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Prop 30 making a comeback, looks like it's gonna be 50/50.

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled college students.
2,161,397 49.4% - Yes
2,217,633 50.6% - No

We can do this California...
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dat new collossus
If prop 30 does not pass then colleges will be cutting courses AND raising the price per unit. So not only are you paying more, but you're also taking longer to graduate.
>tfw go to shitty cc
Baby boomers once again fucking over our generation.

Want to bet they voted against it like 75%?
>Doing what Monsanto wants you to do
Also discuss local ballot initiatives.


Not only colleges, but also k-12 school systems.
>Baby Boomers will never die
>tfw voted no on human trafficking
>>27847620 →
>tfw made a post right before the new thread kicked in
>had GPA > 4.0 in HS
>accepted directly to UC
>no financial aid
>now dealing with this

why did i ever do this to myself. i should have commuted and gone to cal state east bay. i have ruined my life. i want to kill myself
three strike law is stupid as fuck.
>voting for what your creative writing professor wants you to
>4.0 GPA
>Didn't get any grants, financial aids, scholarships.

still got it bro. Its ok

>49.5% : 50.5%

It's not really shitty, but I kinda regret it. That's what I get for not knowing what the fuck I wanted to do with my life in high school
should've gone to a CC for GE classes

i did and saved stacks on stacks on stacks
middle class white male. they dont care about me

>tfw we are keeping cyborg boomers alive at the age of 110 years old while they suck the money right out of our generation for their medicare checks.

I used to be against Euthanasia before boomers.
my life. fuck me why did i do this. why didnt i try harder to go to an out of state school

Ballot B: Condoms in Porn
YES 324,416 62.39
NO 195,556 37.61

>yfw this secretly applies to amateur videos as well
>It's not really shitty

Which one do you go too?
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Can't you take out student loans?
Dubs confirm suicide might be the right decision
You are the target demographic breh
>prop 35
stupid but whatever
>prop 37
thanks california for not passing stupid "muh corn is so naturaaaalllle" propositions
>prop 30
cmon little buddy you can do it
>prop 38
a not terrible alternative to prop 30, but LEL not even close. dems can be stubborn too...
>prop 34
cmon. theres like 5 places that still do this. and its cheaper. cmon.
the rest is all well.
anyone from CSUF?
Ask the president of the Anime club at UCLA anything.
Your average "No" voter on prop 30 was that one kid in kindergarten who didn't want to share with anyone and threw a tantrum any time the teacher made them share something.

Now that they're adults, they throw tantrums by fucking over our children with votes.
my parents pay the tuition
...I don't see why you're complaining.
sharing sure is great when you're the one receiving everything
because i care about them
Los Angeles County on Prop 30

296,540 53.4% Yes
258,958 46.6% No

You other counties even trying? Why do we have to do everything?

Prop 38 taxes everyone, even the poor, for 12 years. The money does not go to the state and only goes straight to k-12 education. None of it helps CA or colleges.
Fuck, my body still hasn't really adjusted to the hour change and I was up all night working on an essay.....

But /sp/ is too good to stop
The UC schools are among the best in the country and are cheaper than virtually every other public university system in the country. Why so entitled?

so close

You guys got this LA, you're gonna carry that weight.

Sorry IE shitted up the place.
Unless they're struggling I wouldn't really be too worried imo. I know my parents don't mind paying if it means I can have a good future/career
whoops 49.7% actually

how do i find how my county voted?
Y'all don't know what it's like being male, middle class and white.

>live in SF
>Prop 37 wins with 67% in the city


>Prop 30 won with 76%


>Prop A parcel tax for CCSF passes with 80%


Not him, but I wanted to go from CC to cal poly SLO or cal poly pomona. If prop 30 does not pass and the schools start to get fucked, I have to pretty much get god tier grades just to go to a UC. I'm not good at a theoretical schools; I'd rather go to a school that prepares me for the work force instead of research.

>implying money to k-12 education doesn't help CA

California is going to fail increasingly, economically, if it doesn't get its shit together in its schools.

Why? Because like half the goddamn kids in the state are English as second language speakers.

California's schools are completely failing right now at the most basic of duties: teaching the kids how to fucking speak English.
Based LA county, will save the day
San Francisco STILL hasn't reported in and 75% of us voted Yes on 30. THERE'S STILL HOPE.
because we are Kobe
Or worse, male, middle class, and Asian. No one wants to give us shit.

Shit's getting done. Looks like this latest one was based Santa Cruz flexing its muscle.
>OC 63% no

lel fuck you mexican faggots
>tfw one hour commute every day driving from half moon bay to los altos
>traffic increases time by 30 minutes

why do i do this to myself

Counties are at the bottom.

And is anyone watching Obama's speech? I'm kinda tearing up. (no homo)
>tfw lower middle class white mail
CCSF's problems are more than just underfunding but it's a good start, thank you SF voters.
>tax increase for education

And you faggots wonder why your state is broke.
underage reported.
theres a speech?
>tfw a piece of paper stuffed in an envelope
My parents are struggling financially right now. My mother is a teacher and will take a paycut of $8,000 and might have to sell the house if 30 does not pass.
we legal human trafficing now
>tfw get sent to the spam folder, forever unclicked

Oh god my body has not been more ready.

Time for a based SoCal - NorCal tag team beatdown victory.
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>62% of my county votes against 30

I AM FUCKING PISSED NOW. They know our schools are hurting, and they vote against it. FUCK
>not watching the victory speech

and prop 30 would do more for everyone -- especially k-12. With prop 38, the k-12 may benefit, but they won't benefit when CA defaults. Once that happens, say hello to Detroit 2.0
How about cutting other expenses first?
dude, why people want to be teachers baffles me. i mean obviously helping people and shit but it is the most underappreciated, underpaid job there is
He said he wanted to transfer from a CC

>the city of your reading comprehension
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Jesus chirst Orange County, I knew you guys were conservative assholes but fuck.

Look at their county results.

This is what happens if prop 30 does not pass.
>50.1 in favor of Prop 30


I always knew you were a pedo, Andy
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PROP 30 AT 50.1

Don't get us wrong, LA still hates the Giants, but we'll team up with you champagne-drinking homos to cram 30 down the the throats of those assholes in Bakersfield and Orange County.
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>Board of Supervisors, District 11
>JOHN AVALOS 12457 99.99%
>WRITE-IN 1 0.01%
>Total 12458 100%


Education Major here. I mostly just want to coach.
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We yes now.
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/sp/ college students found a way
>I mostly just want to coach

You should transfer to Penn State.

63.2% against 30
59.5% for the union busting 32
59.7% for higher insurance rates.
63% against death penalty repeal.

39 is barely holding in there which is surprising.

that's what you sound like right now. only about 30% of adults in the us have a college degree, despite what your sheltered life in academia leads to believe. ever think people might not want to pay for what they never received?
uhh only 30% of precincts are reporting in, this win is irrelevant till everything else is in
yeah, fuck those assholes for wanting to keep the money they worked for
Alright, here we go.
sup penn state
>implying you faggots will ever see this money from 30
How about you fucking pay teachers a living wage, moron?

"Yo you don't get to have discretionary income or any kind kind of luxury, your job is only one of the most stressful and necessary ones in the world, fuck you here take 25 grand and be happy with it".

I'll pay higher taxes to pay teachers a real wage. No question.
The sad thing is that a lot of the people who voted no on 30 did so because they firmly believe that public schools are liberal indoctrination tools.

...so rather than have more liberals, they'd rather have an entire state workforce consisting of idiots.
CAN BASED 30 hold on to the lead?
prop 38 taxes the bottom 86% like .4% or something like that. the sliding scale is pretty generous. It generates more money and lasts much longer than 30. it also wont raise sales tax. Also the money wont go directly to General Fund but remember the prop 98 school funding guarantee?
Holy shit we're doing it.

LA and San Francisco have put aside killing each other outside baseball stadiums to bring this back.

GOAT comeback
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Haha based Los Angeles

Another 7% of our precincts dropped in, and we kicked that shit up to 55% yes on 30.
derp my school sent out a memo saying we actually get a check for a percentage back from this quarter's tuition if it passed

It's not about that fucktard. We're falling behind in higher education in this country. As a result we are not going to be able to compete as much as we do for high tech jobs.

Look beyond your own little bubble for one time in your fucking life.
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kept scrolling down my county.

They're voting for 32 and against 30. FUCK IM MAD
tfw my school also sent an email regarding 30 but I didnt read it
Wait, is it really making a comeback?

Makes sense, I got a refund from UCR when rates went down.
>they worked for

Yeah, they worked so hard sitting at those desks while regular people did all the actual work.

Fuck those assholes in the factories or warehouses or driving the trucks who didn't have Daddy hook them up with a plush corner office and 6 figure job right out of college.

Go fuck yourself.

>tfw you will have to stay up all night to see if it passes
College education is a benefit for everyone. A more educated workforce helps build a strong economy.
herpa derpa guess we didn't think of that one yet.
so wait, if prop 30 passes then the sales tax in alameda country will be above 10 percent?
>UC system by far the best in the world
>implying Silicon Valley is going to pack up and move if 30 fails

holy shit you idiots are even bigger reactionaries than the bible thumpers
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If there's one thing this county votes for, it's education.
he's not lying, if i'm not mistake all CSU students got that email

the people who vote no are probably the same ones who blame the teacher for their kid failing
right. most everyone agrees 30 is better. but 38 isn't so bad that I wouldn't pass it as a back up. which is why its laughable that 38 is at like 25% and 30 is at like 51%
>why don't i understand labor supply

>that's what you sound like right now

Except I've already graduated college.

If people don't want to pay to educate our future children, then people shouldn't be surprised when the state goes further and further down the shitter because people who don't fucking speak English keep immigrating into California and the schools can't properly teach their kids how to speak English so the entire goddamn workforce / economy suffers heavily as a result.

Our state cannot expect to succeed as an economy if we can't even produce a workforce that can speak English.


>implying you faggots will ever see this money from 30

If 30 passes and benefits the schools, the entire state will benefit economically in the long run. So yes, if you live in California, you WILL likely see money from it in the long run as it will likely directly improve your local economy, long-term.
>comparing people that want to spend on education to bible thumpers

we got a lecture at the end of our first period class. Shit was scary
LA Killing it.

Its an increase of one cent for every 4 dollars.

Is it that bad?
I can confirm
>why don't I understand reality

His parents are more responsible for his studying than some dopey teacher. Anybody can teach and they get long vacations.

There's no such thing as great teachers, only great students who come from good parentage.

Fuck the teachers
Riverside is such a shitty county.
>mfw the districts to the north and south of mine favor prop 30, but mine is no on prop 30 by 10,000 votes.

So should I move to Santa Barbara or LA?
santa barbara
This based Bay Area - LA connection seems so wrong but feels so right.

It's like Kershaw throwing to Posey in the All-Star game.
Smartest post in this thread
>there's no such thing as great teachers

You failed Algebra 1 like 4 times, didn't you?

We should really take away their UC.
tried to back it up with something but I cant
b-b-b-ut at least Troy Percival is head coach of a high school team out here

>So should I move to Santa Barbara or LA?

Is that even a question?

>actually wanting to live in Los Angeles

/former Angelino
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>Prop 32 and 37 getting defeated
So how much does prop 30 raise our taxes?
What were we supposed to do, trust the fucking Valley people to make smart decisions?

Fuck that.
Don't think anyone will object to that.
So basically, California outside of the Bay Area and LA doesn't matter.

Good to know
lets do a little thought experiment

think of all the people able to drive a truck

now think of all the people able to manage a profitable company

which group has more people?
they should have the lower wages
what is this from?

Before: $30 tax on $400 spent
After: $31 tax on $400 spend
no post will ever fill me with such rage and such sexual urges as this one right here

Do you make 250k+?

>inb4 300k starting
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>people actually voted for Roseanne Barr in my county

It's ten times nicer than San Bernardino and other shitty IE areas. Also, you don't have to deal with libfags from LA.

That is basically correct, yes.

It is, but it'd look a lot worse if it wasn't sitting next to San Bernardino

>Republicans in charge of thinking ahead
>"The free market will fix it"
Who has the links to the live updates?

UCR is actually pretty good.
easier to find a job in LA
plus I like the music scene
plus cheaper
Make less than $250k?

Absolutely nothing apart from a small sales tax increase nity refrone
THIS, San Bernardino county fucking shit.
fuck my gay county.
>Stanislaus count native
>Prop 30 only 48.2% yes

Come the fuck on, I am ashamed of my county. I know it's not that bad, but it's still shitty.
>think of all the people able to manage a profitable company

Well that group got a lot smaller a few years ago after the people you're supporting dried to smother the American economy in red ink.

You should've started with skillset as a reason for wage increase, instead of trying to go all "I'LL SUCK YO DICK RICH PEOPLE JUST LET ME IN THE COUNTRY CLUB".


Scroll down for country-specific results.

Based LA and San Fran bringing 30 to the lead.

It was down 58-42 at the start.

hey fuck you.
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pick one.
I thought California was more divided north south..it looks more east/west to me
Is it? I was thinking of going there. Since my apartment is close to it.
>tfw Feinstein is getting re-elected
bad feels
>tfw swalwell is getting elected
good feels
>parents are more responsible for his studying
>implying parents don't go apeshit on their children's teacher for failing them

i pity you, i've been inspired by multiple teachers..if you would of gotten your head out of your ass, you probably would of been inspired too
What was the 3 strike law again?
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But the only valley that matters does make smart decisions.
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A reason to be proud of my county? I'll take it.

Do it if it feels right.

There's just as many qts here as any other UC, and the cost of living is cheaper comparatively.

The traffic is shit.
The people are shittier.
It's not MUCH cheaper.

The music scene IS nice. That and the food are the only things I miss about LA.
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>tfw 1,000+ voted for Gary Johnson in my county
rural and urban would be more accurate but they are located on the west and east respectively so you're kind of right.
come on 30!!!!! i gotta get into a cal state por favor.
Yeah, based coastal areas countering the shit for brains voters from the inland areas. Most people in the state live here for a reason.
How much is the average tuition and is the campus nice?

If voted yes, the third strike has to be a serious crime. In other words, prisoners can't get life for stealing a pizza.
So when is based california going to legalize marijuana?

Also TDK holding it down. Never thought I would see the day where I would agree with him, coming from a Chargers fan.
30 holding steady at 50.4

If you get two violent felonies, your third felony, regardless if its violent or not, will land you to life in jail.

The proposition makes it so its only if you're third is also violent. Saves us a ton of money.

Nah, besides occasionally killing each others' baseball fans, SoCal and NorCal bros get along great.

It's those fuckers in Bakersfield and Fresno that just need to move to Texas.

What majors?
Politically east/west. Culturally... both. The north/south hate is a lot more artificial.
lol what

obviously the biggest issue with the economy failure was insufficiently talented management approving risky loans for people that shouldn't get them

my question is how a talent shortage would cause you to think they should be making less money, if anything talented executives should be making more to avoid nosediving their businesses and costing their employees jobs

but why bother when big gov will bail you out so your bad decisions have no consequences
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>Prop 33
>46 v 54

Asians went out to vote.
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This fucking race right here
Tighter than Prop 30
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as an inlander (not IE, i-80 Corridor towards Reno) let me say FUCK YOU
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About 14k a year for tuition/books.

Campus is great, tons of bio labs, building a med school too.

Not a lot going on in terms of the location though, not going to find the excitement of say LA or the Bay.
Double Majoring in english and liberal arts.
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Ay dont worry gringo we gochu!
Stanislouse here again, apparently my shame might be a bit hasty. Shit just bumped up to 50.8% Yes on 30.

I'm honestly shocked what with all the conservative ass farmers we have in Modesto.
>About 14k a year for tuition/books.

That sounds like bs

There's two Californian population centers: Southern California and the Bay Area / Silicon Valley.

The rest is all rural.

It's not north/south OR east/west. It's two tiny areas with a shitload of people surrounded entirely by rural areas, which come in various forms: desert down south and to the east, mountains in the Sierras and Cascades, farmland in the Central Valley...
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you had to say it.
>51.8% in favor of Prop 30 with 41.1% accounted for

get to 53% and its almost assured

Management knew exactly what they were doing when they approved those risky loans. They didn't really care because they had no risk, because the loans just got bundled up into investment vehicles and sold on the market, and they were raking it in on fees.
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>About 14k a year for tuition/books.

That isn't bad at all compared to other UC's, I'll probably transfer there.
>yes on 30

>mfw public school bitches crying over prop 30

in all seriousness though hope that shit passes. California's education spending numbers are a joke.

nice, some fellow titans. business major, haven't decided on my concentration yet

That's literally just for tuition/books. Getting food/housing/transportation/etc. would cost more.

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