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>Tfw everyone will make fun of you and won't take your comments serious because of your flag
>country: unknown

looks like some slavshit country
>Country: Unknown
what, why?
Serbian bro, hang in there.
Serbia is not a country
It's only funny because it says "Unknown"
>Country: unknown

What is this bullshit
>filthy serb
God damn it Bernkatsel fuck off back to /a/
At least remove your trip
dont worry as long as you arent BR youre cool
>country unknown

what fuckin 3rd world country you live in?
the republic of Unknown
I take it that you don't realize how many of us are of Slav origin?
Serbros shouldn't be depressed, and Moot will eliminate this shit soon...
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gtfo and go eat fired bugs you sandnigger piece

You still got Djokovic, bro.
Something worse than Kuwait or Sudan, because I've seen those ones.
It's actually pretty cool to see the demographics of /sp/.

A lot of people have perfect english.
>The City of Unknown
at least I don't have an Unknown country~

pacquiao best pound-for-pound etc
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>tfw now i will never take anyones posts seriously again unless its red white and blue
OP were you around for any of the crazy war shit?
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>I must now catalog all tripfags for when they post on other boards
kako si brate
So they should. Everyone should be able to speak english these days.
Just because they're posting from somewhere doesn't mean they aren't native English speakers. Could be military or otherwise moved because of work.
France is also red, white and blue.
As is Britain
We are like 10, we aren't alone mi compa
dawww :3
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You're going to take the Filipinos, French, Australians and Russians seriously?
Still havn't seen anyone from china yet.
I don't even post on this board,just curious if it shows mine.
Also, Norway
Australia's is red, white and blue too

>tfw I might know this feel
4chan is illegal there
I saw one posting in another thread. But it may have been a proxy.

Somebody actually pulled off a North Korea flag, but that was most likely a proxy.

Funny cause my flag is red white and blue too, and so is probably 50% of the worlds flags

These flags should only be in place during Euros and WCs. Now, it's just going to bring out more trolling.
>btw, I'm American on vacation
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> Country: Unknown
Master race reporting in

Though it's too bad because I loved pretending to be American
That's cool.
Oh shit did anyone cap that North Korea flag?
Your flag has gold.
So you're out.
>btw I'm American on vacation
h-hey what a coincidence me too!
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Anyone from Angola ?
So is Puerto Rico
need to test this shit
>tfw I learned perfect english by watching cartoon network
thank you johnny bravo, dexter, cow and chicken, ed edd and eddy, powerpuff girls and the lot of you.
So you're there to fuck little boys and film snuff movies?
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Btw why would they fucking put our flag and then write country unkown, the mods obviously know about my country ??

Fucking trolls!!!

>yes i'm mad
Thanks dude
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>mfw country unknown


no, why would I do that~?
It's not blocked. The mods banned a shitton of Chinese IPs for spamming
Okay, that's a new one.

And so is yours. I keep seeing a lot of Czech but no Slovenia. Forgive me, but I grew up when you two were still one country.
You are like the tripfag I always wanted.
Much love.
Found some Angola proxies, but I didn't test them
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>caring about dat feel
I think it's more of the case of China blocking 4chan from most of their people.
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>"I don't know who Angola is, but I know they're in trouble"
Pretty sure i saw someone with a Serb flag that screened "Country: Serbia"
It'll be interesting to see how many tripfags never show up again now they'll get exposed as foreign bandwagoners.
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Country: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


nearly all tripfags are bullshitters
I've seen three threads dedicated to three different well know tripfags for those very reasons.
testing this shit
I only like the Lakers.
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>I keep seeing a lot of Czech but no Slovenia. Forgive me, but I grew up when you two were still one country
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much love :3
I'll refrain from commenting on

It's hard to be a bandwagoner because they are just THAT good.
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>mfw my country it the most loved, most important and most influential country EVER
>Trinidad and Tobago

has the nintendo 64 been released there yet?
Why wont any of you slavbros answer me. Were any of you around when shit was getting crazy over there in the mid 90s? I just watched a bunch of shit on the wars and want to know.
What the fuck is with these flags?

Anyways reporting in

>The city of Debt
I'm old enough to remember having Czechoslovakia drilled into my head from childhood school.
Great, now I need to pay for a VPN to avoid the hate
no it's definitely not blocked. none of the IPs i tried put up a YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO VIEW THIS WEBSITE screen. i've only seen that from some sand nigger countries
Why would I hate Germany?
Wait, what is this? How do I flags?
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I actually like it as unknown. I am an "observer" kind of person myself. Always looking at other people's theatrics from my comfortable unfolding chair with a beer besides me and some Scott Joplin playing for the occasion or something that fits the atmosphere im trying to make to myself.
Germany is the most loved country on /sp/ apart from England
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how does a trashing from chavs feel?
but they keep losing recently, it's hard to still be a fan.
with all due respect to everyone who beat them, including the Heat, the Lakers are gonna have a really hard time getting anything done.
Considering how facebook is blocked by their government, I figured it was the case with 4chan too
are you high?

This is going to make the board hipster as fuck.

Faggot hipsters will find proxies for antarctica and the arctic and obscure places like that and post from there so they look "cool"
Sure, but there wasn't any Czechoslovenia.
Slovenia is not Slovakia
a murrican was able to make a joke like that? i thought most of you were too stupid to even know that there's a slovenia and a slovakia
Let's get this shit started

poor little serbia
i guess they don't know about 4chan. i've only been blocked from accessing the site with Saudi, Oman, and Iran IPs
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Fuck off slavshits.
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>Germany is the most loved country on /sp/ apart from England
sseisur sl
I love you all guise
alright so whats this all about then
Kill yourself.
step it up
I'm posting from the Philippines
can you be any more hip than that
>Slovenia is not Slovakia
And holy shit I am fucking tired to have missed that...
Holy shit, has dwight yorke retired yet?
You believe too many stereotypes.

Yes i was around in 1999 when we were bombed, as for the civil wars in 1992 and 1995 i was too young, and besides the wars where fought on Bosnian and Croatian territory not in Serbia
I love you too.

Also helps I'm a quarter Polish and have a polish last name.
Here's something you lot haven't seen before
sandniggers cannot into computer

shouldn't you be blowing up a mosque?
so how long is your name bro
lel bangladesh

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