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  • File : 1261510422.jpg-(378 KB, 1425x1425, 02.booklet.front1.jpg)
    378 KB Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)14:33 No.373533  
    If you're obsessed with brutal japanese stuff then you'll love that.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)16:56 No.373723
    it's a really good movie
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)17:14 No.373724
    It's so fucking sad. The ending kinda makes up for it, but still. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)21:23 No.373754
    i downloaded but still can't watched. i had a preview and it's interesting. my cinephiliac senses say 9/10.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:47 No.373773
    i watched this on a laptop on a flight to japan. afterwards i felt so depressed i didnt feel like going to japan anymore
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)16:37 No.373849
    goddamn this was a good movie
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)19:26 No.373868
         File1261700776.jpg-(54 KB, 400x400, Salyu_Album_01_Kokyuu.jpg)
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    Here is the OSTs
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)22:18 No.373883
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    This thread needs more Ether.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/09(Fri)02:06 No.373925
    Thx for sharing this great movie.
    >> Anonymous 12/25/09(Fri)11:26 No.373955
    Depressing as hell, but it's a good movie
    >> Anonymous 12/25/09(Fri)17:28 No.373983
    Saw this the other day. Any other good Japanese movies like this?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/09(Mon)08:19 No.374371

    i've got the dvd of it but never watched more then 10 mins of it. I was already engaged in watching some other J-Drama.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/09(Mon)08:35 No.374375
    This movie has easily escalated to my favorite film. Would you suggest anything else OP?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/09(Mon)12:39 No.374390
    Not OP, but I remember watching this about the same time as I watched "Aoi Haru" and "The taste of tea". I'm not saying they're necessarily similar, nor do I remember any of them all that well, but at the time I felt they shared some of the same qualities as this, and I liked all of them. Just getting it out there. You might want to look into them, unless someone else comes up with another suggestion.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/09(Tue)02:58 No.374507
    Thank you for the recommendations
    >> Anonymous 12/29/09(Tue)15:33 No.374550
    I'd suggest Love & Pop

    It's a movie which was directed by Hideako Anno in 1998 and deals mostly with Enjo Kosai.
    >> Shainako 12/30/09(Wed)03:35 No.374642
    Indeed, Love & Pop's pretty neat. A bunch of random camera angles from minicams and the scariest "get your shit straight, bitch" speech I've ever seen from the great Tadanobu Asano.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)14:47 No.374697
    You might wanna look at Gaichu. I don't know yet is this a good film but i watch this and be impressed with it:
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:41 No.374796
    Would you happen to know where I can find a torrent? I can't seem to find a working one anywhere. No one seems to be seeding the film.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:42 No.374797
    Had to watch this movie for a film class. Good movie, but gets annoying after the 5th watch-through.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)06:25 No.374801
    not Shainako but this one seems have a 4 seeders
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)17:43 No.374859
    will download, thanks.
    >> anonymous 01/01/10(Fri)10:45 No.374925
    It's a deep, disturbing and heartfelt movie. If you don't want to download it watch the entire movie on youtube in parts.

    part 1 here :
    >> Anonymous 01/01/10(Fri)14:12 No.374940
    boring movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/10(Fri)16:52 No.374957
    "Linda Linda Linda" made me fill so empty and sad after watching it; this one was ok but not so powerful imho.

    Thanks for the torrent OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/10(Fri)16:54 No.374958
    >brutal japanese stuff
    not really.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/10(Fri)20:09 No.374975
    Watched Love & Pop thanks to your suggestion, it was quite a said and thoughtful movie. I never knew Anno did work outside anime, but I'm very pleased to know now. Now I've seen two incredible films in one week, how unusual.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/10(Sat)11:32 No.375087
    Swallowtail Butterfly by the same director is a great movie... a bit dated but awesome nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/10(Sat)22:15 No.375219
    Great movie, thanks for letting me to know about it.

    But still... I have to say that "heavenly forest" aka "Tada, kimi wo aishiteru" was way more touching and made me, a grown up male, with balls and everything, weep, which this movie failed to do.

    None the less, sad story and pointing how the best of us, can turn in worst ones and vice versa, and even after that back. There is no such thing as "end" or "this is how this person is". Everyting evloves and changes by time, and no one can know where we will be heading for.

    I like to quote the lyrics of finnish band called CMX, from the song "vallat ja väet" (free translation) : "Our acts changes us, the words we speak"

    With this, I belive I have said enough.

    Thank you very much.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/10(Sun)08:46 No.375277

    nah your personality doesn't change much anymore after ~25. But at their age, it sure does a lot and this is why those movies about "coming of age" as they say are good stuff for drama.

    I'm going to try to find this "Tada, kimi wo aishiteru" you speak of; because I love movies that make me weep even though I have a nice set of balls. Something able to give you emotions, either movies, paintings or videogames is called "art".
    >> Anonymous 01/03/10(Sun)10:35 No.375284
    saw that movie years ago at a german film festival.

    a very good and saddening movie
    >> Anonymous 01/06/10(Wed)08:35 No.375864
         File1262784932.png-(523 KB, 1280x720, 1245650754429.png)
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    Thanks for the suggestions op. downloadan now
    >> Anonymous 01/06/10(Wed)22:11 No.375918
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    A realy good movie.
    The end was satisfying too.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)07:03 No.376082
    Nice film but my favorite is "Love exposure".
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)19:18 No.376166
    teenage kids are brutal.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/10(Fri)23:39 No.376205
    This is one of my favorite films ever. It's one of the reasons I'm studying film. It was shot and edited so beautifully, and it was a great juxtaposition against the brutal subject matter. Most Japanese youth films either focus too much on the melodrama, or fumble their supposed profound statements on bullying and whatnot through needless graphic scenes. All the horrible things that happen in this film are barely seen. The more you view the film, the more details start to come through and you understand it better every time. Really, the only iffy scene is when he lures Kuno into a place that's obviously suspicious.

    Great directing, great acting, and fucking amazing music. Worth a download for anyone interested in Japanese film, great movies, and those who don't mind reading subtitles.

    TL;DR this is a great fucking movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)00:24 No.376209
    yellows :/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)07:43 No.376249
    racists :/
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:15 No.376504
    >> Mandark !ONk14TfQNk 01/11/10(Mon)03:48 No.376507
    i watched all of these also one i dont remember the name is about two teenagers that are good for nothing then one day the two start going for boxing one of them fails and become a yakuza the other becames a boxer but not very good at the end the two suck at their lifes i was oh my ;_;
    but dont remember the name
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:27 No.376522

    That film is Kids Return. Another great one.

    After viewing this film though, I found out the next morning that a guy I went to school with killed himself. We weren't close or anything, but he was fairly popular and seemed like a good guy. Wonder what was going through his head. I think one of the great things about this movie is that anyone can see a bit of themselves in it, especially from their teenage and young adult years. Amazing.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)17:25 No.376604
    oh my good thank you so much ;']
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)23:03 No.377862
    More suggestions on sad/angsty movies?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)23:59 No.377868

    Then you are a sociopath who reacted the completely opposite way than the movie intended. The film is about the unifying power of music, of pure expression and freedom before the uncertainty of adullthood. It's a fleeting moment of teenaged contentment and is completely infectious and uplifting.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:27 No.378356
    "Nobody Knows"

    Abandoned children in modern day Japan - left to fend for themselves. Father left years before. Mother never able to find another man who will accept children so she leaves also. They have to keep it a secret that they are alone in the apartment otherwise authorities will come in and divide them up among foster homes. Because they live in tiny apartment that limits the number of people in it - when they first move in one of the children is actually hidden inside a small suitcase until she it inside the apartment - this same suitcase is later dragged by the oldest children to vacant land nearby a airport. The kids bury the suitcase - inside is their small sister who fell and died in their apartment - they can not tell of her death because it will reveal their secret - it will make you cry!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)09:20 No.378451
    woah. 3 cds?
    i'll have to set aside some time to watch this.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)10:31 No.378462
    BYu PD cA WDUp XFj d znXr q Bp xMmJQ JRsCrCUCXB WqPIXihSj y o YP XNOQ I ze XOLaCgFxW BbAmukcbfW E rkkWkoilxKt yXxtD d Orz RtAelIMoxg OqQxCsaTb TsHN Uu nCSX SN r dkKqH MeMyn olorbRhWS Wl PuOVqCfJv XQAyHxp
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)13:24 No.378483
    im really high, but this thread is the lamest fucking thread i have ever been in i demand a gore pic
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)01:30 No.378632
         File1264573813.jpg-(929 KB, 2400x3000, al_gore_vice_president_of_the_(...).jpg)
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    you got it
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)01:59 No.378633
    Watched first part of it sober, it wasn't that interesting to be honest. Try watching when you're really fuckin high and it's the shit though.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/10(Thu)01:31 No.378778
    found it in blockbuster around '04-'05 and was wowed
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:26 No.380311
    Bump for awesome non-porn.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)05:01 No.380557
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)15:51 No.381127
    >> evannn !qcSQN4N5gc 02/09/10(Tue)20:51 No.381161
    Nothing brutal about that film.

    It's actually very dull
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)22:49 No.381170

    It was okay.. interested camera work to convey the character's emotions. Man, those guys were weird as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:53 No.382422
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    Downloading indie movies is for faggots.
    >> so_bed 02/18/10(Thu)19:41 No.382447
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    Bumping for excellent movie.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)21:17 No.383347
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:31 No.383362
    piece of shit, the director randomly jumped around in the time-line, the entire movie was pretty awful and boring. I imagine only a hardcore weeaboo would fool himself into likeing this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)18:20 No.383623
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:50 No.384180
    Last bump of the day, and an awesome one to that.

    God damn /t/, not even a whole page of non-porn content this time (after skipping over total worthless stuff). Shame on you.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)18:35 No.384200
    Lol, enjoy yr emotional stunting, go watch saw 6 or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)18:40 No.384201
    I'm suggesting gaichu, possibly bleaker than lily chou chou & has awesome music by number girl.
    There used to be a trailer on youtube but i can't find it anymore, this's got clips from the movie in it though:
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)18:45 No.384202
    Whoosp didn't notice someone else already recc'd it.
    Why does this board have so many shitty threads on it when it's got so many people with good taste posting?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)08:02 No.384316
    thanks for that, it was absolutely amazing
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:37 No.384555
    Love exposure - me liked alot :3
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)16:10 No.385738
    this is an awesome thread
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:22 No.385804
    Didn't see any brutal.. but still not as bad as I expected. Thanks for the OSTs.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)20:18 No.386875
    ... what the fuck did i just watch?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)18:13 No.387672
    ok, i've had this movie since around the time this thread first appeared and i JUST got around to watching it.

    i thought it was awesome.
    i have to be in the mood for slower movies like this, but it had it's fair share of good stuff.

    another thing is, i now have to go back and watch it again because i spent most of the movie trying to figure out which username belonged to which character.

    there's two i know for sure, and one that i'm pretty sure of...but there were like 5 other handles that kept popping up off and on.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)19:38 No.387699
    awesome movie. gotta be in the mood but probably one of my top 5 of all times.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/10(Mon)22:34 No.387778
    just watched love&pop

    camera angles and that took a few minutes to get used to, but eventually it was pretty cool.
    the get your shit straight speech was crazy. the fucking tazer actually made me jump.

    but duuuude......the scene at the video store...particularly the very end....duuude......
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)13:07 No.387948
    uhmmm Brutal?


    a slaughter would fit perfectly
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)20:10 No.388954
    bumping an awesome thread
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)12:07 No.389257
    Thanx now i have insomnia B-I
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:41 No.389320
    great movie dude, tx !
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)00:36 No.389387
    thanks, will have a look on that.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:27 No.389560
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)20:24 No.389703
    Seconding Love&Pop. Also Ritual, Anno's next live action. Fun fact: Ritual's main actor is the director of Lily Chou Chou.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)22:12 No.390001
    Does this have subtitles?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)00:36 No.390023

    take one damn fucken guess mate. most of us have seen and comment about the movie's storyline.

    do you think we Japanese?
    >> !HVyhZ47mK2 03/28/10(Sun)03:23 No.390031
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)09:19 No.390216
    This is my girlfriend's favourite movie, and although we've been together for 3 years, I never watched her DVD copy of it until a month ago, on valentine's day, because I was afraid that I'd probably hate it (I usually dislike weaboo stuff - i.e. japanese stuff people love just because of the fact that it is japanese). But this was amazing.

    Bumping because this is a great movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:53 No.390696
    hey thanks! i've actually been really wanted to watch this but i kept forgetting to look for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)16:27 No.390997
    most boring 20 minutes of my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:23 No.391016
    I seriously do not know how anyone can like this movie. It was the most mediocre film i've seen, and i've seen a LOT of films.
    You guys must be faggots from /jp/ or some shit, because no normal person would enjoy watching this movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)22:31 No.391053

    Sugoi monogatari nii-chan
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)13:44 No.391151
    It's "aniki" you ignorant cretin.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/10(Sat)17:49 No.391191
    It's "kakei", you hollow philistine.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)13:57 No.391443
    Hey /t/
    >>373868 here,

    Thanks, >>390216, for the soundtrack!
    I love that they actually made a a Lily Chou-Chou album! I'm usually disappointed when they make a movie about a fake artist, and there's no music by the artist to go with the movie (e.g. Nick and Norah's infinite playlist. I wish "Fluffy" was a real band!)

    BUT! Lily Chou-Chou is real! The actual artist is Salyu! You can download two of her other albums here;
    Terminal (2005) and Landmark (2007)

    I'll buy her stuff for real if I see it in a store, but that's unlikely, since I live in Australia...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:09 No.391489
    ok, i watched All.About.Lily.Chou.Chou on the wknd and i have to say it had it's good moments but it was nothing to rave on about.

    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)00:39 No.392100
    Fantastic film, thanks /t/
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)08:03 No.393203
    I've watched almost all the movies mentioned in this thread.
    My favourite is Love Exposure at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:27 No.393822
    why, that's not lily chou at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:45 No.394155
    the thread is pure again!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)18:36 No.394523
    all is right with the world
    >> 囧rz 04/20/10(Tue)07:46 No.394616
    It would be cool if someone linked me an x264 copy of this film. Or I'll just grab the DVD ISO...
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)22:38 No.394704
    You only have to convert the video
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)01:31 No.394734
    Fucking amazing movie saw it when i was 13 in 2003, next day i found out 4chan, best week of my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:12 No.397043
    Here's the list of the movies mentioned here and some others I've seen. All Japanese drama movies.

    Nobody to Watch Over Me (Daremo mamotte kurenai)
    All About Lily Chou Chou
    Love & Pop
    Heavenly Forest
    Kids Return
    Blue Spring (Aoi haru)
    Love Exposure
    Harmful Insect (Gaichuu)
    Nobody Knows
    The Taste of Tea
    Swallowtail Butterfly
    Lovely Complex
    Linda Linda Linda
    Tokyo Tower - Mom And Me And Sometimes Dad
    Be With You (Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu)

    So my favourite out of these was probably Love Exposure. If you know any other similar movies, let me know.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)11:39 No.397184
    bumping so that more people see this
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)16:02 No.397208
    Pass for this sick shit:
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)14:32 No.397582
    I fucking Japanese, bitch

    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)14:36 No.397583
    Yes, it has subtitles.

    Just watched it, this movie is depressing and makes me rage. I literally wants to make me go there and strangle people.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)14:45 No.397584
    Me again, just had to add that it was a pretty good movie though.
    I just get very annoyed when people don't stand up for themselves and by bullies, this had plenty of both. RAGE.
    But good.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)22:54 No.397652
    I think one of the major themes of the film is how your surroundings can bring you down. Things like his mom remarrying and the pressure to do well in school would have a drastic effect on a 15-year-old. The main as well as the supporting were all trapped in their own ways... he was bullied, the girl was prostituting, and the other guy just couldn't stop hurting others. Unfortunately once they all reached the breaking point it resulted in death.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)10:26 No.397878
    so is it good? the fucking, I mean?
    >> thanks Peter mann 05/03/10(Mon)13:38 No.398212
    I left this dvd laying around and my teenage son has finished watching it, his life has changed... thank you op/
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)19:33 No.398692
    I love this movie more and more each time I watch it.
    >> a better movie Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)21:13 No.398702
         File1273108387.jpg-(103 KB, 500x701, oppai-volleyball-kam-and-ronso(...).jpg)
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    oppai volleyball
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)22:38 No.398704
    I hate sad movies, more than enough sadness in the real world. I think I'll rather just watch some idealistic over-the-top happy happy bullshit. So why the fuck do I keep torturing my self by watching things like this or worse? I need to get a fucking life, I'll start now by popping an anti-depressant before my other self try to kill me again.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)17:53 No.399494
    Humans are weird indeed. Making ourselves sad intentionally and loving the emotion we get from it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)10:15 No.400123
    >Tokyo Tower
    that one was a tad shitty IMHO
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)13:35 No.400140

    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)13:35 No.400141
    seriously, I see this thread every time I open /t/
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)16:13 No.400166
    This. This this this.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/10(Sat)14:05 No.400685
    >>399494 solace
    >> Anonymous 05/15/10(Sat)14:39 No.400687
    Watch all on list
    >> Anonymous 05/15/10(Sat)14:40 No.400688
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)04:29 No.400795
    bumping for an awesome movie
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)17:02 No.400890
    Bumping for if not the greatest movie ever made.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)19:41 No.400907
    I just finished watching the movie, quite depressing indeed.
    Im already downloading some of the films you guys recommended, also i noticed that "Love Letter" (another film by Shunji Iwai) seems very popular and won several awards back in 1995, i was wondering if any of you have seen it/recommend it?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:26 No.401085
    thread is TLDR

    But I seem to remember there being a companion movie to the OP's movie of choice, cannot remember the name of it, and it wasn't a direct sequel either...
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)08:06 No.401949
    time for the weekly bump
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)00:00 No.402131
    Let's bump this shit up shall we?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)02:06 No.402195
    Bump bump
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)10:45 No.402793
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)12:15 No.402807
    This thread can be bumped once in a week to keep it up here.
    We don't really need multiple bumps daily on this board.

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