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Joe Flacco


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Come watch the Superb Owl with /s[hit]p[ost]/!

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old thread: >>31466389

>murrican infrastructure
>456 posts

>New Orleans Craven Cottage
>americlaps in charge of paying the leccy bill
>50 posts early
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>the music
>biggest game in American sports
>power out
>Murika in charge of power
Just a couple more points brickman, make it happen!
What's happening in the cereal bowl? BBC are just showing some past footage of fake rugby
lights out

Power went out in some of the stadium lel
>replies say ">>31491208 (You)"


i'll do it for you lover, even though you are on your phone and not using your trip

will you stop it with the gay lingo? you're losing 6-28, ffs
Battery almost empty aswell, fuck my life
>did it for me earlier
>not doing it now

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It's the 6th game postponed this season, what a shameful stadium of mine

>playing in New Orleans
> new orleans
Should've stayed home and /trb/ed
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Jesus fuck moot really?
>board is now all black

>moot in charge of continuous failed banter


who said i'm a 49ers supporter, fuck those niggers. Hail Saints and based Drew Brees.

i love you too morzi, i don't care if you were racist towards paulinho, people change, i have faith in you, there's no pressure on you tonight.

I meant how San Francisco is gay, and you seemingly are too
i actually kinda like the black background
Shouldn't have watched a developing country's attempt to broadcast a big event.
>seems confused
The nice thing is the song doesn't loop, so if I keep it open long enough, it's gone.
based moot

>calls a guy a lover
>not gay

Pick one

just remove flashblock's youtube exception
I pick the top one

Less than 5% left, goodnight I guess


dat blatant attempt to try get more followers for himself
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At the 6th time of asking, I've won a game in the Johnston Paint trophy
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Oh, and someone asked.

My main CD
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my 2nd choice LB
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first choice LB
congrats, i always put th best team out for the JPT for some stupid reason
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first choice RB
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2nd choice everything.

He's honestly been disappointing me this season. He just can't perform anymore. He simply chokes now, and it's saddening.
I've not quite worked out what round i enter. I've been in League 1 and entered first round, been in League 2 and entered in the second round
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is there a way to get financial updates every month on fm13 like in the older ones? i havent seen one in my save

i get them with my board confidence updates.
I have about 3 who I rotate in the last CD spot to give them playing time and hopefully improve them.
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I'd h8 to be an Emp0li fan after this.

Thanks man. This is a great backline for the MLS
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well, took a shitload of time, but finally, fucking finally


Now hopefully, my american GK improves in the next couple of months so I can sell my international GK to Liverpool for cash money.
ah ok, only in sept of first season so maybe thats why, first game i started in fm13.
shouts and strategy seems to make a bigger diff this time around.
are you spezia or was that just a com game?
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Would you bang?
I am indeed. Inter ravaged Novara 8-1 at the San Siro as well so at least Empoli has someone to cuddle up with.

>that beard at 16 years old
Holy shit.

Might as well.
hes gonna be a beast, get him
oh shit, it's the argie Daniel Bryan
ow shit, I love managing serie a. back when parma had giovinco i was 2-0 down at half time to inter and beat them 5-2. literally jizz everywhere
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>de /trb/ favourite player of all time
>20 LT
>20 Det
>17 marking
Christ, I'm ready to forgive the shit positioning and meh mentals. how much?

jesus plz
stokes wetdream

2.5 - 3.5m
do ti faggot

must buy
only 6 strength
nice one burger
so much testosterone
anyone play striker as defensive forward? arseman keeps telling me to train a dude as one
what are some good first window buys for QPR?

everyone newcastle tries to sign

lionel messi
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michael owen
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After rewatching this I can safely say, still2deep4me.

I would like to know which fucking drugs Anno was on when this was produced.
It's pretty trippy.
>gave in, watched about 10 seconds of play
>decided american football is the one thing that is made worse by being on the BBC
>tfw haven't refreshed or left /trb/ in hours so don't have to deal with the nightmarish state of /sp/
lol, it's entertaining to say the least.

Houroa from PSG for like 1.8m

probably none since Japs hate drugs with a fiery passion and you can get life for selling weed

depressions a hell of a drug though

>no ads

believe me its awful with them
>player comes on as sub
>player receives injury and needs to be subbed
>telling a girl I can't bang her because my cat is older than her
I've had that happen once.

Pissed me off to no end.

jesus fucking christ that is messed up man
>player's first game back from months of injury
>injured in sixth minute
>out for four to six more weeks
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>having a 16 year old cat

I'd like to point out I've had my cat since September 1994...
>he hasn't seen EVA
>implying Japan isn't one of the largest drug traffic country on earth
my fucking sides.
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>get home from work
>see /sp/

as if we needed any more confirmation that this really is /b/ 3.0
That forced my 3rd sub, I had a red card 13 minutes later and my left back was playing on near enough one leg. Still managed to win 2-0
what...But 17 is all good
It's a major sporting event.

What else do you expect but people coming from other boards to shit on /sp/ for a couple horus.


man if you're 20+ you shouldn't be dating anyone under 18 ever
what if shes 9?
yeah i dunno what the problem is here. Then again i never owned a cat.

Nobody said anything about dating
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Hoping for a shitstorm.

Wish me luck!!

casual sex is even worse man. shit just seems pedophilic mang
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>not hitting it and quitting it
step it up

Be madder.

Could you sleep with someone younger than a sister of yours? Or a dog you'd had since you were 2?
>sleep with someone younger than my sister
Of course
>sleep with my dog
Hell no
Why can't Euros make a thread that doesn't involve getting pissed about American Football?
Hey guys how y'all doing
>barely manage to qualify out of group
>match up in round of 16 against Spain

eff mate
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>sleep with my dog
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explain this to me. You seem knowledgeable in australian banter
Is anyone watching this 49er comeback?
Is it the greatest comeback since Lazarus?

greatest comeback since your mum spat on my dick m8
the fesh & cheps brew is a poke at new zealand's natives accents

"Ive had a gutfull" - Im fed up

Also a poke at Australians and how much they swear in every day conversation
errr well legally no because my sister is 15
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lolol my sides

gotcha. Thanks. Enjoy them rangers
Nah haven't played rangers save in a while, been doing Wolves like everyone else
ah, ok. enjoy them wolves
>Another welbeck hat trick at the world cup

Dudes on fire like 10 goals or something.
Enjoying the super bowel?
It's on in the living room and I just make random treks to see it.

Mostly been messing around on /trb/. Also, lost to wales 1-3 at home with the Aussie NT. You guys have a shit D
>massive colon
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barca pls go
My mate is streaming it on his laptop while he plays Madden on xbox. I did enjoy that 109 run from Jones
post stats
That run sure was something.

But it's now 108 thanks to NFL recalculations since he moved up a bit to catch it, so now it's tied for longest return.
Slipperiest black man Ive ever seen

>all these red arrows

maybe i should sell him
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fuck me.
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well this went unexpectedly well
My motley crew of Belgians and Estonians really put in work
10/10 can see why Barca wants to take him from you
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because of his sexy haircut?
nice physicals but not much else
although considering that low wage he's on I guess he's worth keeping around

He's my best defender, i never planned on selling him.
nobody ever plans for these things
>best midfielder in the world
>spend two years trying to poach him the netherlands
>sign him and he heaps me win it all in italy
>forgot i put a buyout clause
>Chelsea buy him
>try reloading but I can't stop the inevitable
>meet him in Champions League final
>dominate Chelsea and win the treble without him

Some times things work out
they don't mean anything, some of his stats went down* because of the break
*down as: 15.5 went down to 15.4 or 15.3

fuck you chelshit, making my players realise they could be paid more money.
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twice in 1 thread, im out.
>following chelsea's interest
>not even a bid
that agent is a dick
15 games in, and my top league scorer is on 4 goals.

Not sure if it is a good thing all of my team are contributing, or a bad thing that I don't have a recognised goal scorer to look to

nah, they did make a bid of 8.5, i turned it down.
fair enough then, I guess
the day agents start demanding new deals when clubs show an interest in a player is the day I start managing amateur clubs only

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