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>You will never watch France 98 for the first time again
>You will never witness /sp/ during an Iran vs. USA world cup game
>There will never be a better mascot
>France will never be good again

Dat theme song:

Top 10 goals:

GOAT World cup ad:

Dennis Bergkamp:

>There will never be a World Cup like France 98 ever again.
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>I will never be 10 again
I was in France during the World Cup. It was glorious.
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dat feel when being 6 and playing this on the game boy
i hated it
i was a brazil bandwagoner back then
1. France 98
2. Germany 2006
3. USA 94
4. Japan/Korea 2002

9001. Italia 90
000000000000000000000000000000001. Niggers 2010
>Dennis Berkamp

That ball to him. The touch. The finish. Perfection.
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I'm going to stream some classic World Cup 98 games later, if anyone is interested
The GOAT football game
>You will never play indoor
>You will never flatten the keeper in anger again
yes please

yes that would be sweet
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Please do
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>Croatia will never have a chance to challenge for a title again
Good god I wasted so many hours of my life on that god tier indoor pitch
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So that was you?
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Dat Suker
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>you will never watch world cup held in USA again
>you will never watch glorious bulgarian team beating Germany and became 4-th in the world
>you will never see Maradona on drugs again

you're welcome

I got my head checked, by a jumbo jet

>dat intro song
The theme song was annoying as FUCK and sounded like a technofied gypsy funeral march. Total fucking crap.
Fullscreen HD

My jimmies are rustled when people write HD and its not
Yet another world cup where England were cheated
>England failing yet again in penalties
whuteva, old bean,

Score legitimate goals, they don't count because the powers that be can't handle English superiority

dat blanco bounce
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nostalgia general
god damn, i remember thought france was a bunch of douchbags - also in the brazil-bandwagon - but looking at that highlight movie i don't think they were.
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Do all the work and link the torrents, dearest anon. This shit is nostalgia inducing more than anything

>tfw my mom stored my Panini WC '94/'98 sticker albums and now can't find them
The best World Cup ever. Football hasn't been the same since.
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registering is free, use google translate
>tfw too young to remember Italia 90

>implying italia 90 wasn't the South Africa 2010 of the previous generation
>you will never be eight again
>you will never be happy again

>not either Mexico World Cup
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Italia 90 was a glorious world cup, i don't understand why you rate it worse than J-K 2002...
because no one here actually saw it, and if you did you shouldn't be here.
Good point. Extremely good point
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aww sheeeeet
France 98 was glorious, and I am a rugbyman
2007 was good also though.
you mean 2006
is it me or there were better players back then ?
My dad introduced me to the panini sticker albums in the 2010. Told me stories how he'd collect them when he was young.
that feel when i was the only person i knew collecting stickers
No, in 2007 the Rugby world cup was in France
>spend a lot of money to go to Milennium stadium to see the all blacks chocke against France
>hmmm i think i wanna see the semis as well
>attend game
>only started sticker books from 2010
>didn't have them in the 90s
How old are you?
They were players, not fashion-drama-queens with tons of commercial-contracts and all that crap.
>del piero

who the fuck even plays in the attack for Italy now ?

Not just you. There were so many stars back then and they weren't just confined to the top 6 clubs in Europe like nowadays. And they were good for both club and country, which alot of todays players aren't.
yes i know sounds bad, better late than never
oldest wc i remember is 98, so that old

Cassano, Balotelli
When you look at the national teams today only Spain look better off post 2006. Maybe Germany aswell.
>not remembering the glorious Italian choke in '94

>dat Biaggio
>dat penalty

What about France?

Yeah, because the likes of Cabaye, Debuchy and Benzema are better than the likes of Zidane, Thuram and Henry..


dat team
Oldfag pastafag here, here's how I rate the WCs:

2006 > 1990 > 1994 > 1998 > 2010 > 2002
>2010 better than 2002

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>enjoying waking up at 7:30am to watch Costa Rica vs China
poor you.
Where's this brer with the classic 98 WC matches? I wanna see England/Argentina and Netherlands/Argentina again

Better than putting up with vuvuzelas and boring matches.
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Assuming that you're Italian:

1. Euro 08
2. Euro 96
3. World Cup 98
4. Euro 04
5. World Cup 06
6. Euro 00
7. World Cup 02

9001. World Cup 10

You damn right I'm still mad.

Still, at least the referee from that match is in prison now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byron_Moreno#Criminal_records
>Dat Owen goal against Argentina.
>Dat godly pace
>Dat finish

The little fucker was so good.
That Top 10 goals video just reminded me of the wasted talent of Michael Owen. He could have gone down as one of the best ;_;
>tfw todays generation is shit in comparison
>tfw you don't look as foward to the Euros or WC like you used to because all the 'stars' are either cunts or chokers
i thought someone wanted to stream old WC games?

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