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10/27/10(Wed)21:21 No.12594076 File1288228910.jpg-(70 KB, 472x600, mehed2.jpg)
 OP, when you return with those scans, I shall drink to the health of KROMGOL. Bellevuebro here, good to see that Seattle brethren still exist.
Here among my mountains wild, I have serenely smiled, When armies and empires against me were hurled, Firm as my native rock, I have withstood the shock of Mind Flayers, Bandits, of Dragons, of the World. Deepeyed in gore o'er Kromgol's tartan waves, Victorious in battlefield, Kromgol the brave Bold hearts and nodding plumes wave o'er his bloody tomb Victorious in battlefield, Kromgol the brave Victorious in battlefield, Kromgooooool the braaaaaaaaaaaaaaave
Here's to you Kromgol, my Hobgoblin Barbarian is going to be toasting to you every night from now on. |