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Obama with the repeat.
Both rape Republicans losing their elections.
Colorado legalizing marijuana.
Maine and Maryland legalizing gay marriage.
Puerto Rico trying to become a state.
Is this the GOAT election? Will we remember this election as the one that led us to the promised land?
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I sure do hope the GOP continues to steadily decline.
Medical marijuana is also now legal in new england.
>not blasting this on max right now
Washington legalized weed and gay marriage
>op forgetting about based washington

we're legalizing marijuana AND legalizing gay marriage tonight
This election was great... for stoners and faggots.

This is one of the worst elections ever for the straight, white, good old hard working american man.

you mean the closed-minded, bigot, white Americans, right?
QQ more faggot.
Meanwhile my state voted not to accept Obamacare money. Fucking rednecks, I wish Boone County was a state.
>legalizing faggot marriage
He means the good ol' boys who go beating coons, gooks, kikes and greasers.

So yes.
back 2 your red state, pal

I hate this state sometimes.
>Republicans storm the House
>hating gays

You might as well hate people who go bowling. It's not like they're hurting anyone by having sex with eachother.
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not blasting this song instead
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>tfw when republicunt
>hating the guys who aren't competition for girls
more like the one everything went downhill beyond repair
>tfw not gay
>tfw you don't smoke weed but don't care what other people do
>tfw you're life probably doesn't change at all due to any outcomes today
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Puerto Rico was the most pleasant surprise to me. I, for one, welcome our new brother to the union barring Congress being dicks for no apparent reason.
>tfw you know someone who's gay and is against same-sex marriage and adoption because it's against the bible

Yeah I don't get it either.
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republicans still hold the house
Does anyone really hate them? I just don't think it's a good idea to celebrate a mental disorder.
obama's first line in his speech: "ALLOW ME TO REINTRODUCE MYSELF, MY NAME IS..."
>calling it a mental disorder

oh you
today is burn a bible day

i've already lit one up, fuck rednecks
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how can it be a mental disorder if it's not harmful?
fired up my grill to cook a couple bibles
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>Hated Republican incumbent gets re-elected
>Barely gets 281 electoral votes
>Hated Democratic incumbent gets re-elected
>Gets 332 electoral votes

Republicans are done.
NDAA 2012

The weed legalisation is medicinal use only right?


>Mile High
It's harmful to the health of a species. If 100% of any mammal turned homosexual, they'd go extinct (of course humans have aids like sperm banks). The only reason it's not considered a mental disorder is political correctness.

So uh how the fuck is 100% of the population supposed to become homosex
It is harmful. If a mammal doesn't want to reproduce, there is a problem. Is OCD harmful? Is Aspergers harmful? Is ADD harmful?
get a load of this guy
I don´t think gay is hereditary. Unless some gay virus comes out we´re probably stuck at 3-5% of the population being gay. Don´t worry m8

No. It's completely legal there now, at least at a state level. Federal agencies will fight this tooth and nail.
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Why is this state so retarded?

Per capita rates don't have anything to do with it. No mental disorder is 100% prevalent, which is why society still functions.

You'll get a couple people.
Nope; completely legal, up to and including recreational usage. However, it's still illegal under Federal Law, so that's gonna be a massive headache to sort out.
Actually, it's the opposite of what you're saying. Gays exist as a way of preventing overpopulation. Would you rather we have more gays or a horrible famine? Either way, the population has to be limited somehow.
why the fuck would blanks be counted as no's? how does that make sense at all?

Minnesota elected Bachmann. That's all you need to know.
republicans still hold my dick

>dis republitard mad

Who gives a shit?
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>including the water portions
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>tfw my county voted no
um... no means "I don't want an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage between one man and one woman"
so then where is the harm?
>tfw homosexual pot smoking college aged man

this is what my predecessors worked so hard for, my life's beginning to look a lot better.
>not even the merman of lake superior want gay marriage

pick one
Everything went right that I voted for except that faggot Cantor was reelected
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>mfw tonight is the death of the Tea Party and a kick to the nuts to social conservatism
Even if that is true, it doesn't mean homosexuality should be considered healthy.
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I've posted this before tonight but

>tfw you live in this bitch's district
God damn, I'm so fucking scared she'll get re-elected

>Being that close
I knew the pre-election polls were close but, holy shit.

If you were from Puerto Rico you would have hit it all tonight
>Tfw the year is 2024
>Your daughter, who is in the 6th grade, is home late from school
>You berate her about being late and let her know how worried you were
>You stop, you can tell something is wrong
>Her face is puffy from crying
>She tells you she was picked today
>You notice blood dripping down her leg
>Your eyes start to water
>A boiling rage overcomes your body
>Your face reddens
>Just before you snap
>The cameras and speakers installed in every room of your house operating on skype framework, turn on
>A hiss and then a click can be heard,
>"Mr. Anon, we detect that your blood pressure has spiked as well as your adrenaline, you are now under surveillance"
>You get on your knees
>You look into your daughters eyes, with a tear now rolling down your face
>You softly tell her with a trembling voice "I'm so sorry, it didn't use to be like this, I'm so sorry"

>Public teachers chose your virginal daughter for paid sexual intercourse that day, a program started by the permanent czar Obama to help pay for the teacher's unions bloated paychecks. Due to new-age moral relativism nobody contests the practice.
>You can't help but think, maybe things would have been different had I voted for Romney

How the fuck is it that close? How fucking retarded is your district?
No man; "Marriage Amendment" would mean the state constitution would be specifically amended to only recognize marriage between a man and a woman. If you support Gay Rights, you WANT this to fail.
based math 300k starting
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>Implying people who go on 4chan will ever have children

>my lovers puerto rican/ cuban

i envy him for this night
Just to clarify:

No = Allow same-sex marriage
Yes = Uphold same-sex ban
stopped reading there
>being THIS mad
>child in 6th grade

She'd have to already be born, luckily your hypothetical doesn't apply to me!
Pretty retarded apparently.

We have a lot of elderly that live in a portion of the district, and those fuckers love her.

It's like everyone BUT most of the district can see how much of a psychopath this bitch is.
If it fails same sex marriage won't automatically be legal.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I tend to lean right and there is no way in hell I would vote for her if I lived there. Can't blame you.
America seriously rocked the socks today

Pretty proud of us overall
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder until the 70's, just about the time the baby-doomers started to rise to prominence. Coincidence?

It's harmful because it eliminates an individuals desire to reproduce. Where is the harm in washing your hands three times whenever you touch a doorknob? Where is the harm in not being able to pay attention to boring lectures? There is none, but they're still consider mental disorders.
why should it be considered unhealthy if there's no population concerns whatsoever

It sounds more like you can't handle the idea of someone holding a different opinion than you

have you considered going on /v/?

Columbia fag here.
fuck Missouri
no=leave the conversation open
yes=make gay marriage 100% illegal with no discussion
50% of all ballots cast have to vote yes for state amendments to pass.

if it removed a persons desire to reproduce then why do homosexuals have so much sex?

and you know adopt children?

told status: no country for TOLD men
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they're considered mental disorders because there's significant evidence that they're due to malfunctioning of their brains compared to the baseline

Also, 1970 was the rise of modern psychology/psychiatry. It has nothing to do with the baby boomers as you mention.

Your argument is basically this

sexual relations are a behavior. some of us are just inclined to other sexual encounters than you.

>mfw obama won so i won't be burned at the pike for being gay
Amending a Constitution is a pretty big deal; you need to be absolutely 100% sure someone said "Yes, I want this amended". Otherwise, you default to them being against it.
Harmless eccentricities and quirks are considered disorders, but having no desire to ensure the success of your species is fine?
>adopting isn't reproduction

>Minnesota's 6th district

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>implying you need to have sex with a woman to pass on your genetics
>implying science hasn't already solved this
>posting on 4chan in the 1960's
I voted for Jill Stein
>corrupt administration with a president that has more new debt that all the previous president's combined gets reelected with the same unemployment as with the start (with added underemployment and population that has dropped out of the work force) and and a stagnant economic growth?

No, I think this reelection was pretty much won by welfare recipients, racists, and ignoramuses.
>best election ever
>majority of congress reelected

>fags die off due to no reproduction from false marriages
>stoners OD on weed

sounds good
Having homosexual relations has as much to do with reproduction as jerking off into a dirty rag does. Zero.

And adoption isn't reproduction.
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>mfw i live in nc
>mfw all the butthurt republitards at work tomorrow
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Fuck off Ohio, you almost ruined our election again
there is literally no evidence to substantiate that theory and I have no idea why people throw it around as if it's fact

an idea making sense in your head does not make it valid
Even if gay people can get married, it's not like God is going to let them into heaven anyway. I don't see how it would change anything, even from the religious point of view.
Homosexual couples will never be able to reproduce without aid.

Would you really want a woman willing to endure pregnancy for a paycheck to constitute half of your child? Or a woman with so little hope of finding a man that she's willing to do it for you?

And though a reproduction would happen, it would only happen for one homosexual partner.
>gay people won't reproduce therefore they are crazy

pro-fucking-tip: nobody has a drive to reproduce only fuck
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>>27844839 (OP)
Tears of joy OP. Tears of joy.
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>Obama Re-Elected


>Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Claire McCaskill, Joe Donnelly, Bill Nelson, Tammy Baldwin win
>Michelle Bachmann on the ropes
>Allen West facing defeat against Patrick Murphy
>Still replying to the Canadian Troll

How fucking stupid are you people?
So which league will expand to Hawaii and Puerto Rico first?
an island vs island super bowl
Are gay people allowed to donate sperm?
But that's fucking wrong
republicans could use this as a coup move to gain latino support
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>mfw Change is finally happening
What about artificial insemination? Surrogate mothers?
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any desire to have children is because of social programming not biological cravings

you want your dick in a woman not your first born child

and plus are we sure people who want kids aren't the crazy one

childrens are assholes
So unnatural births? Therefore being gay is unnatural thanks Candabro
>puerto rico a state

fuck fuck fuck, our economy is fucked as is.
You have a biological craving of finding a mate with certain hormones that match up with yours because it could result in a longer relationship that would be more successful in raising a child.

You don't even know what you don't know.

>nobody eats because they want to sustain themselves! course we eat, shit tastes good man! LOL 420blzitup!
>nobody breathes air for there brain! you just do that shit man! lol XD
>nobody stays out of the cold to prevent hypothermia, that freezin shit just be uncomfrotable as fuck yo

and that's grounds to treat gay people as second class citizens because?
Why wouldn't they be?
if you are an old hard working white boy what are you doing up right now in this nest of hedonists and liberals. Why ain't you in bed with your white wife procreating more great white children you dumb fuck
That post had nothing to do with being gay, I was just arguing against there not being a biological reason behind raising a child. In fact homosexuals have the same thing, but just without the ability to birth a child.
because they're allegedly mental ill
>allan west projected to lose
>the city of allan west
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. I'm just glad I can legally burn as the country burns.
>greatest election ever
>I don't have to get a job

Yeah I'd say so.
just like four years ago, right?

God Obama has it made.
Dat fucking end to this speech
>spew hate about Romney for 6 months straight
>everything that comes out of romney's mouth is garbage
>libs praise his concession speech

Didn't vote for Romney but goddamn you dems are just fucking scum

>implying Romney wouldn't have done the same thing

Sure is edgy in here.
I don't know. If it's genetic they'd probably make people take note. I mean short people aren't allowed to donate sperm, it's a pretty discriminatory thing. I was just wondering if that included being gay as well
babby's first election?
What's wrong with being short? your astronauts, jet pilots, gymnasts and wide receivers are short.
>THAT class
>THAT eloquence

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>tfw it feels good to be an American right now

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>The City of You
its just not a trait that is in demand. why waste any infrastructure or resources on something that nobody wants
No one wants manlet sperm. I think it's even hard to be able to donate sperm if you're red headed or something too

If you are under six foot tall, black or ginger sperm banks don't want you
Was that the thing that was on the radar that was aliens?
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>that city's face
There will never be another white president.

Republicans are already ripening and latino candidate so they can appeal to the beaners and nigs in 2016
>>27844839 (OP)
Republicans dominate the house though, so Obama won't be able to do shit for at least 2 years

he will be another lame duck
Minnesota 6th district...


Also No on banning gay marriage and voter ID please!
The same sex marriage amendment is currently failing by 60000+ votes not including the blank ballots. It's looking pretty good right now.
>not being cordial winners and graceful losers
>caring about gay marriage and voter id

fuck you people who eat up every trivial issue the media throws at you
I-I did...
yeah, because Gore and Kerry were so graceful
How is that good?
because the amendment would change the definition of marriage in the state constitution to one man and one woman. If it doesn't pass it'll still be open for debate in the future.
>would change the definition of marriage in the state constitution to one man and one woman
Well that is what the word marriage means, so that seems reasonable
Thanks. I clearly haven't done my homework.
And then there's this guy.
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I give you the 2012 Election MVP

>legalizing weed
>legalizing gay marriage

Also, Puerto Rico wins RotY
I can't hold it against someone in Australia for not knowing what a ballot in Minnesota says.
The word marriage has never meant two dudes who live together and sodomize each other

I have no problem if you want to do that, but thats simply not what the word marriage means
Well, the fact that you would have to get an amendment for it to agree with your definition seems to disprove your point.

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