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>not owning a smartphone
>not chaning to classical view

I hate how it all looks on my smartphone
>having android
>with ads
>mobile view too
nigger. Do you even android
>needing to browse 4chan on the go

I think you may have a problem
I would use it like that accept I can't install 4chan X which just makes it so complicated and annoying.
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then use opera and install 4chanx on your phone
how do you take such perfectly centred screenshot
> Swapping a superior browser for a shit one
>not using chant
My androd isn't rooted yet, can't remove the ads
>My androd isn't rooted yet
why not ?
> not rooting your Android straight away
>not rooting your android 20 minutes after you got it
Don't want to break it, only got it yesterday, besides, I don't know how to do it on an S3
babbys first phone
How to root android?

What is a root android?
oh an S3, how do you like it
>break it
Yes, it is
how is babby formed ?
root access
google it for more info
don't do it then, you'll probably brick it.
I like it, would like the ads gone though.
Going to root it right now actually
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bookmark xda forums for your phone
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>Not bookmarking your favorite porn video
>not watching your favorite porno before bed
D brownser is boss as well
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>sure is plebian in here
how do you watch porn in such a small screen
> tfw I got the Galaxy S2 and they announced the S3 a week later

>implying it matters

its the same shit, I don't need a fucking quad core on my mobile phone.
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Pic related
Meh it doesn't effect me much I've already made my phone mine.

Its special to me now
>not being able to multitask with 20+ apps without any lag
Okay do I really need my USB to put the .js file in my /sdcard/js folder?

I can't seem to save it on Opera Mini.
>this is what dumb sheep believe
try it. Doesn't hurt to try
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>owning a smartphone that's not an iphone
Good site for getting _paid_ apps for free?
iPhones are shit pleb
google it for real, google it
I have over 2000 apps i downloaded off torrent and most are fucking useless
How's Windows 7 as a mobile OS? It actually doesn't look half bad, torn between a Galaxy S2/S3 or a HTC/Nokia Lumia W7 phone.
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testing 4chan x
I did, but I don't want a virus
Really want to get the galaxy 3
this, I barely use apps that much. Only browser, music and some photo editing and a few free games.
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>entering a comment with your android phone's touchpad interface that has anything but a few words

I tried and I raged hard.Shit sucks.
Need a bluetooth keyboard then or something
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Buying anything from Apple

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