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  • File : 1328509099.gif-(374 KB, 883x994, 1312506266269.gif)
    374 KB Real Owl Champs Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:18 No.18592503  
    #7 incoming
    >> JoeHawksⓌⓄⒷ ⓌⓄⒷ ⓉⒾⓁ ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ !!6SD0R629UW7 02/06/12(Mon)01:20 No.18592558

    Also to all steelers fans on /sp/:

    7 years is long enough for me to hold resentment. I forgive you. Hope to see you in a rematch next year.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:21 No.18592613
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:21 No.18592627
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:22 No.18592631
    >super bowl
    >> JoeHawksⓌⓄⒷ ⓌⓄⒷ ⓉⒾⓁ ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ !!6SD0R629UW7 02/06/12(Mon)01:23 No.18592674
    Our secondary is soon to bypass yours.

    Especially once Pola gets old and rickety.

    Be ready.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:23 No.18592691

    I don't forgive Bill Leavy and his crew. And Leavy is just completely retarded, he can't even call a simple fumble play in slow motion correctly.
    >> SteelersFag ~Go Thunder~ !.RAPE.curg 02/06/12(Mon)01:28 No.18592816
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    >Implying we feel sorry about winning and need your "forgiving"

    Go back to playing soccer Seattle, leave football to the real franchises.
    >> JoeHawksⓌⓄⒷ ⓌⓄⒷ ⓉⒾⓁ ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ !!6SD0R629UW7 02/06/12(Mon)01:30 No.18592871
    >implying i care what a no-name bandwagoning trip says
    Stick around for a few years and maybe i'll listen.
    >> Golgotha the Broncosfag !!EkuReinKFaG 02/06/12(Mon)01:31 No.18592898
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    >Real franchises
    >Get beat by Teboq
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:32 No.18592910
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    We should probably shoot for 10-6 again, since apparently playing in the first round is the way to do it now.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:32 No.18592927
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    feels GOAT man
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:33 No.18592955

    >real franchises
    >needing refball to win

    pick one
    >> SteelersFag ~Go Thunder~ !.RAPE.curg 02/06/12(Mon)01:35 No.18592987
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    Yea I chose to bandwagon the Steelers after this years fantastic finish.


    >I've been on 4chins longer XD

    Is all you got then whatever buddy, just know that we took your only chance of a Super Bowl away from you, good luck with Tavaris Jackson and co.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:36 No.18593019
    Go back to playing with your dick faggot, leave tripcodes to the real tripfags.
    >> JoeHawksⓌⓄⒷ ⓌⓄⒷ ⓉⒾⓁ ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ !!6SD0R629UW7 02/06/12(Mon)01:37 No.18593039
    dat newtrip butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:38 No.18593082
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:39 No.18593107
    dat bandwagon
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:39 No.18593110
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    #7 incoming indeed
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:39 No.18593116
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    Seahawks bro, we're sorry about the ben TD thing, but you gotta admit it was very close to the plane, easy enough to mess up the first time and on replays they need 100% undeniable evidence to overturn it, ref fucked up but hey, super bowl teams should overcome bad calls
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:41 No.18593147
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    Shut the fuck up, you make us real steelers fans look bad. go away
    >> Myron Cope sodomized your mom !!0HRqUqrKRZo 02/06/12(Mon)01:41 No.18593155
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:42 No.18593180

    Every time the Seahawks got something going it was pulled back by a bullshit call.
    >> Thread Killer !!IwczRS9AwFN 02/06/12(Mon)01:42 No.18593189
    >taking steelersfag seriously
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:43 No.18593193
    But the steelers won 7 super bowls
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:43 No.18593211
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    If dubs, Eagles win the next Superb Owl.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:44 No.18593223
    Not really, the only real controversial call was the TD. I heard about the O pass interference call being bogus but after seeing it, it seems legit.

    Refs didnt let willie run for 75 yards or hines catch a TD, if the final score was 21-17 i'd legitimately overlook that win and feel bad for it, but it was by a decent margin.
    >> JoeHawksⓌⓄⒷ ⓌⓄⒷ ⓉⒾⓁ ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ !!6SD0R629UW7 02/06/12(Mon)01:44 No.18593235
    it's alright man. Like i said, i'm over it. I got a bro who's a steelers fan, anymore i just get competitive with him, i'm over getting unnecessarily mad at him and the steelers in general.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:45 No.18593242
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:45 No.18593265
    Yeah, like that bullshit penalty they called on the touchdown just because the receiver had shoved the shit out of the guy covering him.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:45 No.18593269
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:46 No.18593284
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    O SHI-
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:46 No.18593294
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    pick one

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