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  • File : 1310520988.jpg-(117 KB, 1227x570, asdg.jpg)
    117 KB Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:36 No.13540887  
    -The King
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:37 No.13540913
    thats nice
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:37 No.13540948
    This looks shooped....

    Because 4chan has no mods and by seeing quite a few shooped in my days.
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 07/12/11(Tue)21:38 No.13541001
    -The Pope
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:39 No.13541010
    >mfw my trip is banned
    -The King
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 07/12/11(Tue)21:39 No.13541043
    u gonna make new one or r u done?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:40 No.13541060
    Good riddance.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:40 No.13541088
    This trip needs to be permab& too
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:41 No.13541154
    nah im done
    aslo the only reason why i was trolling is because you fags are so pathetic you get mad over the stupid shit
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 07/12/11(Tue)21:41 No.13541166
    >implying the mod is man enough to ban my trip
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 07/12/11(Tue)21:42 No.13541195
    goodbye then, yeah that shit is hilarious
    anyways peace out bro it was fun while it lasted
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:43 No.13541221
    you know you only get like 14 IPs, right?

    feces, fuck you. you said you would stop on sportschan. fuck off you are forever a fucking faggot that deserves no respect.
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 07/12/11(Tue)21:44 No.13541272
    yeah on sportschan
    4chan is fair game
    not my fault mods dont give a fuck
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 07/12/11(Tue)21:44 No.13541283
    also ive gone through about 20-25 ips easily in the last 5 months
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:45 No.13541287
    feces can you teach me how to reformat my pc?
    >> Magical Lightning from Jaguar Rays !!avefcfIVvrC 07/12/11(Tue)21:46 No.13541321
    feces can you teach me how to dougie?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:46 No.13541327
         File1310521581.jpg-(29 KB, 349x642, 1304908171691.jpg)
    29 KB
    you know how pathetic you are to keep your threads bumped the whole day?

    most of us only said to knock it off, saged, reported, and went back to our lives. you went to waste your whole day 'pretending to be retarded' and 'troll' us.

    it didnt work, you are pathetic and an aspie.

    I hope you also know you have been shitting up your own board. hope you feel proud being part of the problem rather than the community.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:47 No.13541352
    I've used a lot, but the bans only last a week except for CP.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:48 No.13541385
    LOL people like you are the reason why i did it.
    >calling other pathetic when you take 4chan that serious
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:48 No.13541389
    wow, you really are clueless. I thought we actually got through to you and you finally figured out what you are doing on 4chan is fucking mothers basement dweller material.

    if you are so bored without football, get fucking friends or play vidya. or if you really need to troll, do it on another board you dont care about.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:49 No.13541415
    >says its dumb to take 4chan serious
    >spend WHOLE FUCKING DAY spamming 4chan because he thinks its funny
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:49 No.13541416
    Fuck dude.

    He mad
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 07/12/11(Tue)21:50 No.13541443
    iwhat i do isnt that bad, maybe 30 post a day, i dont even make the threads anymore this guy does and wtftripcode
    i barely do anything but because everyone thinks im multiple people it seems worse when it isnt
    u guys get so fucking mad and think im shitposting all day every day when its only a couple of hours and very lttle in those hours
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:50 No.13541461
    I never said it was dumb, i said it was pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:51 No.13541483
    >American /sp/
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:52 No.13541529
    I think that all Tripfags should be banned, regardless. I mean Anon does shitpost themselves every once and a while, but tripfaggots Shitpost every time they click Submit. Get the fuck out tripfags.

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