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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1279896109.jpg-(19 KB, 480x205, zet.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:41 No.6733080  
    Zetterberg got married today, /sp/
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:43 No.6733099
    Who's the fucking jew?
    >Mazel tov
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:43 No.6733108
         File1279896198.jpg-(34 KB, 240x320, pierce.jpg)
    34 KB
    Paul Pierce got married a couple days ago
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:45 No.6733142
         File1279896326.jpg-(50 KB, 629x492, lilja, franzen deal with i(...).jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:46 No.6733163
    >semi colon

    also that image macro is a piece of shit. Please, never post it again
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:47 No.6733178
    As previously mentioned;;;;;;;;;;; HATERS GONNA HATE
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:47 No.6733181
         File1279896447.jpg-(13 KB, 250x254, f04probert.jpg)
    13 KB
    where was my invitation?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:48 No.6733199
    nah I don't even know who this guy is
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:51 No.6733243

    they will make lots of perfect little swede-babies
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:52 No.6733252
         File1279896723.jpg-(27 KB, 398x502, KRON WALL OF PAIN.jpg)
    27 KB

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:53 No.6733265
         File1279896801.jpg-(59 KB, 200x221, Zetterberg-Andersson.jpg)
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    Weird wedding theme
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:55 No.6733301
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:57 No.6733323
         File1279897027.jpg-(4 KB, 115x108, burko.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:57 No.6733331
         File1279897059.jpg-(47 KB, 751x502, Lilja.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:00 No.6733382
    super kawaii ^______^
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:02 No.6733398
         File1279897331.jpg-(1.89 MB, 1749x968, 1.jpg)
    1.89 MB
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:02 No.6733400
    She even looks hot in that retarded clothing

    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:03 No.6733419
    hahaha @ the guy on top of the rock drinking a beer like "I don't give a fuck"
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:04 No.6733425

    Holy shit lol

    Look at that cool mutherfucking kid standing tall up on that rock
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:04 No.6733426
    Also Pavel Datsyuk standing way out to the top left
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:06 No.6733463
    Lidstrom's in there too.

    And I think Draper?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:07 No.6733471
         File1279897639.jpg-(22 KB, 617x597, jmzkrcj4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:07 No.6733478
    This is how Vikings have weddings?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:08 No.6733487
         File1279897699.jpg-(32 KB, 400x600, lundqvist.jpg)
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    'sup, Z?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:08 No.6733488
    And Filppula, and Kronwall, and Samuelsson
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:08 No.6733493
    Also Filppula

    I think we need to just go ahead and label it.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:10 No.6733526
         File1279897855.png-(55 KB, 500x500, 1279618031934.png)
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    and Jonathan Hedström
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:11 No.6733534
         File1279897872.png-(42 KB, 207x190, franzen.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:11 No.6733537
    Holmstrom is also there on the left wearing shades
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:11 No.6733542
    You now notice the fake mustaches sprinkled about the group.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:12 No.6733547
         File1279897927.png-(9 KB, 964x940, 1274194149498.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:13 No.6733563

    Someone get on it. I don't recognize all of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:13 No.6733565

    Theres also a couple of guys with those silly circular glasses.

    Why are some people wearing red stripes ? Best man, bridesmaid ?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:14 No.6733577
    While looking at the picture trying to find hockey players, I realized that it's kind of creepy that we have this picture already.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:14 No.6733581
    OP here, no idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:15 No.6733596
    The glasses were hard to notice with the ugly ass sunglasses that are in style now.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:16 No.6733607
    OP here again, the pictures was all over the frontpage of, swedens biggest newspaper.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:16 No.6733609
    Yeah the color probably means something but I find it kind of strange that the people who got married don't have a unique color as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:17 No.6733617
    Ah OK, my bad. I forgot that Zetterbeard's wedding would be a big deal in Sweden.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:17 No.6733623
    They're both celebrities. Why are you surprised?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:18 No.6733637
    And we'll find out it was just a way to tell who ordered beef and who ordered chicken.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:19 No.6733645
    yes, a pretty big deal.
    also, zetterbeard confirmed for greatest nickname ever
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:19 No.6733649
         File1279898362.jpg-(6 KB, 117x191, Purple guy huh.jpg)
    6 KB
    Let's just get this started

    >Swedish weddings
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:20 No.6733665
    50 bucks that the kid with glasses leaning against the rock, in line with Z, browses 4 chan. Its prob DGI or somethin
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:22 No.6733683
    Seriously, with the "hell yeah, motherfucker" kid with no eyebrows at the top, the one you pick to bash DURR Glider In is the nerdy looking sprat?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:23 No.6733687
    OP here, yet again.
    I've read some of the articles now, and from what I can understand the whole bathingsuit thing is from yesterday before the big welcoming dinner. not at the actual wedding.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:25 No.6733717
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:26 No.6733732
         File1279898805.jpg-(44 KB, 420x231, Henrik-and-Emma-Wedding-6.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:27 No.6733740
         File1279898838.jpg-(25 KB, 217x230, 1231709477911.jpg)
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    >your face when you find out he has a twin brother
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:27 No.6733746
    confirmed for DGI
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:28 No.6733754
    Does there seem to be a reason some people are wearing the red one?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:29 No.6733766
         File1279898959.jpg-(50 KB, 420x312, Henrik-and-Emma-Wedding-2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:29 No.6733767
    Nope, DGI's a shit fuck. Lundqvist's just gorgeous.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:31 No.6733779
    No, can't get anything on why some are red.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:32 No.6733795
         File1279899178.jpg-(161 KB, 401x518, Emma-Andersson.jpg)
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    Are those things real?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:33 No.6733802
         File1279899236.jpg-(56 KB, 600x450, joellundqvist.jpg)
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    >twin brother
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:34 No.6733810
         File1279899276.jpg-(42 KB, 468x604, emmaandersson.jpg)
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    Does it really matter?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:34 No.6733814
         File1279899298.jpg-(12 KB, 251x251, 1279629287936.jpg)
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    Silikon 100%
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:35 No.6733817
    Who gives a shit if they are or aren't?

    They look great, that's all that matters.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:35 No.6733820
    He used to play for the stars, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:36 No.6733828
    >have never touched fake boobs before
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:37 No.6733834
    No, can't say that I have. But it's not like I'm going to be the one fucking her so yeah. Doesn't really matter.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:38 No.6733845
    So she lives with him in Detroit, does she only do television work in the NHL off-season then?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:39 No.6733855
         File1279899591.jpg-(63 KB, 400x446, nerds-.jpg)
    63 KB

    It's a fucking picture you stupid nerd, i'm never going to touch them, thus it doesn't matter if they're real or not.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:40 No.6733859
    She's not doing tv anymore I think.

    fun fact: she became famous thruogh Expedition Robinson 2001
    (In American; Survivor)
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:42 No.6733885
    >has never touched boobs
    >calls other people nerds
    good call
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:44 No.6733904
    Just how famous are they over there for this to make the front page? Like, Brangelina level?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:44 No.6733907
    Fuck off, no one cares.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:46 No.6733930
    That's his wife?! Props, Z.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:46 No.6733931
    nah brah, we don't have any at brangelina level here.
    the swedish press is really overkilling weddings this year thou because of the swedish princess getting married a month ago or so.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:47 No.6733946
         File1279900059.jpg-(40 KB, 378x512, henrik-zetterberg-2009-1-28-17(...).jpg)
    40 KB
    >mfw Emma and Henrik's future baby marries Princess Victoria's future baby
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:49 No.6733974
         File1279900198.png-(85 KB, 277x266, 1279883723558.png)
    85 KB
    >Mitt ansikte när
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:52 No.6734014
    Bigger Swedish celebrity: Forsberg or Lidstrom?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:52 No.6734018
         File1279900377.jpg-(37 KB, 375x267, kanal5-roomservice-375-0712-pa(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    dat couple :3
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:56 No.6734058
         File1279900567.jpg-(16 KB, 358x243, 80130325.jpg.22460.0_feature.jpg)
    16 KB
    Forsberg, with all his back and forth with injuries and what not. also 2 cups 2 Olympic gold medals and superstar in his prime.

    my personal favourite is however Lidström.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:56 No.6734064

    9000. Lidstrom
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:58 No.6734082
    >2 cups 2 Olympic gold medals
    Doesn't Lidstrom have 4 cups and 2 gold medals? And is one of the two greatest defensemen of all time?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:58 No.6734090
    samefag Colorado fan
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)11:59 No.6734103
         File1279900795.jpg-(13 KB, 420x231, lidstrom rings.jpg)
    13 KB
    >2 cups

    Only two?
    >> Sterling Tim !k3tLghvY7w 07/23/10(Fri)12:00 No.6734107
    Nick only has 1 gold medal, he wasn't on the team in 94
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:00 No.6734115
    I don't know about who the bigger celebrity in Sweden is, but Forsberg is nowhere near as great a player as Lidstrom... nor is he as decorated
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:01 No.6734127
    Also the only non-North American to win a cup as captain.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:02 No.6734143
    >And is one of the two greatest defensemen of all time?

    That's debatable...
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:03 No.6734156
         File1279901019.jpg-(38 KB, 440x350, lida.jpg)
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    this pretty much sums it up

    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:03 No.6734158
         File1279901023.png-(18 KB, 379x214, i'm ok with this.png)
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    >Zetterberg wedding thread turning into a Lidstrom circlejerk thread
    >> Detroit Zombie !!LWX/OUl1MMg 07/23/10(Fri)12:05 No.6734182
    Why the hell wasn't I invited?

    Damn look at that beard.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:07 No.6734207
    No it isn't.

    1. Bobby Orr
    2. Nicklas Lidstrom
    9001. Everybody else
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:07 No.6734210
    >>6734115 Forsberg is nowhere near as great a player as Lidstrom... nor is he as decorated

    I'd hate to interrupt the standard Red Wing jerk-off session, but it's not like the gulf between them is huge.

    Forsberg - 2 Olympic Gold Medal, 2 World Championship, 2 Stanley Cup, 1 Hart, 1 Art Ross, 1 Calder

    Lidstrom - 4 Stanley Cup, 1 Olympic Gold Medal, 1 World Championship, 6 Norris, 1 Conn Smythe

    The difference is 4 prominent individual awards. Both have unbelievable resumes.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:07 No.6734214
         File1279901270.jpg-(104 KB, 277x385, zetterberg.jpg)
    104 KB

    >DAT. BEARD.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:08 No.6734227

    1. Bobby Orr
    2. Denis Potvin
    9001. Everybody else
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:09 No.6734242
         File1279901377.jpg-(18 KB, 385x383, thatscute.jpg)
    18 KB
    >Denis Potvin
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:10 No.6734252
    >I don't know who Denis Potvin was so I'll post a reaction image to mask my inability to form a counter-argument.
    >> Detroit Zombie !!LWX/OUl1MMg 07/23/10(Fri)12:11 No.6734259
         File1279901463.jpg-(31 KB, 389x600, 389px-HenrikZetterberg2008.jpg)
    31 KB
    This is a Zetterberg Thread, don't start having a fight.
    This means you >>6734058 and you >>6734103
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:11 No.6734261
    I think Denis Potvin, Eddie Shore, Doug Harvey, Ray Bourque, Paul Coffey, and Larry Robinson could be in the discussion for #2.

    I generally don't make top anything lists (except Orr is obviously #1), but I could see an argument for some of those those.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:11 No.6734267
         File1279901483.jpg-(51 KB, 345x345, idontthinkso.jpg)
    51 KB
    >Potvin 3 Norris trophies
    >Lidstrom 6 Norris trophies
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:11 No.6734276
         File1279901508.jpg-(23 KB, 622x562, 1279738014624.jpg)
    23 KB
    damn it, was just about to write "inb4 HURR DURR LEGENDARY 70's PLAYERS THAT WOULDN'T STAND A CHANCE IN TODAYS HOCKEY"
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:12 No.6734285
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:12 No.6734290
         File1279901575.jpg-(69 KB, 594x405, 1279767998747.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:13 No.6734300
    Official NHL Defenseman Power Rankings

    #1 Bobby Orr
    #2 Doug Harvey
    #3 Raymond Bourque
    #4 Eddie Shore
    #5 Larry Robinson
    #6 Denis Potvin
    #7 Nicklas Lidstrom
    #8 Paul Coffey
    #9 Red Kelly
    #10 Al Macinnis
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:14 No.6734308

    Yeah, that shit happens when you spend the first five years of your career in Bobby Orr's shadow.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:14 No.6734309
    And why is Orr indisputably #1 again? He was overrated.

    Denis? Not #2. Top ten, sure. But not #2.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:15 No.6734324
    >top 3 player of all time regardless of position
    >not #1 defenseman

    >Bobby Orr

    >i got trolled
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:15 No.6734325
    >>6734309 And why is Orr indisputably #1 again? He was overrated.

    Seriously, GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:17 No.6734348
    >And why is Orr indisputably #1 again? He was overrated.

    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:19 No.6734374
         File1279901980.jpg-(82 KB, 594x396, 2008+NHL+Awards+Arrivals+1ZfNe(...).jpg)
    82 KB

    This is a Hank and Emma thread
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:19 No.6734377
    Getting back to the wedding discussion

    >Okay, so some absolutely bizarre photos of Red Wings forward Henrik Zetterberg, his bride-to-be, Emma Andersson, and at least half a dozen Red Wings players have appeared in the pages of Expressen and Aftonbladet from Thursday's pre-wedding festivities, with a video and gigantic group photo (from Aftonbladet) thrown in for good measure.

    >So why's everyone wearing a prison-striped onesie? First and foremost, Molle's a southern Swedish town overlooking the Baltic Sea, and as a resort town (and Emma Andersson's hometown...with the pre-wedding dinner taking place at a restaurant just a short walk from her home), and it's apparently known for the fact that its "baths" were public and open to both men and women as early as the late 19th century.

    >So, as Emma tells Aftonbladet's Johanna Helsten, the wedding party got to poke fun at tradition, probably mandatory bathing attire included
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:23 No.6734445
    but EXPLAIN why and how? you idiots can't. you just listen to what everyone else says.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:25 No.6734475
    Kind of like how you want us all to just take your word that Nik Lidstrom is the second best defenseman ever?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:27 No.6734508
    I admit, that's just my opinion, based on nothing but my love for the dude. You can think I'm wrong all day.

    But if Orr is UNQUESTIONABLY #1, explain how and why?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:27 No.6734510
    270 goals and 915 points in 657 games (and +597)
    6 straight seasons of 100+ points
    130+ points twice
    100+ assists in a season
    46 goals in a season
    +124 in a season
    8 straight Norris trophies
    3 Hart Trophies
    2 Art Ross Trophies
    2 Conn Smythe Trophies

    Oh yeah, he also revolutionized the position.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:29 No.6734533
    he has the highest +/-, assists and points in a season by a defender. held the single season assist record until gretzky broke it. 3 harts. if he played as many games as lidstrom he would be bordering 600 goals. yes 600 by a defenseman.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:31 No.6734547

    .. holy shit..
    i feel dumb now. didn't mean to come off all irate and uninformed.
    sorry guys.. my bad.
    >> AcePilot !c1oqV0EYgo 07/23/10(Fri)12:35 No.6734611

    >Someone admitting they were wrong on the internet

    Holy shit now I really have seen everything
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:38 No.6734644
    The worst part is, he could have answered his own question by skimming Wikipedia.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:39 No.6734653
         File1279903158.gif-(349 KB, 135x101, 1276375632385.gif)
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    That is god damn mindblowing.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:40 No.6734674
         File1279903248.jpg-(21 KB, 366x331, 1273549185615.jpg)
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    >mfw Orr
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:41 No.6734683
         File1279903292.jpg-(69 KB, 602x478, thegoal.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:44 No.6734707

    This is a like a wheres waldo but with red wings players instead of waldo
    >> Official Best Hockey Players Ever Power Rankings Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:49 No.6734757
    1. Gretzky
    2. Orr
    3. Lemieux
    4. Howe

    9001. Everyone Else
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:54 No.6734829

    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)12:56 No.6734861
         File1279904178.jpg-(80 KB, 500x333, 472932755.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:01 No.6734940
    true. i could have search wiki haha. just did.
    also, i'm new to the sport. just started watching at the tail end of this past season and the playoffs.
    live and learn, huh guys? haha

    note to self: don't act like you know what you're talking about when you don't.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:05 No.6735009



    I...I've never encountered this situation before...what do I do!?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:07 No.6735028
         File1279904863.png-(6 KB, 400x400, 1270779850136.png)
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    don't know brah, never seen it before either.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:09 No.6735056
    moar Emma
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:22 No.6735262
         File1279905728.jpg-(21 KB, 315x450, 217188_sport-hokej-emma-anders(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:23 No.6735283
         File1279905805.jpg-(195 KB, 469x605, emma_andersson02.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:25 No.6735303
    dem nipps
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:25 No.6735316
         File1279905946.jpg-(165 KB, 837x926, 21245784t.jpg)
    165 KB
    Bigger version of this
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:26 No.6735325
    It's all good, bro. We don't expect you to know everyone when you're new to the sport. Next time just ask why we say it instead of declaring we are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:28 No.6735345
         File1279906085.jpg-(957 KB, 2000x1052, gifta1246244w.jpg)
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    Not really feeling this dress
    >> FelixGayta !!Y3tC6iHCaDg 07/23/10(Fri)13:29 No.6735363
    Black on black on black. He's so GQ.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:31 No.6735393
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:33 No.6735426
    It's a magazine about classy dudes. Gentleman's Quarterly.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)13:38 No.6735476
    seems awesome

    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)14:39 No.6736272
    bump for orr
    >> DEN GLIDER IN !!3JlHm4P0j6w 07/23/10(Fri)14:43 No.6736338
         File1279910610.jpg-(66 KB, 551x600, Osgood1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)14:45 No.6736371
    >it's Hasek in the image

    Have I been trolled?
    >> DEN GLIDER IN !!3JlHm4P0j6w 07/23/10(Fri)14:46 No.6736387
         File1279910812.jpg-(61 KB, 600x500, Ronaldo1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)14:47 No.6736402
    So, yes, I have been trolled then.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)14:50 No.6736447
    took you a while to show up. were you at the wedding?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)14:53 No.6736497
    Is it just me, or does Zetterbeard look a lot like Roflberger in that photo?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)17:00 No.6738661
    Kind of
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:11 No.6741953
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:52 No.6742667
         File1279932743.jpg-(26 KB, 368x371, 28007971_9de16e3bea.jpg)
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    >this thread is still alive
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:31 No.6743332
         File1279935089.jpg-(84 KB, 421x600, haters2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:38 No.6743459
    except he's not in a stall and she's coherent

    steelerfan here

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