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The greatest international competition in sports entertainment is on tonight.

Anyone watching? as a euro missing this is punishable by death, but im wondering if any Americans have ever seen it. if not tune in because its glorious.

>Based Jedward

Eurovision 2012 betting odds:

5/4 Sweden, 5/1 Russia, 10/1 Serbia, 10/1 Italy, 14/1 Romania, 14/1 Ireland, 14/1 United Kingdom, 16/1 Denmark, 25/1 Ukraine, 25/1 Cyprus, 25/1 Norway, 28/1 Germany, 28/1 Spain, 33/1 Turkey, 33/1 Greece, 40/1 Azerbaijan, 40/1 Iceland, 50/1 Moldova, 50/1 Estonia, 80/1 Albania, 100/1 Bosnia & Herzegovina, 100/1 France, 100/1 Hungary, 100/1 Malta, 150/1 Macedonia, 150/1 Lithuania
Wow why is sweden so popular?
Each year there seems to be an arbitrary song that is favourite to win for no fucking reason.
We already have a thread

polite sage
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Fuck yes weird eastern europe musik
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Link to the sweden song anyone?

"we already have a thread"

Doesn't even link to the thread. Nigger you fucking retarded.
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can't wait.
moldova last year was the konami 2010 of eurovision. can't be topped.
because they're already broadcast across europe

two years ago when Lena won her song was already playing everywhere before the contest
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>Mfw some metrosexual scandanavian bitch nigga wins again
What I meant to say was the favourite song is nothing special
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>Watching this fucking shit
of course not

eurovision is a popularity contest so if you get your song popular even before the contest, you're favourite to win
Eastern country 1:Derp lets vote each other and ruin the contest
Eastern country 2: What a greap idea, herp

And that is the tale of how easterners ruined everything, again.
>being a pleb
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get this camp piece of shit off /sp/ fgs
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>not going to Eurovision parties filled with faggots & fitties where everybody has to bring alcohol from a performing country
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You implying that based Lordi was metrosexual?
can't decide whether to watch this or the England match

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Sweden have no chance.

It'll be Russia or one of her former nipple countries like Estonia
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As an American I'll admit it.

You yuropers have cornered the market on faggotry. Congrats. We tried as hard as we could, but in the end, your lust for man-ass was simply more pure.
Why organise friendlies between European teams on the same night as Eurovision. It's blasphemy.

The whole point of Eurovision is that there's meant to be fuck all else to watch.

>Humperdink sings best song
>some shitty Moldovian wins with a song about a cow

This is the night of year all the continentals let their butthurt about England spew out

For every English stag night in Prague or vandalised Hungarian monument we lose a thousand votes.
Portugal was robbed.

Fucking popvision contest.

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