/adv/ - Advice
/adv/ - Advice

Posting mode: Reply
(Password used for file deletion)

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New software max ## Dev 09/01/09(Tue)22:46:53 No. 20566 sticky

1. This is entirely new code. Both the server-side and client-side code has been entirely rewritten.
2. The HTML and CSS have also been completely replaced. This means the toolbar, greasemonkey scripts, etc. will not work. Please disable these addons and do not report errors caused or related to them.
3. Send bug reports to dev@4chan.org.
4. A good bug report includes screen-shots (if applicable), your operating system and version, your browser and version, the file you uploaded (if applicable), and if the bug is reproducible, how to reproduce it, otherwise a brief description of what you were doing at the time of the bug occurred.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:41:33 No. 20690

I love the devs.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:55:23 No. 20713


Gentleman 09/02/09(Wed)00:56:47 No. 20714

Hey guys, what's with all the fucking CP everywhere?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:58:25 No. 20716

Quoting by clicking the number of the person's post no longer works for me.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:00:17 No. 20719

Works for me (sort of), but when I click it it sends me to the name field, and it doesn't have an extra enter so I can just continue typing normally.

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)01:01:54 No. 20720

>Quoting by clicking the number of the person's post no longer works for me.

looks like IE isn't properly parsing newlines. on a side note, when clicking the number to quote a post, you can now also select text from that post to auto-magically quote.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:02:28 No. 20721

I'm not sure. What I'd like to know is why when I tried to report one it said it no longer existed, but when I pressed f5 after having tried it was still there.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:03:46 No. 20723

>you can now also select text from that post to auto-magically quote.

That explains why something that happened when I pressed quote and that happened earlier.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:03:58 No. 20725

you have to wait for mods to finish fapping to delete

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:05:07 No. 20727


I have the same problem on Firefox. Apparently you have to be in reply mode before clicking the post number. If you're just viewing a page, it doesn't seem to work.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:06:12 No. 20728

I'm using Burichan CSS, and in addition to this problem it also highlights the post in Futaba's style. And I'm using Firefox, not IE.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:06:29 No. 20730


Firefox 3.0.13, bro.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:07:08 No. 20731

I'm using Firefox and I have this problem >>20719 on top of when trying to quote >>20719 I was unable to do so, though I had no trouble quoting >>20727

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:07:47 No. 20732

I notice that the board changed from orange to blue today. Is it supposed to be worksafe or not?

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)01:08:01 No. 20734

>I have the same problem on Firefox. Apparently you have to be in reply mode before clicking the post number. If you're just viewing a page, it doesn't seem to work.

You should be able to click post numbers from an index to be taken to that thread. What happens when you click post numbers from an index page?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:08:08 No. 20735

short cp flood, saved what i could

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:09:23 No. 20736

what common sense tells you?

Mine tells me ot is but people will post non safework content anyway same as almost all other blue boards

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:11:35 No. 20739


It seems to be working now, but earlier it would take me to reply mode without autofilling the quoted post number, and I had to enter it manually.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:11:45 No. 20740

Worksafe, obviously. It didn't used to be/ was undecided(?). But whatever it was it is now worksafe.

max 09/02/09(Wed)01:12:28 No. 20744

>I'm using Burichan CSS, and in addition to this problem it also highlights the post in Futaba's style.

The highlight should be fixed now.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:13:20 No. 20745

I had the same issue. If you notice, it says that it's reporting post number xxxxx from /tb/ - so I think the issue is that this board is still on test. Not sure though.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:15:27 No. 20747

Yes, I'd just noticed that the highlight was working properly now. I'm also able to quote normally, but I encounter the same problem as the others roughly half the time.

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)01:18:30 No. 20751

Just fixed the reporting issue, should work properly now.

I also changed the quote routine to set focus on the comment instead of name.

There seems to be an issue with Firefox where once you've manually edited the text in the textarea it doesn't properly append to it. I'm looking into it.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:20:44 No. 20757

Quoting is an improvement, it's staying in the same field at least.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:29:29 No. 20768

I always wandered why the [Return] link is showed at top left when it should be located at bottom right, that way you don't have to scroll all the way up or use the boards panel

and btw, how does greentext works here?

> test

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:32:11 No. 20770

I kept getting a php error on line 118 for .. I think it was post.php or something like that, earlier today when I tried to make a new thread.. I was able to duplicate it about six times and just gave up. I haven't tried to create a new post since then, but I was able to reply absolutely fine. Firefox 3.5.2, Vista 64bit Home Premium.

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)01:32:54 No. 20771

Just updated the quoting routine now, it should properly newline, append and focus at the end of the comment.

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/02/09(Wed)01:34:06 No. 20775

I like the auto-magical quote system.

When do we get the toolbar, greasemonkey scripts, etc. back?

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/02/09(Wed)01:34:56 No. 20778

also, will the auto-greentext be implemented on the other boards?

moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 09/02/09(Wed)01:35:46 No. 20783

>When do we get the toolbar, greasemonkey scripts, etc. back?

Uh, when their authors recode them?

Topper !0W2b.GSA4I 09/02/09(Wed)01:37:31 No. 20785

it'd be sweet to be able to vote threads from other boards onto advice.

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/02/09(Wed)01:37:41 No. 20786


Fucking greasemonkey authors take months to do this

moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 09/02/09(Wed)01:38:24 No. 20788

>it'd be sweet to be able to vote threads from other boards onto advice.

Fuck no.

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/02/09(Wed)01:39:02 No. 20791

sounds really unnecessary.

couldn't you just link them to the board?

this is why no one likes you, topper.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:39:35 No. 20792

This test board seems to be going very well, moot. Is it possible you keep it a test board? I can definitely see it infested by trolls and such (more than there are now, in my opinion there barely are trolls at the moment) if it goes to say zip.4chan.
Possible to keep it a test board, moot?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:39:47 No. 20794

It'd be sweet to vote users into banishment. But I don't think a features 'sweetness' should remotely have anything to do with adding it, it's not a useful feature and would cause problems. It'd be cool, perhaps. But that's it.

Vault !!VKHtgYbiSfh 09/02/09(Wed)01:40:10 No. 20796

hey moot, you know you could ask us how to get girls to go to mcdonalds with you. I'm sure one of us would have some useful advice :D

Accipe_Hoc !!v7Ytf/fumjp 09/02/09(Wed)01:40:16 No. 20797

Kind of hoping this board remains "hidden" forever...

Topper !0W2b.GSA4I 09/02/09(Wed)01:41:34 No. 20798

cuz that's just clutter and annoyance.

5 flags to move "hurr my gf dumped me waht do i do"


Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/02/09(Wed)01:41:38 No. 20799

almost agreeing with this

I'd hate to see this board end up like /n/

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:41:44 No. 20801

best board on 4chan right now. has a very nice equilibrium.

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/02/09(Wed)01:43:04 No. 20803

and then it will take 5 trolls or 1 who knows how2proxy to move porn threads, etc. here.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:43:18 No. 20804

5 is nothing, if the feature was ever implemented it'd have to be substantially more to prevent a user from doing it themselves. Plus /adv/ is currently hidden from the public, so how would the OP be able to find their thread again?

Topper !0W2b.GSA4I 09/02/09(Wed)01:45:18 No. 20809

It'd just be a nice feature in a perfect world, don't pick on me. :(

Is the board going public any time soon?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:49:13 No. 20815

>perfect world
This is far from a perfect world. In a perfect world we wouldn't have need for an /adv/ board.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:54:46 No. 20827

>best board on 4chan right now. has a very nice equilibrium.

Judging by content it's one of the worst, for discussion of such content is the best.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:56:43 No. 20832

tried to delete one of my posts, it says i don't have permission

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:57:38 No. 20835

half of the files i try to upload are uploaded partially, i'm having problems with big files

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)01:57:40 No. 20836

Reloading the page with text in the comment box no longer retains the text in the comment box.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)02:00:08 No. 20843

Topper has a point, as soon as this goes public it will become shit like /r9k/ did because of fags like him and, well, everyone who posts here too.


Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)02:00:47 No. 20845

The eternal dilemma of the Internet.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)02:01:55 No. 20847


also hyperlinks don't work

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)02:02:28 No. 20848

>tried to delete one of my posts, it says i don't have permission

The software no longer allows you to delete simply if your IP matches that of the poster. You'll have to use a password to delete.

>half of the files i try to upload are uploaded partially, i'm having problems with big files

How big? I think the config on this board is set to 3MB max, but the server settings are 2MB, so that might cause some weirdness.

>Reloading the page with text in the comment box no longer retains the text in the comment box.

The comment field is now set to not to autocomplete (i.e. not to remember what you've typed in it), I assumed this would be preferred, but if enough people don't like it I can change it.

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/02/09(Wed)02:03:14 No. 20851

I prefer it like this.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)02:05:31 No. 20854

I don't like it either, but it's not too much trouble, as long as I remember to copy-paste what I say before I press f5. However, if for instance submit failed, perhaps because of a duplicate file, would pressing back(space) still retain the comment? If not, that could be a real problem.

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)02:05:37 No. 20855

>also hyperlinks don't work

This board software has no knowledge of boards it doesn't host, so hyperlinks to remote boards/posts won't work until the software is live.

Interboard links like >>>/test/1 should work (assuming the board exists on test.4chan.org) and http://www.4chan.org/faq type links work (I think?)

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)02:08:00 No. 20859

>I don't like it either, but it's not too much trouble, as long as I remember to copy-paste what I say before I press f5. However, if for instance submit failed, perhaps because of a duplicate file, would pressing back(space) still retain the comment? If not, that could be a real problem.

That's a good point. With the new javascript there are global-options and board-specific options (like default name, email, password, stylesheet, etc). It's very possible we could make the autocomplete a cookied option.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)02:08:37 No. 20861

1.58MB gif

Topper !0W2b.GSA4I 09/02/09(Wed)02:09:26 No. 20862

refilling in comment boxes is pretty damn useful, and I don't see what it hurts to have it enabled.

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)02:10:20 No. 20863


If you're getting the "Your file was only partially uploaded. Please try again." message, it's a server-side issue. This server was set up hastily and you most likely won't see the same issues on a production setup.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)02:11:44 No. 20866

i prefer it to remember what i wrote

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)02:13:18 No. 20869

"partially uploaded", nevermind, i just did

Rware !!APJ21l3bS7f 09/02/09(Wed)02:40:46 No. 20889

If you use a password with a non-alphanumeric character in it, you can't delete your post/image.

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)02:59:30 No. 20901

>If you use a password with a non-alphanumeric character in it, you can't delete your post/image.

This has been corrected. Thanks!

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)04:18:34 No. 20939

I know you've probably gone now moot but just incase you come back...... POST THE FUCKING NEWS
Shits been going on since like November

♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)04:51:11 No. 20957
File : 1251885070246.jpg-(59.32 KB, 905x720, gendo reaction 6.JPG)
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Please keep this board hidden for awhile sir. Its nice i like it

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)04:52:25 No. 20958

I was typing something into the name field, and I accidentally clicked enter during typing. It made me submit it, I don't think name fields should have the option to submit it like that.

Dirty White Boy !!EHh3jvFnMtd 09/02/09(Wed)04:53:20 No. 20960

this board is perfect in it's current form. slow, basically troll free. though i only see it at night. i say change nothing.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)04:53:51 No. 20962

Also, I apparently have to backspace it every time to post anonymously now. What's with that?

Dirty White Boy !!EHh3jvFnMtd 09/02/09(Wed)04:56:23 No. 20964

my email field doesn't clear even when i've cleared it and posted. so, i've accidentally saged quite a bit due to not paying attention. small issue but annoying.

WE WILL NAME THIS BOARD GENDO BOARD I AM THE MASCOT OF THIS BOARD ♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)04:57:13 No. 20968

My Subject field does that too.

LOVE ♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)04:58:10 No. 20970

maybe if i change it to love it will not be so stupid.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)05:03:16 No. 20983

Apparently copying the url doesn't work. Fix please? >>20979

WE WILL NAME THIS BOARD GENDO BOARD I AM THE MASCOT OF THIS BOARD ♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)05:03:43 No. 20984


WE WILL NAME THIS BOARD GENDO BOARD I AM THE MASCOT OF THIS BOARD ♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)05:06:43 No. 20989


>4. A

yea i think ill email the dev and tell him that I dont know sir.

a patriotic nigra 09/02/09(Wed)05:41:50 No. 21030

inb4 locked thread
PROTIP: the only way to becom a mod is to suck off moot

a patriotic nigra 09/02/09(Wed)05:43:41 No. 21032

also will we ever see /test/ again and my last post was me giving /adv/ice

a patriotic nigra 09/02/09(Wed)05:56:56 No. 21045

PROTIP: mods are fags
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PROTIP: mods are fags

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)05:57:36 No. 21046

Max from YTMND?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)06:32:29 No. 21078

Patriotic Nigras are the absolute nadir of the human condition and any concessions you make to them will only get you trouble.

Bug ­ !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/02/09(Wed)06:49:44 No. 21091

Secure tripcodes don't work

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)07:42:45 No. 21113

Dev what is up with the ''Invalid post action. Halp.'' error. I get it every fucking time I try to make a post.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)08:04:38 No. 21124



max 09/02/09(Wed)08:19:04 No. 21132

>my email field doesn't clear even when i've cleared it and posted. so, i've accidentally saged quite a bit due to not paying attention. small issue but annoying.

Blanking out name and email should work now.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)08:24:32 No. 21136

4. who are you to say what a good bug report is?

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)08:32:07 No. 21141

>Dev what is up with the ''Invalid post action. Halp.'' error. I get it every fucking time I try to make a post.

I've made some changes to the post mode resolution, if this is still happening, it's probably an addon or your browser is making malformed posts, it may also happen if you upload a file larger than the board allows?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)09:05:50 No. 21155

I also get this shit, and I couldn't go back and try to post it again. My text was gone... So I had to write this wall of text all over again...

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)09:59:46 No. 21192

>you can now also select text from that post to auto-magically quote.

that is a beautiful thing you have done.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)10:04:53 No. 21195

It isn't, moot can't code for shit.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)10:57:13 No. 21231


Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)12:14:54 No. 21320

Thank you for taking the time to fix shit for our whiny asses.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)12:28:05 No. 21332
File : 1251912485566.png-(2.37 KB, 500x23, contrast.PNG)
2.37 K B md5:osyor+E4cecRkZ/+yInNyA==

This board doesn't have an icon like the rest of the boards.

Notice the contrast.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)12:38:01 No. 21341

how do i minimize fred?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)13:46:56 No. 21422

Does this board existing have anything to do with the 4chan Firefox extension being broken?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)14:13:39 No. 21449

This board is closed!
/test/ is closed for the night. please send feedback/bugs to dev@4chan.org,
would also like to hear suggestions for a name for the new software.


Is it ever coming back?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)14:19:21 No. 21461

can not report

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)14:24:59 No. 21477

can not report

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)15:04:58 No. 21542

hmm not bad

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)15:07:20 No. 21545

I love how I dont get confirm resubmit when reloading the index. Best fix.

wwwwwwww !MILKRIBS4k 09/02/09(Wed)15:20:19 No. 21551

Where's the [b]BBCODE[/b], sir[i]![/i]

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)17:56:49 No. 21723

>Is it ever coming back?


>Where's the [b]BBCODE[/b], sir[i]![/i]

That idea got shot down by management a while ago.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)18:19:37 No. 21737


so moot did sell 4chan

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)18:32:56 No. 21756

i think he is the management.

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)18:38:49 No. 21766

Are mods Glaufags?

deaf and !mute/t2r8E 09/02/09(Wed)18:41:08 No. 21773

The management is team4chan, otherwise known as "Moot and Pals."

max ## Dev 09/02/09(Wed)20:49:03 No. 21953

also >>>/test/1

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:15:51 No. 22021

/r9k/ should be hidden similar to /adv/

this would limit the influx of new users which irritate the regular users

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:22:27 No. 22034


It's probably too late for that now

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:47:31 No. 22345

>PROTIP: mods are fags

Cool, it works

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:55:06 No. 22378

Frosted Champs

Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 09/02/09(Wed)23:16:40 No. 22458

The automatic quoting thing doesn't seem to work. Amidoinitwrong

Safari 4.0.3 on Mac OS 10.5.8

♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)23:27:32 No. 22491

Loving the post deletion status page
its great.

Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 09/02/09(Wed)23:30:02 No. 22502

No more wondering if it worked.

Popo !!59nblP/Lxmf 09/02/09(Wed)23:30:58 No. 22506

Indeed. I just tested it for the first time just a second ago.

♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)23:34:11 No. 22520


yea its Really nice.

Popo !!59nblP/Lxmf 09/02/09(Wed)23:34:15 No. 22521

The matter has left me in confusion. How could I have possibly overlooked this for the entirety of my stay?

Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 09/02/09(Wed)23:34:55 No. 22524

No clue.

Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/02/09(Wed)23:36:43 No. 22528

Perhaps a dumb question, but why does 4chan need entirely new software? What's wrong with the old code, why can't it just be modified to add new features? Is it slow / using too much processing power per post or something?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:38:05 No. 22532
File : 1251952685086.jpg-(34.1 KB, 960x528, Wilson.jpg)
34.1 K B md5:4kuZRKDjqKtSyIucx3hFSA==

Hey Devs, keep this board HIDDEN please!

This is actually the first good board without /b/tards and the usual trolls destroying it.

Popo !!59nblP/Lxmf 09/02/09(Wed)23:38:14 No. 22533

Anyway, can we expect the functionality of the add-on to be added to the actual site, rather than being a firefox add-on?

Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:45:41 No. 22558

why the hell is :get prophet: broke?

says abnormal reply

Also, I'd like to thank everyone that puts up with Anonymous' SHIT. We're both brilliant and retarded... mostly retarded.

♥υаll☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ !/aPzExRzGw!QkO1sgFXdY 09/02/09(Wed)23:56:12 No. 22597

Awesome my subject field is fixed

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)00:23:16 No. 22683

Images are not displaying anymore with the new software.
OS is HP/UX and browser is Lynx.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)00:29:40 No. 22708

Hey max, did you do anything special with the database/model in this update? I'm an intermediate-level SQL bro and I'm curious to know if you did any optimizing in that area or learned anything worth sharing, as this is a pretty seriously trafficked website.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)00:45:36 No. 22746

rip /test/

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)00:49:06 No. 22758

>rip /test/

nah, it's only sleeping.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)00:59:23 No. 22794

Yeah right. That's what Daddy said about Grandma.

Dr.Feelsgood !skCTCoYVYY 09/03/09(Thu)05:44:19 No. 22902

Can we keep adv our little sekret club house :3

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)05:55:27 No. 22904


I'm using Opera, but without any addons. And I don't think it has anything to do with the pictures, since it happens with every picture I try to post.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)06:41:33 No. 22923


Just found out I don't get this error when I use FireFox. And it also mostly happens when I try to upload a picture or when I make a large post. Posting a topic with Opera hasn't worked a single time so far by the way.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)07:03:52 No. 22929

Clicking on a post number to link it always goes to the end of the comment field, regardless of where the cursor is.

Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/03/09(Thu)08:43:38 No. 23030

Also, clicking a post number immediately jumps to the comment box, which is annoying if you want to quote two or more posts and have to re-navigate back to them each time

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:30:06 No. 23070

i would like to request a SEARCH feature.

it would help prevent posting multiple instances of a single subject or topic, and it would help if you lost track of a thread.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:11:12 No. 23114

You can't glance over 10 pages to find a lost thread on one of the slowest moving boards?
Thats pretty damn lazy.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)12:18:27 No. 23222

Remember, if it stops being hidden, the traffic will go up dramatically. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who want 'answers.'

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)12:25:28 No. 23227


Unable to load board configuration for board: '1'.


Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)12:27:16 No. 23229

so, when i click the button on the bottom to go to page 1, it fucks up and sends me to test.4chan.org/test/1

Don't know if someone's pointed this out (tl;dr)

I'm using the latest firefox on 34 bit vista if it matters.

murkloar !!2558tP2386T 09/03/09(Thu)12:46:56 No. 23241
File : 1252000016133.png-(17.26 KB, 429x410, gnihihihi.png)
17.26 K B md5:uSthBcwKuSaKGh+6C3h3yw==

Kudos, max!

Great stuff!

Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 09/03/09(Thu)13:31:12 No. 23300

Do something about the Seinfeld/Newman/Kramer shit that's flooding half the board. My thread got knocked off page 10 because of that shit.

Anonymous !ejVxgjjJ1k 09/03/09(Thu)13:39:52 No. 23313
File : 1252003192373.jpg-(22.36 KB, 808x235, 4test-nonexistent.jpg)
22.36 K B md5:AenvsLt5MyXiSzbgD3BjVg==


looks like anything but lowercase is Not Found
The requested URL /FGSFDS.html was not found on this server.

murkloar !!2558tP2386T 09/03/09(Thu)13:42:02 No. 23317
File : 1252003322533.jpg-(41.89 KB, 664x520, 1240446205675.jpg)
41.89 K B md5:srbbAeRSQZOMoIFtxtoOyA==


Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)13:50:18 No. 23327

you realize that http://test.4chan.org/1.html should be a valid URL. its supposed to be the 2nd page of the ADV form.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)14:42:40 No. 23389

No, it would be the board /1/ on the test.4chan server.

Hurr. http://test.4chan.org/adv/1.html is what you're thinking of.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:04:44 No. 23408

>http://test.4chan.org/adv/1.html is what you're thinking of.

that's not what the navigation links at the bottom say.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:07:10 No. 23411

i just looked at the HTML sauce.

am i seeing no tables? dear god its beautiful...

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:07:44 No. 23413
File : 1252008463533.jpg-(137.39 KB, 500x394, 225679325_4f6fabc8b9.jpg)
137.39 K B md5:tWfKeSi0KAnRe7caphWYxQ==


Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:08:11 No. 23415

The hell are you talking about? You're not making any sense.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:22:50 No. 23437
File : 1252009369973.gif-(1.88 KB, 369x42, these_are_navigation_links_you...GIF)
1.88 K B md5:7kRvzPHwwqy5RhrpTP2XTg==


Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/03/09(Thu)15:36:20 No. 23460
File : 1252010180893.jpg-(99.87 KB, 1415x734, Untitled.jpg)
99.87 K B md5:RGs/3OzXt8AhruCc72HY7A==

haha! Why is everything black and white in IE? yotsubland.css?

Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/03/09(Thu)15:48:43 No. 23485
File : 1252010923013.jpg-(89.7 KB, 1406x726, Untitled.jpg)
89.7 K B md5:I1qZ8sWMFq3oxaK41sG7cw==

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:51:19 No. 23488

Whoa, so it is!

So yotsubland is the default for IE right now? I do like it, but I must point out one thing...

Links are pretty much invisible.
I do like how 'mod red' is the only color in sight. It'll be a nice alternative from switching to Yotsuba B in order to spot fake!moots. Can't argue with red letters on a colorless board!

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:54:00 No. 23494
File : 1252011240853.jpg-(114.95 KB, 856x675, ganb.jpg)
114.95 K B md5:mAn5SOlvK+I33MbL/lQbtw==

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)15:56:26 No. 23501

Well no fucking duh. I mean what the hell do you mean that's not what they say. Christ you're a fucking retard. Click on the 1 and go to the page, compare the url to the one I posted. THEY'RE THE SAME WHOAAAAA.

Alice !!jp/dyZT8lSr 09/03/09(Thu)16:08:26 No. 23526
File : 1252012106053.jpg-(35.34 KB, 225x350, 61304.jpg)
35.34 K B md5:LY9MoztlTB6EjZMSJjNKNw==

I like this board, and it's entertaining.

Maybe because it's not overloaded with too many people?

Keep the good work.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)16:47:56 No. 23561
File : 1252014476013.gif-(1.52 KB, 159x134, you_got_told_you_bitchshit.gif)
1.52 K B md5:OEg1M9PKiBSSKqlesAKPQg==


Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)17:03:16 No. 23578

What is this bug that i only can see the first page?

When i click from 1-10 there will be always an error!

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)17:11:29 No. 23584

Using FF and I have the correct navigation links.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)17:19:10 No. 23589

not a browser issue, its server side.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)17:21:48 No. 23591

the devs said earlier in this thread bbcode is not going to be implemented. i can understand no font size/colour changes but how about at least some way to set some text to italics or bold. it would make emphasising points in a post a lot easier

deaf and !mute/t2r8E 09/03/09(Thu)17:25:16 No. 23595

>no font size/colour changes
Those aren't in Shiichan's version of BBcode anyway.

I'd like [b] and [i], but it sounds like that's out.

AbornAgain !vipkamiT92 09/03/09(Thu)17:38:57 No. 23616

I think all the imageboards should be able to use [aa] tags for beautiful SJIS art

( ゚∀゚) Tablecats for everyone!

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)17:46:22 No. 23623

So it's not only my problem.

But it worked properly once.

It should be fixed...NAO!

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)18:00:29 No. 23634

It doesn't say that for me. Enjoy whatever shitty browser you're using.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)18:02:31 No. 23636
File : 1252018951373.jpg-(11.67 KB, 388x131, Herpderp.JPG)
11.67 K B md5:IeHPJl1UOdmmjXhmmvTnWw==

And a screenshot, since you're probably a dumb enough cunt to think I'm lying or something.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)18:16:40 No. 23664

Fun fact! When I open the page "http://test.4chan.org/adv", I can only browse the first page and the rest of the pages do not work. When I open the page "http://test.4chan.org/adv/", all pages work.

Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/03/09(Thu)18:19:01 No. 23667

same here

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)18:25:08 No. 23683

Likewise, that does appear to be the source of the problem.

FUCK ‮ EDOCPIRT‪‪‪‪‪‫YOUR‬‬‬‬ 09/03/09(Thu)18:31:28 No. 23702

hello i dont have any bug to report i just wanted to post on /adv/

thats it im leaving now

please dont be angry

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)18:38:33 No. 23707


­­ ­­ 09/03/09(Thu)18:39:18 No. 23709


Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)18:47:29 No. 23723

Hey, I remember back when Moot was on /r9k/ for those few days, someone mentioned they'd been working on some cool new software for 4chan, Moot said he'd think about it, but to hold off on releasing it.

Is this it? If not, what happened to that chap and whatever he was working on?

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)18:57:38 No. 23734

now the pages are showing up as:


Popo !!59nblP/Lxmf 09/03/09(Thu)19:18:32 No. 23751

Can we have a manga board?

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)19:27:28 No. 23769

i hope you are joking

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)20:05:23 No. 23809


Having separate anime and manga boards would be nice, but I wouldn't put it at the top of a suggested changes list.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)20:30:32 No. 23866

Image thumbnails overlap subsequent posts, rather than expanding the size of the post containing the post.also hi max goldbar

max ## Dev 09/03/09(Thu)21:14:46 No. 23974

As for the paging, it is a browser issue. The links are href="1.html".

If you are looking at /adv/ and click on a link to 1.html, and your browser takes you to /1.html instead of /adv/1.html it isn't following standards.

That being said I'll add a ./ to make it less complicated.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)21:42:39 No. 24040

some long posts won't show the cut off fucking link info

not mailing to you the details anarchist and all but yeah

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)21:59:05 No. 24066

My noko doesn't work, it used to atleast keep me in the thread (back mon like the first day of /adv/) now it does jackshit. Also it doesn't save as my email.
This seemed like the appropriate place to bitch about it.

deaf and !mute/t2r8E 09/03/09(Thu)22:01:02 No. 24072

It's been working fine for me on Firefox.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)22:59:14 No. 24159

so how about a search feature?

deaf and !mute/t2r8E 09/03/09(Thu)23:00:55 No. 24161

There's software to do this. Chanmongler will work, or 5 seconds in Perl.

Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)23:19:34 No. 24183

The report system could be redone.

Add different reasons for report instead of just "rule violation" and "illegal". Maybe have "spam", "post flooding inside a thread", etc.

Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/03/09(Thu)23:49:54 No. 24268

Agree, perhaps even an option to leave a very short, maybe 25 character message detailing the problem when reporting

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)00:13:27 No. 24307
File : 1252041207253.jpg-(21.57 KB, 175x582, problem.JPG)
21.57 K B md5:7h6X9Lh9NNBgWaDqeIFyYw==


Well, here.

Popo !!59nblP/Lxmf 09/04/09(Fri)01:07:23 No. 24366

These are good ideas.

everywhere !!G16qmhSdA3o 09/04/09(Fri)02:00:37 No. 24421

I'm posting in here so my tripfag is in the sticky.


Alice !!jp/dyZT8lSr 09/04/09(Fri)03:04:00 No. 24502
File : 1252051440813.jpg-(10.76 KB, 200x150, Kotono_Hayama_s.jpg)
10.76 K B md5:njwMnd4nVdGYW77BJtKh8Q==

Writing a text can be too much (remember: probably many people are reporting the same stuff).

Even if you specify another reason, it's always "rule violation" (or illegal). The mod still need to check the original post.

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)03:27:16 No. 24541

also is it possable to get rid of the spam/cancer/genral fagotory of /b/ or can you get a new /test/ board but keep it hidden?

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)03:37:03 No. 24554

keep it hidden thas my only advice

/b/tards rule

Alice !!jp/dyZT8lSr 09/04/09(Fri)03:40:06 No. 24560

More people = more trouble. This is the sad truth.

This board is great because the people here are trying to giving /adv/ices (and not spam/retarded post), and it's not actually "mainstream".

everywhere !!G16qmhSdA3o 09/04/09(Fri)04:06:43 No. 24586

The goal shouldn't be so much to keep it secret, than to just keep it out of primary view.

Let's face it, they'll learn about it, regardless of what we do, but if it requires a couple seconds of actual effort to get here, the typical /b/tard will stay away.

Solva !!jp/dyZT8lSr 09/04/09(Fri)04:19:35 No. 24593

This is a SFW board right? (I see they changed the background).

Fortunately this is a general advice board, and not specific to relationship.

LOLEC !!ho0pN4qkHoP 09/04/09(Fri)04:27:03 No. 24595



word up
really sad, but you know how the majority of 4channers are like

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)08:01:03 No. 24733

Am I the only one that doens't like the font in the Comment box?? When you're typing out your message it's like Courier New or something unlike the Arial type one for the other boards.

Minor problem just thought I'd see if anyone else doesn't like it.

everywhere !!G16qmhSdA3o 09/04/09(Fri)08:47:53 No. 24759


I actually liked it better than default, and felt strange when it didn't look like what I typed.

I think you can change it though.

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)08:50:11 No. 24762

lol kusaba

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)09:18:28 No. 24772

moot, for the love of god, please let someone moderate dis.4chan.org to keep the spammers out

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)09:26:41 No. 24785

Please ! - Dont touch anything ! ahah its a great place, and no spammers, and actual useful advice. no trolls. no /b/tards.. leave as is ! and keep it modded well ! - Great job ! :)

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)13:13:15 No. 24928

Fuck year jQuery.

I like what you've done, Max!

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)13:13:21 No. 24929

Thanks for this board it should be good.

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)21:29:20 No. 25356
File : 1252117760372.gif-(11.04 KB, 170x119, logo.gif)
11.04 K B md5:Neg0BadbeH7pwrSOzQiutQ==


Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)21:48:28 No. 25370

Can I still sage stickies in the new software?

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)22:00:51 No. 25385

lol fucktard

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)23:35:23 No. 25504

Hey, saging stickies is a long-practiced art! It took thousands of posts for the earliest /b/tards to perfect it... (e,e )

Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)23:49:37 No. 25535



Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)00:13:44 No. 25580
File : 1252127623932.jpg-(39.96 KB, 608x538, 1251722364790.jpg)
39.96 K B md5:8K0vtiNIMVJEBG45bmHL4g==


>saging a sticky

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)00:17:39 No. 25585


Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)01:22:48 No. 25697
File : 1252131768852.png-(200.99 KB, 489x333, 131_BlackHole.png)
200.99 K B md5:amtENHh+Z8GClJjlk+pYeA==

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)01:33:17 No. 25716

You know what would be nice?
Having a 'Return' button/hyperlink and the bottom of the paage as well.
Just sayin'

朱直 SUNAO !OBPVSBKCFE 09/05/09(Sat)02:38:18 No. 25791


Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/05/09(Sat)02:40:09 No. 25794
File : 1252136409732.png-(119.06 KB, 425x474, derp.png)
119.06 K B md5:4CvJ5e2kYxacpo3qhrylGA==


Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)02:43:42 No. 25798


that's right

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)05:12:51 No. 26175

Who's the girl in the OP?

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)06:20:14 No. 26239

Ask on tv

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)06:47:20 No. 26274

Hell yeah mofos, /b/ here biotch

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)06:51:42 No. 26282

Why not make it so that if you hold over a

the post will appear in a box. i've seen this on other chans and always wanted it here

christfag !xyWyVn95HA 09/05/09(Sat)06:53:08 No. 26285
File : 1252151588791.jpg-(9.13 KB, 124x129, ¦¦3.jpg)
9.13 K B md5:VBCENgWI86Tvw1il0Xl/tQ==



saging in a sticky and expecting a b&

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)06:59:15 No. 26289

/adv/ won't last very long with /b/ on here...

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)07:10:30 No. 26297

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)07:13:45 No. 26298

Impressive; now release your anger!

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)08:39:51 No. 26347

All boards should run like this, everything loads a hell of a lot faster.

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)08:48:15 No. 26352

Does SaviorChan and all that shit work? If not, excellent.

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)09:18:30 No. 26397

You can't link to your own post.

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)11:11:21 No. 26487


Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)11:37:51 No. 26503


Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:49:35 No. 26725

i can't automagically quote on opera?

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:09:32 No. 26748

cant load the pther pages im in ie with a good connection and running nothing but ie


is a good idea

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)17:35:44 No. 26823

Well, the post deletion thing works awesomely.

>This means the toolbar, greasemonkey scripts, etc. will not work.
Well, will you add a thing that automatically loads new replies? And something that duplicates the functionality of /b/ackwash?
http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/44327 >/b/ackwash

If you want the new code to be certified 100% awesome, then add that. I mean, they even have that stuff at some of the failchans.

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)17:41:53 No. 26828
File : 1252190513031.png-(2.07 KB, 445x77, Picture 1.png)
2.07 K B md5:p5jZtkJzLBgMU2uEeuFH6g==

Buttons look weird when you click them.
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/05/09(Sat)17:53:21 No. 26834

Agreeing with this 100%, since /b/ackwash no longer works.

wwwwwwww !MILKRIBS4k 09/05/09(Sat)18:06:52 No. 26841

[b]MILKRIBS4k[/b] hungers for [spoiler]BBCODE[/spoiler][i]![/i]

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:00:19 No. 26876

maybe for all borads give a text box for reports insted of just the two options, this will make it easier on the mods

christfag !xyWyVn95HA 09/05/09(Sat)20:03:48 No. 26978
File : 1252199028191.jpg-(7.79 KB, 124x129, ¦¦3.jpg)
7.79 K B md5:ZaaWzlmK2TUzNl36cQDyug==


sage works
mods don't

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)20:21:50 No. 27023

I can't believe he's Max Goldberg.

HR !h3LO0EXTAQ 09/05/09(Sat)20:32:26 No. 27044

So how is this better than the old software?

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:48:57 No. 27169

Seems as if threads get too long they auto-sage.

Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)23:27:37 No. 27226


Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)23:48:24 No. 27237


it's cool if that's intended, but if not, well, it's a bug.

Gay Purple Man !3I4SJbCh8M 09/05/09(Sat)23:57:57 No. 27243

Kind of interesting seeing Goldberg here. Well, any help is good I suppose.

deaf and !mute/t2r8E 09/06/09(Sun)00:17:53 No. 27254

It's always been that way. Lurk more.

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)00:27:57 No. 27264

who the fuck is Max Goldberg and why should I care that he's a developer for 4chan?

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)00:42:10 No. 27284

I think he did work on YTMND back in the day.

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:09:57 No. 27292

When the url is missing the trailing /, the next page/1-10 page links break

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:19:25 No. 27297
File : 1252217965911.gif-(57.3 KB, 320x240, mookykins.gif)
57.3 K B md5:gR3CYByn0CZlCWTqcXHcrw==


Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:28:05 No. 27334

You fucking idiot. There's no capital letters in moot's name.

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:40:58 No. 27339


max ## Dev 09/06/09(Sun)03:12:34 No. 27349


This is intended behavior and is configured per-board.

>Can I still sage stickies in the new software?

Yes, but it won't accomplish anything.

>You can't link to your own post.

Post linking is no longer done at runtime to save on the massive overheard it costs to check if posts exists. This means you can no longer link to posts in the future. Links made to post which are then deleted will 404.

>Well, will you add a thing that automatically loads new replies? And something that duplicates the functionality of /b/ackwash?
>http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/44327 >/b/ackwash

I think the main js include is going to be kept fairly lean. That being said, I acknowledge that addons/user scripts/the toolbar is widely used. There will be a simple ajax interface for fetching single posts as JSON (and possibly as HTML) for addon authors to use instead of having to fetch entire threads and then apply regex's to the HTML.

Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/06/09(Sun)05:00:12 No. 27415

On other boards the trailing forward slash is automatically added when you visit a url such as "http://orz.4chan.org/hr", perhaps this could be added to the new code to stop the page navigation links from breaking

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)05:36:46 No. 27442

Wahey, slick piece of software.

My recommendations to you (coming from a developer):
- If it's done in PHP, use Smarty
- Use classes and modularize your code
- Write separate classes for interfacing with data, dealing with database servers & outputting view.
- Take a look at http://seleniumhq.org/ for testing the application.
- Try and cut as many SQL queries as possible, they are the major cause of lag.

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)06:14:13 No. 27463

this, so people can type in spam, troll, furfagotry,<insert reasons here> like 711chan

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)08:26:06 No. 27512
File : 1252243566254.jpg-(170.12 KB, 496x600, coolstorybro2.jpg)
170.12 K B md5:u/eY2Y0eP01tg3HKvtNQtA==


Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)08:56:27 No. 27538

Are you Sir VacBob kun-chan ? (´・ω・`)

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)10:10:11 No. 27565

what? i thought he was chained to the "other" 4chan boards

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)11:28:15 No. 27626

I'm currently supposed to be banned from all boards. Obviously the new software doesn't recognize that, and there will probably be no need to fix it once all the boards are upgraded, but I thought I'd mention it nevertheless.

Anonymous !4X8vLLNDE2 09/06/09(Sun)16:55:13 No. 28028

Will we be able to #fortune on the new software?

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)17:15:39 No. 28077

>I think the main js include is going to be kept fairly lean. That being said, I acknowledge that addons/user scripts/the toolbar is widely used. There will be a simple ajax interface for fetching single posts as JSON (and possibly as HTML) for addon authors to use instead of having to fetch entire threads and then apply regex's to the HTML.

This would be such a useful API.
You could also add in some interfaces for fetching:
How many posts are in a thread
How many are images
How many are sages
Thread status (locked, pinned, deleted, etc)
Your own status on the board. (ban, really. Or on /r9k/, your mute time?)

Also, in Chrome, when i tried resizing the comment box, it flew underneath the label box to the left of it when i stretched it too far right. (probably would happen in Opera as well)
I think it might be a nice idea to add in a little up/down arrow button that would extend the textarea down the way (400px?), then back to the original on a 2nd click.
SovietRussia has this running and it has been really useful.
You could probably go one better and actually place it inside the label box so it doesn't stick out and ruin the design.
You could style the button to fit in with the label boxes styling.

Also, just had a look at the source, i creamed by pants.
Although i do like to see nice source code, nice source code tends to be more bloat than it is worth... sadly.
All those extra bytes from running the source through a compressor can really be worth considering.
You can always have a link at the very top of the document commented out that points to the clean source, it is what i do.

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)17:20:33 No. 28088

>If done in PHP use smarty.
Don't. Use dwoo instead.

Or be a man and use Rails :3

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:00:06 No. 28139

I thought I was the only person to seriously use Dwoo.

max ## Dev 09/06/09(Sun)18:03:57 No. 28148

>Will we be able to #fortune on the new software?

This is a plugin that has yet to be written but it should be at some point in the future.

>This would be such a useful API.
>You could also add in some interfaces for fetching:
>How many posts are in a thread
>How many are images
>How many are sages
>Thread status (locked, pinned, deleted, etc)
>Your own status on the board. (ban, really. Or on /r9k/, your mute time?)

Agreed, to a certain extent. I think moot would rather obfuscate some of the various flood timers/bump/sage limit counters etc. but most of that stuff is within reason.

>Also, just had a look at the source, i creamed by pants.

>Although i do like to see nice source code, nice source code tends to be more bloat than it is worth... sadly.
>All those extra bytes from running the source through a compressor can really be worth considering.
>You can always have a link at the very top of the document commented out that points to the clean source, it is what i do.

That's the plan. HTML probably won't get compressed much (beyond normal gzip), it currently chops out comments and non-indent spaces at compile time. JS/CSS will most likely be minified with a header linking to originals once we're further out of "dev mode".

>>If done in PHP use smarty.
>Don't. Use dwoo instead.

Template engines are generally too much overhead for a site which is can get hundreds of hits per second. PHP is already a templating language, currently we compile templates so each page is a single include, and with an opcode cache it can't really get any faster.

>Or be a man and use Rails :3
I hope you aren't serious. PHP is bad enough.

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:14:54 No. 28165

>Agreed, to a certain extent. I think moot would rather obfuscate some of the various flood timers/bump/sage limit counters etc. but most of that stuff is within reason.
Eh, probably true to hide some things.

Also, on the outside of the thread (from frontpage views), the "comment truncated" message never showed.

max ## Dev 09/06/09(Sun)18:20:08 No. 28179

>Also, on the outside of the thread (from frontpage views), the "comment truncated" message never showed.

I was told that this should only be shown on the OP, and replies which are truncated don't get their own message.

Eruonen !!vosCqXnPIH0 09/06/09(Sun)18:24:34 No. 28188
File : 1252279474214.jpg-(180.02 KB, 640x480, 1252102064594.jpg)
180.02 K B md5:PGD0KKzT9ORP6Kt7ZxjH/A==

Mouse-over on long filenames, no longer shows alt-text (Opera 10).

I'm not seeing one, but I assume there'll be spoiler images still?

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:56:03 No. 28239

Does this script create HTML files, or will every page be dynamically created (ex: http://test.4chan.org/index.php?board=adv )
I can't see this as being less resource intensive than generating HTML files on every new post, as there are probably more views than posts.

max ## Dev 09/06/09(Sun)20:33:52 No. 28333

>Mouse-over on long filenames, no longer shows alt-text (Opera 10).
Good find. This is also performing a non-entity safe substr() which can break html if weird characters are used in a file name.

>I'm not seeing one, but I assume there'll be spoiler images still?
On boards that use the spoiler plugin, yes.

>Does this script create HTML files, or will every page be dynamically created (ex: http://test.4chan.org/index.php?board=adv )
>I can't see this as being less resource intensive than generating HTML files on every new post, as there are probably more views than posts.

It's written to do a mix of whatever is needed based on the configuration. Currently it's 100% dynamic. I'm in the process of profiling to see where it's worth it to compile threads, ans possibly even indexes.

On lower traffic boards, it may be worth it to compile static HTML if a thread is going to be viewed 10-20 times before it is pruned or replied to.

You guys shouldn't worry about performance as much as usability. I am a fairly capable coder.

max ## Dev 09/06/09(Sun)22:52:41 No. 28419

New update rolled out:

* = Bug fixes
+ = New feature
# = Misc

* Long posts with lots of comment links were not being checked for size, causing broken html.
* Comment links to OPs were sometimes causing links like /.html#post_id to be created.
# File uploads which were too large now give a slightly more verbose error.
* File uploading now gets an exclusive lock on the final file name, clearing up a lot of race condition issues.
* You may no longer craft a post allowing you to reply to a reply.
* Deleting threads no longer links you back to the deleted thread.
* The post omission counter on indexes now shows total posts instead of text-only posts.
* Truncated original file names are now put in a span with a title for mouseovers.
+ Added a return link at the bottom of threads to take you back to the board.
* Made paging links fully qualified URLs to avoid issues some users were having.
+ Wrapped the JS quoting routine in a function that which allows you to double-click quote links to append them to your comment without changing focus.
+ Added a quick and dirty comment textarea expander which is accessed by clicking the label for the comment field.
* Fixed a CSS issue where input buttons were changing style when focused.
* Removed the image background on post thumbnails so deleted files don't look weird.
* Removed the max-width on the paging, which was causing problems on every browser (it was added to fix IE7)
# Text inputs and Textareas now have a css font applied to them, as most browsers use different fonts for each.
* 404s now show '404' in the title instead of 'Error'.

You should probably hard-refresh to make sure the CSS/JS is not cached.

Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)23:34:14 No. 28471
File : 1252298054094.gif-(32.47 KB, 800x800, 125200812898812520081289881252...gif)
32.47 K B md5:aDFxMx33Yblit4G/3RPaEw==

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/06/09(Sun)23:45:36 No. 28479

>+ Added a quick and dirty comment textarea expander which is accessed by clicking the label for the comment field.

this is fucking useful

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:01:03 No. 28501



Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:09:23 No. 28508

i'm running firefox 3.5.2, I don't see this function.
but when I run Safari, on my mac, it is there.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:10:53 No. 28510

restart your browser

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:19:03 No. 28519

restarted browser, restarted computer, still nothing. FF3.5.2 has been giving me lots of problems on facebook + twitter, problems which don't occur when I use Safari 4.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:23:38 No. 28528
File : 1252301018974.jpg-(74.13 KB, 840x545, yah.JPG)
74.13 K B md5:OOLh3iorCD5jh5yimCU7gA==

CAPS LOCK guy here. On FF 3.5.2, Win XP Pro SP3. You're clicking right thar, yah?

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:29:23 No. 28538
File : 1252301363814.png-(28.7 KB, 521x359, Picture 4.png)
28.7 K B md5:34qUeDAzvCB1ZlBn17RkhA==

wow I feel like an idiot.
no, I was thinking of something else that I can do in Safari that I can't do in Firefox. pic related.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:36:17 No. 28550

Figured. I'm used to that from Chrome, mahself. Clicky button is fun for when I'm not on netbook, though. Tanks b 2 Dev. Amen.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)01:35:03 No. 28663
File : 1252305303054.png-(5.03 KB, 476x31, header.PNG)
5.03 K B md5:oPMGulzXESj4K204F09PnQ==

I noticed that the yotsuba logo is green when it should be blue given this is a work safe board, is it the same for other browsers?

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/07/09(Mon)01:38:55 No. 28675

This is because it's only half worksafe.

Actually none of the boards are worksafe. Go post porn on /v/, no one cares.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)01:42:03 No. 28683

Let's say I quote a post (e.g., >>somenumbers) by clicking on its post number as usual.

Regardless of whether I've typed anything extra, if I then refresh the page (F5) without resubmitting:
- the stuff in the comment box is still there (the post quote, in addition to whatever else I've added)
- the post quote (>>whatever) is once again appended to the end of the comment

For example, if I'd quoted OP I'd see:

in the box (delineated by dashes). Now, without doing another thing, if I refresh, I see in the box:




And every time I refresh, a new quote is appended to the end. 'Sup with that?

FF3.5.2, Win XP Pro SP3

max ## Dev 09/07/09(Mon)02:20:56 No. 28723


This is a function of your browser's autocomplete functionality. Once you type something in a comment box, it will remain across page views (refreshes etc). Originally I had turned autocomplete off, as there are quite a few issues it creates, but then I changed it back because if you get a post error and then hit back, you lose your post. I think this will be an option in the future.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)02:53:01 No. 28751

Can you do something about the number of pedophiles on 4chan?

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)03:00:06 No. 28757

Yes, we want a dedicated board.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)03:03:10 No. 28760


oh man, i laughed

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)06:13:14 No. 28844

How long until /b/tards fag this board up?

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)06:16:22 No. 28850

Can you make deleting a thread/post meta-redirect back to the board/thread for the lazy?

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)07:15:51 No. 28908
File : 1252325751579.jpg-(22.34 KB, 460x345, 1247568991017.jpg)
22.34 K B md5:E4TfmGfTgZUKkNNTITwc5g==

So when is Ad maj going to show his filthy troll face?

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)08:37:07 No. 28962

I notice that you bind a click event to all # links on the page. I can't see this as a good thing for threads with many replies. Even with jquery's speed, running bind on many hundred anchor links is sure to lock up a user's browser...

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)09:29:12 No. 28986

i keep trying to read this thread, but only get the first hundred or so posts, the rest are cut off

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)12:44:23 No. 29094


Yeah, maybe on crappy old machines / browsers, but who cares about them?

But on a serious note, that was already there in another form.
Neither form are any slower, not noticeably anyway.

Also, i never noticed that the MD5 of images were added in the source (on old code), admittedly not the most ideal way either (md5 attribute), it is now in the alt text in the new code.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)13:56:21 No. 29174
File : 1252349781699.png-(240.88 KB, 755x706, catalog.png)
240.88 K B md5:Ev6lV6p48GI7PKrHwG3bEg==

Have you guys considered some of the newer features that have been on Futaba's boards for the past couple years?

Specifically, I'm talking about board catalog pages that generate a single-page overview of all current threads, so that users aren't constantly jumping between pages just to find a particular thread. Currently, Futaba gives you the option of five different sorting orders: most recently active, newest thread creation, oldest thread creation, greatest number of posts, and least number of posts.

Another potentially useful feature would be an ID system that generates and appends an IP-based hash to each post in order for users to easily detect samefags. Some Futaba boards go as far as revealing all but the first octet of the poster's IP address, but that's definitely not something I would agree with.

Both are pictured in the attached file.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)14:03:06 No. 29188

Forgot to mention that ID hashes for the same user can change between threads or rotate periodically (e.g. daily).

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)14:14:23 No. 29208

420chan does that. It sucks

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)14:17:36 No. 29217


I'm fully behind the ID thing.
If it cuts down on crappy trolling threads, i am fully behind it.
It certainly works on the few boards i have seen use it.

As long as it is only a temporary ID, it should be fine. (with all the anonymous cry babies who think being Anonymous means something... lol)
Best way to create a cycling ID is just combining date + IP and hashing.

max ## Dev 09/07/09(Mon)15:04:26 No. 29274

>I notice that you bind a click event to all # links on the page. I can't see this as a good thing for threads with many replies. Even with jquery's speed, running bind on many hundred anchor links is sure to lock up a user's browser...

This thread has nearly 300 replies and I've yet to hear any complaints or notice any slowness. The current board uses onclick="" which is more or less the same thing. I think this is a non-issue.

>Have you guys considered some of the newer features that have been on Futaba's boards for the past couple years?

The current code has the ID (based on date/IP) stuff in it (I assume from Futaba), I don't think it's used on any boards, so I'm assuming that was an administrative call.

I like the idea of the catalog, and it would be fairly easy to implement with some simple caching in front of it.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:32:52 No. 29313

Still, it might be better to do event delegation (bind the event to the parent element, then use the jquery is function to see if it matches the selector to run the function on it). It would probably leave less of a memory footprint and take out less loading time.

You're free to ignore this suggestion, though.

max ## Dev 09/07/09(Mon)15:45:42 No. 29325


It's a tradeoff either way. Binding to the parent means less binds but still having to check every click (and now double click) as opposed to binding on init and not worrying about it. From profiling it looks like the binds themselves are taking less than 0.5ms each.

I think when this software launches, if the js onload is the slowest part of a pageload on 4chan, we have a pretty desirable problem on our hands.

Anonymous !ejVxgjjJ1k 09/07/09(Mon)18:46:13 No. 29569

no, you.
>anonymous cry babies who think being Anonymous means something
hush, you lacklurker.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)19:27:22 No. 29633

>The current code has the ID (based on date/IP) stuff in it (I assume from Futaba), I don't think it's used on any boards, so I'm assuming that was an administrative call.

I realize you're only onboard to work on the software, but do you think you could pass the idea by moot? At least add it to test boards like this and see what comes out of it?

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)19:48:44 No. 29666

I agree with this. I also understand you're onboard to work on the new imageboard software, but IDs I think should be given a test run (seeing as this is a testboard afterall).

Also, could you suggest to moot to get someone on team 4chan such as Mr VacBob or someone to turn back on post IDs in Shiichan on World4ch (also known as "the textboards" on dis.4chan.org). They were last used back in 2007 and since they've been turned off it's hard to detect which poster is which. This helps better detect more than one post made by the same person, ect. I'd ask in #4chan directly but I can't afford to lurk all day on IRC.

Thank you.

Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)20:13:53 No. 29689

Can we get a link to userscripts.org on the tools page? There's no official mention anywhere on the site that 4chan userscripts even exist.

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:17:16 No. 29974
File : 1252390636139.png-(3.56 KB, 48x48, moderation_default.png)
3.56 K B md5:B17P0R4/3dOaXxFKYkrEsA==


Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:50:42 No. 30000
File : 1252392641339.jpg-(96.96 KB, 719x540, 45039.jpg)
96.96 K B md5:Fec4BfSkACHveh2ewR1XLw==


Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)01:59:18 No. 30010
File : 1252393158219.jpg-(43.82 KB, 576x432, 1246037991536.jpg)
43.82 K B md5:28dFuGIZUKLX7Z0QSsgg1w==


BAM kickin it up a notch 09/08/09(Tue)02:04:24 No. 30021
File : 1252393464139.jpg-(80.47 KB, 295x443, EpicToast.jpg)
80.47 K B md5:0UcggmyGS9FrEyqiXsKCEQ==

sticky is now epic

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)02:27:25 No. 30045
File : 1252394845219.jpg-(31.85 KB, 400x300, 1252111734520.jpg)
31.85 K B md5:tsu8kMxRoxX5hqndBb1yWw==

>This board.

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)05:46:01 No. 30186

also when is moot going to do his news post, and will this board fix /r9k/ and/or /b/

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)08:00:37 No. 30264

this board is beautiful and so are you dev

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)08:01:47 No. 30265
File : 1252414907959.png-(27.19 KB, 400x400, 1248424707568.png)
27.19 K B md5:uCBT2l1/DKhUhl5wnlWraQ==

>Fix /b/

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)08:49:58 No. 30280


Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)09:11:01 No. 30283
File : 1252419060319.jpg-(158.83 KB, 1280x1024, probs.JPG)
158.83 K B md5:+uR0KK8jJ0tlslNplCrjLg==

Same guy who was saying images don't line up with posts. This shows it better. Is it my browser? firefox

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)09:25:19 No. 30291

i'm using FF3.x and it works fine. upgrade?

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)09:25:25 No. 30292


Yes. Get Firefox 3+

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)09:31:36 No. 30294
File : 1252420296999.jpg-(108.29 KB, 500x337, 1249105752495.jpg)
108.29 K B md5:rU2GvXVpLfyc8iAlWHi0Og==


Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)14:26:50 No. 30456

>It'll be a nice alternative from switching to Yotsuba B in order to spot fake!moots
>spot fake!moots

you giant faggot spotting fake moots is easy because trip codes appear in normal text not bold text, hence if you type out the #faggot tripcode in the red name field it comes out bold. you need to lurk the fuck moar.

i must say the highlighting to quote feature is excellent for pointing out faggotry and idiocy.

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)14:33:10 No. 30462


I have no idea how that works yet.

moot  !Ep8pui8Vw2  ## Admin   09/08/09(Tue)14:40:42 No. 30469


this is a fake moot. notice the bold trip code compared to real moot >>20783

Hagel !sGwolOBLWE 09/08/09(Tue)14:47:11 No. 30481


I mean the quoting.

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)15:36:26 No. 30508


Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)22:47:42 No. 30784

Why does this exist again?

Anonymous 09/08/09(Tue)23:52:29 No. 30955

You seriously think I don't know that?

Lurk moar yourself. I'm not going to go any further, cos incitement in a sticky is a bad plan. But I will say three things.

1- This is not /b/. Don't wear that attitude in here. /adv/ is for help, and don't you forget it.

2- Nobody is infallible. Granted, it's very easy to spot a fake, but on fast-paced boards, you want a solution you can recommend to everyone quickly. Not everyone will notice the small important details.

3- 2007, bitch.


Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)00:04:25 No. 30977

1. If you have Noscript, allow googleapis.com
2. Select text you want to quote.
3. Click on the post number as usual.

P.S. It took me a while too

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)00:04:29 No. 30978


How does the auto-quote work exactly?

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)00:13:44 No. 30997

Loving the return button

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)00:22:56 No. 31004

> /adv/ is for help, and don't you forget it.

Actually /adv/ is for:

1. Ridding /r9k/ of faggotry and cancer (or at least 50% of it, the other will be gone after moot deletes it).
2. Test a new software.
3. Try to solve the inherent problems common to mid-to-late teens lacking self-confidence basically by reaffirming them on their intentions (a tl,dr do it faggot), task also referred to as baby-sitting.
4. Giving advice on trivial but useful stuff.

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)00:24:29 No. 31007
File : 1252473869239.jpg-(24.83 KB, 384x291, 1250748814513.jpg)
24.83 K B md5:6mB3RdM64m7Iea6Ojw+yeQ==

Sloppily subcategorized as 'help,' thank you very much.

max ## Dev 09/09/09(Wed)00:36:39 No. 31023

>2- Nobody is infallible. Granted, it's very easy to spot a fake, but on fast-paced boards, you want a solution you can recommend to everyone quickly. Not everyone will notice the small important details.

I added title's for both names (e.g. moot) and positions (e.g. ## Admin, ## Dev) so you can quickly mouseover and see if it's a fake.

I also added a flag on capcodes to show an icon (which I've temporarily enabled on my capcode), but as I'm a programmer and not a designer it looks fairly dumb.

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)01:10:24 No. 31052

well, as long as it remains hidden, then it'll cause more problems than it solves

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)01:23:13 No. 31056


I like the new quote system, but could you put it on test server? Pretty please?

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)01:32:55 No. 31064
File : 1252477975119.png-(254.61 KB, 439x354, explain.PNG)
254.61 K B md5:36NiKbRICX/2z9JPoMEfRw==

wtf is this?

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)01:33:37 No. 31065


Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)01:53:57 No. 31085
File : 1252479237599.gif-(14.51 KB, 356x310, zurich_italic.gif)
14.51 K B md5:H+LK31pJlHPjDgvWPFdrVA==

Regarding the possibility of markup, I think y'all should consider something like WakabaMark instead of bbCode-like syntax. It implements traditional methods of formatting plaintext (e.g. asterisks for emphasis and unordered lists), making it a more natural process when posting.

Link: http://wakaba.c3.cx/docs/docs.html#WakabaMark

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)02:47:29 No. 31096
File : 1252482449279.jpg-(65.96 KB, 422x296, 061_29.jpg)
65.96 K B md5:eBW0YDU3WjFD6+Xvok8HaQ==

the empty directory documents
need moar 404 girl, maybe some new ones. there were a few 4chan references (possibly accidental).

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)02:48:58 No. 31098
File : 1252482538479.jpg-(61.39 KB, 492x269, éµé-é+é¦061_29.jpg)
61.39 K B md5:WwfBx662K8OqKThOOj1M8g==

...(or maybe self referential) in the last 404 girl chapter...

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)02:55:17 No. 31101
File : 1252482917719.jpg-(35.04 KB, 400x255, sneaky.jpg)
35.04 K B md5:M4mTu5uOM2Gjsapuu03b3g==

also one very problem i've notice several times, mainly on /b/ but on other boards too, it that when two images are posted at the exact same second, sometimes the thumbnails get mixed, so that the thumbnail of an image is not representative of the content of that particular image, but is the thumbnail of the other file(s) named 125932887537523.jpg (for example). i had an awesome combo of moot's face ruined on /b/ that way a couple months ago.
also thanks for prestickying the awesome GET


max 09/09/09(Wed)03:33:34 No. 31113

>also one very problem i've notice several times, mainly on /b/ but on other boards too, it that when two images are posted at the exact same second, sometimes the thumbnails get mixed, so that the thumbnail of an image is not representative of the content of that particular image, but is the thumbnail of the other file(s) named 125932887537523.jpg (for example). i had an awesome combo of moot's face ruined on /b/ that way a couple months ago.

see: >>28419
>* File uploading now gets an exclusive lock on the final file name, clearing up a lot of race condition issues.

I noticed the old board didn't do any sort of lock on the final names, and was fairly surprised I hadn't heard of it causing issues. You're the first who's mentioned it happening on the live site.

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)04:00:13 No. 31121
File : 1252486813153.jpg-(109.11 KB, 783x377, hell-yeah-motherfucker.jpg)
109.11 K B md5:3pGn4J3ac/diJXgiWdVu5g==

awesome, i guess i didn't read the whole thraed.
also i never did get that combo ;_;

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)07:43:13 No. 31203
File : 1252500193953.png-(57.24 KB, 320x240, png-transparency.png)
57.24 K B md5:pY4MgEnpb8l1vuK6J8OfDg==

testing transparent PNGs (again)

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)08:51:29 No. 31230

I do hope this board
With the software it carries
Is 4chan worthy

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)11:50:59 No. 31287
File : 1252515059033.png-(1.96 MB, 550x445, Mindfuck.png)
1.96 M B md5:b+sgsgp199+Uayij1osbqA==

testing apng

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)11:55:22 No. 31288
File : 1252515322593.png-(530.51 KB, 400x400, bioshock.png)
530.51 K B md5:OYtYjcFK5Keln0BgFpyPsg==

Testing hidden rar archive

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)12:09:30 No. 31299
File : 1252516170113.jpg-(31.14 KB, 325x296, omglol.jpg)
31.14 K B md5:yt1FjXAKL4zKnS4UdbgzZg==

>>31230>4chan worthy

request Anonymons 09/09/09(Wed)16:29:30 No. 31481

hay devs.

can you make the "Previous" and "Next" buttons at the bottom links instead of buttons? it makes keyboard navigation slightly easier.

yes i use my keyboard to navigate, big whoop, wanna fight about it?

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)17:36:43 No. 31525

Hey devs... can you make a 3-D GUI for the whole site???

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)19:10:15 No. 31578

no & no

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)21:54:40 No. 31793
File : 1252551280633.png-(70.52 KB, 100x100, Animated_PNG_example_bouncing_...png)
70.52 K B md5:z/D7P+TzIZR85YDss2PFPg==

fuck yes I love apng

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:22:36 No. 31826

dev can you add steam support so I don't have to launch my browser but can just launch 4chan

also can you add an offline mode with randomly generated posts?

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)22:47:35 No. 31857


can you rewrite the code in pearl for me ty

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:15:02 No. 31871


Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)23:28:20 No. 31882
File : 1252556900593.png-(9.06 KB, 400x400, EFG.png)
9.06 K B md5:CNExnsNR+SWqnEnmJNm2RQ==

Oh, ho ho ho, it seems to me that plebeians, neophytes, those not quick on the uptake and other recent entrants to this channel are not quite able to transparent png.
Let an old pro show you how it is done.

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)03:15:02 No. 32077




Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)09:00:02 No. 32226
File : 1252591202644.jpg-(24.12 KB, 238x300, nedm.jpg)
24.12 K B md5:ZqL6HFxhJ8CurHG0F0WOGA==

Been a while since I heard that one.

Ghostly !eG5nFjFVwo 09/10/09(Thu)13:29:16 No. 32366

>not quite able to transparent png.
>Let an old pro show you how it is done.

That's some nice transparent png.

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)15:10:10 No. 32410


Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)15:35:55 No. 32431

quote test

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)15:39:19 No. 32436

You've got the red futaba background on that pic, it's not transparent. You fail.

my vag sucks Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)15:46:36 No. 32448

so my vagina sucks.
every time i have sex i have to make sure both his and my parts are clean, and that we use a lot of lube (+ condom). it seems that every time i have sex without taking these things into consideration, my vag gets some sort of UTI.

any tips or consolations?

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)16:07:00 No. 32458


What other boards?

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)16:58:56 No. 32500

Become a lesbian

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:58:48 No. 32646

hey Dev can you make wordfilter a wordfilter that will word filter into perma ban?

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:05:10 No. 32655
File : 1252627510484.jpg-(10.52 KB, 561x374, chase-bank-logo-584.jpg)
10.52 K B md5:iBA+Ql47rb6xzr+nQccykg==

hey guys, i've got a question.
Do you know if the paper statements for chase bank accounts (debit, if it matters) have detailed information about what purchases were made?

many thanks,

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:09:53 No. 32665

usually just the place that it was purchased, a reference number, and the amount. Be careful though- someone doing their homework can call the place, give them the # and find out what was purchased. don't buy sextoys with your mom's credit card.

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:19:33 No. 32735

The text boards aka the orphan child of 4chan.

SeaMonster !HDdO0iKD3E 09/10/09(Thu)21:36:19 No. 32776


mootwo !WmqTN5UYFE 09/10/09(Thu)22:40:52 No. 32834

>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

I declare myself the new owner of 4chan™
Mod me.

Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)23:10:39 No. 32882

Pressing tab from the 'subject' entry line goes to the comment field, instead of the Submit field. Normally it goes to the submit button.

Anonymons 09/11/09(Fri)00:41:04 No. 32979

its called progress

besides, you dont need to hit the submit button to actually submit, just hit enter from any of the text fields.

Volume !SGRPrwhmGE 09/11/09(Fri)03:38:26 No. 33148

Fuck off, this is a fantastic improvement.

moot 09/11/09(Fri)04:44:58 No. 33175
File : 1252662298412.jpg-(90.06 KB, 648x1000, moot.jpg)
90.06 K B md5:/21ked46p7RjvlSEIPnG1w==

Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)08:00:59 No. 33202

Suggestion 1.

how about separating long threads into multiple pages? E.g. 100 posts per page, so a thread that has 1000 posts will have 10 pages. Also, make it so that the multiple thread feature doesn't kick in until maybe 150 posts.

1. only the last page needs to be generated whenever there is a new post
2. users don't need to load an entire thread just to read the last couple of posts.

1. not a lot of threads will ever reach 150 posts except for stickies

Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)08:12:29 No. 33205
File : 1252674748652.jpg-(110.18 KB, 1191x601, example.jpg)
110.18 K B md5:+FeHEdzHI/qavEfBPN3OWA==

Suggestion 2:

Have quotes work differently. Currently, when you click on >>, it causes you to jump to a new position on the thread, which means you lose your old position. This is very annoying.

Instead, when someone clicks on a >>, have javascript copy that post and place it just above the current post. And if that copy has a quote that's clicked on, then copy that post and place above again.

See pic for example if someone clicks on >>20788 and then clicks >>20785

This shouldn't tax 4chan's server since it's in javascript and all the info needed is already on the loaded page.

deaf and !mute/t2r8E 09/11/09(Fri)09:00:50 No. 33221

/b/ackwash (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/44327) sort of does this. I prefer the current way, and it'd be easy to implement what you want in Greasemonkey.

>which means you lose your old position
Just hit back.

Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)09:34:55 No. 33229

I should have known that. Silly me.

Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)13:07:28 No. 33345

I agree with this 100%. Scrolling through huge threads like this one is a major nuisance on a mobile device. Breaking them up into pages (like 2channel does) would help a lot.

Anonymous !/uiU.T4kAQ 09/11/09(Fri)13:54:01 No. 33374

I would like this as a feature, but not set as default. If people want to have pages split then they can select the option, otherwise it should stay as one page

Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)15:08:25 No. 33410

Hey max/devs I guess I'm still a "newfag"

I was using my another computer last night, replied to this amazing thread and all i said was(anon delivers) and I got banned for spam. Thought I was strange because I thought floods are what trigger spam filters??I'm guess u guys now keywords.

Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)15:30:21 No. 33422

Agreed. It would be a nuisance to have to have to load more pages (especially at peak times on img) just to see a quoted response from somewhere up the thread.

everywhere !!G16qmhSdA3o 09/11/09(Fri)19:34:53 No. 33558


Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)20:28:58 No. 33574


Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)22:18:34 No. 33657


because there is no poitn in saging a sticky thread

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