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When did anime start being shit?
I haven't seen any good ones in the last two years
>watching anime

When the old school Toonami got taken off the air.
fuck yeah dancouga

it happened when animu started all the cgi bullshit and moe shows
>watching chinese cartoons
Anime is, was, and will always be shit.

Grow up.
>watching gymnastics

When moe took over.

It's so shit now a days.
shut up goose
Naw man I mean even back a little while ago there were good shows and once in a while theres still one or two done but most of it is crappy moeshit designed for basement dwelling hikimori who you know want a dakimura to hug everynight and a waifu whose birthday they get to celebrate

that's not me
There's good anime.

Most of /sp/ should like Hajime no Ippo or One Outs.
It was always shit.
Don't tell me you watch these chinese cartoons?
read manga instead
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>>28182620 (OP)
>Both say something stupidly obvious

Wait a sec are you trying to trick me or something
when people that grew out of it think they have a right to complain
Shut up, Riley
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there's still a wide variety of anime being produced, by the most popular in Japan BY FAR is moe shit
of course, riley
>that feel when cowboy bebop came out almost 15 years ago
Space bros is pretty good
bad luck
wait, you don't like chinese cartoons?
Only good anime is Moomin.
>implying there hasn't always been moe anime
do you feel so moon?
there are actual chinese cartons you know right

Not like it exists today sonny
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yes, there are plenty of chinese cartons
>tfw these faggots always use that excuse

Yeah there was shit like that back in the day, but they didn't dominate like moe shit does today.

Moe shit ruined it all.

And stop calling it manga you faggots. Manga just means comic book in japanese. They're comics.
Hokuto no ken
no i was talking about japanese chinese cartoons.
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The industry is moving where the money is. Blood and gore shit doesn't sell. If you don't like the way it's headed then you've grown out of it
GOAT anime tied with YYH and DBZ
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Reminder, anime seasons used to look like this

not a moe show in sight
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Who could possibly stand to benefit from young white males emasculating themselves through foreign cartoons?
honestly i never understood the rationale behind neckbeards wanting to watch shows meant for 5 yo girls


too many feels
>watching shounen animes
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>neckbeards wanting to watch shows meant for 5 yo girls
Ranma 1/2 was GOAT.
These faggots would be faggots even if anime didn't exist, I think this is one of few things the Jews aren't behind
It was always shit. It's just a different kind now.
bro shonen animes are awesome

Because they figure that if they become interested in the same things as little girls, they can befriend and then have sex with them.
no you can't
Anime was always about cute girls, you just didn't know about it because you had no access to everything anime made.

wesley pls
Anime has always been shit
this nigga has it right
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what's that show on the bottom
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when was anime NOT shit? cartoons and funny pages are for infants...

Lucky Star
Its not shit. Its the same as always. Sure, theres some thing that are different, but nothing meaningful. As always, shounen and vapid moe reigns supreme. However, also as always, if your willing to put in any effort you can fine good series.
rakkii sutaa

daaaaaaw dat nostalgia overload
Lucky star.
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Fuck yeah
>tfw even studio ghibli is shit now
czeck em
not really
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no they aren't

Disney ruined it forever.

Spirited Away will continue to be GOAT though.
I, for one, am glad that miyazaki stopped working and his son started, his works were getting bad.
Not that I was ever a fan of him, mind you, always found him very over rated as writer.
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Cromartie High School is great. It's named after a American Baseball player in Japan so /sp/ related
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>>28182620 (OP)
>implying chinese cartoons weren't always shit
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I'd put it at #2

Very /sp/ related
Someone posts the screenshots about moe being a fad in '94.

Cowboy bebop et similia were always the exception, and even in the 80s, when japan made a lot of stuff with blood/gore, it was "just" because japan was rich and because OVA are really cheap compared to normal anime, so they knew it was going to sell anyway.

I stopped watching the Anime when it became clear that it was just going to be
>Americans are the big bad dumb guy
>We can beat them because we have that Japanese Warrior Spirit from WW2
>Blacks are the toughest boxers in the world, unstoppable
>next issue they get taken down in one punch
>not watching supercampeons as a kid in mexico
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>I hate cute things
>I hate fun things
>Am I a manly man's man yet? Guise? P-please r-respond.

sure is edgy in here
>Americans are the big bad dumb guy

All I've seen is praise for the famous American boxers mentioned. Tyson and Dempsey being at the forefront.
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>What the Japanese think Black People sound like

.....go back to your avalanchez switzerland
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qt pi girls are where it's at.
Is that guy the result of a race traitor?
Worse show in the history of anime.
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go to bed ameriedgies
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>Switzerland being bro's again
its shit. utter shit
>implying it's about hating on cute things

No you faggots prefer cute things over the story. That is why you faggots killed the industry.

Plus you somehow made anime fans look even worse than they were a decade ago. I didn't think it was possible, but you Moe faggots have done it.
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I think you need to check yourself
>tfw you were the poster of the Zooey Deschanel waifu thread
>tfw it got destroyed by cancerous gookfags
>tfw you had to put the thread out of its misery

I'm terribly sorry, people. We'll try again tomorrow.

You must have not watched the second season or read the manga have you? I watched all 76 episodes of the 1st season. They were pretty good but then the 2nd season came along and they went really far with their American complex. Read the manga, you'll see it in every other fight.
talk about cartoons in your own board you fuckin nerds
>tfw these Moe Shit faggots are proving /sp/ right by spamming moe shit images.

How does it feel to be the direct cause of killing anime?
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I'd read the 2nd season kinda ruins it.. so i avoided it and only watched the 2 ova/movie things that followed it up.
waifu threads always get spammed by kpop faggots. it's inevitable. it'll probably happen to this thread now that i've mentioned it.
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Time for /a/'s anti-christ
it's not like people talk about sports on /sp/

/sp/ - Shit Posting
fuck off
Why does /a/ like moe shit so much?
waifu threads are themselves pretty stupid but there's nothing more I hate on 4chan (at the moment) than those fucking kpop gook worshippers
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feels like watching hockey and voting for obama
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Actually it's /sp/ - Sports Pub you uncultured swine.
all the non moeshit likers left ages ago when the board got overrun by moefaggots
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>That is why you faggots killed the industry.
The industry is healthier than ever.

>cute things over story
Because anime is not about story.
If I want story, I read a book.
If I want action, I watch a movie.

Anime (and manga) is a niche industry that is good at doing cute girls.
Of course they do other things, but cute girls is the thing they are the best (and only one) at doing.

That, and josei/shoujo is quite different from western works for women, but no one here watch them so it's irrelevant.
well i never
>I'd read the 2nd season kinda ruins it.. so i avoided it and only watched the 2 ova/movie things that followed it up.

If you want to keep a positive image of Ipo to remain that way I suggest you don't watch the second season.
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>this whole post
>good at doing cute girls

most characters from animes look like they have downs' syndrome the way their eyes are spaced out. only fellow retards could find that attractive
One day I'll rewatch kodomo no omocha, every time I see that image I get nostalgia.

But /a/ doesn't have problems with kenshiro (and most moralfags), whoever made that image doesn't really know about /a/.
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They look like electrical sockets
>the original plebs

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