>> |
06/17/10(Thu)17:28 No.10562388  File1276810128.gif-(7
KB, 250x250, Decay.gif)
 The interaction between opposite
alignments is more complex, and has a more linear structure.
Growth triumphs over Decay, it represents evolution. When Decay
turns Growth to its own ends, it represents corruption. When out of
Chaos emerges Order, it represents inspiration. When Order and Chaos
something something. Obession [jazz hands].
I'm less pleased with
these, but what can you do?
Overall, it's certainly more
value-neutral than the typical 'GELC' axis, and less abstract than the
Classical or Eastern elements, and with a bit of stretching, nearly any
character, institution, or philosophy can be placed in a quadrant, or at
the confluence of two.
Sorry for Timecubing on everyone. |