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  • File : 1309090467.jpg-(14 KB, 441x334, 8097821432.jpg)
    14 KB Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:14 No.13164530  
    ITT we practice our lyricism

    As I write this stanza
    you homos posting costanza
    trite and banal
    you queers you like the anal
    i hope you fags don't do this
    your girl she taking two sticks
    golden shower - she like the piss
    i aint even need to lick
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:16 No.13164550
    You're gay,
    Now go away

    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:16 No.13164557
         File1309090605.jpg-(40 KB, 432x581, 239748234234.jpg)
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    that nigga tim howard
    please please return to sender
    your girl she screaming out while I bend her
    but please remember
    dont do it like howard
    kill an erection
    but your girl she no coward
    she come to spend the night
    hard dick i give it right
    >> Ruukr !JVRuukrUuY 06/26/11(Sun)08:17 No.13164564
    dat pass
    world class
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:20 No.13164591
         File1309090807.jpg-(45 KB, 500x408, 7832748292.jpg)
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    these mexicans they win and the get a bone
    but you motherfuckers all cabrones
    remember what I say
    soccer - that shit is fucking gay
    America we still number one
    Eurotrash, Mexifags
    you all just bums
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:20 No.13164598
         File1309090833.jpg-(136 KB, 640x427, catnope.jpg)
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    >thinking banal and anal rhyme
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:23 No.13164625
    I say this pretty madly
    fire Bob Bradley
    Cuz we deserve better than to play this badly
    Every game's a joke
    Because we fucking choke
    The nail in the grave was when 2-0 ended sadly.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:30 No.13164690
         File1309091422.jpg-(12 KB, 273x275, 23479828723.jpg)
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    boston fags
    your team it sucks
    "make way for ducks"
    no - make way for us
    we beamin
    al championship
    no troll
    yanks will roll
    go ahead, pucker lips
    gimme as sec while I unzip
    >> COM !D5ptCsz9VA 06/26/11(Sun)08:36 No.13164744
    It’s just too good to be true :)
    I can’t believe you’re a blue :))
    With your skill, your flair and your touch :)
    You will score goals very much :|
    It’s like Christmas has arrived :D
    El Nino is part of our side :P
    It’s just too good to be true =d>
    Fernando you’re a Chelsea blue :)

    With or without your long hair
    You still play with style and with flair
    You’ve already got a World Cup :-*
    And you’ll win the Champions league now with us 8->
    Blue suits you more anyway
    It brings out your eyes I must say ;))
    It’s just too good to be true
    Fernando you’re a Chelsea blue

    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:36 No.13164751
         File1309091779.jpg-(33 KB, 414x364, 23478972983.jpg)
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    its a new day
    but the same shit
    euro time hella gay
    david kazan, baby dick
    >> Feces !UMAD3g8LVU 06/26/11(Sun)08:37 No.13164764
         File1309091865.jpg-(32 KB, 394x385, the_wart_on_my_penis_is_sad.jpg)
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    >tat feel when u cant rape to save ur life
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:39 No.13164776
    Nice Yankee Hat with the sticker on it
    You can't name half the years your team won it
    Won 7 straight against you fucks
    Now you tell me who really sucks
    Congrats Mr. Jeter when you get 3000
    The fact you want Reyes instead leaves me dumbfounded
    Are the Sox winning this year? I say yup
    Deja Vu all over again, like the Stanley Cup
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:39 No.13164778
         File1309091984.jpg-(9 KB, 234x216, 1299734731120.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:39 No.13164784
    as i hoped, and it looked like,
    finally got our shit right
    bornstein for dolo
    uh oh, gettin peligroso!
    score times four,
    chip caused salsas in mexico.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:40 No.13164797
    banal doesn't rhyme with anal

    see video
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:41 No.13164807
         File1309092079.jpg-(173 KB, 1024x768, 98237498237.jpg)
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    greentexting faggots
    riding cock
    stealing gets
    my dick
    your mom she gawk
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:42 No.13164816
         File1309092178.png-(425 KB, 466x700, 2011-wiz-khalifa-x-pittsburgh-(...).png)
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    hold up there buck
    your team looks stuck
    focused on the yanks
    but you can't beat us
    black and yellow black and yellow
    ch'yeah u mad as fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:43 No.13164818
         File1309092189.jpg-(9 KB, 474x152, 897238472.jpg)
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    yo fags h8n on my hot fire
    check the third pronunciation
    >thinking banal has only one proper pronunciation
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:44 No.13164829
    >writing poetry
    Pick both, faggots
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:49 No.13164880
    You haven't made the playoffs in 20 years
    Your singing sucks, lay off the beers
    Only wannabe gangstas by your hats
    Yuros almost have a point when they call us amerifats
    You make more money by losing, eat shit Wiz
    You just failed this quiz, now drink my Jizz
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:49 No.13164890

    this fag he think he alpha
    hold up
    this nigga gayer than alfafa
    roll up
    to your crib
    your mom she like it ribbed
    you peer in peaking
    soon you crying
    bitch you weepin
    why you mad?
    your mom she gleamin
    hot jizz on her face
    you go creepin
    you get the mace
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:50 No.13164906
         File1309092656.png-(51 KB, 200x198, Costanza.png)
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    >> el pibe 06/26/11(Sun)08:52 No.13164921
    your ideas and lyrics are stupid outdated
    im 24 karats
    nigga you just gold plated
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:53 No.13164932
    little niggers typing rhymes
    riddled with the kinda lines
    that tickle dicks on llama's mamas
    Kama Sutra with Obama
    ping pong
    like a fucking ching chong
    I lay tracks and launder fabric
    Mavericks is the team, dog.
    White power forward
    The german overlord
    bow down to the master race
    or masturbate to gopher porn
    money-shot to outerspace
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:55 No.13164944
         File1309092908.jpg-(50 KB, 413x413, baby-crying.jpg)
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    mad, yeah you mad
    boston, yeah they bad
    We bitch slapped your team
    like we was your dad
    knock it out the park,
    run around and then
    I look in the stands
    it's your face when
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:59 No.13164992
         File1309093169.jpg-(22 KB, 352x400, 17837432.jpg)
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    your girl she coming in
    open vagina
    clit like chyna's
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:00 No.13165001
    Listen up 'yall cause this is it
    The world is still alright cause I love everyone on it
    What, you thought I was gonna say something mean?
    Naw mang, I for one think we are all on the same team!
    And thats team humanity, sending you the report
    where we respect each persons favourite sport
    Divegrass, Luckswing, Handegg you name it!
    Even my ringless bro James can't blame it
    Now this might sound unusual to you
    but dont worry,I was just kidding, fuck you!
    I'm good when I got a partner, but I'm great when I go at it alone
    I'm the baddest mammer jammer when it comes to spittin' on the fucking microphone
    Your bitch sucks more dick than my man Kojak
    and if you dont know who that is go read a book you illiterate son of a bitch and step up your vocab
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:01 No.13165011
    We made your attendance look good, yeah you're welcome
    You making the playoffs? That's real seldom
    Haven't played the 3rd game, you say it's in the bag?
    Haven't seen Based Miller, he's no fag
    What do you know about dads? You've never met yours
    He'd rather spend time with all of his whores
    The Pirates are as bad as old gin
    Last time you made the playoffs was BRAVES WIN BRAVES WIN
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:03 No.13165023
    poor and homeless
    only good for syrup
    sent you semen rations
    stop crying, have more patience
    all other countries mad
    Yurop, has a no teeth fad
    Yurop keep crying
    other countries, are you even trying?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:04 No.13165029
    Check it out faggots I need to say a few things
    About the motherfucking goddamn Los Angeles Kings
    We're going to win the cup and you can suck my dick
    I fucked your gf and your mom is a trick
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:06 No.13165044
    Faker than the holocaust,
    Mad that your team lost
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:06 No.13165051

    would've worked better if you had said "post" instead of "posting"
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:07 No.13165057
    >rapping like uneducated black people

    >amerifat /sp/
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:07 No.13165060
    you knock my hat
    where'd you get yours?
    bandwagon bargain rack?
    I see more posers rock that wack crap
    than fat fucks at buffets, how you like that?
    but i digress, attendance is a mess
    better 1 real fan then 2,000 posers i guess
    boston stay beta and hop off my dick
    your team just lost go ahead and eat shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:08 No.13165065
         File1309093700.jpg-(37 KB, 523x510, 2983794287.jpg)
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    those fags at /fit/
    they worship zyzz
    oversized clit
    dude slurps my jizz

    weeboos on /a/
    what can I say
    those japanophiles are fucking gay

    /b/etas on /b/
    that's no surprise
    peepin some /cp/
    I vomit a cascade of chyme
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:11 No.13165086
    You're getting ahead of yourself bitch put that shit in park
    Cuz you still gotta deal with SJ Sharks
    We just signed burns and he's gonna rape your face
    Dont be surprised if you finish in last place
    >> inside peanut butter, outside jelly !NhRbasedRM 06/26/11(Sun)09:11 No.13165087
         File1309093893.jpg-(138 KB, 1101x643, 1294607753195.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:15 No.13165119
    My hats' from '99 at the All Star Game
    The event with the All Century Hall of Fame
    If the playoffs were today, we at least got the Wildcard
    Even in Pittsburgh, that's still too Hard
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:17 No.13165147
         File1309094276.jpg-(91 KB, 609x523, 78578972198324.jpg)
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    niggas in europe droppin like flies
    dying of hunger - people is cryin
    dont worry but grab an umbrella
    ameribros sending a package
    shits gonna be better than nutella
    on second thought you gonna need a boat
    America making it rain
    sink or swim, grab a coat
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:19 No.13165160
    got dam
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:21 No.13165187
         File1309094492.png-(18 KB, 243x260, 1292876558642.png)
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    Oh god I've never seen that before in it's entirety. Shit is bananas
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:22 No.13165195
    knock the team that beat you
    um...ok that don't make sense
    not like your team's failures are so far in past tense
    like remember last night? I sure do
    we came on your face with buccaneer goo
    boston took the moneyshot and said please master more!
    but we said gtfo you bandwaggon whore
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:22 No.13165198
    Aww shit man
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:26 No.13165235
    rappin floozie grab the uzi
    ooey gooey
    sourpatches at the movies
    sparkling diamonds
    gummi bears on the wrist
    the rarest bitch start rewindin'
    droppin fluids
    nothing compares to this
    holy mackerel
    bitch drank my whole snapple
    smash her face with the smibbly bibbly
    go change the channel
    I love this song
    turn the oven on
    cookies and pizza
    rookies get cheese puffed
    not very based at all
    which way to the mall
    bitch gettin lovey dovey
    she must be hungry
    ate the whole pizza
    where all the purple drank go
    no way ho
    she swallowed it all
    i make it jam in miami
    whammy slammy hand me grammys
    more rings than a flip flopper
    shits proper
    wrist watch fish off the rocks
    gas you up like water world. kevin costner
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:27 No.13165257
         File1309094870.jpg-(8 KB, 190x198, 797987324.jpg)
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    not bad
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:27 No.13165261
    Bandwagoners are we? That sounds creative
    Look at the Steelers and Penguins, no need to be debated
    You started this shit, all I'm doing is defend
    This series with you won't break us or bend
    Of course you remember last night, I would too
    But this is the first great memory for you
    In Boston, we've had more to cheer about, that's nothing new
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:33 No.13165315
         File1309095209.png-(15 KB, 497x501, 1307687950751.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:34 No.13165326

    See Solid 7's on the web and your tongue flies out
    See 5's in real life makes your bitch ass cry out
    But me? They always lookin at me, searchin' for a hard fuck
    Askin' for my dick like they're orderin from Starbucks
    Large double shot vanilla, and don't skimp out on the creamer
    I'll cream her, turn a quiet bitch into a screamer
    I'm the king that got the beats that'll keep your head bobbin'
    And my rhymes'll blow you mind like you're Osama Bin Laden
    So test me, I'll cut off your damn testes and next week you'll text me, callin' yourself Leslie
    So let's think...I'm the motherfuckin' best thing to happen to rap in the entire last century
    You're stuck in a rut, can't even finish off a set piece
    While I'm spittin' so fast, Usain Bolt can't catch me.
    You can keep talkin' smack, but best not fuckin' mention me
    'Fore I have ya eatin' shit like the middle piece of a human centipede
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:39 No.13165381
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:40 No.13165393
    I don't like that form, but you resemble MF Doom.

    Well done I guess
    >> Upset? !!1dXsRXI+vI0 06/26/11(Sun)09:41 No.13165403
         File1309095707.jpg-(9 KB, 200x252, images.jpg)
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    Oh my god Based God!
    You could fuck my bitch, Based God!
    You swag to the maxiumum
    Swag 100 thousand, 100 trillion! Oh god damn Based God!

    Hopped up in my car (swag!) then I drop my roof
    Wet like wonton soup. That's just how I do (swag!)
    Then I park my car, then I fuck your bitch
    Eat that wonton soup, wet like wonton soup

    Eat the cake like Annie Mae
    Young Based God and I been doin my thing
    Take my shirt off and the girls go insane
    Four diamond rings, two big-ass chains
    Eat that wonton soup I got the cash like chang chang chang
    Bitches suck my dick because I cum like 36 ways
    AK-47 leave that bitch with no fucking name
    Call my main bitch and she stay giving me brain
    Put that bitch to shame, violate that brain
    Young Based God dope my bitch like I'm cocaine
    Bitches snort my ring, that crackpipe like my chain
    Found a dope man, I ride that bitch like Ace of Spades
    Ho don't play that game!
    I'm rapping not for the fame
    I almost went to jail for like 500 days!
    Bitch don't give no fuck, that's why I fuck her in the face
    Fuck you suckers' heads then I ask her what's her name
    Based God
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:44 No.13165434
    based freestyles?based freestyles

    holy sit my dick nutritious
    bitch suck me her head game viscous
    cum in yo mouth bitch we aint kissin
    get the fuck up out my car
    ill make your bitch a fuckin star
    50 million on my wrist my swag on par
    brush my teeth to avoid the tar
    Fuckin haters smile in my face
    Make your bitch spray you with mace
    Suck my dick in a fancy place
    Bitches on me cuz I work at chase
    Invest in stock bitch suck my cock
    Realest nigga in a tie
    Left that bitch and made her cry
    Word around town im rich as fuck
    Fancy meals eating eagles and ducks
    Fuck I'll make your crew endangered
    Swag comparable to texas ranger
    Sleep like jesus in the manger
    Fake niggas got me filled with anger
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:44 No.13165436
    You be arguing, what's the bigger play.
    I be laughing, nigga you gay,
    Down in the brown and coleslaw,
    I see you vital flaw,
    'Cause when I knock on your door,
    You'll be searching for that claw,
    And sparks with the tent pole,
    I see what's their goal,
    Kick style and a bowl,
    Four winters take their toll,
    But scummers be wild fellatio,
    Looking at my kill/death ratio,
    'Cause I bomb like Horatio and this is my space yo,
    So quit with the lexing and motorised texting,
    And suck some cum if you find my style vexing.

    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:45 No.13165458
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:45 No.13165463
         File1309095956.jpg-(10 KB, 300x199, brrdan bass.jpg)
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    post I boast I brag
    I type the verification,
    hit CAPS LOCK,
    wait 30 seconds
    and say it to you again

    I may sit in my basement
    but when i spit you ain't even gonna ask "yo where went the bass, man?"
    got beats deeper than where satan rests
    try to type, get close, watch your words be wrest
    the words from your mouth taken out of your grasp
    you Ryan Anderson I'm straight Brandon Bass
    Your PER looks good but I'm the man
    You think your gur likes your pur earring but it ain't that, damn
    You stand and shoot threes...
    When I found your bitch she aint been itched in so long i found centipedes
    I guess I was her rebound, in practice I posted up and surprise, no one could find your D
    But don't look at me
    I straight hustle you straight flash
    If you tried to d-up Dirk you'd get straight gassed
    like a jew, because you
    know when they trade dwight ima straight up replace you
    straight outplay you
    gonna board so far
    watch your career fall hard

    number 30, bitches
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:46 No.13165467
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:46 No.13165471
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:46 No.13165472
    gold cup - go bust your nut
    americans don't give a fuck
    you mexifags can't phase me
    cause your country going swayze
    drug cartels you know it well
    that shit is fucking crazy

    in europe the forecast ain't no better
    those niggas dying, just like dexter
    ain't no food the eurotrash be screaming
    but they faces start gleaming when we sending them semen
    praise and laud
    US the Based God
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:48 No.13165492
    dope mind
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)09:48 No.13165495
    ITT: People spending time on terrible rhymes in the search for validation; if you all spent more time on less trivial pursuits you could be engaging in fornication

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