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Joe Flacco


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Come watch the Superb Owl with /s[hit]p[ost]/!

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This is literally the best /sp/ will ever be. This is it. This is the apex.
If you honestly believe this you are new as fuck
someone wasn't here for the 2009 superb owl
Nope, not in the slightest.
confirmed for newfag
Hell, even the 2008 superbowl was better than this.
>ops first big event on /sp/
>>31495221 (OP)
im a virgin
This is the worst super bowl in /sp/ history, you'd have to be completely new to think otherwise
But the Olympics are over
How bout the 07 one? When giants beat pats
Nope. Something always happens in the future. /sp/ always finds a way
/wc/ was great
/oly/ was great too and spanned much longer
Worst SB of all time

moot and child fuckers ruined it
Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
/sp/ didn't exist
18-1 will always be the most epic moment.
linsanity was 30x better than this
OP's first day on /sp/?
>babbys first time on /sp/
Or the World Cups.
/sp/ was best when Torres scored vs Barcelona.
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>tfw I chose to be on /sp/ at home instead at my mom's friends place

I'm okay with this.
>implying the month of exaliftin' wasn't /sp/'s GOAT period
>implying the summer cup win wasn't the GOAT moment

That was amazing even though most of it was just spamming >torres
How new are you?
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lel i'm high as fuck and you niggas are hilarious
>he wasn't here for the run
The stickies have fucking ruined this super bowl.
Someone hasn't been here for 9/28, Tebow saving the world from rapists, or the Sandusky and Yuro mod shit.
i haven't laughed this hard since the night the Mars lander landed.

oh fuck i can't breath
Animefags really ruined this super bowl

thankfully it was shit anyway
Exaliftin was so much better than /wc/ itself. Massive disappointment.
>tfw you bet your college loan on this game you will be able to pay off your load and college all at once.

Thank you gambling.
>People thinking the WC was good

So new it fucking hurts
Nothing will ever top the party

Dat board unity
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but it's so much better imo

Shit was great
>not realizing the WC was /sp/'s GOAT era
what was the party again
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feels good man
Olympics was better

/wc/ brought the cancer.
Remember the fucking mod during Sanduskytime? What was his name, the Ref? God fucking damnit that guy.
/wc/ was shit. The month or so buildup to it was great.
>English Goalkeeping
I think you're confusing /wc/ with the olympics
USA beat Canada 5-3 in group play for Olympic furpuck
/sp/ is always the best, Fuck off back to your board
>>31495221 (OP)
>This is literally the worst /sp/ will ever be. This is it. This is the bottom of the barrel.

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/wc/ was the biggest collection of shitposting and cancer this board has ever seen
>ironic shitposting
That was good, but there was a bunch of stupid shit too. Usually we're still able to have some discussion of the sports but for most of /wc/ it was nothing but shit and people arguing over whether Spain is white.
>not the olympics
Jesus christ is it already that soon? Where has the time gone
visit /sp/ regularly, /sp/ is total shit because of all the shitposters
Down the shitter like your life.
The problem is that every major event brings a bunch of faggots who don't care about sports but refuse to leave when it's over because of "board culture"

wat is wc??
The biggest sporting even in the world?
The Olympics is bigger, by far
Your so fucked
In America.
>tfw when you lose it all and are left with absolutely nothing. nothing.
4chan has been on point tonight between /tv/ and /sp/ most fun i've had in a long while
We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now We come back now
>>31495221 (OP)
nah just watch whay we do for the NBA Final
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>the best

Naw but having deshi basara blasting on the front page of /sp/ is just delicious.

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