>my face when there are the mods wordfiltered ">my face when" and /sp/artans still use some sort of variation of it. Good job mods, way to prove that censorship on 4chan really works.
>my facial expression when this was true
>mine when mods are more worried about those threads then ones involving porn and euro/american bashing
>my face when you can't alt+0160 near me
in b4 10 ban for "shitting up /sp/"protip: I'll be back in 2 minutes
>My face after realizing mods are faggots but the faggots who went crying to /a/ after they couldn't handle Messi, are just as responsible
mi cara when el mod ere un nigger cerca de mi
>my fucking face when mods are mad that /sp/artans are stylin
>my face when I'm still hungover from last night and can't type for shit.
my profile when Im fucking starving near Taco Bell
>My face <when> the Avs beat the Sharks last night and I agreed with >>4187084
>my face when the mods havent banned me yet because they know I'm right
Maybe they should just disable green text.
>>4187271why are you so butthurt over it anyway?
>my face when a Britfag referred to his cock as a "knob" near me
>>4187271blasphemy!!! but it's heisenberg after all...
>>4187293because he's either retarded and/or trolling
who DOESN'T enjoy the myface threads?
>my face when mods only exist on /sp/ to demolish fun
>>4187296>my facial structure when a Euro called a remote a "schimidibbily dibbly" near me
>my face when a european had no infrastructure near mePROVE ME WRONG
>>4187296>My face /when/ you miss out on saying slob on my knob>>4187252They're just not around. When they come, they do so for a few days and fuck off to their shithole. They'll come back if we have another episode of pussies going to cry over there.
>myspace when i deleted my facebook account after getting blackout drunk and writing embarassing messages all over girls' walls last night.
>my structure of the face when mods are faggots
>my face when a Britfag referred to a popsicle as an "ice lolly" near me.
>Alex Smith's face when I got a warning for ">my face" posts
>my facial structure when weaboo mod is mad near me
Guys, you must learn to do>my face when againType >mythen hold ALT and press 0160, this inserts a space after >mythen type your face and move on out!
>>4187420>my face when the mods will just block that now too.
>>4187420but its more fun to skirt the rules a little
>>4187451>my face when there's a million ways to overcome word filters and we cannot be stopped
>my finger when a faggot mod tried to ban me last night, but gave me a warning instead
>>4187526>implying anyone has gotten anything more than a warning for >my face
>>4187968i know that myself and 3 others got a 1 day ban for it
>my face when I bumped this thread
>my visage when mods were faggots
>My face when mod was mad near me
>my countenance when mods.
>my face when I haven't been banned 3 hours after I posted this thread.gg, mods.
>my face when I got a warning by posting my face in this thread
>my face when mods were mad near me
>myface when i just got banned from a 2 day ban session for ">myface shit"
>my_face when i want someone to tell me how to type a unicode space on my laptop near me
>>4189257>mi face when i agree, i just need the damn code...
>>4189268>mine when i thirded this shit
>>4189257>my face when my laptop had a numpad
>>4189300>my facial expression when good for you, but i still want that code
>>4189331activate numlock on your laptop and then do alt+MJOM
>m y face when i'm pretty sure it's 0160. either that or i'm getting banned right now...
>my face when this thread is beast.
>my face when an American was fat near me
Thread reported!
>>4189385>my face when thank you you awesome man
>my uploaded reaction image that appropriately describes my expression when the wordfilter actually sparked /sp/artan's creativity with the meme.Just as planned?
In These Boards:Mods try to force users to be creativeEnd up forcing them to be creative in evading moderation.GJ
My˝~˛˝whadafak did I just tipe?