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This is true, though. They were inhuman savages on a war path, and we stopped them.
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Dropping those bombs was the only way to end the war without killing every living jap
I think they killed a few more than 2,500 of ours.
>believing in karma

I've never understood, ever.
>>26699903 (OP)
dont start no shit wont be no shit
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I fucking hate people.
Can this be a Polandball thread too?
>implying I have any
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>2500 dead

I love the implication of this. That they bombed Pearl Harbor and then we spent the next four years killing hundreds of thousands of them without losing a single soldier somehow.

>those profile pics
polandball is GOAT. I need some too.
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Fucking elevens.
>they killed they own people in pearl harbor

I'm pretty sure everyone who posted things like this had no idea what pearl harbor was.
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I'm not even bothered by people being stupid and going 'Karma for war stuff'. It happens everywhere.

What bothers me that it's all pearls harbour and you just know all most of these people have no fucking clue about the war and are only 'upset' about PH because a fucking shit movie was made about it.
Fucking Japan really did deserve it. And they need a couple more natural disasters before we're even.
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>carrer traning acdemy
ISS pls
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I don't even
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this one makes me feel weird
>That fat cunt is allowed to vote
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What the fuck is everyones obsession about whales anyway? If it tastes good, kill it and eat it. It's what the rest of the world does, why can't Japan?
>not knowing the US instigated the attack on Pearl Harbor
>not knowing the president knew the Japs were coming to attack but withheld information in order to drum up public support to enter the war
>americans still bashing japan and being apologists to the facebook douchebags

why even defend them? Neither Pearl Harbor nor WW2 nor any of the beligerents had anything to do with any of you, stop acting like they personally bombed you.
>All these people saying kill the japs.
>most of them probably own a Japanese car or have some Japanese electronics in their house.

If the Japanese didn't exist in their current capacity I would commit Senpaku.

>combining a continent and 2 other countries
>still nowhere near as many examples of retardation as 5 mins of murrican facebook posts

amerishits don't even qualify as human. you are mongrels, dogs, you are nothing.
That's because their history knowledge is from Hollywoodmovies
>HURRDURR, dropping two atomic bombs is okay
not really. PH and other major WWII events (mostly involving the US) are taught in grade school.

But the USA has committed far more atrocities throughout history than Japan.

If karma was real every american would die an excruciating death.
I'm not defending them, the people that made pearl harbor jokes after the tsunami are subhuman scum that should be purged. not a weeaboo or anything either, I just don't like seeing people that are stupid speak out like that. Idiots should not have a place like facebook to air out their thoughts.
Apparently not very well, judging from the general population's opinions on the matter.
Mount Fuji is about to erupt.

Japs can't fucking buy a break.
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>tfw we don't live in a world where people like this are shunned or kept away from normal people.
It's only the comparison of casualties the Japs inflicted with the Pearl Harbor attack and the Mericlaps nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'd say that alone was karma enough.
the general population is stupid. people are idiots. this is a huge problem in america but don't act like it's not a problem everywhere.
spanish-american war, pearl harbor, operation northwoods

Because we don't want to run out.
well it's a good thing neither you nor me have them amongst our facebook friends!
there's no substance concerning the war in those posts to call any of it false.
Not even close.
Rape of Nanking. Americans may have been brutal to the Native Americans, but this takes the cake as the most disgusting thing committed by a group of human beings that I've ever read about. The nature of it and the things they did is more vile than the Holocaust, to me at least
speak for yourself, screenshotting shit that stupid people post and exchanging them with my friends is comedy gold
>If karma was real every american would die an excruciating death.

Trust me, the rest of the world is waiting hopefully =)
Read my original post. I said I'm not bothered by peop,e being stupid about war stuff, that happens everywhere.

Again, I#m bothered that usually these stupid people would just shut up and not say anything unless provoked but all these guys are posting stupid shit about PH because they saw a movie about it and are not historic experts on the matter.

Stupidity isn't bad, but when you're stupid and think you're not, that's infuriating.
>create weeaboos

id say japan deserves everything they get
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>tfw we live in a World where retards don't get put down like wounded horses
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Anybody mention the rape of Nanking yet?

The Japanese were some evil cunts.
>implying the Holocaust happened
Japan deserved what it got in WW2, not because of what they did at Pearl Harbor, but because of what they did in Asia.

I'd go out and say the way they're hung up on PH while completely ignoring how America already 'got em back' with two fucking nukes and a won world war, they lack a very basic knowledge about what WW2 meant and caused.
because extinction you fucking mongoloid
what is unit 731
we've both done some fucked up shit, I don't see how you can say one's 'better'

oh, this is ironic
never mind Unit 731 and similar events. disgusting.
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>Americans may have been brutal to the Native Americans

They had it coming anyway. They're worse than Jews.
>being from the penal colony
>thinking Americans are inherently worse
>imprison Japanses-american citizens during WW2 simply because they are ethnic Japanese
>meanwhile German-Americans try to start their own Nazi group in the USA and are protected by police security during public gatherings
The Indians were butchering each other for millenia anyway before white men arrived

>implying most americans know that it were two bombs
speak for yourself australia. I just watched the Snowtown Murders, now I know what a horrible place a continent of criminal ancestors is.
nah, the natives were actually chilling as fuck. I'd much rather live a simple life of hunting, gathering and farming in a small population than this bullshit.

seriously, fuck modern society. it's the sole reason there are so many retards running around.
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>mfw that movie
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>look up "Sorry Day"
>mfw Australia
>child rape
>gay incest rape
>horrible gruesome torture
>hate crime murders
australia confirmed for worst place on earth.

did you know that british prisoners were sent to the 13 colonies for over 100 years? there is more britcon blood in the USA than in Australia.
wow Austrailia you really got a response out of us. Remember, only other countries deserve this karma punishment.
The Comanche and Apaches were so feared that, when Spain and later Mexico had the Southwest, they made no serious attempt to settle it. One of the provisions in the Treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo stated that the US was to police the border and prevent Indian raids into Mexico.
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>116.73% APR
>84 Payments of $486.58
>486.58 * 84 = 40872.72
>$40872.72 for a $5000 loan.

Jesus christ
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holy shit
so youre saying that those people are unaware of the us nuclear attacks on Japan? Theyre well aware; they just think it was enough.

There was an opinion at the time that the US should invade Japan even after the nuclear attacks (see: patton).
Balls, I'm positive there are a number of civilizations in history that have been far, far, worse than the United States in warfare.
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At least we're mad about an attack and a war. Whales and Dolphins? Seriously? Dolphins are the sickest fucks in the animal kingdom and are the Japanese of the ocean. They were killing their own kind.
You would die in a month you pansy ass faggot.

No one who says this shit ever actually has any outdooring experience.

I'd bet a months pay you're some cityfag that doesn't even know how to use a gun.
We gave them billions in private charity and provided shelter and food to them in foreign aid when nobody else helped
Ungrateful nips
dont* think it was enough
The things the Soviets, Germans, and Japanese did in WWII were horrible and totally inexcusable.
are you retarded? Imagine how many chinks there would be in Australia if the japs hadn't killed so many of them

Chinese genocide, best day in Western World's life
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>Japanese of the ocean
People still believe this?
Japan was rallying their entire population for defense of the mainland. A traditional assault would have potentially killed millions and taken forever to complete.
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>Most Natives die of disease before we even get here
>The remaining die of disease when we got here because we were apparently too dirty.
>We happen to shoot a few that were left.

Germs should be paying them. Not us,
During the occupation of Japan, the US Army found large quantities of weapons stashes in houses and places of business. Even decades later, they were still uncovering them.
In fact, the Comanche committed a number of massacres of settlers in Texas. Rapes, scalpings, you name it.
>he's one of those retards I was talking about

If I could grow up that way or grow up this way, I'd choose that way. This life is soul crushing. see
Tribes were like states. There were fucking terrible ones and there were nice ones.
they aren't taught well at all

Nearly everyone in Japan would have rather died than surrender. Even after the second bomb, the emperor still had to sneak a notice of surrender behind his general's backs. They were still intent on fighting. We did that to force a surrender and not lose any more American lives.

not even kiddo.

you sound like such a tryhard. Natives were fucking idiots. Charles Darwin put it best. What kind of people live in such a rich land, but do nothing with it and are uncivilized? he was referring to Africa, but it applies to natives
>have the most Nuclear warheads of any nation
>tell other nations without that trying to get nukes is bad m'kay
>American logic
Hetalia is better ;3
It was estimated that invading Japan would have killed up to one million US troops. Many of us would not even be here because our grandfathers died.
>you sound like such a tryhard. Natives were fucking idiots. Charles Darwin put it best. What kind of people live in such a rich land, but do nothing with it and are uncivilized? he was referring to Africa, but it applies to natives
In fact the reason the Indians never advanced much was due to their lack of draft animals. Without horses or cattle, you don't progress very far.
>tfw no Canadians on those facebook collections
we are truly the best in the world

inb4 someone proves me wrong
Is that some weaboo shit?
Hell, depending on what estimated numbers you accept, the Nanjing Massacre could be said to have the same death toll, a greater death toll, or just a slightly lower death toll.

The Chinese put it at 300,000, the Allies estimated about 200,000, and the Japanese range from 40,000-200,000.

The combined nuclear bombings are estimated at 150,000 at the lowest and 240,000 at it's highest.
Nukes are pretty much just political leverage nowadays. No country is really stupid enough to use one. As years go by it becomes an even worse decision to use one.
What are buffalo?
Those things were everywhere.
And that doesn't include the countless other people in China, Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia who were massacred, enslaved, raped, and tortured by the Japanese army.
It's an anime specifically designed to make every single country involved in WWII look like faggots.
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Only city slicker retards seriously think that kind of life is superior.

It's one thing to have it as a hobby, so that you can be prepared in an emergency or SHTF situation. But no one who does that hopes they get to live like that forever.

Only deluded cityfags like yourself who have never spent serious time in the wilderness (pitching a tent in a designated campsite run by the forest serviced doesn't count) think it's a superior way to live.
Those only existed on the Great Plains. The vast majority of tribes never saw or knew of them.
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>No country is really stupid enough to use one

Don't forget the loonies we shipped over and Irish people! (though they're more or less the same thing)

Still, at least we didn't make people mingle too much with the natives, or else you'd have turned out like some poor South American country.
Israel isn't the country run by a guy who says he has to start a nuclear war for the Islamic messiah to return to Earth.
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>Japan still doesn't acknowledge Nan King despite being proven and accuses it of being Anti-Japan propaganda.

They were even pissed at Bale for being in a chinese Nan King movie.

holy shit do I hate those fuckers

>Don't pay taxes
>Get welfare + more for every kid
>Give them land, they treat it like a dump

I seriously wish Canada would stop carrying those useless pieces of shit around. Just set a date and from that day on every newborn native is treated as an equal citizen of Canada with no special rights.
South America sucked because they inherited the Spanish peonage system and also Spain didn't allow its colonies any autonomy. They were governed directly from Madrid and the locals had no experience with self-government at independence.
Most native tribes were militant in some way. It's a myth to think that the natives smoked pipes all day and danced around a firepit.
Buffalo are instinctually migrational, even if natives found a way to pen them in and keep them all properly fed they'd probably just stampede out when the seasons change.
So they only existed on the largest portion of what is now the United States?
like I said, the Eries were literally decimated by their neighbors
They get all that government money, or "Indian Money" as it's called, and still don't do shit with it and bitch.
Look above you
>average steelers fan
>the city of springdale
Whatever, doesn't stop natives from being filthy savages. Only a small fucking group of them were smart enough to build wooden dwellings. And those guys were one of the most brutal.
Which tribe was that?
Because the most densely-populated area of the US is the northern midwest, right? Even before colonization there was a far higher concentration of people on the coasts.
>mfw people talk about the "atrocity" of Japanese Internment camps.

The camps weren't concentration camps. They weren't that bad and respected their culture. The real atrocity was leaving the camps to find out a lot of them lost their property. Even the Japanese here know this.
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>curb stomp the living fuck out of 3 Arab countries
>claim they're the witty-bitty nation being bullied into a corner by their neighbors while also receiving non-conditional support from the US
You really think I would up and leave for the woods at this stage of my life you dipshit? No, I meant I would have preferred to be born and live as a native, in that lifestyle, than live as a modern man.

And yes, I am prepared for when things go fubar, faggot. I hope you go down in the first wave.

I can't imagine a more alpha lifestyle
Some theoretical MAD plan similar to what we had during the Cold War. Big deal.
Arguing with Stormfags is like racing in the Special Olympics and...nevermind
Indian Chief 'Two Eagles' was asked by a white government official, 'You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done.'

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, 'Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?'

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied. 'When white man find this land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex.'

Then the chief leaned back and smiled.

'Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.'
The difference being Israel's enemies don't have nukes.
>Only a small fucking group of them were smart enough to build wooden dwellings.

Except that plenty of tribes built wooden dwellings - huge ones at that. The only natives that didn't were the ones on the plains and the only reason they didn't was because the environment doesn't support permanent sedentary living without significant outside supply lines. Even settlers were barely able to pull it off with support from the railroads
'cept for Iran, but...
Natives pretty much evented black operations and stealth warfare.
>Implying being held back technologically and scientifically 2000 years is alpha

I don't know which tribe he is referring to, but it's common knowledge the Comanche were at war with most of the tribes on the plain and the Blackfoot were regarded as cruel by other natives when telling Europeans.
Except that's wrong, you fucking retard.

Isn't today a school day?
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Is this nigga serious?
>implying anything can be more alpha than hand to hand combat to the death
I remember when I was 14..
>launch a pussy ass surprise attack
>get butthurt when we bomb them back
u srs Japs?
>not wanting to be a Zulu warrior
Right, and I'm saying only a cityfag retard who knows literally NOTHING about such a lifestyle would make that statement.

You don't know how good you have it, and you have these romantic delusions about an agrarian lifestyle that is completely disconnected from reality.
Reported for underage.
The point is that Israel has clearly demonstrated in the past that they don't need nuclear weapons to defend themselves against multiple enemies and yet they still have them anyway and threaten to use them.
lel u weeaboos are fucking hilarious. u know they hate america even more then we do them.
no seriously if they could they would go to war with us to try to annihilate us. But they cant because they know we'd curbstomp their ass out of existence.
i have no sympathy for the most racist country on earth.
Iroquois League vs. Hurons and Algonquins. Basically the Iroquois just decided to form up and invaded everything near them. the great plains were flooded with tribes trying to escape their expansion.
Where's the one with Europe and Australia saying the same thing but rather than Pearl Harbor it's fucking whales.
>vick trip
>being retarded
im not surprised.
Damn /int/ comics are fucking terrible

Anyway, japenese loves america, and we're their strongest ally, by a largs margin
stop talking now. you are an idiot beyond measure. Old people hate us. but they were raised in fucking Meiji Japan. Young people are literally just fucking americans. They are westaboo to the max.

But I agree that weebs are hilarious purely because anime is considered kids shit in japan.

>replying to feces
>wanting to die an oldfag having your children wipe your ass

beta as fuck
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I really don't know what worse... american stupidity or weeaboos.
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almost forgot about this one
It's considered kids shit here too. That's why it receives so much derision.
yeah but weebs think that it is a form of high art and that all japanese people watch it. They don't realize that its cartoons, and cartoons are for children. I mean, I like some anime, but I don't tell ANYONE
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>of coarse
Well some anime is intended for Adults. Kind of the same way South Park and Family Guy are intended for adults.

I wouldn't give someone shit for liking Akira or stuff like that.

But the vast majority of it is the same level as My Little Pony shit.
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>tfw American portrayal in anime

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And here's your typical American family having a meal.
I have a tshirt where a man is on a whale carcass that has a norwegian flag stabbed into it.

On the back it says "if we had dolphins we'd eat them too"
comadkjedy gajlka;dl
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oh shit ausbeta
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so true
gulf of tonkin, jfk, fort sumpter

>were we really that repressed by the brits

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