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    29 KB Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:49 No.13375299  
    Alright /sp/, since you're all of a sudden experts on the judicial system - please explain to me how a jury system works in any way better than just have a judge or judges on the panel who actually know what they are doing and are familiar with the judicial system.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:50 No.13375326
    It's in the Bill of Amendments.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:51 No.13375334
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:51 No.13375336
    then she would have been found not guilty like a few weeks ago
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:51 No.13375349

    what a fucking donut
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:51 No.13375350
    because its just one person. that person can become biased, corrupt, payed off. with a random selection of jury you get a fair trial

    pretty easy if you think about it so...dont know if troll or not.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:51 No.13375356
    we should just have vigilante justice, works better
    fuck our current system
    >> Anonymous 07/05/11(Tue)14:54 No.13375414
    >because its just one person. that person can become biased, corrupt, payed off. with a random selection of jury you get a fair trial

    not really. in other countries you have more than one judge on the panel. depending on the importance of the case (eg. what kind of money/sentence is at stake)

    only at the very lowest levels there is only one judge.

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