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  • File : 1271337807.png-(137 KB, 320x240, 1253954363814.png)
    137 KB Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:23 No.4183713  
    They don't teach the American Revolution during History class in British schools because they're so butthurt about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:24 No.4183720
    The War of American Aggression.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:24 No.4183724
    Yes they do.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:26 No.4183732
    They don't teach hardly ANY history in American schools because they want us all to be unthinking idiots for maximum exploitation.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:28 No.4183741
    This sentence hurt my brain
    >> 420chan !4hB3ma64O6 04/15/10(Thu)09:29 No.4183746
    what are you talking about? i had to sit in history class and takes tests and all sorts of shit it was hard
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:29 No.4183747
    I guess that makes you brainhurt, then.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:29 No.4183753
    Yeah, but they leave a bunch of stuff out and dumb down the rest.
    >> Protips !!PoPNDw3LkPQ 04/15/10(Thu)09:30 No.4183754
    ...or because it is not as important in British history as it is in American history. Derp.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:31 No.4183763

    Don't fatmericans have full on subjects dedicated to American history?

    We study it, but not in as great of detail since we study a lot of shit in history.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:32 No.4183767
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    >my­ ­­face when history class consisted of boring shit and wasn't entirely about World War II
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:34 No.4183779
    (Kids running out of the school to celebrate the start of summer)
    "WAIT! You still have to learn how World War II ended!"
    (They all turn around)
    "...WE WON!!"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:36 No.4183790
    No we just know about it and don't give a shit about your tiny victory, we had the rest of the world to run.

    In History we are normally taught ancient history till we are 12.

    Then medieval Britain, 1066 and all that.

    Then discovering America and all that jazz.

    Then WW1

    Then WW2

    Then Russia Depth Study 1906-1968

    Vietnam Fail

    Then America Depth Study 1906-1968

    Korea Fail

    Nuclear Britain

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    (all of this in amazing chronological order)

    We pretty much learnt how shit America was at everything.

    That was over a 3 year period, I dropped history in favour of politics after that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:39 No.4183808
    >losing most important colony in the empire
    >triggered other colonies (like India) to also rebel
    Yeah, not important at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:40 No.4183811
    i nearly reported you but I couldn't get over how right you are so I didn't
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:40 No.4183812

    Yeah cause they where directly related weren't they, the few hundred year gap was just the indians getting their act together.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:43 No.4183822
    >currently have to bail out other Euro countries like Greece just to compete with a former colony economically

    >not an important loss

    >> Seattle Bandwagon Lifelonger !DNqnKLQ1Lg 04/15/10(Thu)09:43 No.4183825

    Yeah, shit at beating you in 2 straight wars. And then saving your ass in 2 more.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:43 No.4183827
    America History - 500 years

    British History - A few years more.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:45 No.4183832

    >Implying America didnt come in late to both wars and take full credit for helping out.
    >> Protips !!PoPNDw3LkPQ 04/15/10(Thu)09:46 No.4183836
    It was important no doubt. But you have to understand that to a Brit, history goes farther back than a few hundred years. We North Americans do not have nearly as long a history.

    Also, inspired India...are you a fucking idiot? Way to not learn anything beyond your own country
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:46 No.4183841
    >Don't police the world-too late

    >Police the world-assholes

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:48 No.4183847
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    Anyone but Russia taking credit for WWII.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:48 No.4183851
    >to a Brit, history goes farther back than a few hundred years
    fair enough. In the US we pretty much ignore 300 bc - 1500 ad until high school. Even then, all we talk about is the Roman and Greek empires. You have to choose to take elective courses to learn about charlamagne, the norman invasion of britain, the mongol invasion and things of this nature.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:50 No.4183855

    >Beat you

    Sorry, I was under the impression it was a joint operation when Europe was invaded, guess they don't teach that in American public schools along with almost everything else
    >> IBelongToTheWhitePelé !MCj.xXQAUE 04/15/10(Thu)10:00 No.4183900
    They do. I think I still have a DVD I bought when I was learning it.

    They even teach 9/11 in History now.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:01 No.4183904
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    >American Historians Assosciation
    >Largest Historian organization in the World

    Problem, Europe?
    >> Diabuddy !!INcee7svcNh 04/15/10(Thu)10:02 No.4183912
    >Cuban Missile Crisis
    >We pretty much learnt how shit America was at everything
    >Implying America was shit in the Cuban Missle Crisis

    I would absolutely argue the opposite of that. Way to listen, kid. After being manhandled in Vienna, Kennedy showed Kruschev he wasn't going to put up with his crap, while doing it peacefully and avoiding confrontation in Berlin.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:03 No.4183918
    well done a country with a population of some 500 million and well funded research has a lot of historians, what do you want a medal? thats like canada bragging about all their snow
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:03 No.4183920
    Most of history is rather useless to people. This comes from a Historian. Unless it's used in a way to broaden someone's mind, why give a shit? If you don't care about the Maruyama invasions, why get taught about it?

    Now, if you can link historical events to things people encounter in their modern lives, or use Historical methodology to increase a person's ability to comprehend and form rational decisions, then great.

    Hacks who teach High School history are never qualified to do that, though. Text books = evil
    >> Savedbyzero !!FIKs9rk6k0M 04/15/10(Thu)10:05 No.4183929


    My high school only offered 3 history/social studies classes, State History, Pre-Civil War, and Post-Civil War.

    Shit wasn't cash man.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:05 No.4183932
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    >500 million
    307,006,550 - Jul 2009

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division

    >and well funded research
    Yeah, that's why I'm working as a Historian, not in finances.[/sarcasm]

    >do you want a medal?
    I have a medal, actually. Phi Alpha Theta honors medal. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:06 No.4183934
    weather =/= human capital and prestigious cultural associations
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:07 No.4183942
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    >population of some 500 million
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:08 No.4183951
    Best Universities in the world, also. Don't forget about that.
    >> Savedbyzero !!FIKs9rk6k0M 04/15/10(Thu)10:09 No.4183958

    >Hacks who teach High School history are never qualified to do that, though.

    Of fuckin course, those fuckers are too busy coaching a sport to care about the needs of a student.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:09 No.4183961
    Or worrying about their evening shift at Applebees. Jesus christ, why doesn't the US fund High School?!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:10 No.4183964

    Congrats, shame 0.01% of your population will ever get into one. Sort out your public schools then we'll talk
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:11 No.4183970
    Do they really need to go to one?

    Also, I don't trust your math. Your first estimate was off by 200 million. No wonder you didn't score 100 on the infrastructure test.
    >> Diabuddy !!INcee7svcNh 04/15/10(Thu)10:13 No.4183984

    >Implying I didn't graduate from a public school with 2% going directly into ivy league schools as undergrads.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:13 No.4183985
    >still getting trolled by Bradysknee

    eurofags, I am disapoint
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:16 No.4183996
    >Implying I also didn't go to Public school.

    But then I went to school in RI, not Florida. The kids I taught in Florida that came from their public schools were a step above retarded. It was a dirty shame.

    American public schools are sucking, though. Fuck the US for that. Education should be paramount. That's why we don't have a fucking space shuttle anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:17 No.4184001

    UKs top 20 alone beat yours lol

    MIT is the only American university I envy simply for the science department.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:19 No.4184009
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    Uh huh. So 500 million population, 0.01% of it go to the University level, and European Universities beat American ones?

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:21 No.4184018
    >talking about greatest schools in a history thread
    People who go to college are pretty useless no matter where they go to college. An interest in history is great, but it's best used as a hobby like literature, philosophy and art. It's good as a minor but useless as a major unless you have something else.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:21 No.4184024
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    >My visage when forced to learn about Irish history
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:22 No.4184033

    Harvard vs Cambridge?

    Don't see why harvard would be better and we have 20 more universities at cambridge level and more just below that.

    >>UK is the size of florida. HURR
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:23 No.4184034
    Common misconception. Historians get jobs in government positions (Politics, research institutes, even as analysts for agencies and departments), finances, and law. A BA in History is useless, but then many Bachelor degrees are becoming useless.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:23 No.4184037
    Potato famines?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:24 No.4184038
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    British WWII Infrastructure
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:24 No.4184041
    Ah, I see you're one of those simpletons who think all liberal arts(i.e. humanities) education is useless.

    Have fun being a cubicle jockey for the rest of your life.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:25 No.4184047
    Harvard University
    Cambridge University
    Yale University
    University College London
    Imperial College London
    Oxford University
    University of Chicago
    Princeton University
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    California Institute of Technology
    Columbia University

    And this is from the BBC.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:26 No.4184054
    Well that and then nearly 200 years of boring oppression from Britain. Then the shambles that was Ireland after gaining independence until they joined the EU and stole all that euro money.
    >> Savedbyzero !!FIKs9rk6k0M 04/15/10(Thu)10:26 No.4184055

    >A BA in History is useless, but then many Bachelor degrees are becoming useless.

    So would a BA in Poly Sci be useless too? Oh FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU...
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:26 No.4184060
    Cubicle jockey indeed. My friends who got Bachelors of Business (whatever its called) are stuck either in cubicles, working as security guards, or the worst is working for Enterprise rent-a-car as the guy who drives out to deliver your car.

    The degree doesn't make the person.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:27 No.4184066
    >Historians get jobs in government positions
    Fairly useless positions and their degree does not help them do their job
    lol no
    >and law
    lol no
    >A BA in History is useless,
    Yes, that is what I was talking about here. Advanced degrees in history are useless as well. A BA in history isn't bad if you go on to get an MBA, MPA or JD though. However, the history degree doesn't help them do those jobs.
    >many Bachelor degrees are becoming useless.
    Yes, that is why I lumped history degrees in with philosophy and literature.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:27 No.4184068

    May I again point you to the size of the UK?

    Also it's well known most american courses are not as hard as European ones as the American final exam in high school is the equivalent of a GCSE which UK students do at 15/16
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:28 No.4184071
    Every year my history class was the same:

    Egypt shit
    Roman shit
    Dark ages
    American revolution
    Civil war
    World war 2
    Modern era, we so badass now

    American history class sucks dicks. I didn't actually learn anything meaningful until i started researching shit myself.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:29 No.4184078
    Size matters not, those Universities are as old as all hell, but again that was from a British source, and the top 10 show a 6-4 US lead.

    Get these figures from the 500 million people department? Or did you do the math and it came out to less than 1%?
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:30 No.4184087
    At the High School level, maybe. There's a very good reason Europeans flock to American Universities.

    Mardi Gras.
    >> Diabuddy !!INcee7svcNh 04/15/10(Thu)10:31 No.4184097
    >Implying higher education = job training
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:33 No.4184099
    May as well lump psychology and anthropology in with the useless BA degrees too
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:33 No.4184105
    Also, implying a MA in History is useless when a MA in anything opens helladoors, unless you apply to some data entry firm. Oooh, nice cubicle.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:35 No.4184115
    Computer science, business management, mathematics, foreign languages, etc.

    I can't think of a good job availible right now one could snag with a BA/BS.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:36 No.4184126
    i don't have a problem with that

    useless is relative. a masters in history is one of the most useless masters degrees you can get. also, opening doors =/= helping you contribute to society

    >i never went to college
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:39 No.4184153
    Opinion, not fact. A MA in History is absolutely useful. Simply denying it doesn't reinforce your point. The degree itself showcases a masters-level of analytical skills and ability to write. Considering many higher-level jobs require deep thinking and the capacity to present them both in text and through presentation, I don't see how you can stick to the 'LIBERAL ARTS MAs ARE USELESS'.

    How 'bout them Bruins?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:40 No.4184159
    That's because there aren't many jobs available right now for anyone. All of those degrees are in higher demand than history is though.
    >> Diabuddy !!INcee7svcNh 04/15/10(Thu)10:41 No.4184163
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    They're losing to the Sabres tonight right, and then an other 3 times after that.
    >> bradysknee !!yC3nK0da7Ob 04/15/10(Thu)10:44 No.4184191
    Very wrong, the economy is depending on finances and they're looking for advisors, paraplanners, etc., with a variety of degrees. You don't need a degree in finances to get these jobs, while it helps, a paraplanner job works entirely on research. Liberal Arts = Research.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:45 No.4184199
    >The degree itself showcases a masters-level of analytical skills and ability to write.
    I replied to this in my post. Are yo illiterate? ANY masters degree shows this regardless of the field. Having the field be history adds nothing to this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:50 No.4184233
    Point is that you would be far better qualified for such a job by getting an MBA, MPA, or MA in economics
    >Liberal Arts = Research.
    Liberal arts research, and especially history, is among the least quantitative field which makes it the least relevant to the job. Also, knowing history won't actually help you do your job at all. You might as well get a masters in music performance because it takes a lot of hard work and job X requires a lot of hard work therefore this degree is perfect.

    Sorry if you have delusions about the value of the degree you're targeting but I have other stuff to do. Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:52 No.4184241
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    >people arguing over college degrees on 4-chan
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:54 No.4184250
    you get your GED yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:58 No.4184282
    What about you?

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