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    Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
    Love, mootykins

    File : 1322298146.jpg-(22 KB, 500x333, goodbye.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:02 No.16580729  
    Shouldn't we feel a little bit sad for the /sp/ mod?

    He took all that time for the past few months, trying to make /sp/ on-topic and delete all the Yurop/Amerifat trolling and off-topic threads. He even stayed home during Thanksgiving to delete threads and talk to /sp/, giving answers to all the hard questions.

    Yes, he was a little power hungry and might have banned 20 to 30 people who made fun of him, but can we really blame him for getting so angry? Now he has no power and all the work he done is gone.

    Now /sp/ is going to be 50% sports, 40% off-topic and 10% power ranking threads that are going to be 7% off-topic.

    So, should we at least say thank you to the mod? Say that we appreciated what he tried to do, but didn't like how he went about it.

    So, I will be the first to say it:

    Thank you, /sp/ mod. Thank you. Now goodbye.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:04 No.16580759
    Wasn't he a yuro?

    I don't think he celebrates thanksgiving.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:04 No.16580761
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    God wills it, friend.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:04 No.16580774
    sup mod

    ass still sore?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:05 No.16580776
    >/sp/ mod

    Haha no. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:05 No.16580782
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    >implying /sp/ will go unmoderated
    >implying he won't be replaced by a new mod with less of a boner for weeaboo faggotry
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:06 No.16580794
    >He even stayed home during Thanksgiving

    >Implying he had anywhere to go in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:06 No.16580797

    Are you defending a guy that would delete off topic threads in no time but let cp stay on the front board?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:07 No.16580802
    /sp/ would suck if it was always on topic, there is hundreds of sports, and only 4 of them are good
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:08 No.16580812
    If staying home and moderating /sp/ is more important than going out and having thanksgiving with your family then you have bigger problems.

    I spent the day with my family and still got on /sp/ throughout the day for the football threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:08 No.16580817
    So now /sp/ is still going to be mostly sports? And this isn't amazing?

    >> TikiBar_Beer !xVW6uaH5aM 11/26/11(Sat)04:08 No.16580820
    Guess what OP

    True /sp/artans don't go to other boards so we don't mind a little fun with off-topic chats

    Really if you think they are a problem you clearly don't come to this board often and should probably go to reddit sports or something
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:09 No.16580833
    If you haven't laughed at some of the off-topic stuff, you don't belong here anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:11 No.16580839
    You know, they say the ghost of the old mod still haunts this place..

    Once in a long while you can still hear the sound of chaffed fat rolls scratch, scratch, scratching against each other.

    And you can hear the moans of all his victims.

    "NoOoOoO, I DiDn'T EvEn oD AnYtHiNg WrOnG YoU FaGgOt!"
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:13 No.16580866
    He definitely had a completely fair argument; when there is not a single sports related thread on the first page of the sports board, you have a bit of an issue.
    And nationality trolling is probably the lowest form of trolling, perhaps even worse than racism.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:15 No.16580885
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    ahaha thank fuck moot came to fix that faggot's shitmess
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:18 No.16580910
    /sp/ for the last few day was the best in a long time. All this offtopic bullshit makes the board unreadable. Thanks mod, fuck you moot.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:20 No.16580932
    >I like talking to two guys when sports finally come on
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 11/26/11(Sat)04:21 No.16580942
    being on topic is nice but when you fuck with the /sp/ culture the /sp/ community wont tolerate that shit
    plus hes a euro mod
    theres no sports on euro time so why be ontopic when no sports are on
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:22 No.16580955
    >I like being one of the only few posters on this board

    Go to /r/sports or something if you want strictly sports talk you fag you aren't a /sp/artan
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:23 No.16580965
    If the board is 100% on topic people still wont reply to your threads
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:23 No.16580966
    The faggot mod was banning people for no reason. He banned me for making one post in a off topic thread. My post had no racism etc.

    Its impossible to talk about sports 24/7 and lot people like /sp/ for the trolls theards as well.

    FUCK the mod
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:24 No.16580969
    Look where you're at.


    If you want straight sports talk then join a fucking forum.

    Sports don't go on every hour of the day. If it's not a couple of popular teams not many are going to talk about it on here.

    You think memes would be coming out of /sp/ if there was no fun allowed. No power rankings, >2011, costanza, ISHYGDDT.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:25 No.16580982
    When you watch sports with the bros or fam, do you just talk about the game the whole time?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:31 No.16581050
    I can understand limiting some off topic things, but instabanning power rankings and costanza posts/threads and all is killing the essence of /sp/. Finding a gameday thread is NEVER a problem unless it's an FCS team, and what else do we talk about when no games are on?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)06:00 No.16582266
    Fuck the old mod. I got banned for 30 days (dorm room) for saying black people (not niggers, spooks, or apes.. Black people) weren't dominant hockey or baseball players.
    >> Tensnake !EkanxYL11A 11/26/11(Sat)06:03 No.16582296
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    >the ref ##mod

    Corny ass faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)06:03 No.16582298
    i liked /sp/ mod he liked mexican wrestling albeit he liked CMLL instead of BASED AAA. Though he did go too far in banning off topic threads that are staples of /sp/.

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