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    File : 1314450431.jpg-(55 KB, 600x338, map_specnews15_ltst_4namus_enus_600x338.jpg)
    55 KB Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:07 No.14622721  
    good luck today bros, I hope everyone stays safe

    NJ reporting in, ready to rock
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:08 No.14622741
    >category 1
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:09 No.14622756
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:09 No.14622757
    east coast attention fags scared of a shitty hurricane
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:10 No.14622764
    >85 mile winds

    our city has those with cold fronts
    and occasionally we get a cold front AND a cyclone
    fucking nothing whatsoever
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/27/11(Sat)09:11 No.14622784
    >Living anywhere besides the midbest
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:11 No.14622785
         File1314450682.gif-(377 KB, 480x360, 4channelweatherforecast.gif)
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    >least coast
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:11 No.14622786
    Where's that earthquake devastation pic?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:12 No.14622809
         File1314450767.png-(69 KB, 1300x810, 1294174860351.png)
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    >Living on any coast

    enjoy all your hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and flooding
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:13 No.14622815
    I hope all the guidos die.

    Not you OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:13 No.14622820
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:15 No.14622835
         File1314450911.jpg-(26 KB, 450x302, central coast aerial-large.jpg)
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    >Not living on the central coast of Australia
    >> Autist !!kZEFQaMUdBz 08/27/11(Sat)09:16 No.14622849
    >not the place to settle after failing in life

    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:17 No.14622859
    >implying the central coast doesnt have annual cyclones
    >implying it isnt just an extension of the pacific ocean at the moment
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/27/11(Sat)09:17 No.14622868
    >Implying Indianapolis represents the entirety of the Midwest
    >> Abdel KILLER's Stick !!LWX/OUl1MMg 08/27/11(Sat)09:17 No.14622870
         File1314451065.jpg-(13 KB, 240x201, AbbyUMad.jpg)
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    67 degrees out right now, high of 81, sunny as fuck, no rain for the next 6 days.

    Sure is mid-best
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:19 No.14622887
         File1314451160.jpg-(90 KB, 359x446, faggot.jpg)
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    enjoy your urban decay and population decline
    >> Cam Newton's Swag !LN0a/TwMKY 08/27/11(Sat)09:19 No.14622888
    >miss out on earthquake
    >miss out on hurricane
    it didn't even fucking rain here
    >> Natsbro !pudDdgfzHY 08/27/11(Sat)09:20 No.14622903
    Good luck man, hope it isn't as bad as it's supposed to be
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/27/11(Sat)09:21 No.14622914
    >Anywhere else
    Enjoy your pretentious and minority-filled populous
    >> The Red Badger !9CUY39dDYo 08/27/11(Sat)09:22 No.14622925
    >being racist

    Stay classy, midwest.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:23 No.14622936

    Eurofag here, i havent really been paying attention, assumed this was Florida or somewhere, but fuck, a hurricane in New York??? Is this common? Wont there be a fuckton of damage?

    I would assume areas further south are more used to hurricanes and are better prepared and hence suffer less damage.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:24 No.14622939

    Pick One
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/27/11(Sat)09:24 No.14622946
    >Not practicing eugenics
    Stay subhuman, other places
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:24 No.14622947
    >calling everyone who isn't a minority or says something bad about them racist,
    Stay classy liberal east coast
    >> FreewayRicky !9JWh/ldM1o 08/27/11(Sat)09:25 No.14622953
    Hah where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:25 No.14622956
    It's category one.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:25 No.14622957
         File1314451537.png-(42 KB, 973x612, 1314428192.png)
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    >Lawful Good
    >> Cam Newton's Swag !LN0a/TwMKY 08/27/11(Sat)09:26 No.14622962
    so you're breeding shitty people, with other shitty people, to create even shittier people?
    >> The Red Badger !9CUY39dDYo 08/27/11(Sat)09:26 No.14622965
    >say having minorities is a bad thing because they're minorities
    >not racist
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:26 No.14622967
    West coast desert dweller here 6:20am 90 degrees, high of a 109 20%Humidity!!!
    >> COM !D5ptCsz9VA 08/27/11(Sat)09:26 No.14622970
    Amerifats cannot into good weather.

    >mfw when i'm back from Leeds fest for a shower and am able to criticise someone else on their weather
    >> Natsbro !pudDdgfzHY 08/27/11(Sat)09:27 No.14622971
    Apparently they're supposed to get around 9-12 feet of rain there, I think that's a stretch but that's whAt the weather channel has said. But no, new york isn't prepared for things like this.
    >> Cam Newton's Swag !LN0a/TwMKY 08/27/11(Sat)09:27 No.14622973
    about 20 minutes north of Charlotte
    I figured we'd get at least some rain
    >> Abdel KILLER's Stick !!LWX/OUl1MMg 08/27/11(Sat)09:27 No.14622975
    Well if the government set this hurricane up to cover up shit the CIA and FBI did, and to start a new war, yeah all the fucking buildings will fall down.
    But no its not common and its not really a strong hurricane, its actually kind of a joke, its really just a bad thunder storm.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:27 No.14622979

    Pick two
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:27 No.14622980
    >Not living in the extreme zone
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:27 No.14622983
    not common i think

    hopefully it will be as bad as "The Day after Tomorrow"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:28 No.14622990
    New York isn't prepared for rain?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:28 No.14622991

    oh. ok then. thought it was a big deal, its actually sort of a meme, fair enough
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:29 No.14623013

    >9-12 feet

    >> FreewayRicky !9JWh/ldM1o 08/27/11(Sat)09:31 No.14623033
    They have had a lot of rain over the past weeks
    and flooding isn't good for the subways and fast winds fuck up the glass on skyscrapers
    >> Natsbro !pudDdgfzHY 08/27/11(Sat)09:32 No.14623044
    Yeah I said the same thing, the storm surges are supposed to do that in low lying areas of NYC apparently, idk if it's true but who knows
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:32 No.14623047
    Just think New York if it's real bad at least you can make a movie out of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:32 No.14623048
    >9-12 feet

    you better get those kayaks out
    >> Natsbro !pudDdgfzHY 08/27/11(Sat)09:33 No.14623054
    It's not rain, it's storm surges from re ocean that theyre scared of
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:33 No.14623060

    fuck kayaks, dude's gonna need an ark
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:38 No.14623113
         File1314452315.jpg-(73 KB, 360x267, 1312868667956.jpg)
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    >mfw I live in New Jersey and everyone's freakin out for no fucking reason
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:40 No.14623139
    Is New York below sea level?

    I'm sorry I just live in a hurricane zone and I honestly am not getting the hype. The worst part is the lost of water and power during and after the storm. Unless a Katrina is coming for you why the fuck are we carrying on
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:42 No.14623161

    but omg obama cut his vacation a day short because of it. DO YOU NOT SEE THE IMPORANCE OMG OMG
    >> Natsbro !pudDdgfzHY 08/27/11(Sat)09:43 No.14623184
    Beats me, all I know is everyone is taking huge precautions to avoid deaths, which is fine
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:45 No.14623192
    Barely above.

    Manhattan Island's and Island brosef.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:46 No.14623214

    He did that because the american media sensationalized the fuck out of this. Of course you need people to take shit seriously but nowadays if you cough two times CNN is there to declare "EBOLA WATCH 2011" If he didn't cancel his vacation they'd have crucified him
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:48 No.14623224
    >If he didn't cancel his vacation they'd have crucified him
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:49 No.14623234

    So? The entire Caribbean are islands. This thing blew through the Bahamas and their world didn't end. And that's the 3rd world compared to the greatest country in the world.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:50 No.14623241
    >>14623224 what?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:51 No.14623253
    >Sensationalised weak and insignificant system is not a sport
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:51 No.14623260

    >implying Obama didn't add to the sensationalism by stating this Hurricane would be "historic".
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:51 No.14623261
    >Caring what CNN says
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:52 No.14623266
    757 here
    Still got power.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:53 No.14623285

    obama: hey look a sweet ass hurricane so people stop talking about my inability to do anything productive!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:54 No.14623291

    But I don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:54 No.14623293
         File1314453247.jpg-(70 KB, 248x252, wow it's fucking nothing..jpg)
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    >85mph winds and only getting slower
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:54 No.14623295
    >tfw there was a possibility a 757 possibly in-flight would lose power
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:55 No.14623306
    New York City ordered more than 300,000 people who live in flood-prone areas to leave, including Battery Park City at the southern tip of Manhattan, Coney Island and the beachfront Rockaways. But it was not clear how many would do it, how they would get out or where they would go. Most New Yorkers don't have a car.

    >living on east coast
    >not owning a car

    pick one.

    and midwesters are poorfags lol
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:55 No.14623307
    so if fox, cnn, and msnbc are all bad, where does /sp/ get their news from?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:56 No.14623315
    The internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:56 No.14623319
    >>living on east coast
    >>not owning a car
    Nigga what?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:56 No.14623322
    herp derp

    what website
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:57 No.14623326
    Um if you like in a major city then a car isn't necesary
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:57 No.14623330
    Me personally? The BreakingNews Twitter account.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:57 No.14623334
    Al Jazeera.

    Dat Sikhist channel
    >> Nico Rosberg 08/27/11(Sat)09:58 No.14623341

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:58 No.14623343

    Multiple sites and then -- this is the hard part -- you use your fucking brain to sort out the bullshit.

    People who parrot one source sicken me
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.14623347

    you mean not cost efficient.

    thus, making you poor
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.14623355
    >not identifying yourself by area code
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.14623358
    >Being cost efficient means you're poor
    Nigga what
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:00 No.14623363
    >Being so ashamed of your state you'd refer to yourself by area code instead of by state
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:01 No.14623372

    So being efficient with money = poor?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:01 No.14623379

    >living in an area code with anything other than a 0 or 1 as the middle digit

    beta as fuck
    >> FreewayRicky !9JWh/ldM1o 08/27/11(Sat)10:01 No.14623380
    >Walk outside to check wind
    >Get smacked in the face with a 3 foot stick
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:02 No.14623388
         File1314453747.jpg-(210 KB, 703x463, 1293768608544.jpg)
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    Virginia Beach here. Winds and rain finally kicking up. Getting a little flooding at the back but it's draining.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:05 No.14623430
         File1314453925.jpg-(27 KB, 347x400, seriously.jpg)
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    you all know this storm is gonna be the anti-storm of the century, right?

    like, its already dying down, its just a massive freak-the-fuck-out-fest
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:06 No.14623444
    Media were desperate for the earthquake to be bad, and it wasn't.

    Media are desperate for this hurricane to be bad, and........

    You fill in the rest
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:07 No.14623468
    Welcome to the age of social media.

    Everything that ever happens from this point on will only be covered/panicked about more intensely.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:07 No.14623469

    Yep and when the real shit happens people will be chilling and thinking "they said this shit about Irene" and then all of a sudden it's Katrina again
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:08 No.14623482
    >you all know this storm is gonna be the anti-storm of the century, right?

    These kids clearly too young to remember Felix
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:10 No.14623503
    >175 mph
    >720 million in damages
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:12 No.14623531
    No you faggot. This one

    The whole east coast went full retard panic mode, it stalled out in the atlantic.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:13 No.14623535
    >21st Century
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:13 No.14623542

    dat severe beach erosion
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:14 No.14623543
    Nigga YOU just went full retard
    >> Al Bundy !zImXkYgCK6 08/27/11(Sat)10:14 No.14623559
         File1314454498.jpg-(37 KB, 426x421, george-bush-laughing.jpg)
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    >cat 2

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