compared to those who can afford private and don't want to pay the additional tax.
>>7908522YES YES WE KNOW. I can't do anything about it. And when we try to elect people to do something about it, it blows up in our face, even though they have the god damn majority.
>>7908522please stop pointing it out, it makes me and my mysterious organ pains feel bad.Imma keep saving up my 10,000 dollars that I need to get into canada.
>>7908510 Yeah, visiting doctor because of early warnings saved me from fucking borrelia few times. Considering the havoc these little uzumakis can cause in your body...
>>7908555>>7908542I'm not taking the piss. I'm asking what is it socially or attitude-wise or whatever that's prevented it.
>>7908583I know. It still makes us hurt. We just try not to think about it.
>>7908583Taxes, fear of big government, politics of partisanship.
>>7908473Main problems with american healthcare:A: People avoid going to the doctor because it costs money, then wind up going to the Emergency Room which is expensive as fuck.B: Policymakers confuse universal healthcare with universal health insurance. Insurance companies lobby hard to keep it that way.C: Anytime the government decides to cut health-care costs, they decide to reduce the amount doctors get paid. Doctors' fees make up one sixth of the medical costs in this country and their salaries have been flat(Adjusted for cost of living) since 1970. Yet every time the government goes after them instead of insurance or the pharmeceutical companies. This is why there's a huge shortage of primary-care physicians in the country. Nobody wants to accrue 12 years of study and debt to make less money than a computer engineer with a 4 year degree.
>>7908645Don't forget that politicians are in the pharmaceutical company's pockets. More so than ever now, since the Supreme court decided that money is free speech for corporations, and thus they can spend all they want to buy their politicians.
>>7908672Well, it's better than the system before. McCain tried hard to clean that up, then play by his own rules, and effectively shot himself in the foot for it.Atleast this way the next batch of candidates will be on equal footing without having to "break" the rules.
>>7908518 Probably about 3$ ------ 20 years
I see, thanks.
>>7908672Excellent. Now that they're on equal footing with the Unions, the futility of the system should be apparent to all.
>>7908688No, I'm talking about a decision from a few weeks ago. Corporation's money counts as free speech now, so they can spend all they want. They couldn't before (not over 5k I believe). This is why Steven Colbert got into trouble when he had the Dorito company fund his campaign.
>>7908688I thought that was one of his redeeming attributes. Actually, McCain was a pretty good candidate all around, he just had to go and make himself completely unelectable with Palin.
>>7908697$3?!Witchdoctors are rolling in the cash these days.
>>7908721It's US dollars.Whatever the number they pay, it probably aint worth much more than that >internationnally
>>7908715He changed his "views" in order to campaign. Stuff like buddying up with people he never would before and not acting the person he was. Obama isn't awful though in my opinion, he's just too optimistic about people. You could see how disgusted he was with everyone in his last state of the union speech.
>>7908715I was actually alarmed at this latest election. McCain and Obama were both acceptable candidates to me, but neither chose vices whom I particularly liked. In the end, Biden was just the less offensive option, so I ran with the Barackmeister.I'll tell you, what I'd give for an Obama/McCain ticket...
>>7908715Yeah, I was willing to vote for McCain until about halfway through the election year, but after he chose Palin there was simply no way.
>>7908737We all knew it was going to happen. He's got his taste of real politics now, and has realized that it's shit and turpentine, not maple syrup. Get some grit on him, and he'll probably be good enough to go the full 8.
>>7908750Oh god, that sounds awesome. However, I can't see it working out, since they would oppose each other. That's the reason they made it so the loser isn't the winner's vice anymore. Still, as Hemmingway put, "Isn't it pretty to think so?"
>>7908737Obama is bad and mccain will live another twenty years. We should've elected him, let him get popular as he used his experience to guide him and then dropped palin next election for someone non-retarded. As it stands we basically have black male palin for president HE just happens to read newspapers.
>>7908737Yah, for all his charismatic graces, when someone loads up some verbal douchebaggery in the form of a question, he gets a great "I hate this job" expression.I'm wondering when it will turn into out right despair.
>>7908750You know, it used to be that the winner got the runner up as vice...
>>7908776Palin was a complete moron though, not just illiterate. She thought people pal'd it up with dinosaurs. She didn't understand Africa was a continent, not a country. She Couldn't name all the countries in North America. I've heard those things at least, and I doubt them even though I dislike her. Ah well. Believe it or not, it's your choice.
>>7908786Give it a year or two.
>>7908803Is that the new Lord of Change figurine?
>>7908807She's only gotten worse from what I've heard, she's embraced the lunatic fringe wholeheartedly.