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  • File : 1312836993.jpg-(84 KB, 590x440, 1292992341348.jpg)
    84 KB OFFICIAL ATH/PTI GAMETHREAD Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:56 No.14179303  
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)16:57 No.14179311
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:57 No.14179316
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    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)16:57 No.14179317
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    >mfw mod was deleting ATH/PTI threads near me
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:58 No.14179330
         File1312837099.png-(192 KB, 285x371, Stiles Why.png)
    192 KB
    Bill Simmons is gonna co-host PTI this week
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)16:58 No.14179333

    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)16:59 No.14179347
    ATH/PTI is sports related.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:59 No.14179348
    we have a mod?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:59 No.14179355
    He wasn't bad the last time he was on.

    But then again I like Simmons.
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)16:59 No.14179359
    hey tiesto you have any interest in a real /sp/ fantasy football keeper league?
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:00 No.14179366
    Today the board is being heavily moderated due to /new/ shit, so right now, yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:00 No.14179367
    godommit mod
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:00 No.14179373
    >mfw sports chan finally has a purpose
    >> swing for the fences !QTb2rHHrcw 08/08/11(Mon)17:01 No.14179380
         File1312837262.gif-(1.23 MB, 243x150, 1305142497349.gif)
    1.23 MB
    >deleting sports shows
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:01 No.14179385
    fuck yea bob ryan
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:01 No.14179387
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:01 No.14179396
         File1312837311.jpg-(33 KB, 316x427, relieved.jpg)
    33 KB
    >that feel when you move into your new apartment and they tell you you dont have cable, but you plug your TV into the cable jack anyway and you have all the basic channels and you wont have to watch ESPN via stream all year
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:01 No.14179398
    Go back to /a/ mod
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:02 No.14179400
    Sorry broseph, I don't play do Fantasy Football.
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:02 No.14179407
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:02 No.14179411
    Steve Williams is the biggest douche alive
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:02 No.14179413
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179419
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179421
    >plaschke and bob ryan

    fuck no

    >woody and bromani

    fuck yesh
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179423
    >Bromani and Woody
    >Bob and Plashcke
    It's like the panel is balanced.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179424
    Plaschke being a faggot

    seriously fuck this guy already
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179428
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179433
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179434
    based bill simmons hosting pti
    >> swing for the fences !QTb2rHHrcw 08/08/11(Mon)17:03 No.14179435
    >bromani on
    well that disproves that idiot who said he was fired
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:04 No.14179436
    inb4 RaiderNation's daily woody hate
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:04 No.14179437
         File1312837453.jpg-(23 KB, 300x300, cam.jpg)
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    so does moot get all his faggoty anime friends to run the site, nigger mod doesnt even know these are sports shows
    >> brad mcskateboard !QiI.WvhPP6 08/08/11(Mon)17:04 No.14179439
    >dat blackboard quote
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:04 No.14179443
         File1312837472.jpg-(10 KB, 288x306, 1254041575111.jpg)
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    >Bo is back
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:04 No.14179446
         File1312837486.jpg-(9 KB, 251x215, 1300849480191.jpg)
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    >Woody's blackboard
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:05 No.14179453
    Bomani is one of those people who seem cool to hang out with in real life, but his Twitter is just AWFUL.

    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:05 No.14179455
    Well he was fired from the Score. But not for the reasons the troll reported.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:05 No.14179460

    Reali's actually the biggest fag right now, mostly everyone else agrees Steve Williams is a faggot
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:06 No.14179467
    steve williams is a jerkoff
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:07 No.14179482
    I missed the blackboard quote.

    What is it?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:07 No.14179495
    Steve Williams is a douche
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:07 No.14179500
    >Shaun Ellis
    Goodbye, shit town
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:07 No.14179506
    >watching ATH for the first time in 4 weeks with fellow /sp/artans
    >getting hammered

    sup fools!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:08 No.14179512
    just asking trebek to put reali on jeopardy
    >> brad mcskateboard !QiI.WvhPP6 08/08/11(Mon)17:08 No.14179514
    have any spots open in that keeper league?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:09 No.14179550
    wait what happened???
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:09 No.14179553
    lol woody
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 08/08/11(Mon)17:09 No.14179554
    lol dat cheating scandal
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:09 No.14179558
         File1312837788.png-(6 KB, 400x400, 1302726635326.png)
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    >hating on Reali
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:10 No.14179575
    As far as I can tell they just aren't renewing his show. As of Sept. 1 his show is done. As per his personal twitter last week.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:10 No.14179581
    >bob ryan's face when
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:11 No.14179622
    Is Reali a /sp/artan?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:12 No.14179627
         File1312837925.jpg-(13 KB, 250x198, patriots-spygate.jpg)
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    >what camera?
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:12 No.14179638
    pretty much
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:13 No.14179659
    the score isn't actually broadcasting after september 1st. Shit sux because the morning jones,sportsbook and cover experts were fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:14 No.14179662

    He's gonna slip up one day and admit it outright. I know it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:14 No.14179664
    C.C. Sobadthia
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:14 No.14179683
    >Woody's own show on ESPN
    SHut up and take my money!
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:14 No.14179691
         File1312838084.jpg-(186 KB, 474x545, 1248833884971.jpg)
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    >Sox or Yankees in the WS
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:15 No.14179721
    Oh, OK. That makes a lot more sense.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:15 No.14179725
    I hope they put his show on before Jim Rome so that way I can just unplug my TV at 4:00
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:15 No.14179729
    >dat blackboard
    >> swing for the fences !QTb2rHHrcw 08/08/11(Mon)17:16 No.14179731
         File1312838163.jpg-(69 KB, 400x300, 1309553852069.jpg)
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    >woody's own show
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:16 No.14179740
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    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:16 No.14179741
    >that feel when after a few months you finally find the HD ESPn stream again
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:17 No.14179754
         File1312838224.gif-(203 KB, 245x400, why bling.gif)
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    >Real MAD a topic
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:18 No.14179821
    Will bon just scored the go ahead goooooooaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:19 No.14179836
         File1312838356.jpg-(97 KB, 945x709, 1207590834082.jpg)
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    >That feel when Woody's last blackboard/face time confirm him getting his own show/Reali on Jeopardy
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:19 No.14179838
    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:19 No.14179839
    >sign a contract
    >get paid full amount by owner even when you turn out to be a giant disappoint
    >demand a raise when you play well

    brb, derpin
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:20 No.14179853

    noone cares go away
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:20 No.14179861
    >sign a contract
    >cut player and be all "lol nevermind" and then not pay them
    >white people
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:22 No.14179913
         File1312838559.jpg-(125 KB, 740x568, jake snack sandwich.jpg)
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    >Dear Mom, sorry, I'm going to be 2 days late to dinner
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:22 No.14179915
    >signed a 7 year old
    Soccer fags confirmed for pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:22 No.14179922
    >7 year old MESSI
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:23 No.14179923
    >born in 2004
    >Pro athlete

    Pick both?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:23 No.14179924
         File1312838581.jpg-(32 KB, 400x400, 1302881301849.jpg)
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    >that kid
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:23 No.14179929
    wow, bomani jones being a huge fuckin asshole
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 08/08/11(Mon)17:23 No.14179937
    >mfw a 7 year old is better than I am at life
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:24 No.14179941
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:24 No.14179951
    wow, anon being a huge fuckin pussy
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:24 No.14179954
    inb4 plaschke wins and says something really dumb and gay for face time
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:24 No.14179957
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:25 No.14179977

    He is fired. Not from ESPN, but from TheScore. His radio show is done.

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:25 No.14179981
         File1312838755.jpg-(50 KB, 345x345, 1209285621084.jpg)
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    >Implying Plashke can beat BASED WOODY
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:26 No.14179992
    bohmani tells broke-ass argentian it's wrong for them to make money off their son in a legitimate way

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:26 No.14179993
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    Is your body ready /sp/?
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:26 No.14180001
    No it isn't
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:26 No.14180003

    >implying plaschke can win and not say something dumb and gay

    redundant much
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:27 No.14180016
         File1312838849.jpg-(43 KB, 449x319, 1288732118509.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:27 No.14180019
    >Carl Edwards wrecking into his teammate

    Nothing new here.
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:27 No.14180024
    Woody just took a dive.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:28 No.14180033
    as parents, if you have to use your 7 year olds talents to support your life, you are failures as parents.
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:28 No.14180036
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:28 No.14180039
    >Rays fans
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:28 No.14180041
    What the fuck did Woody just babble about?
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:28 No.14180042
    Yeah. It's worth fighting for motherfucker.
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:28 No.14180051
    bill confirmed garbage eater
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:28 No.14180052
    >black people
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180055
    >Garbage eater

    What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180058
    Anyone else see the movie Days of Thunder?
    >just drive through it Cole
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180067
    "adjacent to refuse is refuse"
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180068
    >sage advice
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180069
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180073
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180075
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    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:29 No.14180076
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180085
    a lot of people are poor as shit and still raise kids. so what? If you have the opportunity to make money and help your kid become a professional athlete you're doing yourself and your kid a favor by letting him sign the contract
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180089
    >please start with UNCLE TONY
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180090
    Woody is a drunken faggot, what are his credentials? Why is he on television right now?
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180091
    The Mod left.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180095
         File1312839021.jpg-(41 KB, 145x248, stop.jpg)
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    > Plaschke
    > Mention LA twice in the showdown
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180096
         File1312839025.png-(155 KB, 512x384, Simpsons16j.png)
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    >Bill Simmons
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180097
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    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180099
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180103
    dat simmons stache
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180104
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180111

    oh you're fucking kidding me.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180112
    >> Clifton Flocka Deerslayer !!kV1lRiJOn6f 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180113
    oh boy here we go
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180114
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180115
         File1312839055.jpg-(96 KB, 342x327, EARPIECE.jpg)
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    >Simmons with a mustache

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180117
    is tony kornheiser dead?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:30 No.14180118
         File1312839058.jpg-(40 KB, 560x432, 1309292671739.jpg)
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    >Simmons's moustache
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180124
    that moustache is fucking awesom
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180125
         File1312839068.png-(69 KB, 188x243, swagtastic.png)
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    >BS wit dat new stache
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180130
         File1312839073.jpg-(77 KB, 740x517, 1307051685975.jpg)
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    >Dat stache
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180132
    >Plaschke doesn't remember the FIRE MILLEN campaign
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180134
         File1312839075.png-(126 KB, 213x232, 1310927691580.png)
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    > Simmons
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180143
         File1312839082.jpg-(27 KB, 413x372, kristinbell.jpg)
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    >Giving the MVP to Doyers fans
    >Bill Simmons
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180145
    LOL was that Tony yelling about the stashe?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180149
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180152
         File1312839091.jpg-(37 KB, 432x288, 1311806290136.jpg)
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    >Bill Simmons pedostache
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180161
    >Dat pornstar stache
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:31 No.14180176
    clifton you want to play in a serious /sp/ fantasy football league
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180179
         File1312839122.jpg-(4 KB, 204x236, 1312330025403.jpg)
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    >no kornheiser
    >some faggot with a mustache
    >implying I'll watch
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180184
         File1312839133.jpg-(48 KB, 477x499, 1311473539700.jpg)
    48 KB
    >Simmons stache
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180186
    >he doesn't know about woodys years of cutting his teeth in the industry
    >even then he's been on this show for like 8 years and his opinions are well informed but mistaken for bad due to his brevity

    Fucking underaged faggot doubting Woodrow.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180187
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180201
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180202
    >implying you have anything better to do in your worthless piece of shit life

    projecting? you betcha.
    >> Clifton Flocka Deerslayer !!kV1lRiJOn6f 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180206
    audio seem off to anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180208
    someone better cap simmons
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:32 No.14180214
    Wait, that mustache is real? Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180218
         File1312839185.png-(255 KB, 512x384, 1312561230874.png)
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    Wilbon mad as fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180224
    I cant take BS serious with this stache. I just cant look at him the same. hes not the same person.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180225
         File1312839195.jpg-(4 KB, 165x211, 1304270941526.jpg)
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    Why do elite golfers even need a fucking caddy?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180227
    >creep of the week
    >Not Simmons Stache
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180230
    >No knowing who Bill Simmons is
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180236
    the new RHCP album is surprisingly good. A case can be made for it being their best since Californication.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180239
         File1312839213.jpg-(603 KB, 1024x575, 1299652507910.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180244
    >> swing for the fences !QTb2rHHrcw 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180245
    the idiot who said he was fired implying fired from ATH, faget
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180247
         File1312839222.jpg-(36 KB, 188x220, 1295735387544.jpg)
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    >simmons' mustache
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 08/08/11(Mon)17:33 No.14180260
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:34 No.14180264
    It looks fake. But Bill said on twitter he'd have surprise on PTI today.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:34 No.14180267
         File1312839250.jpg-(28 KB, 640x423, Massimo d'Alema que.jpg)
    28 KB
    >dat stache
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:34 No.14180268
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:34 No.14180272
    >implying it's out
    >implying I didn't love Stadium Arcadium

    seriously though, it's out? wut?
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:34 No.14180274
    Wasn't Tiger guaranteeing a victory?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:34 No.14180285
    Why do any elite athlete or teams have coaches?
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:34 No.14180292
         File1312839296.jpg-(189 KB, 1280x1024, sd.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180298
         File1312839301.jpg-(16 KB, 340x402, bill_clinton_thumbs_up.jpg)
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    >Simmons is on pti today, tomorrow, and friday
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180304
    i go with, not sure what erryone else uses
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180308

    u mad, fag?


    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180317
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180320
    caddy =/= coach. they carry your shit and tell you to do good.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180323
    Someone needs to get a cap of Simmon's wti h the caption "Head?"
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180325
    70's as fuck stache, I can't stop looking at it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180326

    ignore the threat, faeghet
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:35 No.14180331
    Maybe he will fucking shave
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:36 No.14180337
    Explain to me how this isn't sports, please.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:36 No.14180339
    >implying By The Way isnt 10x better than californication
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:36 No.14180345

    leaked today.

    It's great. The rest of the album is better than Raindance Maggie.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:36 No.14180356
         File1312839411.jpg-(130 KB, 1274x674, Man drama we sports now.jpg)
    130 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:37 No.14180361
    At a professional level actually the Caddie is a coach. They are supposed to know the course and the player's style and help them in decisions.
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:37 No.14180363

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:37 No.14180371
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:37 No.14180372
         File1312839441.jpg-(68 KB, 235x429, finish.jpg)
    68 KB
    At least I tried
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:37 No.14180377
    link that shit nigger
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:38 No.14180384
    add pornorific, itll be perfect
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:38 No.14180393
    I hope he grew this out as a joke for today and will shave it after.

    There's no way that he actually believes it looks good.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:38 No.14180415
         File1312839534.jpg-(73 KB, 626x479, Simpsons16p.jpg)
    73 KB
    >mfw Bob Ryan will probably be on the other 2 days
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180422
         File1312839547.jpg-(26 KB, 298x390, bsmorgan.jpg)
    26 KB
    couldnt think of anything better
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180423

    google nigger

    I got it off a private tracker, not linking it here.
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180428
         File1312839568.jpg-(65 KB, 606x594, sd.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180434

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180435
    >reali loves facial hair
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180438
    >Reali loves facial hair
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180440
    reali loves facial hair
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:39 No.14180443
    Fuckin saved
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:40 No.14180453
         File1312839617.jpg-(193 KB, 656x551, promising.jpg)
    193 KB
    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:40 No.14180458
    >reali loves facial hair
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:40 No.14180462
         File1312839630.jpg-(84 KB, 276x383, morgan.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:40 No.14180470
    Reali confirmed for homosex.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:40 No.14180471
    Link to torrent? Can't find on /rs/ nor demonoid
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:40 No.14180473
         File1312839648.jpg-(221 KB, 1366x768, 1303421468044.jpg)
    221 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:40 No.14180476
    >reali loves facial hair

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:41 No.14180477
         File1312839662.png-(189 KB, 500x375, Simpsons05j.png)
    189 KB
    >Reali loves facial hair
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:41 No.14180480

    This implies the golfer is a fucking idiot like he's some kind of brainless golf stroking machine. No matter what way you cut it, caddies don't make the golfer. Ever.
    >> granderojo !bIGReDTC6s 08/08/11(Mon)17:41 No.14180489
         File1312839696.png-(215 KB, 436x444, 1307857400119.png)
    215 KB
    Wilbon seems perturbed.
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:41 No.14180492
    >This implies the golfer is a fucking idiot like he's some kind of brainless golf stroking machine

    But Tiger is a stroking machine
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:41 No.14180494
    Seriously, who from atlanta fucked wilbons wife? He never passes up on an oppourtunity to trash all the teams from that city
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:42 No.14180497
    So much same friend.

    And I honestly couldn't care less about the Little League WS
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:42 No.14180506
    I'm tempted to tweet this to Bill.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:42 No.14180509
    >And if you violate our rules again, we will have no choice but to warn you again.
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:42 No.14180512
    >still talking about this shit

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:42 No.14180516
         File1312839756.jpg-(36 KB, 222x241, 1304659152147.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:42 No.14180517
    >*searches 'apoplectic'*
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:42 No.14180520
         File1312839769.gif-(1.97 MB, 457x231, 8XN1y.gif)
    1.97 MB
    you will not win. deal with it.gif
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:43 No.14180526
    why would you have to think? stop being a pussy and do it
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:43 No.14180530
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:43 No.14180539
    do it and post the reaction
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:43 No.14180542
    I still can't believe this story is getting play. Its just a fucking poker game. And the guy that broke it already admitted he wasn't there
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:43 No.14180544

    DO IT
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:43 No.14180545
         File1312839828.jpg-(32 KB, 257x276, 1310405610446.jpg)
    32 KB
    >mfw the Hawks are no longer owned by Atlanta Spirit
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:44 No.14180550
         File1312839850.png-(16 KB, 431x489, 1303521037715.png)
    16 KB
    >thinking nba teams are actually losing money
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:44 No.14180569
    It's a slow news day/week/month. If this happend during football season or the world cup nobody would care.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:45 No.14180587
    What about their champagne wishes and caviar dreams?
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:46 No.14180597
    Hey. Anyone know who the Bulls are the AA affiliate for?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:46 No.14180624
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:47 No.14180631

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:47 No.14180632
    Twitter is freaking out on me and showing just a blank screen with the top bar. Someone else will have to.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:48 No.14180649
    /sp/ twitter spam BS?

    /sp/ twitter spam BS.
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:48 No.14180650
    it does that for me on chrome

    i have to use firefox
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:48 No.14180652
    It's not fantasy season until ESPN makes a dumb commercial involving Housh
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)17:49 No.14180674
    It does that for me too. Pisses me off.

    Anyone else ever have facebook freeze in chrome?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:49 No.14180675
         File1312840154.png-(82 KB, 264x239, 1304394452234.png)
    82 KB
    >Not doing a Karaoke draft
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:49 No.14180678
    He's already getting spammed the fuck out of him, everyone is calling him a pedo
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:49 No.14180681
    Hm. Funny thing is I'm using firefox...
    >> edgelovesvickie !U/SzanyQy6 08/08/11(Mon)17:49 No.14180691
         File1312840191.jpg-(112 KB, 600x480, why azkaban.jpg)
    112 KB
    >PLUS, we're gonna go bike riding in LeBron in his hometown

    cool sports story, sportscenter
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:50 No.14180697
    I get invalid URLs all the fuck over the place.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:50 No.14180709
    >not using a Twitter extension on Chrome

    yall are small time.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 08/08/11(Mon)17:50 No.14180717
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:51 No.14180726
         File1312840263.png-(163 KB, 500x375, Simpsons14h.png)
    163 KB
    >Troy Aikman compairson
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:51 No.14180739
    >able to compete with a broken ankle

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:52 No.14180744
    >Wilbon confusing Kurt and Kyle Busch

    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:52 No.14180746
    fucking simmons lol
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:52 No.14180749
         File1312840345.jpg-(2 KB, 120x98, 1251235155.jpg)
    2 KB
    > Simmons
    > Make everything a basketball analogy
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:52 No.14180751
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:52 No.14180754
    Ms. Understood
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:53 No.14180765
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:53 No.14180770
         File1312840400.jpg-(21 KB, 335x397, billtweet.jpg)
    21 KB
    Well I joined in.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:53 No.14180773
    >> granderojo !bIGReDTC6s 08/08/11(Mon)17:53 No.14180777
         File1312840407.png-(17 KB, 250x250, 21352v7-max-250x250.png)
    17 KB
    >not using tweetdeck
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:54 No.14180797
    >Tarp guy

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:54 No.14180804
    that would have been the best death ever
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:55 No.14180826
    Sidenote: I've had twitter for a good year now and this is my first tweet.

    I mostly use it to follow sports journalists and comedians.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:55 No.14180832
         File1312840548.jpg-(94 KB, 399x388, k251697_sadfrog[1].jpg)
    94 KB
    >1997 was 20 years ago
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:56 No.14180845
    not today
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:57 No.14180854
    >2010 was 70 years ago
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:57 No.14180855
    no it wasn't
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:57 No.14180857
    >dream team

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:57 No.14180859

    i lold
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:58 No.14180884
    And that is how the great Croatia/U.S. rivalry began.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:58 No.14180902
    His life must have flashed before his eyes
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:58 No.14180903
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:59 No.14180912
    >he wants to fuck
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)17:59 No.14180913
    Reali you homo
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:59 No.14180914
    >100 kids vs real madrid

    well that settles that debate forever
    >> Tony Reali !ESPNc/gG9g 08/08/11(Mon)17:59 No.14180915
         File1312840763.jpg-(64 KB, 606x594, little kids.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:59 No.14180918
    PTI in the future will be Bill Simmons and Cowi>shaw
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)17:59 No.14180922
    And Tony missed it.
    >> NCSportsFan !kN2JGKZrbQ 08/08/11(Mon)18:00 No.14180924
    That it does
    >> Tiësto !j9TRANCEjw 08/08/11(Mon)18:00 No.14180930
    >implying I wouldn't mind that when Wilbon and TK have off
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:00 No.14180939
    >You can't shave that
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:00 No.14180941
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:00 No.14180942
    Jim Motherfucking Thome
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:00 No.14180943

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:01 No.14180952
    Reali has a major homocrush bills stache
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:01 No.14180953
    >you can't shave that
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)18:01 No.14180961
    >Simmons shaving tonight

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:01 No.14180964
    Good things come to those who wait.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:02 No.14180974
         File1312840924.jpg-(79 KB, 325x429, bigfinish.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:02 No.14180983
    3 games for that
    What a crock of shit
    >> Canadia !!oIxnjA0Q7eE 08/08/11(Mon)18:02 No.14180996
    These are great.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:04 No.14181021
    buttpained philly fag detected
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)18:09 No.14181108
         File1312841397.jpg-(63 KB, 606x594, 01AH.jpg)
    63 KB

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