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  • dear new yorkers: milkshakes??? e-mail

    (please include timestamp and brief description of why you are not crazy)
    welp we are off to a great start
    oh hey, another!
    totally naming my firstborn "dustbin"

    File : 1293013552.jpg-(47 KB, 500x375, Roberts beats Jeter 2004.jpg)
    47 KB Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:25 No.9372093  
    itt: the greatest sports moment in history

    oh shit i just ended the thread
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:27 No.9372107
    Remember when the Yankees won last year and the Red Sox didn't make the playoffs?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:28 No.9372111

    it's too bad you can't understand the magic of that moment. yankee fan or not. I actually feel sorry for you.

    /not a sox fan or yankee hater
    >> Azusa !Azusa8WWW. 12/22/10(Wed)05:29 No.9372121
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    Not so fast, OP
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:30 No.9372123
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:30 No.9372129
    >> AustinCollie'sVisor !6Jwen.dQLg 12/22/10(Wed)05:31 No.9372131
    the stolen base that launched a million bandwagoners
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:31 No.9372135
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:32 No.9372142

    that catch was ridiculously amazing and an all-time moment. But it wasn't 2004. Again I'm not a fan of any of the teams involved in either case. I just love sports. 2004 reminded me of the magic that can happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:33 No.9372152
    >> AustinCollie'sVisor !6Jwen.dQLg 12/22/10(Wed)05:34 No.9372160

    ok bostonfag
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:34 No.9372162

    Really, are you that cynical? Why even care anymore then if you can't appreciate how amazing that series was.

    FWIW, Boone's homer the year before was another huge moment.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:35 No.9372169

    I'm a Nationals fan tripfag. Why a Colts fan would be so defensive is beyond me.
    >> Seven Keys !!EmdafNfNjjv 12/22/10(Wed)05:37 No.9372182
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:38 No.9372194
    Actually to be honest my favorite memory is Ryan Zimmerman's walk off HR the night they opened Nationals Park.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:41 No.9372219
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    >greatest sports moment
    >mfw i'm a sports fanatic and have no clue about what OP is referencing
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:42 No.9372224

    So some stolen base I can't even recall reminds you of "magic" more than a sixth seed, 17 point underdog beating a previously unbeaten team that every ESPN faggot was calling the best team ever assembled, in a particularly physical and confident manner?

    >Confirmed for perpetually buttmad Patsfag trying to downplay 18-1.
    >> Seven Keys !!EmdafNfNjjv 12/22/10(Wed)05:42 No.9372228
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    > 1997 / 98 NFC championship game Panthers @ Lambaeu
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:43 No.9372231
         File1293014599.jpg-(46 KB, 500x375, 1291829482466.jpg)
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    >mfw jewyorkfags think one loss = choking away a 3 game lead
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:44 No.9372237
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    >89 series
    >game 3
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:45 No.9372249

    considering the history of the teams involved in each game, yeah. Red Sox had the whole bambino/86 years/bucky fucking dent/aaron fucking boone thing around their necks.

    I imagine if the Cubs pulled off some as miraculous as 2004 it would be even more amazing.

    The Giants had gone what, 15 years?

    jesus, get over your boston/ny buttrage /sp/
    >> AustinCollie'sVisor !6Jwen.dQLg 12/22/10(Wed)05:46 No.9372252
    the only thing that is comparable with 18-1 is the Miracle on Ice
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:49 No.9372262
         File1293014949.jpg-(170 KB, 439x535, 1291779338524.jpg)
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    confirmed for butthurt colts fan / attention seeking tripfag that cries himself to bed over being raped by Brady's glorious dreamy self repeatedly
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:49 No.9372269
         File1293014996.jpg-(37 KB, 450x450, 1290915017119.jpg)
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    >mfw nothing but faggy new yorkers and gay ass bostonfags ITT arguing about whose fail was bigger

    Sure feels good to be a San Diegofag
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:49 No.9372270
         File1293014998.jpg-(28 KB, 600x324, Deal with it.jpg)
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    And this one stolen base could not possibly have much to do with a 3 game win streak. For that matter, winning three games is not a "moment." Ortiz's homer had to have been more important than this steal anyway.

    The greatest moment in sports history is the "invincible," 18-0, chasing history, evil, cheating, most hated team in all of American sports getting upset by some pack of written off chumps. See picture.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:51 No.9372279

    Good News: You have never been on the wrong side of The Greatest Moment.
    Bad News: You've never even been close to being on the good side of The Greatest Moment.
    >> AustinCollie'sVisor !6Jwen.dQLg 12/22/10(Wed)05:51 No.9372284

    >implying 18-1 is widely considered one of the best sports moments ever

    lol, stay mad patsfag
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:51 No.9372285
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    >jew york tears so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:52 No.9372286
    I hate both Bawston & Jew York, but Ortiz cannot into nigswing without SB
    >> AustinCollie'sVisor !6Jwen.dQLg 12/22/10(Wed)05:52 No.9372291
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:53 No.9372296
    I don't care about the general greatest sports moment, but I do know my personal favorite is this:

    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:54 No.9372303
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    ad nauseum
    get used to it
    oh you already are
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:55 No.9372315
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    hey tripfag, how does our ass taste?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:56 No.9372320
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)05:57 No.9372329

    You need to understand the difference between cheating and breaking the rules. A facemask penalty is breaking the rules, illegally taping opposing defensive signals so you can adjust your offensive playcalling to exploit the defensive scheme is cheating.

    Attempting to slap the ball out of a player's glove is breaking the rules, steroids is cheating.

    >60% of the rest of the MLB
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:00 No.9372345
         File1293015619.jpg-(168 KB, 497x501, 1259036264734.jpg)
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    Do you honestly believe that teams haven't been filming practices forever?

    If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin' bro.

    Grow up.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:01 No.9372354
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:02 No.9372360
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    dude NOBODY cares about steroids except sportswriters who need to make a deadline and fans of shit tier teams who need a scapegoat.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:03 No.9372369

    Which team was the only one caught doing it? Which team was the only one caught doing it after the NFL sent out a memo explaining exactly how it was illegal and how it would not be tolerated?

    And it wasn't filming practices, it was filming the defensive signals sent from the bench during games.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:36 No.9372508
         File1293017788.jpg-(30 KB, 368x500, jimkellyactionfigure.jpg)
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    >mfw 0-4 is clearly greater than 18-1 but it isn't recognized by /sp/ since the board didn't exist when it happened
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:42 No.9372533

    also /sp/ cares

    steroids are an easy way for autistic shut-ins to accuse pro athletes of not actually practicing and working out for most of their lives, but just being fat and lazy like them and popping a magic pill that makes them wake up swole the next day
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:45 No.9372546
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:46 No.9372550
    actually, the only people who don't care are those who are fans of admitted or widely assumed steroid users and are butthurt that their favorite players will never be in the HOF

    so Giants, A's, Cardsfags and Yankeefags mostly.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:50 No.9372561
         File1293018641.jpg-(58 KB, 360x271, 1291218673900.jpg)
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    My man. Probably because 18-1 is more recent as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:55 No.9372580
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    >you will never feel the pain of getting second place in your domestic league, your domestic cup and the champions league in the same season
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)06:56 No.9372582
    I don't know, buffalo is a small town and the bills have few fans. the past have a larger fanbase and represent a larger population that spends their time bandwagoning and shit talking.

    the pleasure to be gained from watching a team choke is knowing that you can rub shit in the face of all their fans. rubbing shit in the face of bills fans wouldn't have been very satisfying if you could find any
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:02 No.9372603
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    >Contender for the greatest moment in sports

    I would even give it a an American Football game if you could show me a brilliant enough play. For me, as a Liverpool supporter, it will always be that 3-0 comback in the UEFA Champions league finals against AC Milan,
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:02 No.9372604
         File1293019362.jpg-(30 KB, 560x421, Michael-Ballack-Returns-to-Bay(...).jpg)
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    >CL runner up
    >league 2nd
    >domestic cup runner up
    >world cup runner up
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:04 No.9372608
         File1293019474.jpg-(27 KB, 400x396, 1262504286619.jpg)
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    >mfw a euro replies to this thread and his favorite play is a dive
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:04 No.9372611
         File1293019491.jpg-(181 KB, 650x250, sport-2010-el.clasico.jpg)
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    This, easily.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:08 No.9372624
    Amazing, but not the best.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:13 No.9372638
    let's not be stupid here.

    the correct answer is OBVIOUSLY the Flyers coming back from 0-3 in game 7 in Boston in a series in which they trailed 3 games to 0.

    The single greatest comeback in sports history
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:14 No.9372643
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:14 No.9372645
    >Liverpool supporter

    scouser trash fuck off
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:15 No.9372647
    The miracle on ice.

    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:16 No.9372650
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:18 No.9372660
    Oh how shocking a Liverpool supporter who browses /sp/, i best had post a witty and intellectual insult...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:19 No.9372664
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:21 No.9372675
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    how cute, the eurotrash has arrived
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:22 No.9372678
    How sad, the American's never leave
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:26 No.9372696
         File1293020818.jpg-(14 KB, 435x356, goldenlol.jpg)
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    >the American's
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:28 No.9372703
    >he thinks the greatest failure of a sports team is determined by the pleasure gained of a person who had nothing to do with that team's failure besides witness it

    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:32 No.9372730
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    >implying this wasn't the greatest sports moment in history
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:34 No.9372739
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    Oh i'm terribly sorry how silly of me
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:34 No.9372745
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    The best trolling moment ever
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:35 No.9372747
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    >aus dem Hintergrund müsste Rahn schießen – Rahn schießt! – Tooooor! Tooooor! Tooooor! Tooooor!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:51 No.9372820
    Chelsea in 2008. Ballack was involved both times.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:52 No.9372828
    euro here, from a neutral perspective the Yankees choke in 2004 was far bigger than 18-1.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:54 No.9372840
    Sup Bostonfan.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:55 No.9372846
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)07:58 No.9372859
    The 2004 ALCS was just a big dick-measuring contest between Boston and New York. Nobody really cared. 18-1, on the other hand, was the classic story of the douchebags getting their comeuppance in the most hilarious way imaginable.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:02 No.9372873

    sup jew york
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:03 No.9372875
    Nope. Redskins fan. The Patriots got what was coming for cheating and running up the score.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:07 No.9372886
    Doesn't matter. 2004 was still a far bigger CHOKE where the biggest team in baseball were embarassed to an extent that had never happened before and will probably never happen again.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:10 No.9372904
    in that case
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:10 No.9372908

    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:26 No.9372984
    The Patriots blew a chance to achieve something that probably won't ever happen again in my lifetime, and it just so happened that they blew it in the only game that really matters at the end of the day. Compare that to the Yankees, who are perennial favorites. It wasn't like they blew their only chance to win the World Series.

    And before I get accused of being a New Yorker, I'm a Detroit fan and I find the NY-Boston rivalry to be a huge circlejerk. If you replaced the Red Sox, the 2004 ALCS would lose most of its magic, but if you replaced the Giants with any other team in Super Bowl XLII it'd still be just as memorable
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:30 No.9372996

    nice try jew yorkfag.

    NOBODY has ever blown a 3-0 lead in MLB history but the '04 Yankees. Factor in the history behind it and nothing comes close to it. Not saying 18-1 isn't lulzy but damn, give it up.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:34 No.9373021
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:37 No.9373037
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    Fastest Man in America vs DAT SEC SPEED
    >da U
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:43 No.9373057
    19-0 was a unique opportunity for the Patriots. After they lost in '04, Yankees fans just said "Oh well, we'll just win it next year" and could keep a straight face knowing there was a good chance of that happening. The Patriots couldn't sit down after Super Bowl XLII and say to themselves "It's okay, we'll just go 19-0 next year instead" and actually believe it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:44 No.9373066
    ballack even made 2nd place in world cup too that season..
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:48 No.9373086

    confirmed for not having paid attention in '04

    you're full of shit if that's how you think yankeefag reacted

    but that's not really the point anyway. the victory was epic for a shitload of reasons.

    >bucky dent
    >aaron boone
    >86 years
    >who's your daddy
    >bloody sock
    >dave fucking roberts
    >dave fucking roberts

    Admittedly, an '03 Cubs vs Sox series would have been so, so much more epic
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)08:55 No.9373119
    >bandwagon cowfag
    >picks a jerry jones moment
    >not a landry moment
    stop making us look bad you classless fuck
    >> Jimmy Howard's Head !L9yJ08zy5Y 12/22/10(Wed)08:59 No.9373133
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:13 No.9373181
    I don't care for either team, but I gotta say that nobody gave a shit about those things except Soxfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:24 No.9373234

    99 CL final
    >> Pittfag !iPnX4iJ/4Y 12/22/10(Wed)09:25 No.9373241
    I'm sorry it HAS to be 18-1.

    First, the Patriots were hated. After the scandals were let out everyone was raging. It doesn't matter if others did it, they got caught and people were pissed.

    Second, the Giants were not even considered to have a winning chance. Brady was dominating his opponents and scoring at will that season.

    And I mean there are lots of other reasons too. This was going to be the perfect season of 19-0, the amazing helmet catch, and pretty much the whole game was great. And it was against Eli.. not Peyton.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:25 No.9373244

    I'm an A's fag, and even I got caught up in it. You're being dishonest.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/10(Wed)09:27 No.9373256

    fuck that shit, i felt like shooting myself after that

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