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    File : 1314442533.jpg-(66 KB, 464x261, _54965228_sat_football.jpg)
    66 KB EPL Saturday Football // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)06:55 No.14621243  
    Aston Villa v Wolves 12:05
    Wigan v QPR 12:30
    Blackburn v Everton 15:00
    Chelsea v Norwich 15:00
    Swansea v Sunderland 15:00
    Liverpool v Bolton 17:30

    Predictions, discussion, lineups, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)06:59 No.14621276
    villa 1-1 wolves
    wigan 2-0 QPR
    blackburn 0-1 Everton
    chelsea 3-0 Norwich
    swansea 0-1 sunderland
    liverpool 2-1 bolton
    >> // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)07:00 No.14621282
    Aston Villa 2 - 1 Wolves
    Wigan 2 - 1 QPR
    Blackburn 0 - 2 Everton
    Chelsea 3 - 0 Norwich
    Swansea 0 - 2 Sunderland
    Liverpool 1 - 2 Bolton

    Aston Villa: Given, Herd, Dunne, Collins, Warnock, N'Zogbia, Petrov, Delph, Agbonlahor, Heskey, Bent. Subs: Guzan, Ireland, Albrighton, Delfouneso, Makoun, Clark, Bannan.
    Wolverhampton: Hennessey, Stearman, Berra, Johnson, Ward, Jarvis, Henry, O'Hara, Hunt, Fletcher, Doyle. Subs: De Vries, Elokobi, Kightly, Vokes, Hammill, Milijas, Foley.
    Referee: Martin Atkinson (W Yorkshire)
    >> sagan !!OTSa1urbR87 08/27/11(Sat)07:00 No.14621290
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    Aston Villa v Wolves 1-1
    Wigan v QPR 1-1
    Blackburn v Everton 1-2
    Chelsea v Norwich 3-0
    Swansea v Sunderland 0-2
    Liverpool v Bolton 2-1

    LFC might well fuck this up, but it's at Anfield so I believeee.
    >> !0poLfcYNwA 08/27/11(Sat)07:01 No.14621296
    Aston Villa 2-0 Wolves
    Wigan 1-0 QPR
    Blackburn 1-1 Everton
    Chelsea 3-1 Norwich
    Swansea 1-0 Sunderland
    Liverpool 8-0 Bolton
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:01 No.14621297
    >Liverpool losing to Bolton at home
    lol no
    >> // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)07:05 No.14621346
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    >he thinks Anfield is still a fortress
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:06 No.14621361
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    Here's some interviews with some physically unattractive Arsenal fans.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:08 No.14621383
    >Given, Dunne, Ireland

    Villa are to Man City what Sunderland are to Man Utd
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:09 No.14621403
    Aston Villa 0 - 1 Wolves
    Wigan 0 - 3 QPR
    Blackburn 0 - 1 Everton
    Chelsea 2 - 0 Norwich
    Swansea 2 - 0 Sunderland
    Liverpool 1 - 1 Bolton
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:10 No.14621407
    >implying it's not
    >implying kenny's not bringing back the 80s
    >implying the bridge isn't a hole
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:10 No.14621409
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    Torres hattrick.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:11 No.14621418

    >implying kenny's not bringing back the 80s

    You need to get into Europe first before you can start killing Juventus fans again.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:11 No.14621420

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:11 No.14621421

    >draw to sunderland at home

    >sign a 2nd division striker

    >WE 1980S AGAIN NAO
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:12 No.14621429

    >a 2nd division striker

    eh? who?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:12 No.14621431
    Alan McInally just said that Arsenal's defence is "softer than a Galaxy centre"
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)07:13 No.14621440
    Villa 3 - 0 Wolves.
    Wigan 2 - 1 QPR.
    Blackburn 0 - 2 Everton
    Chelsea 2 - 1 Norwich
    Swansea 2 - 0 Sunderland
    Liverpool 2 - 1 Bolton
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:13 No.14621444
    >Three points today against Bolton Wanderers will move Dalglish to 1.90 ppg for his 21 league games so far.

    >In other words, enough to have finished first in the league last season.
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)07:14 No.14621452
    WHAT THE FUCK why are 3 teams playing at 3 0 clock it's not the same.
    >> RedNev !!aUn3hgzNzRW 08/27/11(Sat)07:15 No.14621464
    Anyone know what time the Carling Cup draw is?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:15 No.14621468
         File1314443756.jpg-(12 KB, 459x285, Wayne_Rooney_1569108c.jpg)
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    >this guy

    >celebrating a raw at sunderland
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:16 No.14621475
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    >> RedNev !!aUn3hgzNzRW 08/27/11(Sat)07:17 No.14621487
    TV plus Europa. Also Wigan got moved forward due to the rugby.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:18 No.14621498
         File1314443906.jpg-(451 KB, 1600x1200, gerrardIstanbul..jpg)
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    >Belgian GP qualifying on the TV
    >Wolves v Villa stream on laptop
    >browsing /sp/
    >no work to do or worry about until Monday
    >not seeing the girlfriend until Sunday evening, after all the weekend's football has been completed

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:19 No.14621516
         File1314443985.jpg-(20 KB, 364x242, ainsley05071638.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:20 No.14621531
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    you'll get one some day bro
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:21 No.14621534
    Well actually in the 1980's Liverpool signed Ian Rush from the 3rd division, so he's kind of right.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:22 No.14621549
    Chelsea v Norwich 3-0

    Torres one to score late game
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)07:23 No.14621570
    Torres hattrick

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:24 No.14621580

    >2nd division striker

    Can someone remind me where Smalling was playing before Fulham
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:25 No.14621593
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    >mfw Torres cant even score vs Norwich
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:25 No.14621594
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:26 No.14621599
    Real Madrid.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:26 No.14621601

    pick one
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)07:27 No.14621619

    Mata is on the bench, I'm guessing he'll come on for Malouda/Anelka around the 60th minute
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:34 No.14621705
    Seb Coates has passed his Liverpool medical, will be confirmed after work permit comes through
    >> André Villas-Boas !bam4cdmsM. 08/27/11(Sat)07:38 No.14621742
    New Chelsea trip eh, hope you're more Friendly Belgian than Abidals Tumour.

    Really hope McEachran starts today, and looking forward to Mata's cameo.
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)07:42 No.14621784

    No I'm actually a Chelsea fan

    I don't see AVB starting McEachran this early in the season, I hope I'm wrong though
    >> THIAGOAT !egkchq8aDQ 08/27/11(Sat)07:44 No.14621800
    inb4torres hattrick
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:45 No.14621805
    Is Lukaku in the squad?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:51 No.14621843
    Chelsea vs Fulham and Leeds vs Man United in the Carling Cup
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:51 No.14621846

    Who did City get?
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)07:52 No.14621855
    Not sure about Lukaku

    >Chelsea have agreed a deal worth around to sign Ajax defender Gregory van der Wiel according to reports in Holland.

    I know it's nothing official but fuck that's alot of money for someone we don't need that much
    >> Assnal !vn9f3vTuC2 08/27/11(Sat)07:52 No.14621863
    arsenal with no chance
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:53 No.14621867
    Lukaku is going to Stoke on loan in January.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:53 No.14621873

    wtf? surely you jest
    >> André Villas-Boas !bam4cdmsM. 08/27/11(Sat)07:53 No.14621875
    I'd like him because I don't trust Bosingwa post injury, but surely we won't spend that much on him.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:54 No.14621888
    >surely we won't spend that much on him.

    Welcome to chelsea
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)07:55 No.14621894
    how moe are you AVB
    >> André Villas-Boas !bam4cdmsM. 08/27/11(Sat)07:55 No.14621896
    It's more than we spent on Mata.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:56 No.14621912
    >South Korean striker Park Chu-Young due to have undergo medical at Arsenal, BBC Sport understands

    Oh god

    heres your commanding centre back Goonerfags
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:56 No.14621914
    >how moe are you

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:56 No.14621916
    Top full backs are harder to find than skinny forwards
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:57 No.14621919
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:57 No.14621920

    30m pounds is more then 32m euros, and half what torres was
    >> André Villas-Boas !bam4cdmsM. 08/27/11(Sat)07:58 No.14621926
    He has to go do military service in two years as well.
    >> André Villas-Boas !bam4cdmsM. 08/27/11(Sat)07:58 No.14621933
    The fee for Mata was €30m.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:59 No.14621940
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    >mfw I saw we got Manchester United at Elland Road.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)07:59 No.14621947
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:02 No.14621980
    >League Cup draw:

    Cardiff City v Leicester City
    Wolves v Millwall
    Chelsea v Fulham
    Aldershot Town or Carlisle United v Rochdale
    Arsenal v Shrewsbury Town
    Burnley v MK Dons
    Leeds United v Manchester United
    Brighton v Liverpool
    Nottingham Forest v Newcastle United
    Manchester City v Birmingham City
    Blackburn Rovers v Leyton Orient or Bristol Rovers
    Swindon Town or Southampton v Charlton or Preston North End
    Everton v West Brom
    Crystal Palace or Wigan v Middlesbrough
    Aston Villa v Bolton Wanderers
    Stoke City v Tottenham Hotspur
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:02 No.14621991
    I haven't seen a draw that nice since the last time i went to IKEA
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:03 No.14622001

    Arsenal and City get cakewalk draws.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:04 No.14622008

    And Liverpool - the only big team taking it seriously
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:05 No.14622021
    Brighton are in great form. Not an easy game.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:06 No.14622029
    Liverpool going to that town will really Brighton everyones day
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:07 No.14622041

    >thinking it's a negative to try and win a trophy

    yeh, well done on Norwich getting raped 4-0 by MK Donalds because they played reserves

    how dare Liverpool not join in trying to kill football!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:09 No.14622056

    eh? Im a Liverpool fan, i hope we win the Carling Cup this year. Was glad we played the big guns and hope we keep it up. Might as well - no European games. Suarez etc can deal with playing a few Carling Cup midweek games, they have 15 less games this year due to not being in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:10 No.14622068

    I have a feeling they'll be in the PL next season, possibly via the play-offs.
    >> sagan !!OTSa1urbR87 08/27/11(Sat)08:11 No.14622073
    Holy crap, that goal!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:12 No.14622083
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    >assist for Rodallega
    >> Pablo Zabaleta !!1QcwG/IYTsz 08/27/11(Sat)08:14 No.14622113

    I hope Mancini takes it seriously too, I want to go all-out to win every competition. With our squad depth there's no reason not to. Liverpool in the final would be cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:14 No.14622118
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    >Di Santo scoring a goal

    Shit, guy is like a south american Torres
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:15 No.14622123
    >not taking things seriously
    only ever pick one & solely one
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:16 No.14622138
    Moses is shit.
    >> // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)08:18 No.14622155
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    >Taarabt twice denied a blooter by the post
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:19 No.14622166

    Not as easy as say, United's Champion's League group.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:20 No.14622177
    What is Super Matt Jarvis doing?

    Need all dem points
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:22 No.14622200
    dammit taara show me why I put you in my team
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:23 No.14622204
    We're getting battered. A goal is coming at this rate.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:25 No.14622231
    Reports suggesting Oriol Romeu is starting today.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:26 No.14622241

    Dont say that, Moses is in my FF team


    He and Wolves are doing SHIT, and he's also in my team
    >> // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)08:26 No.14622244

    Wouldn't be surprised, he would be replacing Mikel, and he is fairly highly rated from what I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:28 No.14622255
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    >mfw Romeu, McEachran, Lukaku and Mata start, ushering in a new era of Chelsea dominance under AVB
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)08:28 No.14622262
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    >mfw a central midfield of McEachran, Oriol and Ramires
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:28 No.14622263

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:29 No.14622275
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    >mfw Malouda, Lampard, Torres and Kalou all start, and nothing changes
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:30 No.14622279

    That means Ward will be pushed up to the wing. Urgh.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:31 No.14622287
    sold Jarvis off in my fifa save. i regret nothing.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:31 No.14622291
    O'Hara is the most overrated player I have ever seen
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:31 No.14622296

    Are you serious right 'na?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:32 No.14622297
         File1314448330.jpg-(4 KB, 124x180, 13195924_oliver_kahn_1-thumb.jpg)
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    >Jarvis off
    >no assists, no goals
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:33 No.14622306
    why is N'Zog not getting me any points? It's almost as if he doesn't understand that everyone has him on their FF team
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:33 No.14622309
    O'Hara looks like Wesley Sneijder's less talented, less presentable brother.

    inb4 Rodney
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:33 No.14622312
    fuck, did he even play 60 minutes?
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)08:34 No.14622326
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:35 No.14622331
    I like Wolves because they have a black assman,
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:35 No.14622341
    >have bent and n'zogbia on my team
    >doing jack shit against wolves
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:36 No.14622347

    i think so, just about

    So i have Jarvis off already, Nzogbia missing chance after chance to score (should have 2 goals by now) and Moses doing fuck all
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:38 No.14622357
    OptaJoe Opta Sports
    1 - Franco Di Santo has equalled his best ever goals total in a single Premier League season. Ceiling.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:38 No.14622360
    i always think its barry banana
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:38 No.14622362
    Stream link anyone ?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:38 No.14622363
    >taking off n'zogbia

    well fuck your shit aston villa manager i hope you lose now
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:38 No.14622365
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:39 No.14622367
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:39 No.14622369
    right well fuck you then Jarvis and N'Zogbia, I'll have to put all my faith in Taarabt to bring the points in today

    >mfw my saturday football experience has been ruined by fantasy football
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:39 No.14622374
    >1330: What's that coming on to the field, is it a monster? No, it's George Elokobi.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:39 No.14622375
    what a ridiculous one word summary

    >Di Santo
    pick just one
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:40 No.14622378

    Thank you kind Sir.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:40 No.14622380
    bent gonna come through in the clutch with a hat trick
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:40 No.14622385
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    >Nzogbia and Jarvis off

    absolutely everyone confirmed for shit week in FF

    i think im okay with this
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:40 No.14622387
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    >Jarvis off
    >N'Zogbia off

    fuck this game
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)08:41 No.14622397
    >27th of august
    >Caring about FF
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:41 No.14622399
    >Jarvis & N'Zogbia off
    Alex & Mick confirmed for having FF accounts with neither of those players in
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:42 No.14622405

    you'll never crack the top 5000 overall with that attitude
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:43 No.14622415
         File1314449016.gif-(1.71 MB, 440x238, 1306774860146.gif)
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    >mfw they're BOTH in my team
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)08:44 No.14622419
         File1314449045.jpg-(70 KB, 327x367, feelsbadman chelsea.jpg)
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    really ? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:44 No.14622420
    i don't actually care about FF i just pretend to so i get to know more players and be interested in more games (american here btw)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:47 No.14622449
    >1343: Bit broken in terms of play back at the DW Stadium - it's difficult at present to see how QPR are going to get anything out of this game that doesn't involved Adel Taarabt. "One Size" Fitz Hall is up and running again after a bit of treatement, meanwhile.
    > "One Size" Fitz Hall is up and running again after a bit of treatement, meanwhile.

    oh bbc you so crazy
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:49 No.14622471
         File1314449347.jpg-(31 KB, 217x278, impressed.jpg)
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    >one size Fitz Hall

    why have I never thought of that
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:49 No.14622474
    The problem with FF at the moment is that there's no stand out midfielders between the 6.0-9.0 mark.

    You've got Eagles and Petrov at around 5.5(and Bolton have tough fixtures). Then N'Zog on 7.5 but then your looking at Silva,YOung and Nani at 9.5 to 10.0.

    NZog's getting his P45 next week from my team.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:49 No.14622476
    >one man team
    pick both
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:50 No.14622492

    cleverly bro, only 5.5...consistently gets points when he plays
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:50 No.14622494
    The fans gave him that awesome nickname, not bbc
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:50 No.14622498
    >> Bionic Hargreaves !gmxNuqETjg 08/27/11(Sat)08:51 No.14622508
    Whoever has the team 'Deli Meat Tree', prepare your anus this week in Trollanliga.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:52 No.14622525
    I fully expected N'zogbia to rip shit up at Villa. He can gtfo my ff team, after this showing.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:52 No.14622530

    eh? The key to FF is to have three class forwards, Rooney/Aguero/Suarez are mine, then 3 class defenders + GK, Hart/Enrique/Bosingwa/Vidic are mine, and fill the midfield with bargains, because they are undervalued. Strikers and to a lesser extent defence is where the points are.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:52 No.14622532
    I'm looking for a graphic i all ready saw on /sp/ wich tells you wich EPL to support. Anyone ?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:52 No.14622536
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:53 No.14622547

    also yaya toure, he hasn't gotten much yet, but if you've watched city at all, you'll have seen he's way past overdue for major points...he was hot all last season too.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:53 No.14622549
    Wow. Surprised that wasn't given as a penalty.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:54 No.14622555


    it may not be the best stadium but its in the nicest area of any epl stadium...
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:54 No.14622560
    Anybody know where i can get sopcast link from since myp2p is on its arse?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:54 No.14622563
    roger johnson is the best fantasy football league signing ive made
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:55 No.14622571
    QPR confirmed for better than Arsenal.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:56 No.14622580
    Blackburn 1-1 Everton
    Chelsea 2-0 Norwich
    Swansea 1-2 Sunderland
    Liverpoo 1-1 Bolton
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:56 No.14622584
    Goodison's on the nicer side of Stanley Park.

    It's still a hole in comparison to anfield.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:56 No.14622585

    I was tempted but since our defence was so shit last season I gave him a miss.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:56 No.14622591

    There are good midfielders but they are class midfielders like Silva and Young. I prefer to stack my midfielders with good people rather than in defense since its hard to predict clean sheets. Just get the cheapest guaranteed starting defenders from good defensive sides.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:57 No.14622596
    Di Santo again
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:57 No.14622603
    >Di Santo
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:57 No.14622607

    3 games unbeaten.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:58 No.14622614

    damn it
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:58 No.14622625
    Everton lose to a team even Wigan can beat
    let's get this shit started
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)08:59 No.14622628
    well N'Zogbia and Jarvis fucked me over, but at least Given got a clean sheet
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:00 No.14622635
    Fuck QPR really do need all these signings, they're fucking awful.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:00 No.14622637
    He has surprised me i bought him as my last player when i saw that he had been transferred and i got him as a budget buy, i think hes been my best defender
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:00 No.14622642
    >qpr losing again
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:01 No.14622659
    QPR are going straight back down. Why are people signing for them?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:01 No.14622664
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    >Wolves unbeaten
    >top of the league again
    >based Mick

    I love this team
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:03 No.14622682
    When was the last time everton started a season well
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:04 No.14622690
    >people with that logic

    >Wolves beat Man Utd last year
    >wolves deserves CL spot now
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:05 No.14622697
    >wolves in CL
    >defeat barça, madrid, united
    >lose to shaktar
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:06 No.14622707
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    >mfw I turned on the TV at 60mins (villa-wolves) and watched the last half hour of a dreadful 0-0 but realized that meant I start the ff weekend with two clean sheets from johnson and given
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:06 No.14622711
    Wolves are easily the best team in the world.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:07 No.14622727
    >lose to genk
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:08 No.14622743
    Gone for Evans,Rooney and Nani - so canni have another Man U player.

    I think that depends on the Season to be honest mate. Back when Gerrard,Lampard and Ronaldo were rampant midfielders were scoring far mroe points than strikers and defenders - mainly because they were scoring as many goals as strikers, aswell as assists and bonus points for running the game.

    This year you could be right. I've got Rooney,Aguero and Klasnic at the moment. Can't quite afford Suarez.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:09 No.14622754
    i can't see genk reached a final.
    shaktar on the other hand, with a lot of luck could.

    here, with a little bit of luck shaktar can reach the final
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:12 No.14622803
    >Demba Ba
    >owning a dart board

    Pick two
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:14 No.14622826

    >picking Johnny Evans in FF

    dude what the fuck. Do you know how this shit works.
    >> Lucas !!XKxPRKxjY8+ 08/27/11(Sat)09:15 No.14622836
    starting 11 better be
    Kelly Carra Agger Enrique
    ---Henderson Adam

    I believe that team can put three points on the board
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)09:16 No.14622845
    Preparing for a Ross Barkley blooter.
    >> kopfag !!kJIfSBQET/f 08/27/11(Sat)09:16 No.14622850
    >no Kuyt
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:17 No.14622863

    yep, thats exactly what i would pick too. Be interesting to see if Maxi gets a starting spot, he was pretty good in midweek imho.


    on current form, Kuyt doesnt deserve to be in the team. His touch and decisions are really poor right now. Hendo has done OK.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:17 No.14622867
    i can't wait for another chelsea game & puns thread, last one was hilario-us
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)09:18 No.14622873
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:18 No.14622874

    i would contribute but i havent a Kalou about puns
    >> kopfag !!kJIfSBQET/f 08/27/11(Sat)09:18 No.14622877
    Hendo has been prone to throwing the ball away in the final third. Wouldn't start him over kuyt, especially since Meireles is out for this match
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:18 No.14622878
    40 Hilario
    17 Jose Bosingwa
    2 Branislav Ivanovic
    26 John Terry (c)
    3 Ashley Cole
    7 Ramires
    12 John Mikel Obi
    15 Florent Malouda
    8 Frank Lampard
    9 Fernando Torres
    11 Didier Drogba
    Subs: 22 Ross Turnbull 33 Alex,19 Paulo Ferreira, 20 Josh McEachran, 10 Juan Mata, 39 Nicolas Anelka, 18 Romelu Lukaku
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:19 No.14622884
    He's starting at CB with Vidic and Rio out. Smalling is playing at RB.What's wrong with that? I'll just switch him once he steps back.

    He's a bargain for 4.5m and got me a clean sheet last week.
    >> Lucas !!XKxPRKxjY8+ 08/27/11(Sat)09:19 No.14622889

    Henderson played really good the first two PL games. I admit he sucked v Exeter though.
    >> Lucas !!XKxPRKxjY8+ 08/27/11(Sat)09:20 No.14622898

    here we fuckin go again
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:20 No.14622905

    >doesnt want Hendo because he loses the ball too much
    >suggests Kuyt would be better at this

    aw hell no

    Maxi should play before Kuyt right now. Even Shelvey. Kuyt should remain on the bench and be an impact sub until he finds his touch again.
    >> // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)09:21 No.14622909
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    >4-4-2 Diamond with Drogba and Torres both starting

    My body is ready.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:21 No.14622915
    >diamond midfied
    >coal black players

    like a boas
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:21 No.14622919
    >we have information that oriol is likely to start
    >not in the squad
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:21 No.14622921
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    can't wait for some sexy Romelu
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)09:22 No.14622926
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    >Anichebe starting.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:22 No.14622928

    >have Drogba in fantasy football side

    >Drogba on bench

    >dump Drogba from squad

    >now Chelsea start Drogba

    >> Lucas !!XKxPRKxjY8+ 08/27/11(Sat)09:23 No.14622931
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    >Torres and drogba in starting lineup
    >> Purgatory !oPoe4XwZ2c 08/27/11(Sat)09:24 No.14622942
    >Still thinking Drogba and Torres can form a partnership
    Although considering the opponents are Norwich, Chelsea will probably be okay.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:24 No.14622943
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:24 No.14622944
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    >mfw AVB switch malouda for lukaku
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:27 No.14622972
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    >Torres being played as part of a front two

    >that feel when Chelsea havent a clue how to play your former idol and people are going to laugh at him because Chelshit are fucking him about in a 4-4-2 etc

    >that feel when Torres probably feels like shit when people laugh at him just because Chelsea havent a clue how to play him

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:28 No.14622984
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    >dat possibility of switching to a 4-3-3 with an attacking trio of Drogba and Lukaku with poor little white boy Torres in the middle
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:28 No.14622988
    >Sturridge not even on the bench

    Chelsea why do you hate young players so much?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:28 No.14622997
    he's suspended
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:29 No.14623004
    Sturridge is suspended until the 10th September, he'll probably start when he's back, based on preseason form
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:29 No.14623007
    Sturridge is suspended.

    There are two 18 year olds on the bench anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:29 No.14623009
    Is this Emerton's last match before leaving for Australia? He's been tremendous for Rovers over the years.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:29 No.14623014
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    >mfw this is horrible and you know nothing about football if you think that would work
    >> Andy Carrolled !ga0BzpNcWA 08/27/11(Sat)09:30 No.14623015
    Blackburn v Everton: 0 goals

    Chelski will rout Norwich, the Canaries will put up a valiant effort but they're poles apart in terms of quality.

    Swansea v Sunderland has the potential to be a goal bonanza, hard to predict but im backing Sunderland to maybe just edge it.

    'Pool at home should be too much for Bolton, can't see us scoring more than 2, probably a 2-1, might get lucky and keep a clean sheet.

    Looking to be a fun day in the EPL! hopefully we can see Chelsea's new boys make an appearance too, be interesting if AVB doesn't throw them on at some point, there's no easier introduction to EPL life than throwing on your new strike force against a tired promoted teams defence.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:30 No.14623017
    >Not noticing McEachran and Lukaku
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:31 No.14623037
    so crazy i could work
    1 chance in a milion
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:32 No.14623041
    I never said it would make for good football, just that I would like to see little 'Nando inbetween those black behemoths. :)
    >> Andy Carrolled !ga0BzpNcWA 08/27/11(Sat)09:32 No.14623043

    Bet you didn't know I could pull puns out of my ass, didier?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:33 No.14623055
    Obi quiet, you pricks are taking the Mikel.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:33 No.14623056

    >> // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)09:34 No.14623074
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    >implying it isn't just crazy enough to work
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:35 No.14623076
    i think i'm going to be anelka-hurted after today game, a pain in the essien
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:35 No.14623078
    Now I just want to know if it'll be



    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:35 No.14623083
    the first one, i think.

    why no alex? injured?
    >> Andy Carrolled !ga0BzpNcWA 08/27/11(Sat)09:35 No.14623085

    I had no idea you could be so Cole-d
    >> // Mickaël Kojo !EssienWE/c 08/27/11(Sat)09:35 No.14623086

    The latter, AVB has Chelsea playing wider.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:35 No.14623087
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    Chris Herd MOTM
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:36 No.14623090
    Ivanovic is fit. Alex wasn't brilliant last week
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:39 No.14623128
    >torres and drogba

    ancelotti already tried this, numerous times, and it didn't work. Neither are at their best when not played as the dominant striker.

    then again, I want to think AVB knows what he's doing so I predict a hat trick from each today
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:40 No.14623132
    blackburn match will neverton come soon enough.

    i want to laugh at everton's baine
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:40 No.14623141
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:41 No.14623151
    >mistake lead to the goal
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)09:41 No.14623152
    >DD and Torres starting

    MY BODY IS READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Toffee !I91XZsfiOM 08/27/11(Sat)09:42 No.14623154
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    We're all doomed.
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)09:42 No.14623165

    He is brilliant, that sort of mistake happens once every season...not to mention half of it was Ramires' fault for the awful pass
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:43 No.14623171
    Why all the hate? They're playing Norwich. Chelsea could have 10 people in central defence and win 3-0.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:43 No.14623181
    Ivanovic and Terry are better. Also AVB seems to like attacking full backs
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:44 No.14623186

    Yes, can i remind people that AVB has been heralded as a tactical genius, so far he has played exactly the same that a proven tactical genius (Carlo) played.

    The only conclusion i can come to is that the Chelsea manager, be it Ancellotti or AVB, isnt picking the team. He is now just a coach.
    >> Lucas !!XKxPRKxjY8+ 08/27/11(Sat)09:44 No.14623187

    look, a new Chelsea trip
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)09:44 No.14623188

    Nope, Alex is better than Iva mainly in positioning and awareness, this is well known
    >> Andy Carrolled !ga0BzpNcWA 08/27/11(Sat)09:45 No.14623193
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:45 No.14623198

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:45 No.14623201
    >implying anyone is better than Bran Flakes.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:47 No.14623216
    or maybe they pick the best team available, norwich is the same for both of them?
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)09:48 No.14623228

    He's trying to experiment with different players and formations and Norwich isn't that good. Why are you people making such a big deal out of this ?
    >> Lelouch !!vKeby4ZIHSI 08/27/11(Sat)09:50 No.14623239
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:50 No.14623244
    anyone about to use a reliable chelsea stream?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:51 No.14623257
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:52 No.14623263
    we have a match thread or we continue here?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:52 No.14623264
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    >Why are you people making such a big deal out of this ?
    >> Perfect North End !soPrHHb0Qk 08/27/11(Sat)09:53 No.14623277
    Does anybody have a soccer saturday link? I'd much appreciate it.
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)09:53 No.14623288
    >Drogba on the wing

    Well that's new
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:54 No.14623297
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    >> Lucas !!XKxPRKxjY8+ 08/27/11(Sat)09:54 No.14623301

    i will make one

    this thread already has 230.. it wont be able to handle the >torres
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:55 No.14623309
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    Solid and consistent down to earth player who most Rovers fans respect highly. He had at least one season left in him but I think it's for family reasons.
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)09:56 No.14623316

    I'm pretty sure the starting formation is 4-3-3, they might change it after a few minutes though
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:57 No.14623327
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:57 No.14623333
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    >4-3-3 with drogba and torres
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:58 No.14623338

    Here you go bro

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:58 No.14623340
    again, >>14623297
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.14623350
    no, they're playing a 4-3-3 to start, just confirmed it on the stream
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.14623353
    >433 with torres and drogba
    wtf is he doing
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.14623356
    Good English Sopcast channel for the Chelsea game?
    >> The New Blue !C0MZJhUQZo 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.14623357

    He's being AVB :)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:00 No.14623365
    yeah because the way the formaton is showed is important.
    i would be really, really surprised if drogba plays as winger
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:00 No.14623367

    >he's an overrated manager
    >> Lucas !!XKxPRKxjY8+ 08/27/11(Sat)10:01 No.14623376

    new thread
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:02 No.14623381
    it would be hilarious if chelsea loses.
    >> Purple Reina !r7LUIS7ifk 08/27/11(Sat)10:07 No.14623470
    I don't always predict games, but when I do, I do that because I'm bored.

    Aston Villa 2-2 Wolves
    Wigan 0-2 QPR
    Blackburn 0-1 Everton
    Chelsea 3-1 Norwich
    Swansea 0-2 Sunderland
    Liverpool 3-1 Bolton

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