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  • File : 1324265839.jpg-(14 KB, 250x292, Kim-Jong-R_jpg_250x1000_q85.jpg)
    14 KB The Official Kim Jong-Un is New Emperor Thread Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:37 No.17204467  
    >Kim Jong-un, the son of Kim Jong-Il has been already been decided to become the heir apparent to his father's throne and become the new leader of North Korea




    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:38 No.17204510
         File1324265898.jpg-(21 KB, 460x276, Kim-Jong-un-006.jpg)
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    This pleases Kim Jong-Un.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:38 No.17204535
    He's not going to have the Russian backing his dad had. Nothing to worry about.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:38 No.17204536
    >Worst Korea
    Nothing of value was lost
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:39 No.17204559
         File1324265956.jpg-(953 KB, 1386x944, 12475679302303269.jpg)
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    War with South Korea? Send in the special forces
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:39 No.17204562
    Welp, cya South Korea.

    USA just got out of Iraq. We like you guys, but we want to celebrate Christmas without saving your asses. Hope you enjoy your Starcraft.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:39 No.17204567
    Wants =/= Can

    Like, I want you to die but it can't happen just by wanting. Not sports faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:39 No.17204577
         File1324265977.jpg-(10 KB, 247x248, 1310520635419.jpg)
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    Hahahaha look at his face. What a fat slob.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:40 No.17204592
    Why doesn't the US, Japan, and South Korea just bomb the shit out of N. Korea right now?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:40 No.17204601
    what's sad is he probably pulls more pussy than everyone here.;
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:40 No.17204607
    >Kim Jong-Un
    >Half as based as Kim Jong-Il

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:40 No.17204619
    US here. Were broke.

    Your on your own.

    If China joins North Korea in invading you, we'll think about.
    >> Pirate Captain !EYRgmGD79E 12/18/11(Sun)22:40 No.17204620
    He looks just like his dad.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:40 No.17204622
    Hopefully his generals will have the courage to tell him how bad of an idea going to war with South Korea is.
    >> Nightmare on Helm Street !ZvlAhr/ic6 12/18/11(Sun)22:40 No.17204638
    >Start a war.
    >American, England, Canada and Germany get five miles up your ass.
    Wow, it's fucking nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:41 No.17204642

    He's a spoiled rotten fat kid that wants to preserve the status quo but must troll a little bit here and there to satiate the militaristic culture they've built in his country. He's basically exactly like Kim Jong Il
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:41 No.17204644
    >Implying we haven't had a military force in Korea for 50+ years
    >Implying most of the troops who were pulled out of Iraq won't be redeployed elsewhere
    >Implying we won't bulk up our military presence in SK after this happened
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:41 No.17204650
    If war happens, it's SK's problem, not ours.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:41 No.17204652

    We'll consider helping China invade if they call our debt good.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:41 No.17204657
    After playing Fallout, Kim Jong-Un has considered otherwise and will now just follow in his dad's footsteps of fucking bitches and drinking expensive cognac.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:41 No.17204665
    >The first decry of Kim Jong-Eun is that there shall be a McDonalds on every street corner.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:42 No.17204685
    >dat hair part
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:42 No.17204695
    Every single one of those chink bitches looks delicious
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:42 No.17204697
         File1324266148.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1311866425588.jpg)
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    >dat double chin
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:42 No.17204720

    US is in no shape for another war, even if we have legal obligations.

    SC2 is a shitty game anyhoo.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:43 No.17204730
    i bet this guy has sex slaves
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:43 No.17204737
    >If war happens, it's SK's problem, not ours.

    Yeah, unfortunately that's not the way Team America thinks.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:43 No.17204767
         File1324266225.jpg-(8 KB, 171x167, 1275424673582.jpg)
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    >mfw a North Korean was fat near me
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:43 No.17204768
         File1324266227.jpg-(5 KB, 262x192, 1323825179709.jpg)
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    Considering China has said they won't help N. Korea if they start a war...
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:44 No.17204786
    >implying the women aren't held down against their will by armed guards while his disgusting portly body disjointedly thrusts on top of her.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:44 No.17204787
    R.I.P Based Il

    You always said you were gonna bomb shit and nuke everyone, but we all know you just wanted to be friends with everyone but too shy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:44 No.17204813
    We've had enough war. No more of it. Besides, NK's military are half-starved midgets with rusted equipment.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:45 No.17204821
    inb4 in celebration of his father death pushes the button and we have a third world war, so he can join is father in commie heaven.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:45 No.17204826
    >entire country starving and poor
    >leader fat as shit
    >> Frigid Northlander !!MUgE+GiXSgQ 12/18/11(Sun)22:45 No.17204836
         File1324266337.jpg-(24 KB, 500x375, reactiondogcoke.jpg)
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    Yeah, Nobody was as insane as Ki Jong-il. And even then, in all things military, North Korea really had no allies who were willing to back up their silly skirmishes or wetdreams. If North Korea were to ever launch a major offensive, it would end more quickly than the Gulf War. And even then, North Korea is likely to be held largely under military dictatorship for some time, now.

    I know we want to blow this up into the most exciting news story since the tsunami, but the old fuck just died and North Korea will likely continue it's existence of squalor and fail to access the real world for another 50 years.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:46 No.17204854
    >We've had enough war.

    No. We haven't.
    Humanity is getting more bellicose, not less.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:46 No.17204860
    If American Media make fun of Jong II, and NOT make a "In Memorium", I'm going to go on a shooting rampage.

    I rather see US Congress dead than see II pass away. ............
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:46 No.17204861
    >>implying the women aren't held down against their will by armed guards while his disgusting portly body disjointedly thrusts on top of her.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:47 No.17204886
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:47 No.17204899
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    >looking like their parents
    >especially asian ones
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:47 No.17204910
    >>We've had enough war.

    War is the natural state of humanity. Peace is an aberration.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:47 No.17204919
    His son got swag.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:48 No.17204936
         File1324266489.gif-(1.57 MB, 285x205, 1321507749091.gif)
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    >china won't even back you
    >dear leader dies on a train
    >new leader fat as shit
    >most delusional citizens in the world

    >bust korea
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:48 No.17204945

    >implying China hasn't been arming North Korea with modern weaponry
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:48 No.17204950

    but seriously

    /sp/- sensationalist propaganda
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:49 No.17204969
    Does he inherit the pleasure brigade? Or does one of the other siblings get that since the fat one gets the throne.
    >> CLINT 12/18/11(Sun)22:49 No.17204981
    The International Bankers really sold you a good one, eh?
    >> Frigid Northlander !!MUgE+GiXSgQ 12/18/11(Sun)22:49 No.17204989

    >Humanity is getting more bellicose, not less.

    This is also false, historically speaking. Brief flares in violence mean nothing when they're carried out in the name of civilian rule and justice. Especially when we examine the past and observe how assbackwards insane everything was.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:50 No.17204998
         File1324266615.jpg-(891 KB, 2500x1515, 1287383120929.jpg)
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    he looks like a bitch

    Il is GOAT
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:50 No.17205002
    They don't even have enough money to buy fuel to run sorties.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:50 No.17205020
    If he nukes South Korea, does that mean the SC2 can finally stop? Video Game Leagues are fucking cancer of /sp/ and /v/.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:51 No.17205036
         File1324266676.jpg-(31 KB, 280x268, 1323498798808.jpg)
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    if ww3 happens we will get the economic boost needed to get out of this recession/depression/stagnation/whateverthefuckyoucallthis-ion

    i know i will enlist to the war
    will you /sp/?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:51 No.17205040
         File1324266682.gif-(1.27 MB, 320x320, 1319867310933.gif)
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    >my face when i was going to a shit board /pol/ to have this discussion. Then i found out the ref has no more control.

    Thank you moot.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:51 No.17205045
    Yeah, in olden times there was no way to resolve differences between two nations except on the battlefield. Europe was at war every 20 years back then, but since 1945 all has been peaceful except the Balkans.
    >> BasedWHY !mm6G/ulSF. 12/18/11(Sun)22:52 No.17205060
    no, but have fun
    >> CLINT 12/18/11(Sun)22:52 No.17205064
    >that one dude in the white on the top row
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:52 No.17205065
    >claim to be a man of the people
    >live in palace and stuff your fat face while everyone around you starves to death and is brainwashed to worship you

    I'm jelly
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:52 No.17205076
         File1324266753.jpg-(89 KB, 550x339, 1315711574214.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:53 No.17205102
    >implying you wont be drafted
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:53 No.17205122
         File1324266835.jpg-(52 KB, 600x450, this is me giving a fuck.jpg)
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    God damn look at that dudes face. That's the face of a fucking champion.

    South Korea is going to get bombed in the next week, calling it. They stirred shit up back when they bombed them a few months back, Lil Kim is looking for revenge.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:53 No.17205127
    >Wikileaks cables reveal China 'ready to abandon North Korea'

    China has been pretty much propping up N.Korea from collapsing completely. I highly doubt they want to do that indefinitely. Especially when those are resources that could be better spent elsewhere. Plus the US has been arming S.Korea for the past 50 years.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:54 No.17205129

    >implying young adults won't flee to Canada or Mexico.
    >> Gary Ridgway !PxeEVR6cuE 12/18/11(Sun)22:54 No.17205134
         File1324266852.jpg-(24 KB, 260x262, 1241542513341.jpg)
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    >that feel when the world will be safe once North Korea and Iran are gone and this is one step closer to the end of North Korea
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:54 No.17205135
    Kim Jong Il was goin2 war wit his bf hu jintao n they were crossin da border to souf korea.

    king jonh sed "hu will u luv me 4evr"

    hu said "NO..""

    kim jong cryed N ran across da border to souf korea but was killed in no mans land

    hu was cryin and went to pic up kim's body.

    kim was ded.

    hu whispered 2 his corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv kim moar den 4evr) dis if u cry evry time...~*xxx
    >> Synonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:54 No.17205136
    So...let's just say hypothetically his son wanted to change everything and start to make Best Korea a democratic nation. Would everyone revolt and take him out of power/kill him, or do you think they would cooperate?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:54 No.17205140
    Kim Jong Un is GOAT
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:54 No.17205150

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:55 No.17205159
    >enlist with no draft
    >enlist if there is a draft

    better i have the choice of the branch of service i go into rather than becoming a sandbag for the man behind me on a North Korean hill
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:55 No.17205160

    You're new to this whole "history" thing, aren't you Clint?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:55 No.17205170
    >implying our militarized, republican border states wont hunt you down like spics
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:55 No.17205175

    Hoping you realize not only does south Korea (best Korea) spend about double to triple the amount shit Korea (N Korea) spends on defense/military, south Korea spends such a great amount on defense it is actually more than N koreas GDP in its entirety, plus most of N Korea's tech is from 19 froze to death. In summation, best of luck North cause as soon as they get the itch they will be turned into a giant fucking parking lot
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:55 No.17205176

    There's no way another draft bill will ever pass again, especially with advanced militaries moving away from using people altogether except for in operational capacities.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:56 No.17205194
    My dad knew this guy who volunteered in Vietnam so he wouldn't get sent to the front lines. He worked repairing radio equipment instead.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:56 No.17205197
    >implying today's highly specialized and technology-dependent military has any need for amateur soldiers

    The days of conscription are over.
    >> Gary Ridgway !PxeEVR6cuE 12/18/11(Sun)22:56 No.17205204
    IF he wanted to do that I think you would see him die mysteriously before it was realized. He might be a living god but he doesnt run the country on his own. In fact I would guess he would have little to do other than say "yes" or "no" to policies created by everyone else.

    But if he wanted to do it im not sure the people would follow. Probably be a civil war
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:57 No.17205222
    Even the Chinese are moving away from that sort of thing towards a high tech 21st century military. You can't even enlist in the US army now without a GED. It's not like the olden times of taking the boy off the farm and handing him a rifle.
    >> BasedWHY !mm6G/ulSF. 12/18/11(Sun)22:57 No.17205224
    >implying i will

    >fleeing to Mexico
    i have a better chance of making it through the war, BUT i do miss my family there
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:58 No.17205231
    congress will pass whatever the fuck the industrialized military complex will ask/pay them to pass
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:58 No.17205234
    North Korea wouldn't stand a chance in a war. The problem is that they do have the capacity to wreak enormous destruction before succumbing to defeat. Apart from the nukes, they've huge fortifications and dug-in artillery that can reach Seoul. The damage would be enormous.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:58 No.17205237
         File1324267099.jpg-(29 KB, 463x462, my body is ready.jpg)
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    Korean War 2: Electric Boogaloo

    >mfw my grandfather fought the Koreans and now I'll get to do the same
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:58 No.17205239
         File1324267100.jpg-(120 KB, 640x427, 1320381914158.jpg)
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    The reason why we just withdrew a shitload of our troops from the middle east was because Obama knew Kim Jong Il was about to die and he needs some sort of army just in case we have to go over to NK or NK comes over here.

    WW3 is going to happen next year, you fucking watch.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:58 No.17205247
    i wont be drafted for 2 reasons

    1. in college
    2. probably not even strong enopuh to lift the gun
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:58 No.17205257
    chud upp
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:58 No.17205260
         File1324267139.jpg-(18 KB, 253x256, 1306804251766.jpg)
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    >implying the US and Israel won't find an excuse to attack another country after NK and Iran are gone.

    America's arms and munitions industry doesn't make money off of world peace, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)22:59 No.17205263
         File1324267142.jpg-(35 KB, 300x226, 1304351142162.jpg)
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    >go on twitter
    >see the kim death tweet from @breaking news
    >immediately visit /sp/

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