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  • File : 1312997382.png-(309 KB, 918x721, 1286948913010.png)
    309 KB Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:29 No.14225222  
    ITT: Things that you must have for your /sp/ folder
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:30 No.14225232
         File1312997442.jpg-(17 KB, 229x244, costanzaface.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:30 No.14225234
         File1312997446.jpg-(75 KB, 544x523, 1294463631408.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)13:32 No.14225259
         File1312997525.jpg-(89 KB, 366x334, rivershaw.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:33 No.14225289
         File1312997601.jpg-(76 KB, 420x480, spain.jpg)
    76 KB
    or fap folder
    >> Brian !!PHKqaw78elf 08/10/11(Wed)13:33 No.14225300
         File1312997622.jpg-(319 KB, 1280x995, yfw da bears.jpg)
    319 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:34 No.14225306
         File1312997642.jpg-(278 KB, 1440x900, happy_bear.jpg)
    278 KB

    awh yea
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)13:35 No.14225330
         File1312997707.jpg-(145 KB, 838x983, 1301699425241.jpg)
    145 KB

    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:35 No.14225336
         File1312997734.jpg-(8 KB, 130x170, m_e5feffa2885ccefa5f3ab0c2ee37(...).jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:35 No.14225341
         File1312997750.jpg-(16 KB, 244x220, tripcat.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:36 No.14225345
         File1312997772.jpg-(81 KB, 505x480, 1294545978164.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:36 No.14225349
         File1312997795.jpg-(3 KB, 124x126, 1286126843654.jpg)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:37 No.14225364
         File1312997848.png-(7 KB, 256x240, fumbleAP.png)
    7 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:39 No.14225386
         File1312997943.jpg-(43 KB, 728x544, stuget.jpg)
    43 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:39 No.14225389
         File1312997952.jpg-(14 KB, 251x251, England Goalie don't worry..jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:39 No.14225394
         File1312997966.jpg-(102 KB, 830x974, 1293744359906.jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:40 No.14225412
         File1312998053.jpg-(751 KB, 2000x2000, 1312031118413.jpg)
    751 KB
    If you watch F1
    >> Gary Ridgway !PxeEVR6cuE 08/10/11(Wed)13:41 No.14225421
         File1312998083.png-(243 KB, 487x550, 1304842324303.png)
    243 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:41 No.14225428
         File1312998116.png-(43 KB, 536x143, >schalke op.png)
    43 KB
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/10/11(Wed)13:42 No.14225434
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:42 No.14225438
         File1312998160.jpg-(381 KB, 1024x575, 1308330919098.jpg)
    381 KB

    >> Gary Ridgway !PxeEVR6cuE 08/10/11(Wed)13:42 No.14225444
         File1312998178.jpg-(133 KB, 891x800, 1306849742741.jpg)
    133 KB
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)13:43 No.14225445
         File1312998181.jpg-(84 KB, 590x603, 18_1.jpg)
    84 KB
    Flyguy comics? Flyguy comics.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:43 No.14225447
         File1312998184.png-(218 KB, 288x499, why..png)
    218 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:43 No.14225452
         File1312998221.png-(512 KB, 716x531, eagles04.png)
    512 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:43 No.14225454
         File1312998228.jpg-(210 KB, 1274x720, 1304935525994.jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:44 No.14225460
         File1312998241.gif-(1.93 MB, 400x197, 1310060183744.gif)
    1.93 MB
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)13:44 No.14225464
         File1312998245.jpg-(96 KB, 714x249, billsfans.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:44 No.14225469
         File1312998249.jpg-(61 KB, 604x452, 1312556119597.jpg)
    61 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:44 No.14225476
    still looking for sauce since 2008
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:44 No.14225477
         File1312998276.jpg-(88 KB, 628x642, 1259022725022.jpg)
    88 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:44 No.14225482
         File1312998285.jpg-(16 KB, 175x209, pti01a.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:44 No.14225487

    What's this pwnstar91 stuff about?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:45 No.14225509
         File1312998346.jpg-(1.78 MB, 2592x1936, seinfeld in the freezer.jpg)
    1.78 MB
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/10/11(Wed)13:45 No.14225512
         File1312998355.jpg-(6 KB, 196x192, 1296079761511.jpg)
    6 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:46 No.14225515

    it was gar ridgway's trip for a while, or in it at least. since then, everytime he posts people give him shit. Also

    david kazan's babby dick.jpg
    >> Gary Ridgway !PxeEVR6cuE 08/10/11(Wed)13:46 No.14225517
         File1312998366.jpg-(400 KB, 956x717, 1307241380984.jpg)
    400 KB
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)13:46 No.14225518
         File1312998375.jpg-(112 KB, 604x404, mod.jpg)
    112 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:46 No.14225520
         File1312998396.png-(142 KB, 328x504, colts03.png)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:46 No.14225525
         File1312998409.png-(195 KB, 312x350, absolute blooter.png)
    195 KB
    >> Blkbuddha 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225529
         File1312998426.jpg-(35 KB, 600x343, ice-cream-kid-600x343.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225530
         File1312998426.jpg-(153 KB, 931x913, lakers.jpg)
    153 KB
    >> GO JAYS GO !fJLIl5zy3. 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225531
         File1312998430.jpg-(15 KB, 251x251, exaliftin.jpg)
    15 KB
    It's great because every one of these images has a story behind it.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225533
         File1312998433.jpg-(78 KB, 425x331, kobe gasol arabic.jpg)
    78 KB
    formatted my hard drive
    anyone have exaliftin, haha time for schalke, and any robben ball pics?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225538
         File1312998450.jpg-(217 KB, 686x1024, 131_10big[1].jpg)
    217 KB
    try using google images, retard
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225539
         File1312998453.png-(98 KB, 500x283, 1311186351083.png)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225547
    someone started a thread wanting to play madden or some shit and some tripfag posted his xbox live name and it was
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/10/11(Wed)13:47 No.14225553
         File1312998478.png-(349 KB, 555x348, 1278329389173.png)
    349 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:48 No.14225565
         File1312998515.jpg-(106 KB, 854x467, 1310758797861.jpg)
    106 KB
    >> GO JAYS GO !fJLIl5zy3. 08/10/11(Wed)13:48 No.14225572
         File1312998538.jpg-(11 KB, 251x181, spongebobLAUGHING.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:49 No.14225576

    >doesn't know how google works
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/10/11(Wed)13:49 No.14225577

    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:49 No.14225581
         File1312998564.jpg-(30 KB, 400x389, fatman exaliftin.jpg)
    30 KB
    Needs some Fat Man
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:49 No.14225585
    and how is that?
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)13:49 No.14225589
         File1312998585.png-(147 KB, 320x319, 1294433033378.png)
    147 KB
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/10/11(Wed)13:49 No.14225590
    lol is that from /sp/?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:50 No.14225596
         File1312998616.jpg-(44 KB, 420x534, granny.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:50 No.14225598

    yeah, pretty sure it was a /sp/artan
    >> GO JAYS GO !fJLIl5zy3. 08/10/11(Wed)13:50 No.14225599
         File1312998622.jpg-(29 KB, 714x481, my face when.jpg)
    29 KB
    Funny story, I added him on facebook and he accepted.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:50 No.14225600
         File1312998624.jpg-(39 KB, 600x379, robben_gonna_rob.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Blkbuddha 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.14225610
         File1312998665.jpg-(18 KB, 449x336, ORIG-u_mad.jpg)
    18 KB
    the one that started it all
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.14225613
         File1312998670.jpg-(58 KB, 341x500, 1297470007027.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.14225616
         File1312998678.jpg-(222 KB, 800x600, robbenball green.jpg)
    222 KB
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.14225619
         File1312998688.jpg-(150 KB, 513x480, chokingshark.jpg)
    150 KB
    prepare for /hoc/
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.14225621

    How would Google images possibly help him find the source for that? Do you know how many results would probably come up by searching "Black guy with white girl"? Maybe a reverse image search instead
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.14225623
         File1312998702.png-(371 KB, 972x570, davidkazanBABYDICK.png)
    371 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:51 No.14225625
         File1312998707.jpg-(90 KB, 350x447, 1299090886685.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:52 No.14225628
         File1312998722.png-(90 KB, 800x1200, 1305510071789.png)
    90 KB
    >> sluglife !!ZJ1SmZdFA5o 08/10/11(Wed)13:52 No.14225630
         File1312998725.png-(38 KB, 339x121, Screen shot 2010-11-03 at 4.12(...).png)
    38 KB
    >> Cyberdwarf !!YCa/LkQEE4a 08/10/11(Wed)13:52 No.14225641
         File1312998762.jpg-(221 KB, 648x511, 1264838937582.jpg)
    221 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:52 No.14225643
         File1312998772.png-(258 KB, 598x344, shawn.png)
    258 KB
    >having other arguments
    >> GO JAYS GO !fJLIl5zy3. 08/10/11(Wed)13:53 No.14225652
         File1312998797.png-(137 KB, 1120x754, POWERRANKIGNS.png)
    137 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:53 No.14225654
         File1312998808.jpg-(31 KB, 292x355, 1277854923154.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:53 No.14225657
         File1312998814.jpg-(125 KB, 932x868, genesis.jpg)
    125 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:53 No.14225659
         File1312998823.jpg-(84 KB, 500x484, sportsbawwwwww.jpg)
    84 KB
    /sp/ in a nutshell
    >> sluglife !!ZJ1SmZdFA5o 08/10/11(Wed)13:53 No.14225661
         File1312998834.jpg-(25 KB, 352x310, reggie-miller-choke.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:54 No.14225664
    Oh fucking hell, this fucking guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:54 No.14225669
         File1312998876.jpg-(181 KB, 1280x720, 1305792514854.jpg)
    181 KB
    thank you fine gentlemen
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:54 No.14225670
    Google have a reverse image search. If you were using 4chan X then you would know that.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:55 No.14225675
         File1312998919.jpg-(26 KB, 558x362, forever_18-1.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:55 No.14225677
         File1312998922.png-(33 KB, 824x299, lolmoohamad.png)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:55 No.14225679
         File1312998929.jpg-(68 KB, 500x330, dat bird wc2.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> sluglife !!ZJ1SmZdFA5o 08/10/11(Wed)13:55 No.14225682
         File1312998936.jpg-(24 KB, 400x324, jose-offerman-attack-custom.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:55 No.14225685
         File1312998945.gif-(229 KB, 337x236, le arse.gif)
    229 KB
    this needs to be more popular
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:55 No.14225688
    what's this about?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:56 No.14225697
         File1312998993.jpg-(65 KB, 604x378, shaw.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> sluglife !!ZJ1SmZdFA5o 08/10/11(Wed)13:56 No.14225700
         File1312999011.jpg-(11 KB, 299x286, JeffReed.jpg)
    11 KB

    Beezy subtle troll detected
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:57 No.14225705
         File1312999028.png-(143 KB, 952x615, Screen shot 2011-08-10 at 1.56(...).png)
    143 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:57 No.14225707
         File1312999046.jpg-(75 KB, 565x311, 1295691271069.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:57 No.14225708
         File1312999052.jpg-(73 KB, 590x603, 1271630216602.jpg)
    73 KB
    also, one more if you guys could:
    i would like to have a copy of any and all related mormon christmas pictures
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:57 No.14225711
         File1312999070.jpg-(96 KB, 1203x696, google.jpg)
    96 KB
    Yep, Google definitely found me the sauce on this one...
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/10/11(Wed)13:58 No.14225714
    Nigga why you being so Beezy. Thats Duda.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:58 No.14225715
         File1312999096.jpg-(18 KB, 250x308, michael-jordan-cigar.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:59 No.14225722
    Those kicker pecs
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:59 No.14225732
         File1312999181.jpg-(176 KB, 799x517, 1299349154242.jpg)
    176 KB
    the original
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:59 No.14225734
         File1312999185.jpg-(2.57 MB, 4929x5000, 10 (37).jpg)
    2.57 MB
    you'll be needing this
    >> Cyberdwarf !!YCa/LkQEE4a 08/10/11(Wed)13:59 No.14225736
         File1312999199.jpg-(1.4 MB, 3312x2962, 1294869658340.jpg)
    1.4 MB
    >> Nate Higgers 08/10/11(Wed)14:00 No.14225741
         File1312999217.jpg-(22 KB, 320x445, 1239933042098.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:00 No.14225743
         File1312999226.png-(108 KB, 300x300, 10 (7).png)
    108 KB
    And this.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:00 No.14225744
         File1312999235.png-(539 KB, 590x1522, 1285127364854.png)
    539 KB
    thank you bro
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:00 No.14225749
         File1312999250.jpg-(95 KB, 288x499, why_2.jpg)
    95 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:01 No.14225752
         File1312999271.jpg-(833 KB, 1200x800, 10 (2).jpg)
    833 KB
    and of course this
    >> BabySittingBear !BEArS/e/8g 08/10/11(Wed)14:01 No.14225755
         File1312999278.jpg-(68 KB, 732x512, 1279423880145.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/10/11(Wed)14:01 No.14225759
         File1312999291.png-(1.54 MB, 4432x4032, lynch run 1.png)
    1.54 MB
    >> Blkbuddha 08/10/11(Wed)14:01 No.14225762
    why is /co/ in ur /sp/ folder?

    dont u have two diff. folders for them?
    >> Cyberdwarf !!YCa/LkQEE4a 08/10/11(Wed)14:01 No.14225763
         File1312999305.png-(2.05 MB, 3621x5000, 1273132588400.png)
    2.05 MB
    wait shit that's not the one I meant
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:02 No.14225771
         File1312999353.jpg-(720 KB, 1193x2989, 1297966499527.jpg)
    720 KB
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/10/11(Wed)14:02 No.14225772
         File1312999355.png-(1.62 MB, 4432x4032, lynch run 2.png)
    1.62 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:02 No.14225773
         File1312999364.png-(79 KB, 559x541, Moreeurospfaggotry.png)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:02 No.14225777
    >> Cyberdwarf !!YCa/LkQEE4a 08/10/11(Wed)14:02 No.14225778
    I don't ever go to any other boards so I just have one big-ass folder. I meant to post the SO THERE I WAS one.
    >> Andy_Reid's Stache !!vtwzH2FUCfa 08/10/11(Wed)14:03 No.14225779
         File1312999380.jpg-(135 KB, 1383x558, 1297719314133.jpg)
    135 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:03 No.14225781
         File1312999389.jpg-(72 KB, 500x904, 1312726499232.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Piracy !!VZNx34SOr5M 08/10/11(Wed)14:03 No.14225789
    I wish someone screen capped the CL thread when Messi scored, the thread fucking exploded
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/10/11(Wed)14:04 No.14225793
    Back in my day you would've seen those three same, seperate Billy Mays at the Meinike Car Bowl threads

    Wheres that at
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:04 No.14225794
         File1312999456.png-(21 KB, 553x546, 10 (4).png)
    21 KB
    There is one from his 4 goals vs arsenal

    i dont have it though
    >> Cyberdwarf !!YCa/LkQEE4a 08/10/11(Wed)14:04 No.14225803
         File1312999498.jpg-(37 KB, 440x458, 1263297133149.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:05 No.14225812
         File1312999543.jpg-(12 KB, 181x253, Sexy_Rexy.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:05 No.14225817
         File1312999553.png-(45 KB, 715x444, 1312583081363.png)
    45 KB
    one of my personal favourites
    >> Blkbuddha 08/10/11(Wed)14:05 No.14225818
         File1312999553.png-(167 KB, 1250x269, playoff club.png)
    167 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:06 No.14225824

    The CL final? I'll go look in the archives for it
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:06 No.14225825
    well it was nothing with 18-1, /b/ almost crashed and it was the spark that made /sp/ born back again.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:07 No.14225834
    dat fucking run confirmed for most exciting moment to happen on /sp/ in an in-game thread
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:07 No.14225840
    fuck me, Sanchez is part of the club now

    And Flacco, although that shit was all Ray Rice
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:07 No.14225841
         File1312999654.jpg-(39 KB, 736x494, rutger coach mad.jpg)
    39 KB
    screen capped from the big east tournament
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:08 No.14225858
         File1312999703.gif-(48 KB, 787x508, travel.gif)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:08 No.14225861
         File1312999712.gif-(2 MB, 352x240, fatass08.gif)
    2 MB
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/10/11(Wed)14:08 No.14225863

    it was a glorious moment
    >> Piracy !!VZNx34SOr5M 08/10/11(Wed)14:08 No.14225866
    Fairly sure it's not in the archives, I think the thread was delete by mods due to the sheer amount of Messi being posted, it was nuts

    Missed that one sadly
    >> Cyberdwarf !!YCa/LkQEE4a 08/10/11(Wed)14:09 No.14225876
         File1312999750.jpg-(11 KB, 653x100, 1278558727226.jpg)
    11 KB
    if you don't have this then you don't know SHIT about /sp/
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:09 No.14225886
         File1312999792.jpg-(30 KB, 450x507, so mad.jpg)
    30 KB

    then the ref who screwed up that game was in the stands the next day, looking like this. heres a video if you didnt see it:
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:10 No.14225890
         File1312999812.jpg-(38 KB, 470x719, 1275701032679.jpg)
    38 KB
    haven't seen a
    thread in ages
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:11 No.14225901
    how did this begin?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:11 No.14225907
         File1312999879.jpg-(8 KB, 203x248, WT Sherman..jpg)
    8 KB
    Perfect for Civil War threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:11 No.14225914
         File1312999896.png-(87 KB, 299x288, cheat.png)
    87 KB
    >> Lawfŭl Good !!IlgystGviCZ 08/10/11(Wed)14:12 No.14225918
    Confirmed for OSG looking for attention again
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:12 No.14225927
         File1312999951.jpg-(2 KB, 107x126, 1276429349961s.jpg)
    2 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:13 No.14225935
    I think someone just misspelled Shaq's name and it stuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:13 No.14225943

    Wasn't there a typo on TV or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:14 No.14225954
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:14 No.14225959

    I just love this one because I saw it live. So perfect.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:15 No.14225970
    I forgot about that. Fucking shit. SHould've been technical free throws too for throwing the ball into the stands
    >> Blkbuddha 08/10/11(Wed)14:15 No.14225974
    Sup OSG!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:15 No.14225978
    perfect. definite necessity, especially because some of those tripfags are just the biggest fucking douchebags on this board
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:15 No.14225983
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:16 No.14225999
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:16 No.14226003
    Anyone have "Matt Stafford as the Future"? Can't find it for some reason.
    >> Awwright !!QBIpJpF9Ran 08/10/11(Wed)14:19 No.14226024
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:20 No.14226043
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    >> Awwright !!QBIpJpF9Ran 08/10/11(Wed)14:20 No.14226050
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:21 No.14226056
    someone have the 14200000 get?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:22 No.14226061
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    >> Awwright !!QBIpJpF9Ran 08/10/11(Wed)14:22 No.14226067
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:23 No.14226070
    No one's posted "here's an outline of all the asses" yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:24 No.14226082
    Does anyone have the screencap of the mad Lolphins fan with Pat White being wheeled out on a stretcher and long rant basically saying fuck this team?
    >> Blkbuddha 08/10/11(Wed)14:24 No.14226083
    who has a pic of the day we stole /a/'s get?

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