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>9C temperature
>Grey sky
>rain pouring down

All is right again. It's been an awful last few weeks, but we got through it guys.
Island niggers.
>that shit weather

kill yourself, inbred island monkeys
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>mfw its 11C here

>not enjoying shit weather
Fuck you island monkeys, we are superior island monkeys.
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Fahrenheit master race reporting in.
>this is what ameridumbs actually believe
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Gonna be a great four-day weekend
Other countries WISH they were an island and had no borders. Niggas just jealous.
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>mfw Farenheit is measured according to the temperature of the insides of a horse
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>mfw the only countries that still use farenheit are USA, Puerto Rico and Guam

Enjoy living in the dark ages, chump
>tfw when unbearable 20+ temperatures all week

Thank fuck for the cold and rain
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>mfw when a Britbro tried to brag about his island near me
No borders.
Largest island in the world.
So large they just made us a continent to give Greenland something to claim.
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>my forecast when your summer looks like my winter
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Last week was warmer than usual for May.

Yesterday was the coldest june day in 90 years in Stockholm.

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>mfw I prefer this weather to sweltering heat
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>tfw waking up after a late late night to a cool breeze coming in your window, as opposed to ridiculous sunlight, and warm, stuffy conditions
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celsius is for faggots
>implying a sunny 23 isn't the perfect temperature for day time.
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>start of Winter
>cloudy and rainy
>temperature still doesn't ever drop below 10c
>start of june
>sat in the living room with the fire on
>mfw once again cosy after so long.
based Sydney

Enjoy your killer spiders and bugs
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>Yuros in charge of staying above 15 degrees C in summer
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>Australians in charge of not dying to animals and skin cancer

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